GOELAPresentation final.pptx (Read-Only)boe.lausd.net/sites/default/files/Tab3... ·...

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Transcript of GOELAPresentation final.pptx (Read-Only)boe.lausd.net/sites/default/files/Tab3... ·...

Vision  •  Under  the  leadership  of  Monica  Garcia  (LAUSD),  President  

Covino  (CSULA)  and  President  Mar>nez  (ELAC)  •  Review  of  high  school  transi>on  and  college  comple>on  data  •  Create  a  college-­‐going  culture  •  From  College  Awareness  to  College  Comple>on  to  Successful  

Careers  •  Recogni>on  that  key  to  success  is  family  &  community  •  Harness  strengths  to  produce  “Great  Outcomes”  •  Focus  on  largest  feeder  high  school  –  Garfield  

Go  East  LA  Commits  to:  •  Every  child  being  prepared  to  enter  school.  •  Every  child  being  supported  in  his  or  her  academic  pursuits.  

•  Every  student  being  successful  academically  and  enrolling  in  postsecondary  educa>on.  

•  Every  student  comple>ng  a  postsecondary  cer>ficate  or  degree  and  enter  a  viable  career.  

•  The  community  being  provided  with  the  human  resources,  drawn  from  within,  that  employers  need  to  be  successful.  

Garfield  High  School,  Cal  State  L.A.,  and  ELAC  will  work  with  business  and  community  partners,  families  and  students  to:  

•  Increase  college  awareness,  access  and  prepara>on  through  ongoing  outreach  efforts  and  ensuring  an  guaranteed  pathway  to  college  comple>on  for  all  students.  

•  Expand  career  pathways  and  career  readiness  opportuni>es  through  expanded  partnerships  with  business  partners,  early  exposure  to  career  opportuni>es  and  the  use  of  internships  to  expose  students  to  poten>al  careers.  

 •  Partner  with  the  community  to  develop  a  support  network  to  support  

student  success.  

Community  Ac>on  Networks  

•  Garfield  High  School  Collabora>on  Team    •  Middle  School  Network  (Griffith,  Belvedere,  Stevenson)    •  K-­‐5  Network  

•  Early  Educa>on  Network  

•  Collaborate  with  Parent  Centers    

Garfield  High  School,  Cal  State  L.A.,  and  ELAC  will  work  with  business  and  community  partners,  families  and  students  to:  

•  Cal  State  L.A.  will  guarantee  admission  to  all  Garfield  students  mee>ng  minimum  requirements  for  entry  into  the  Cal  State  University  System.  

 •  ELAC  will  guarantee  admission  to  all  Garfield  students  into  a  first  year  

program  that  will  allow  full-­‐>me  enrollment  in  courses  leading  to  college  comple>on.  

 •  Cal  State  L.A.  will  guarantee  admission  to  all  ELAC  students  mee>ng  

minimum  transfer  requirements  to  Cal  State  L.A.  

Garfield  High  School,  Cal  State  L.A.,  and  ELAC  will  work  with  business  and  community  partners,  families  and  students  to:  

•  Expand  opportuni>es  to  complete  college  credits  while  enrolled  at  Garfield  and  its  feeder  schools  and  to  ensure  that  these  opportuni>es  accelerate  college  preparedness  and  align  with  career  pathways  developed  to  support  the  East  Los  Angeles  community.  

 •  Provide  the  needed  student  support  services  to  enhance  college  

comple>on  and  student  success.  

Early  College  Experience  

•  Dual  enrollment*  of  credit-­‐bearing  college  courses  offered  through  hybrid  offering  on  high  school  campus  and/or  student  a`ending  a  course  on  college  campus  

•  Dual  credit*  for  ar>culated  courses  as  per  LAUSD/LACCD  agreement  –  transcripted  and  transferrable  

 •  Set  ini>al  target  for  12  early  college  units  to  be  earned  by  students  

•  Expected  to  offer  15+  college  courses  offered  in  2014  -­‐  2015  

Dual  Enrollment  Offering  at  Garfield    

•  Summer  2014  –  Psychology  &  ASL  1  

•  Fall  2014  –  ASL  2,  Child  Development,  Administra>on  of  Jus>ce  1,  Logis>cs  1  &  2,  Theatre  100,  Engineering  

•  Spring    2015  –  Engineering,  ASL  1,  Administra>on  of  Jus>ce  5,  Logis>cs  3,  Theatre  100,  Sociology  or  Chicano  Studies,  Psychology  or  Speech,  Engineering  

Dual  Enrollment  Benefits    

•  Increased  gradua>on  rate  from  high  school  

•  More  likely  to  enter  four  year  college  

•  More  likely  to  persist  in  postsecondary    

•  Shortened  >me  to  a`ain  a  college  degree    •  More  likely  to  complete  college  by  mee>ng  goals  

Early  College  Experience  •  Collabora>on  on  English  and  Math  prepara>on    •  Offer  Escalante  courses  

•  Provide  Assessment  Prepara>on  sessions    •  Offer  Bootcamps  

•  Offer  STOMP  Junior/Senior  Transi>on/Transfer  Conference  

•  Offer  College  Preview  Day  (formerly  Senior  Day)  to  include  Middle  Schools