Google Drive, Forms, Sites, Plus

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Google Drive, Forms, Sites, Plus


Docs / DriveDocs / Drive


Sarah HorriganSarah HorriganLearning Technologies ManagerLearning Technologies Manager

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Google Drive (or Docs)

• Sharing

• Collaborating

• Commenting

• Accessing

Google Drive (or Docs)

For example, you could:

•All work together on a draft document in a meeting, agree and finalize it before the end of the meeting…

•Take live ‘minutes’, allowing others to edit/amend in real time if necessary.

•Share a document to work on at your own pace, in your own time.

•Check on previous versions (Revision History) which show dates/times and colour codes who changed what. You are able to revert back to earlier versions, should you wish.

•Use as a convenient back-up and / or file store

•Access shared docs from anywhere with internet

Google Drive (or Docs)

Sharing a document with colleagues…

Should I create from scratch in Google or share a MS Word doc (etc.)?


•Are you wanting colleagues to comment?

•Are you going to review / amend the doc?

Google Drive (or Docs)

Sharing a document with colleagues…


•When sharing a doc – always send an email to colleagues you wish to share with

•Give the title of the doc a useful, descriptive name, in order to make it easier for colleagues to search for from their list.

•Star those documents you need frequent access to

•Tables created in Word can sometimes lose partial formatting when uploaded, so consider using Google docs to create these.

•Docs 'save' automatically every few minutes

Google Drive (or Docs)

Folders: Sharing a Folder with colleagues…


When you share a folder, the new permissions are pushed to all collections and docs within the main collection. Normally this happens quickly, but occasionally, it could take a couple of minutes.

Here's an example of how access permissions work with shared folders:

•I create a document and share it with Leiza, and then add it to a folder called Working Docs. If I then share Working Docs with Danny, the document will be shared with both Sarah and Danny.

Google Drive (or Docs)

Videos and Images

•Filtering from your list

•Preview videos

•Storage space

•An easy supply of Creative Commons licensed images

How are you using Docs?

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Google Forms

A fantastically easy way to…

•Create a form or survey or invitation to send out to colleagues (via email or embedded in a site, etc.)

•Canvas opinion

•Manage event bookings

From Google Forms you can

•Access the automatically created spreadsheet data

•Run a report from the data with graphs and charts

Google Forms

Creating a Google Form…


Whilst creating the form questions, it is much better to create one at a time, in the correct order required (rather than moving questions into different positions).

Otherwise, moving questions later, can cause confusion in the spreadsheet columns.

How are you using Docs?

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Google Sites

A fantastically easy way to…

•Create a website and get it online quickly

•Share resources - internally or externally

•Organise administrative tasks

•Can template pages for others to streamline

•Edit together / restrict by page

How are you using Docs?

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Let's look at Google+

(... what is it?)

It's a social space...

... to connect and share with others

And it can be public... or as private as you want

Posts are shared with different levels of privacy... ... you


But... circles... are a little bit mysterious

3 thingsto knowabout circles...




Google+ is more than that though...

There are hangouts too...

(... what's a hangout??)

Hang-out (n): Informal A place where one lives or frequently haunts

Not quite

Think of them as a place to gather

There are several ways to get there...

In fact... you can hang out from lots of different places

And once you're hanging out...

... there's more stuff

... for you to explore

Chat face to face...

Edit documents together

Present ideas...

Watch a video together...

Draw a diagram together...

Or sketch out an idea...

Let's take a look...

How are you using Docs?

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Any more info?