Google ad website

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Google ad website

Google-Ad website

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

What Is Google Ad World ?

Imagine you could advertise your business in a magazine and that you only actually paid a very small amount of money for that advert if someone actually read it. In essence, that is the concept Google Ad words is the system Google has developed to assist you in marketing your products or services in the Google Search Engine, and its affiliate sites, via the use of a placed text ad that appears when people search for phrases related to your offering, this appears as a “sponsored link”. The system is a “pay per click” system, this means you can dictate where your ad appears through bidding for a series of phrases, but you only pay the amount you have bid for if someone clicks on your ad as a result of a web search, i.e. pay per click!

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

Features of Ad Words :

1. Above-The-Fold CPM Bidding On The Display Network :Many studies have been produced regarding above and below-

the-fold ad placement, and it’s widely accepted that above-the-fold ad placement allows the best chance for clicks.

2. Image Ad Creator :• Have you ever used this thing? It’s incredible what it can create, and

even if you’re not too hot on what it comes up with, you can use the idea to get some inspiration.

• The image ad creator surely beats creating. files with Adobe Flash if you’ve never touched the program before.

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

3. Broad +Match +Modifier :

Regular broad match can be a killer for Ad Words

accounts. It’s no wonder that so many people that try Ad

Words for the first time see their budgets being depleted

before they even blink.

• Broad match modifier allows you to add a “+” sign to words

in your keyword that must be present when a searcher types

in a query. Otherwise you won’t allow your ad to show.

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

4. Ad Words Scripts :

This might be a bit too techy for most people, but don’t

let that scare you. Ad Words scripts are usually used

for reporting, account alerts, and bulk changes.

5. Ad Words Editor :

Google Ad Words Editor might not exactly be a feature

within Ad Words, but it’s a tool that I constantly find

underutilized when it comes to making bulk changes to

accounts. Some advertisers just don’t know it exists!

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

IP Address Exclusion :

In addition to controlling ad placements through methods such as

location and language targeting, ad targeting can be refined with

internet protocol (IP) address exclusion. This feature enables advertise

to specify IP address ranges where they don’t want their ads to appear.

up to 100 IP addresses or ranges of addresses can be excluded per

campaign. All ads in the campaign are prevented from showing for

users with the IP addresses specified.

locating based exclusion is also offered as a methods of narrowing

targeted users.

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

Frequency Capping :

A feature that limits the number of times your ads appear to

the same person on the Display Network.

Frequency is the average number of times a unique user

sees your ad over a given time period. Use frequency capping to

help control the maximum number of times that you'd like each

person to see your ad on the Display Network.

When you turn on frequency capping for a campaign, you

set a limit for the number of impressions you will allow an

individual user to have per day, per week, or per month. You also

choose whether the limit applies to each ad, ad group, or


Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

Placement-Targeted Advertisement (Formerly site-Targeted Advertisements) :

One of the ways ads are targeted to AdSense publisher websites is

through placement targeting. Placement targeting allows Ad Words

advertisers to choose specific ad placements where they'd like their ads to

appear. An ad placement can be an entire website or a specific sub-set of ad

units within that site, such as only ad units on a site's sports pages or all ad

units at the top of the page.

• An ad placement is a specific group of ad units on which an advertiser can

choose to place their ads using placement targeting. Ad placements can be

as broad as an entire website or as specific as a single ad unit. Placements

are made visible to advertisers in two ways:

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

• Placements automatically created by our system. Each publisher website in the AdSense network is automatically made available to advertisers as a placement where they can target their ads. When advertisers target this type of placement, their ads may appear anywhere on the website.

• Placements defined by publishers. You have the ability to define your own ad placements using your custom channels. You choose how to group together specific ad units on your site that you want advertisers to be able to target. Common ways of grouping ad units into custom channels are by topic, ad format, or location on a page. When advertisers target publisher-defined ad placements, their ads may only appear in the specific ad units the publisher has selected.

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

Ad Words Distribution :

The “Google display network” (GDN) (formerly referred to as the “content

network”) show Ad words ad words ads on sites that are not search engine. These

content network sites are those that use AdSense and DoubleClick, the other side

are those side of the Google advertising model. AdSense is used by website

owners who wish to make money by displaying ads on their websites. Click-

through rates on the display network is calculated separated from search network.

