God & Me Growing in intimacy with God · God & Me – Growing in intimacy with God 4 Pray Psalm...

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God & Me – Growing in intimacy with God


God & Me – Growing in intimacy with God


This study of spiritual disciplines has been written to bring you closer to God!

Think about the time, sacrifice, and energy necessary to create and sustain a healthy relationship: Why do we invest so much into important relationships? What are the benefits?

When entering human relationships, what hesitations do we bring into our relationships?

Trust issues—What if this person hurts me, betrays me, or abuses me? Can I trust him or her? Fear—What if this happens? What if? What if? What if? I’m too afraid of . . . . Insecurity—I am not good enough. I am not pretty enough. I am not talented enough. I am not

whole enough. I am not enough. Guilt—I don’t deserve this. I shouldn’t be happy when . . . .

Do we approach God with the same hesitations we bring to our human relationships? Can I really trust God? What if God causes this to happen . . . or what if this is His will? I am too terrible for God to love; I have messed up too much. Can He really forgive me?

Reflect on a few questions:

What keeps me from having a more intimate relationship with God?






How can I improve my relationship with God?






God & Me – Growing in intimacy with God


We build our relationship with God—get to know Him better—through Bible reading and meditation, prayer, quiet time (moments of solitude), and worship (both individual and together). These are called spiritual disciplines. Of course, this is not an exhaustive list, but it does include the basic building blocks to fostering a more intimate relationship with God.

Oftentimes, spiritual disciplines are viewed as a chore—a task to check off the “Good Christian” list. However, it is important to understand reading your Bible and prayer is not about following rules, but about building a relationship—God loving you; you loving God.

How does viewing spiritual disciplines as a way to build a relationship with God impact your perception of Bible reading, prayer, etc.?





Bible study, prayer, and worship are not only ways for us to love God, but they are also ways for God to communicate with us. God wants to fix the communication gap that arises between Him and His children. God’s ultimate act of reconciliation was extended through the work of His Son Jesus. Jesus is His gracious offer to humanity for a loving relationship with Him. Page after page, book after book… throughout all of Scripture we see God reaching out to people.

What is God expressing to us in these passages?

Joshua 1:9 __________________________________________________________________

Psalm 27:1 __________________________________________________________________

Psalm 100 __________________________________________________________________

Isaiah 43:1-3 ________________________________________________________________

Ephesians 1:7-14 _____________________________________________________________

John 1:12 ___________________________________________________________________

John 14:27 __________________________________________________________________

John 15:15-16 _______________________________________________________________

Romans 5:8 _________________________________________________________________

Hebrews 4:16 ________________________________________________________________

God & Me – Growing in intimacy with God


Pray Psalm 139:23-24, asking God to make you aware of any hindrances in your life keeping you from a closer relationship with Him. Ask Him for the grace and strength to overcome those obstacles.

Read the following Bible verses and write what you learn about God.

John 10:1-16 ___________________________________________________________________



Psalm 23 ___________________________________________________________________



Isaiah 30:18-21 ___________________________________________________________________



Zephaniah 3:14-20 ___________________________________________________________________



Philippians 4 ___________________________________________________________________



Matthew 6:25-34 ________________________________________________________________



God & Me – Growing in intimacy with God


God has written us a love letter—the Bible, consisting of 66 books and 31,173 verses!


In providing 1,189 chapters in the Bible, God certainly has something to say! Through the Bible, God reveals so much—His pursuit of you and the beauty of His character. Reading God’s Word allows you to know more about Him and understand how madly in love He is with you. Ask your small group: How does your perspective of the Bible change when viewing it as God’s love letter to you?

Bible reading is the key spiritual discipline. All the other spiritual disciplines—worship, celebration, solitude, silence, fasting, simplicity, chastity, sacrifice, prayer, fellowship, confession, stewardship, and evangelism—flow from the truths found in God’s Word. These spiritual disciplines are a loving reaction to the realization of God’s character, which we come to know more from the Scriptures.

Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4—God’s Word is sustenance and nourishment to the believer. We cannot survive, cannot grow without regular “meals” of Bible study with our Maker. Jesus reiterated this truth when He was tempted by Satan.

Psalm 119:11, 105—Through “storing up” the Bible—regular study, meditation, and memorization—a Christian is able to understand more of God and be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit; thus, the believer is better equipped to fight off the deception and trickery of sin and Satan. Also, the Word provides the wisdom necessary to live according to God’s will; it lights your path!

Ephesians 6:17—God’s Word is our weapon against any attack of Satan and any tempting sin. God’s truth makes you free to fight against the fears, doubts, etc., that entangle.

Romans 10:17—Hearing the Scriptures, whether through preaching, teaching, or personal study is important because it produces faith.

Hebrews 4:12—The Bible is not a dead, old book written years ago. It is not a piece of history or an advice column. The Bible is full of life-giving truth, empowering believers through the Holy Spirit.

James 1:22-25—The truths found in the Bible require action. It is that powerful, that relevant. One cannot hear and understand the gospels and principles of discipleship without making a choice. God grants blessing to the obedient.

