God's Holy People, Elders and Deacons

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of God's Holy People, Elders and Deacons

God’s Holy People,

Elders and Deacons

Philippians 1:1-2

The Philippian Jailer came

to know Christ (Acts16: 25-34)

One who executes the

commands of another especially

of a master, attendant or minister

– the servant of a king (Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon)

One who, by virtue of the office

assigned to him by the church,

cares for the poor and has charge

of and distributes the money

collected for their use.

Deacons & Deaconness

Roles are practical in nature

related to administrative issues

without the required ability to


Grace is that which gives joy,

pleasure and delight.(Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon)

Peace - the tranquil state of a

soul assured of its salvation

through Christ, and so fearing

nothing from God and content

with its earthly lot, no matter

what it is. (Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon)

Does the happiness from

your possessions, position

or performance truly last?

Or deep down inside do you

long for more – much more?

Joy and peace are directly

connected to God’s Grace.

When you accept this truth then

you will experience peace with

your state in life.

By the grace of God

you are what you are.