Good to Best

Post on 06-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Good to Best

Be the best…

Go the extra mile..That’s what all winners do

Make an extra effort

In 10 Steps - Good to BestBy Jim Collins

Continue to evolve

At professional and personal front.. Learn something new


When you know you need to make a change… act on


Use your best to seek opportunities not only to

solve problems

Confront the brutal facts to make good decisions

Follow the Hedgehog concept

It is an understanding of what you can be

best at..

Find out what you are best at, what you

are passionate about and doing what

makes money for you…then

act..Do not do only what you think you are best at but you are

not passionate about it nor is it profitable. That is applicable only for hobbies

The only way to remain the best is to keep on

continuously applying the principles that made you the


Have a vision..

a practical one!

Knowledge of what can be

possible is very important

Be Disciplined

Always focus on what you have achieved in relation to

what you said you will achieve…

Have a ‘stop’ doing list

List the things that are a hindering you from becoming the best and stop doing them

Avoid the Doom Loop

And never give up…