1 Timothy 4:6-16—The Scriptures are the training manual for healthy, active, and growing Christians. Devotion to the preaching, teaching, and spreading of God’s Word marks the believer’s life.

2 Timothy 3:16-17—All words found from Genesis to Revelation are not just words on paper, but are God’s words to the world. The Bible is very useful—for teaching, correction, admonition, and training in righteousness.

What importance should Bible reading, study, and meditation have on a Christian’s life? What are the differences between Bible reading, study, and meditation? (Bible reading is simply

reading the text. Bible study is understanding the context, history, and syntax of the text. Bible meditation is seeking application of the text to the reader’s life.)

Why is Bible reading (as well as study and meditation) a hard habit to sustain?

God & Me – Growing in intimacy with God



Will you commit this week to spending 15 extra minutes reading God’s love letter to you?

Routine! Whether your Bible reading time is first thing in the morning, the last break for the day, or somewhere in between, try your best to make that quiet time the same time each day. Routine helps us to remember and positions this spiritual discipline as a priority.

Find a comfortable, quiet spot. Your comfy couch, soft bed, or favorite reading nook is the perfect place to spend time with God. If the hustle and bustle of family makes it hard to find a quiet spot, create one. Use naptime, lunch break, or even trips to the bathroom as the perfect opportunity to interact with God. If your children are old enough, instruct each child to remain in their rooms for a certain amount of time (20 minutes, for example) while mom spends time with God. Not only will this set a great example for your children, but may also challenge them to study Scripture.

Read the Bible passages below. To the right of each reference, write what you learn about

Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4 _____________________________________________________


Psalm 119:11, 105_______________________________________________________________


Ephesians 6:17 ________________________________________________________________


Romans 10:17 ________________________________________________________________


Hebrews 4:12 ________________________________________________________________


James 1:22-25 ________________________________________________________________


1 Timothy 4:6-16 ________________________________________________________________


2 Timothy 3:16-17 _______________________________________________________________


God & Me – Growing in intimacy with God


Have you ever discovered the benefits of silence and solitude? Silence and solitude can produce spiritual sensitivity. It is a method of physically and mentally placing ourselves before God, for the purpose of communion with Him.


Silence. As a society we hate it. We go to great lengths to fill our days with noise. We turn on the television without watching it. When we get in the car, we start up the music. We constantly have a phone on which to talk, text, or browse. Many cannot walk, commute, exercise, or clean house without an iPod. Ask your group: Why do we go to such extremes to avoid silence?

In today’s culture, silence and solitude have been labeled as bad or undesirable. In fact, our criminal justice system uses solitude as punishment. Perhaps you have heard of “solitary confinement”?

Fundamentally, we are afraid of stillness. Without noise we become nervous. Sound helps us escape ourselves, while silence forces us to listen to our deepest thoughts, to deal honestly with who we really are. God uses silence and solitude to speak to us. It is during the quiet times that our defenses are lowered and God can burst through. Perhaps, that is why we shun times of quiet reflection; we are afraid of what He will say. When our guard is down, we are more likely to face reality . . . to hear the truth. On the other hand, it is also during these times of solemn meditation when we experience the sweetest communion. God wants to be alone with you.

Read Psalm 46. This psalm describes God as our refuge and strength. It announces the majesty of God. It crowns God as ruler of all the earth. At the end of this passage in verse 10, we find the directive to be quiet!

Why would the author expound upon the majesty of God, and then instruct us to be still?



Does silence make you nervous or relaxed?



Where and when do you experience God as a refuge? Is it regular? Or circumstantial—only when you need it.



God & Me – Growing in intimacy with God


In Mark 6:31, notice Jesus did not insist on solitude because the disciples did not have anything to do. No, they were so busy they did not have time to eat. They retreated from the masses because they needed a break, a rest, and refreshment. Solitude allows us to focus our attention on God and God alone. God can speak to us more clearly when our focus is squarely on Him.

Have you ever rushed around the house trying to find a missing item (a shoe, the keys, or the remote)? Then, after your desperate search, you realize the missing item was in plain view the entire time?

We often do the same thing with God. In our hurry to be good, hardworking Christians, we miss the biggest blessing of all—spending time with God. He is waiting in “plain view,” yet we often cannot see Him. It is only when we slow down that His handiwork in our lives and in the lives of others becomes clearer.

Read Matthew 14:23 and Mark 6:30-31. What can you learn about the importance of solitude based on these short verses.





In Matthew 14:23, Jesus went into the mountains to pray and stayed there all day. This solitude allowed Jesus to “recharge His batteries.” It allowed Him to be alone with His Father.

It is important to note that sitting alone in a room without talking does not constitute the spiritual discipline of quiet time. Practicing solitude as a spiritual discipline is active. Ecclesiastes 3:7 argues there is a time to speak and a time to be silent—a time for prayer and a time to listen. Both can be included in these quiet communions with Christ.

Read the following Bible verses: Psalm 1:2; 63:5-6; 119:78. Discuss how solitude includes focusing on God’s Word, whether through memorized verses or reading of the text.

