Gómez bonifacio y lizano palacios

Post on 20-May-2015

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Transcript of Gómez bonifacio y lizano palacios

* Interview in aN airport

Hi, tv watchers. My name is Gabriela and I’m from channel MPFOX. Today we will interview to Alessandra Palacios. Hi Alessandra. Nice to meet you

Excuse me, miss. May I ask you some questions?

Of course! What questions??

Simple questions, about you life and dreams.

Ok. Let´s Start.

How old are you?

Eighteen years old.

You are very young

Yes, well I started since I was a child

So, who supported you in this decisión?

My parents and friends. I’m very proud and happy of them.

You are peruvian, arent you?

Yes I´m

But now, you will travel to Spain to compete.

Yes, I will compete with famous athletes. Im very excited.

I hope that everything will be fine. Everybody will support you! We want to see you in the finals.

Thank you.

How long will you be in Spain?

Hmmm…Three months for the competition.

Do you believe you will bring a new prize to Perú?

I will do my best.

Ok. Thanks for the interview.

I have to go.


No, thank you so much, thanks to my fans´club for supporting me.

And this was the interview to Alessandra Palacios for MPFOX.