Good Manners in Restaurant

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Good Manners in Restaurant


By Miss Nur Ain

Good manners are always important.

It is embarrassing if you are with someone in a restaurant and they behave inappropriately.

Turn off your cell phone

It is impolite to talk, e-mail, or text when dining out with others.

Do not talk too loud

Do not yell across the table or across the room. If you see someone you know, walk up to their table to say hello.

Chew with your mouth closed

No one wants to see your food inside your mouth

If you get food around your mouth, use a napkin to clean it.

Sit up straight and do not slouch.

Slouch means lazy or drooping posture.

Keep your elbows off the tableIf you rest your wrists on the table with your hands crossed, this shows to others that you want to talk and have a conversation.

When ordering, ask questions about any dishes you don't understand

If something goes wrong with the dish you ordered, politely tell the waiter or waitress, and ask for the dish to be fixed or order another dish.

~The End~