Going Deeper with TBTs and the Ohio 5-Step Process

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Going Deeper with TBTs and the Ohio 5-Step Process. TBT Practice. You are: 4 th grade language arts team 5 person team, 4 general education teachers and an intervention specialist Pre-assessment given November 6 th. Why Practice?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Going Deeper with TBTs and the Ohio 5-Step Process

Going Deeper with TBTs and the Ohio 5-Step


TBT Practice

• You are:– 4th grade language arts team• 5 person team, 4 general education

teachers and an intervention specialist

– Pre-assessment given November 6th

Why Practice?

Michael Jordan says, “You can practice shooting 8 hours a

day, but if your technique is wrong, all

you become is very good at shooting the

wrong way.”

Practice makes permanent

Why a Protocol?

• Provides structure and a recording tool for TBTs implementing the 5-step process

• Builds communication from TBTs to the BLT

Roles and Ground Rules

• Roles – helps to keep meeting on track, purposeful, productive

• Ground Rules – good reminder to the group of how they agreed to operate


• Write a summary of the Weekly Reader article about elections.

• Scoring rubric:– 4: main points identified and in correct

sequence– 3: main points identified, but not necessarily

in correct sequence– 2: some main points, some order to sequence– 1: mostly a re-telling and not a summary– A score of 3 is proficient

Step 1

Score Teacher 1LG

Teacher 2JR

Teacher 3KV

Teachers 4/5


4 3 4 5 2

3 6 3 9 5

2 10 14 6 12

1 6 5 6 7

Total Proficient(Score = 3 or 4)

9/25 36% 7/26 27% 14/26 54% 7/26 27%

Step 2

Teacher 1 Teacher 2 Teacher 3 Teachers 4/5

Strengths Order Order Main points Order

Obstacles Re-telling Re-telling and missing main points

Some re-telling and adding extra details

Re-telling and not summarizing

Why? Order is easy?Haven’t really taught summarizing much yet

Don’t understand what summarize means

Thinkmark that was discussed earlier this year.Need more work on what summarizing means

We haven’t taught summarizing as a skill yet


Important Interesting

Process for Step 3

1. Determine learning outcome(s)

2. Identify rigor (Bloom’s Taxonomy) and relevance (depth of application)

3. Determine instructional strategies

4. Determine activity5. Write SMART goals

First: Determine Learning Outcomes

•What will students know and be able to do? –Clear learning targets/outcomes–Essential understandings:• Proficient• Advanced

– TBTs determine criteria• Thou shalt not go below the intent of the



• Proficient and advanced criteria directly links to your SMART goals

• The learning outcomes are the foundation to rigor/relevance, strategies, and activities

• Check for alignment from outcomes through all steps of step 3

Step 3: Learning Outcomes

• Indicators:• ELA: Summarize important

information in texts to demonstrate comprehension• SS: Explain why elections are used to

select leaders and decide issues

• Proficient?• Advanced?

The team said:

– Proficient: Summarize readings about elections to demonstrate comprehension of important information

– Advanced: Summarize readings about elections and create a stance on a current event using the summary as evidence

Second: Determine Rigor and Relevance

• Rigor – Bloom’s Taxonomy

• Relevance – Depth of application

Level of Bloom’s

Step 3: Rigor and Relevance

• Align with your outcomes:

–What level of rigor?–What level of relevance?

The team said:

• Proficient:– Rigor: Apply– Relevance: Apply across disciplines

• Advanced:– Rigor: Create– Relevance: Apply to real-world

hypothetical situation

Third: Determine Instructional Strategies

• What instructional strategies?– High-probability strategies (Marzano)–MAX Teaching strategies (Forget)– On-going formative assessment


• How are you going to instruct?– Small groups? – Flexible groups? –Whole group?


Strategy Activity

Broad and generalize-able:can be used across grade-levels and content areas

What adults do to teach

Narrow and specific:may be applicable across grade-levels, but not necessarily

What students do

Research-based Might not be research-based

Step 3: Instructional Strategies

• What strategy(ies) will you use to enable students to meet the outcomes? –Align with rigor/relevance and outcomes

The team said:

• Proficient:– Non-linguistic representation – graphic organizer– Identify similarities and differences – compare and

contrast– Direct instruction– Practice

• Advanced:– Non-linguistic representation – graphic organizer– Identify similarities and differences – compare and

contrast– Feedback with peer review– Practice

Fourth: Determine Activity(ies)

• What activity(ies) will you use to deliver the instruction?

Step 3: Activities

• What activity(ies) will you use to deliver the instruction? The activities need to…

–Enact the strategies–Align with rigor/relevance–Align with outcomes

The team said:

• Proficient:– Use Thinkmarks to identify main points for all

reading across all subjects– Peer review and editing– Direct instruction in reading groups

• Advanced:– Practice writing summaries in all subjects – even

math!– Practice creating a stance about the election

results using summaries as evidence– Peer review and feedback

Fifth: Write SMART goals

S specificM measurableA attainableR realisticT timely

• All students minimally MUST be proficient

Step 3: SMART Goals

• What percent of students are you expecting to be Proficient? Advanced?

–37% met proficient criteria on pre-assessment

The team said:

• 40% proficient by 11/13• 60% advanced by 11/13

Step 4 - Implement Changes Consistently

Plan for implementation by answering questions such as…

• Who will implement? How often will we implement? How long will we implement?

• What will you see in the classroom when the selected strategies are implemented?

• How will we know if we implemented with fidelity?

The team said:

• The cycle would run for one week and they would collect the post-assessment by 11/9 for discussion at the 11/13 TBT

Step 5

• Occurs after the post-assessment is given

• Compare yourpre and postresults to determinenext steps

Communication and Reflection

• Occurs at every TBT meeting when you do the 5-step process

• Summarize what your TBT learned about student strengths and obstacles, as well as,

• Strengths, obstacles and supports needed to better implement the TBT process

The team said:• Strengths– Learned from each other – the data

showed that the Thinkmark was a successful tool

• Obstacles–Managing our time well enough to get to

step 4 – Our rubric needs to be clearer

• Supports– Spending 30 minutes each week of our

60 minute TBT on reading and math is disjointed. Could we alternate our focus each week?