More often than not, you find silence and solitude paired together. Yet, it is important to note they are really two separate elements. It is possible to be silent in a crowd without achieving solitude. At other times, we can experience solitude without being silent. These important principles complement each other, and Christians should strive for both in their lives.

The Bible also comments on two other spiritual disciplines found in quiet, quality time with God—prayer and fasting.

God & Me – Growing in intimacy with God


Read Matthew 6:5-18. Ask these questions:

Why does Jesus instruct believers to pray to God in private?



Why should fasting be done in an unassuming, humble way?




What are some practical ways you can practice silence and solitude? The possibilities are endless, but the list below, while incomplete, will give your group some helpful tips:

Regular devotions. Your daily “quiet time” is a perfect opportunity to practice these disciplines. Simply allot a portion of time to be quiet and focus on God.

Break time. Whether it is nap time or work breaks, schedule a few minutes to concentrate on God, listening to Him.

Exercise. A workout provides a chance to get away from many distractions. Exercise can be good for your spirit as well as your body!

Driving. Turn off the noise. When you are alone in the car, use this time to spend with God. Nature. Many people like to hike, walk, or simply sit on the porch. Surrounding yourself with God’s

creation is a great way to focus on Him.

Ssshhh! It’s almost time silence and solitude with God…

God & Me – Growing in intimacy with God


We have discussed the importance of cultivating spiritual disciplines—especially a regular quiet time—in order to nurture our relationship with God. In today’s session, we will take a closer look at the practice of journaling and discover how it can be used to strengthen our faith.


What is the difference between a journal and a diary?

A journal allows experiences to express themselves through ideas. A journal acts as an archive for spiritual insight. A journal is not stiff, impersonal or “just the facts, ma’am.” It is an extension of your personality. A journal contains your perspective on life—your ideas, your dreams, your hopes, and your fears.

Here are some benefits that journaling can provide for you as you walk with God:

Clarify your thoughts. Nothing is quite as frustrating as not knowing why you feel a certain way. Through journaling, God can help you understand the emotions with which you struggle. As you write, things will begin to make sense; you will begin to understand yourself better.

A new perspective. Journaling sometimes provides a new viewpoint, a new outlook on various situations. A spiritual journal helps to focus your thoughts more on God’s thoughts. This in turn allows for better evaluation of needed changes.

In the same way God uses silence and solitude to speak to us, He can use journaling. If we just sit and think, we tend to let our minds wander. But if our goal is to focus on Scripture and grow in Christ, then our desire should be to stay focused. Journaling can help control those tendencies to drift off to “la-la-land.” Staying focused allows God an opportunity to work through our minds and bring us comfort, correction, or commendation.

Take-Home Tips

1. When journaling, consider these helpful questions:

How is this event important spiritually? What was I feeling? Why did I act the way I did? How did this affect my relationship with God? Can God use this to help me be closer to Him? What can I learn about God’s character?

God & Me – Growing in intimacy with God


2. Give Yourself Grace:

Of course, to gain the greatest benefit from any spiritual discipline it must be practiced often. However, encourage your small group members not to be so rigid it becomes an obsession or devastation if a day is missed. Remove the rules—grammar does not matter; your writing skill is not important. There is no set format. Discuss these questions: How does “removing the rules” help foster a productive, beneficial journaling habit for you? How can too much flexibility hurt the execution of this spiritual discipline? Segue into the COMMIT section by saying: Remember, it is not journaling that makes you holier or more righteous. The spiritual disciplines are important because they create an opportunity for your relationship with Christ to become more intimate, more personal. It is all about spiritual growth—getting to know God better.

3. If at first you don't understand:

When you come across a portion of God’s Word that is especially meaningful or challenging to you, do not pass it by with a glance and a smile. Note this Scripture in your journal. Go back to it again and again. As you gain more insight, record your thoughts and ideas in your journal. Make efforts to implement what you have learned and share it with others. Need help getting started? Check out these verses:

Isaiah 40:28-31 Lamentations 3:22-23 Ephesians 4:22-24 Hebrews 10:19-25

God & Me – Growing in intimacy with God



We have to allow ourselves to be drawn into sacred space, intimate space with God. All transformation takes place there. We have to move out of “business as usual”. It is in these intimate times with God that the old world is left behind, but we’re not sure of the new one yet. That’s a good space to be! It’s the realm where God can best get at us because we are out of the way. In sacred space the old world is able to fall apart, and the new world is able to be revealed. If we don’t find ways to spend intimate time with God, allowing God to speak to us, we start idolizing normalcy. We end up believing it’s the only reality. We think we’re doing it all right and even if there is calm in that for the short term, ultimately our lives shrivel our lives shrivel and it’s not long before we’re miserable. (Richard Rohr)

In my moments on intimacy with God, what is the OLD WORLD of normalcy that needs to be left behind?
















God & Me – Growing in intimacy with God


What is the NEW WORLD that God is calling me to step into?
















God & Me – Growing in intimacy with God


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