Gods ans godesses of voodoo

Post on 27-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Gods ans godesses of voodoo

Gods ans godesses of Voodoo

Baron SamediBaron Samedi is one of the Guédés, or spirits of

Death, related to Baron Cimitère and Baron La Croix.

Like Papa Legba, he is a guardian of the crossroads, the place where spirits cross over into our world.

If the intercessions desired are with the loa, then Legba is saluted and asked to allow the loa to participate.

If the intercessions are with the dead, then Guédé is the intercessor

Obatala Obatala is the creator God, of whom all of the

Orishas are but aspects. His color is white, containing all the colors of the rainbow.

He rules the mind and intellect, cosmic equilibrium, male and female.

Obatala is the supreme deity of the Yoruba pantheon, the great African tradition from which much of New Orleans Voodoo originates.

Ochosi Devotional Altar DollPatron Orisha of Hunting, Law,

Prisoners, and Justice. Ochosi is the Santeria Orisha that

represents the forces of nature and justice.

He is the patron of prisoners and the accused.

Ochosi is a great magician and seer; as well as a warrior, hunter and fisherman.

He symbolizes balance, judgment, and reason, and is described as a beautiful, wild hunter who wears skins.

Ogun Patron Loa of Fire, Hunting,

Metals, Politics, War, and the Unemployed

In Haitian Vodun, Ogoun (or Ogun, Ogou) is a loa who presides over fire, iron, hunting, politics and war.

He is also considered to be the Father of technology as we know it today.

He is the patron of smiths and of the unemployed and is usually displayed with a machete or sabre, rum and tobacco.