GOOD SHEPHERD · 2020. 7. 12. · Good Shepherd is a Christian, caring community, nourished by a...

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Transcript of GOOD SHEPHERD · 2020. 7. 12. · Good Shepherd is a Christian, caring community, nourished by a...

July 12, 2020

Our Mission Statement:

Good Shepherd is a Christian, caring community, nourished by a joyful spirit-filled liturgy that inspires our daily lives.

We strive to welcome, accept and love all people as they are, and through our ministries reach out with active concern to those in need.

Visit us online at:

Upcoming Events:

July 11 Live Stream 4:30 PM Mass at Good


July 11 3:30 PM Reconciliation before Mass

July 11 4:30 PM Mass at Good Shepherd

Mass intention for James Jalas

July 12 Pre Recorded Mass on the Website

July 12 9:30 AM Mass at Good Shepherd

July 12 Mass intention for Paul Fusek

July 14 8:30 AM Mass at Good Shepherd

Intention for the indigenous people

July 18 Live Stream 4:30 PM Mass at St. James

July 18 3:30 PM Reconciliation before Mass

July 18 4:30 PM Mass at Good Shepherd

Mass intention for Dorance Peterson

July 19 Pre Recorded Mass on the Website

July 19 9:30 AM Mass at Good Shepherd

July 19 Mass intention for Janet Thornborough

July 21 8:30 AM Mass at Good Shepherd

Mass Intention for ______________

July 25 3:30 PM Reconciliation before Mass

July 25 4:30 PM Mass at Good Shepherd

Mass intention for Dorie Hoffmann

July 26 Live Stream 4:30 PM Mass at Good


Welcome To

GOOD SHEPHERD Catholic Church

Menomonee Falls, WI

“ This is what the Lord asks of you: to act justly,

to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

The readings for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, year A, are filled with earthy images: soil, sower, seed, water, sun, etc. We don’t often pay attention to the psalms, and when sung at Mass, most of the time, only some verses are used. Take time to pray and meditate on the verses 10-14 of Psalm 65, giving praise and thanksgiving to the Holy One.

Creator God, you tend and water the land. How wonderful the harvest! You fill your springs, ready the seeds, prepare the grain.

You soak the furrows and level the ridges. With softening rain you bless the land with growth.

You crown the year with riches. All you touch comes alive: untilled lands yield crops, hills are dressed in joy, flocks clothe the pastures, valleys wrap themselves in grain. They all shout for joy and break into song.

[The English translation of the liturgical Psalter@ 1994 ICEL. Inc. All rights reserved.]

The Earth Proclaims God’s Goodness

Contact Corinna Ramsey, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries,

at or 262-345-3897.

Youth Corner for Middle

and High School


Join the Good Shepherd/St. James team on Saturday, July 17/18 to help feed those in need. We are spreading out this year, encouraging social distancing on neighborhood walks for the 2020 Capuchin Walk for the Hungry. T – Shirts will be delivered to participants’ homes by the U. S. Post Office. Usinger’s Famous Sausage will be donating up to one pound of product for each registered participant. Sign up today and help feed the hungry. Capuchin Community Services feeds people through the House of Peace’s Emergency Food Pantry on the corner of 17th and Walnut and at St. Ben’s Community Meal on the corner of 9th and State.

July 12, 2020 15th Sunday In Ordinary Time

Did you miss the Virtual Wisconsin Catholic Youth Rally? Well, we have some resources for you so you can attend it on your own if you wish. Go to YouTube and search 2020 Virtual WCYR. There are 4 videos that you can watch that will give you a retreat-like experience and help you grow closer to God. Let Corinna know if you have any questions.

Virtual Wisconsin Catholic Youth Rally - The Upper Room.

Confirmation planning for the 2020-21 year has begun. If you are in 10th grade, you need to register for the Generations of Faith program to begin your first year of prep. If you are in 11th grade, you need to register for the Generations of Faith program to begin your second year of prep. If you are in 12th grade, it's not too late, we can still get you in, too. Contact Corinna with questions.

Funerals can now be attended by up to 25% of the space capacity. Weddings can now also be attended by up to 25% of the space capacity. 250 at St. James (if in the Main Church) and 125 at Good Shepherd. Communion to the homebound continues to be restricted to a priest, deacon or parish director. Youth Gatherings: OUTSIDE gatherings are permitted, if all participants are local and less than 50 people in attendance, with social distancing protocols, a parent consent form or permission slip from all participants, and ensuring all Safe Environment requirements are met. St. James Masses: are now back to normal Mass times; 4:30pm Mass on Saturday and 9:00am Mass Sunday with the restriction of 25% of the space capacity NEW SANITIZING MINISTRY With the addition of the Sunday Mass, we are in need some volunteers to help sanitize the church after the Saturday Mass each week. Please contact Corinna in the Christian Formation office if you would be interested in being added to a rotation for this new sanitizing ministry.

