Google Analytics Goals and Funnels

Post on 21-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Google Analytics Goals and Funnels

Google AnalyticsGoals and Funnels


Goal : the page a visitor reaches once they have completed a desired action

Funnel : The (optimized) steps along the way to the goal

So what? Who cares?

Are you losing visitors? Where?

The goal

Sstep 1

Sstep 2

Sstep 3

The funnel


Name the goal something intuitive. In this example it might be “Class Registration”Choose

whether or you want the goal to be active (on) now Most library scenario

goals will probably fall under the “URL Destination” type


Here add the URL of the thank you page


Exact match has to be EXACTLY the same as the URL….even leading or trailing spaces will cause it to fail


add the URL(s) of the page(s) along the path a user would take to get from the homepage all the way through to the thank you page


Thank you