Going green

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Going green

Going GreenA better way to recycle at outdoor special events.

Presenters:•Matt Rosebrock – Festival & Event Manger, Charleston County Park & Recreation Commission•Wayne Koeckeritz – Owner, Food Waste Disposal (FWD)

Keys to reducing waste at outdoor special events.

A green event is not only environmentally responsible, but it is also smart business. Sponsors, vendors and attendees appreciate being part of an eco-friendly event. It’s an opportunity to educate guests on how to sort their waste and further expand your organizations mission.

Why Green?:

Keys to reducing waste at outdoor special events.

Pre-planning:• Use compostable products – Biodegradable does

NOT = Compostable.• Use recyclable products - #1 and #2, most

desirable.• The more you control the type of waste used at

your event, the higher your success rate.• No PLASTIC BAGS – encourage vendors to be

considerate of your waste reduction efforts by using sustainable packaging.

• Vendors- Education and Incentives

Keys to reducing waste at outdoor special events.

Partnerships:• Collaborate with other organizations who can

help you advance your waste reduction efforts. Example: CCPRC brought in the non-profit Charleston Green Fair to help green their event.

• Local schools are a great source of volunteers and usually have environmental groups or clubs looking for projects to help with.

Keys to reducing waste at outdoor special events.

A volunteer corps dedicated to onsite waste management throughout the event is key. Again look to non-profit organizations or student organizations with missions that align with greening your event.

Staff & Volunteers:

Keys to reducing waste at outdoor special events.

Communication• Be sure that all of your paperwork for exhibitors

and vendors spells out your waste reduction plan. (i.e. vendors using plastic bags and Styrofoam are penalized)

• Incentivize vendors to follow the waste reduction plan by charging fees for non-compliance.

• Put your waste reduction information at the top of all email communications and share your reasons for going green.

Keys to reducing waste at outdoor special events.

Onsite Set Up:• Resource and Recovery Stations are a key to

success. Designated waste stations help control waste throughout the event.

• Stations should be manned especially in busy areas. This also allows your audience to be educated on how to sort their waste.

• Have a designated staff member in charge of your resource and recovery volunteers.

• No single trash cans. ALL trash cans should be located with recycling and/or composting bins and placed at the resource and recovery stations.

• Require vendors to use these stations.• Good signage & displays are also important.

Keys to reducing waste at outdoor special events.

Post-Event• Make sure to gather data. Collect your weights and

share those waste diversion numbers in your post event press release.

• Look at how you can improve your waste reduction program each year.

• Celebrate what you have done. Whether you achieve 20% waste diversion or 95%, you are taking steps in the right direction and that is worth celebrating!