Effective immediately:


Every generous act of giving,

with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights,

with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

JAMES 1:17

E l l a c u r i a :

I n

S o l i d a r i t y

Just so you don’t forget, please be sure to

bring back the Library Books you signed out

at our Library Book Share. With all the

turmoil going on these days, we wouldn’t

want our books to get lost in the rubble; we

want to make sure we don’t lose any of our

good books. So, when you come for Mass,

you can leave them in the “Library Book

Return” box on top of the mail boxes in

Daniels Hall.

Thank you so much, Your GS Librarians

Calling ALL

LIBRARY BOOKS The Positive Results of Wearing a Mask

COVID 19 Carrier

Healthy Person

Healthy Person

Healthy Person

Transmission probability 70%

Transmission probability 5%

Transmission probability 1.5%

Please wear a mask, while in public. Help stop the spread of COVID 19. Wearing a tight fitted mask makes a difference. While still following the 6ft distancing recommendations

COVID 19 Carrier

COVID 19 Carrier

The coronavirus pandemic continues to affect our brothers and sisters in Ellacuria. Their needs are great and they do not receive any government assistance. The recent tropical storm, Amanda, has damaged five homes in the village. Two recent letters from Antonio Ramas, president of the Directiva asked for our help to repair these homes, provide food for those in need and to buy a new corn grinder. They will divert the funds for replacing the water pipes to help people in need. Our Ellacuria sister parish committee approved sending $1200 to replace their 15 year—old communal corn grinder which is beyond repair. A grinder is essential for grinding corn to make tortillas. Antonio concludes: “May God protect all of us, and thank you for helping us in these difficult times.” Let us continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in Ellacuria.

2020 School Supply Drive

The 2020 School Supply Drive has been cancelled because of the challenges of the COVID19 crisis. Instead of collecting schools supplies, we will be donating $500 from our Outreach funds to each of the ministries to whom usually give school supplies. HOPE Network, Women’s Cathedral Center, and St. Michael Parish. Please pray for the health and wellbeing of our young school age sisters and brothers.

Are you cultivating good soil in you and your family? May the seed take root in your hearts.


Our usual places for taking used but good clothing are NOT accepting clothing at this time. Please take you donations to the Goodwill Store.

Good Shepherd Directory N88 W17658 Christman Road

Menomonee Falls, WI 53051-2630

Parish Offices ..................................................... (262) 255-2035

Website ........................................

General Email………………… ....

Pastoral Team

Parish Director ....................................... Deacon Sandy Sites

Assisting Priest……………………………… . .Fr. Richard Hart

Assisting Priest……………………………Fr. Thomas Suriano

Adult Form./Soc. Justice.................... Marguerite Thompson

Director, Administrative Services .............. Joe Kallenberger Administrative Assistant............................. Jeaninne Rapant

Director, Liturgy & Music .................... S. Joann Julka, SSSF

Director, Christian Formation ................................ Mike Crain

Director, Youth Ministry .............................. Corinna Ramsey

CF Administrative Assistant ............................. Becky Kaleta

Coordinator of Time & Talent ........................... Becky Kaleta

Pastoral Care Coordinator ........................... Cheryl Matusiak

Publications Coordinator ............................ Jeaninne Rapant

Staff Phone/Email

Deacon Sandy Sites ........ (262)345-3901 ▪ Marguerite Thompson(262)345-3898 ▪ Joe Kallenberger ... (262)345-3905 ▪ S. Joann Julka, SSSF ....... (262)345-3904 ▪ Mike Crain…… ..... ………(262)345-3896 ▪ Corinna Ramsey .......... (262)345-3897 ▪ Becky Kaleta ................... (262)345-3895 ▪ Cheryl Matusiak ........ (262)345-3899 ▪ Jeaninne Rapant .............(262)345-3902 ▪ Steve Johnson………..(262)352-7876 ▪

Pastoral Council

Lisa Nimmer ............................................................ Chairperson

Karen Warren .................................................. Vice Chairperson

Steve Schmit .................................................. Trustee Treasurer

Dan Popp ....................................................... Trustee Secretary

Rudi Gutierrez, Maureen Janosch Ron Leonhardt, George Koleas, Donna Makowski,

Jackie Michaels

For the Hard of Hearing

Mass for the hard of hearing Sun. 9:30 am. Hearing assisted devices available;

see usher for assistance.

Liturgy Schedule

Weekend - Saturday 4:30 pm; Sunday 9:30 am

Weekday: Tuesday 8:30am; Communion Service at Menomonee Place

and MFHCC: Thursday 10:30 am


Reconciliation: Communal services held in Advent & Lent. Individual Reconciliation - 3:30pm Sat.

in the Mary of Magdala Chapel

Marriage: Preparation begins by contacting Deacon Sandy no later than 6 months prior to the planned date.