When you create a new keyword targeted Ad Words campaign, your ads

are set to appear not only on Google but also an extensive network of partner

sites. According to Google, this combined reach makes it the largest online

advertising network in the world, reaching 80% of all US internet users . . . and an

international audience in over 100 other countries.

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

• Google Ad worlds main competitors are Yahoo! Search Marketing and Microsoft add center. In 2010, yahoo formed a partnership with Microsoft, giving Microsoft the control over powering the yahoo search marketing ads. Both accounts are now run through Microsoft Ad center. When ads are displayed on yahoo now, it is powered by Microsoft ad center and is run through the Microsoft software software interface.

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

Ad Words Account Management:

Account management enables you to leave your Google Ad Words account in

the hands of an Ad Words Mentor who will conduct work on your campaigns

whilst maintaining contact and working hard to deliver the best possible

results for you.

Ad Words has become incredibly competitive, costs are rising and your

competitors are slashing prices. Let's face it, your time is valuable and it's best

spent working to your key strengths so let us take care of Ad Words for you.

Our key strength is Ad Words: we understand it; we live and breath it; and we

deliver results. 91% of searchers look at the top ads, but only 21%.

The Google Ad words keywords Tool provides a list of related keywords for a

specific website or keyword.

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

Google and IP sos have published new research intended to detail the use of click-

to-call in. The results show that almost half of those surveyed (42%) had used click-to-

call in search, with the need to talk to a real person stated as the main motivation.

Other motivations included ‘wanting answers more quickly’ and ‘needing more

information than a website could provide’.

Google Click-to-Call was a service provided by Google which allows users to call

advertisers from Google search results pages. Users enter their phone number, Google

calls them back and connects to the advertiser. Calling chargers are paid by Google. It

was discontinued in 2007. for some time similar click-to-call functionality was available

for result in Google Maps. In the froyo release of Google’s android operating system, in

certain advertisements, there is a very similar functionality where a user can easily call

an advertiser.

Google Click-To-Call :

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

History :The original idea was invented BY Bill Gross of idea lab who, in turn, borrowed the idea from

the model of the yellow pages. Google wanted to buy the idea but a deal could not be reached.

Not wanting to give up on this form of advertisement, the company launched its own solution, ad

worlds in 2000. Ad worlds followed a model that was significantly similar to bill Gross creation

which led to legal action between the two parties. Eventually the dispute was settled out of court.

At first, ad worlds advertisers would pay a monthly amount, and Google would then set up

and manage their campaign. To accommodate small business an those who wanted to manage

their own portal. Starting in 2005 Google provided a campaign management service called

jumpstart program offers free telephone support from a Google specialist to help users start their

online advertising campaign. In 2005 Google launched the Google advertising professional (GAP)

program to certify individual and companies who completed Ad worlds and the amount of money

at stake, some advertisers hire a consultant to manage their campaigns.

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

Ad words has generated lawsuits in the area 9f trademark

(see Google, Inc. v. Am. Blind & wallpaper factory and Rescuecom

Corp. v. Google, Inc.), and click fraud. In 2006, Google settled a

click fraud lawsuit for US90 million.

Intellectual property rights protect certain categories of

information and works that are the result of human intellectual

Endeavour. The main types of intellectual property rights are

copyright, database rights, trade marks, designs and patents

(further information on intellectual property rights in general can

be found on the Intellectual Property Office website).

Legal Context :

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

Technology :

• Ad Words (Google Ad Words) is an advertising service by

Google for businesses wanting to display ads on Google and

its advertising network. The Ad Words program enables

businesses to set a budget for advertising and only pay when

people click the ads. The ad service is largely focused on


Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

Ad Content Restrictions :

• As of April 2008 Google Ad words no longer allows for the

display URL to deviate from that of the destination URL. Prior

to its introduction. Google paid advertisements could feature

different landing page URL’s to that of what was being

displayed on the search network. Google expands that the

policy change stems from both user and adviser feedback. The

concern promoting the restriction change is believed to be the

premise on which users and further targeted by Ad words


Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

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