Children’s Baptism: Call the parish to register. Next

celebration: August 29 at 4:30 pm or August 30at 9:30 am

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: RCIA is a time to consider full membership into the Catholic Faith. Call our office

for more information.

Adult Confirmation: Call our office if you wish

to be confirmed.


Families or individuals over 17 are invited to join our Faith Community!

Register on our website, pick up forms in the Christian Formation Office or join us on our next

Welcome Weekend in the Christian Formation Office.

Readings for the week of July 12th, 2020

Sunday: Is 55:10-11/Ps 65:10, 11, 12-13, 14 [Lk 8:8]/Rom 8:18-23/Mt 13:1-23 or 13:1 Monday: Is 1:10-17/Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21 and 23 [23b]/Mt 10:34—11:1 Tuesday: Is 7:1-9/Ps 48:2-3a, 3b-4, 5-6, 7-8 [cf. 9d]/Mt 11:20-24 Wednesday: Is 10:5-7, 13b-16/Ps 94:5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 14-15 [14a]/Mt 11:25-27 Thursday: Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19/Ps 102:13-14ab and 15, 16-18, 19-21 [20b]/Mt 11:28-30 Friday: Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8/Is 38:10, 11, 12abcd, 16 [cf. 17b]/Mt 12:1-8 Saturday: Mi 2:1-5/Ps 10:1-2, 3-4, 7-8, 14 [12b]/Mt 12:14-21 Next Sunday: Wis 12:13, 16-19/Ps 86:5-6, 9-10, 15-16 [5a]/Rom 8:26-27/Mt 13:24-43 or 13:24-30

Questions to Ponder - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Times:

Children: What are you doing to help the seeds of your faith grow each day?

Adults: How do you provide “good soil” for the faith of others to grow?

Good Shepherd has added another way for you to make a contribution to the Parish.

We now have an online way for you to handle your monthly donations.

It’s easy to do. Simply go to the Good Shepherd Website and click the button on the left

that says Online Giving by WeShare or click the link here. You will be directed to a secure online giving portal where you can choose your

contribution amount and method of payment. Choose Credit card or Debit card. You can set it up to be a regular monthly contribution, if you wish.

Since we are just rolling this out, you can only make contributions to the

Daily Operating Fund and Building Maintenance Fund. But very soon you will be able to choose the other funds you wish to contribute to, including things like the Good Shepherd Combined Collections, Christian Formation fees and others.

Ready for Something New?

Generations of Faith

Every Good Shepherd household received information for the coming year about our Generations of Faith program in the mail. If you would like to register for Generations of Faith, simply review the information for accuracy, make any adjustments, and return to the Christian Formation Office and we will take it from there. If you are new to Good Shepherd or Generations of Faith, there are two components to the program covered by one fee. There is a monthly intergenerational event (all ages together) and a monthly grade level event called Growing Faith (for school age children and youth). Due to additional materials or retreat events sacrament preparation does carry an additional fee. There is one registration form for the whole household and one fee based on the number of people in the household participating. For seniors, many with fixed income, we offer a discounted fee. Please see the registration form for details and payment options. Generations of Faith is formation for all ages; please plan to join us in the Fall. If you did not receive a registration form, please contact Becky in the Christian Formation office.

Every Spring for the past 38 years I have had the pleasure of celebrating First Communion with the families I serve, and it is one of the highlights of my year. That is until this Spring. Back in late April, when First Communion was scheduled for this year, we were deep in lockdown with no public Masses being celebrated in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, and so we waited. When we returned to public Mass at the beginning of June, with one Mass at 25% capacity, we continued to wait so that extended family might be able to join them. Now that we have returned to our regular schedule (though still at 25% capacity) the long wait is over. This year we have 11 children who have prepared to receive Jesus for the first time. Three of those children will celebrate this Sunday, July 12, four of them will celebrate next Saturday, July 18, and four are choosing to wait until later in the year when the risk of spreading disease to vulnerable family members might be lower. Please keep all these children and their families in your prayers. As the children continue to grow in their faith with us here at Good Shepherd, we, the adult community, will have the responsibility of being the example that they will follow as they grow into their own discipleship. Let us ask God, as we celebrate with these children over the next two weeks and eventually later in the year, to make us good examples of what Jesus’ disciples look like. As Fr. Tom reminded us in his homily two weeks ago, our discipleship needs to be recognizable, especially to the children of our community.

Congratulations to:

Evelyn Barr, Bryant DeValkenaere, Preston Finley,

Carter Maziasz, Emmett Olig, Noah Prud'Homme,

Abigail Scheu, Mia Spredemann Plasencia, Reagan Tappa,

Carissa Woosencraft, Kyle Wells,

and their families. We are proud of the preparation you have done, and we look forward to growing with you in Christ.

Mike Crain