Go Home Marketing, You Are Drunk

Post on 23-Aug-2014

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Recording now available! https://soundcloud.com/officialsxsw/go-home-marketing-you-are "In order to succeed into today's competitive digital landscape, companies must leverage mobile enterprise technologies while engaging in social media cross-channel in agile content marketing blah blah blah." Sorry, marketers. We can’t hear you, because we have collectively, actively stopped listening. Your ads, your overloaded websites, your sponsored content, your "infotainment series"—these are not the things we want or need. What we need, dear people, is for you to pause … and breathe. Stop treating every day like a fire drill. Momentarily ignore the shiny new trends. Instead, take a look at the things that are (still) fundamentally broken. Your message is splintered. Your teams are siloed. Your technology is backwards. Your content still sucks. So let's sit down together and talk about a whole new world of marketing, one where pragmatism and principle drive a new kind of innovation: fixing what's actually broken, versus finding new things to break.

Transcript of Go Home Marketing, You Are Drunk

According to a recent poll of various web-based media producers,

content could be hotter, more social, more shareable. “While there is

certainly buzzworthy content out there, some of which is even snackable,

I do think content in general could be more relevant, more bite-size, and

make a stronger brand impression with trending keywords and a more

responsive design,” poll respondent Mark Zeligman told reporters, noting

that the last piece of content he came across was an infographic that

was neither flexible, timely, viral, nor engineered to maximize reader

engagement. “After all, can we honestly say the content that’s out there

right now is as buzzworthy and highly shareable as it could be? Does it

inform, engage, and convert? Is it digestible? Does it both increase

impressions and amplify the brand? I think you’ll find the answer is no.” At

press time, poll respondents reported that when it comes to content, you

gotta start thinking more bullet points, more lists, more visuals, more short-

form, more microcontent. – Feb 3 2014 The Onion

Go home marketing, you are drunk.

Kristina @Halvorson #drunkmktg

Sunday, February 3, 2013 New Orleans, Louisiana


6,483 favorites


For all the planning and millions of

dollars that go into the creation of

Super Bowl commercials, arguably

the best ad of the game last night

was a tweet. – Ad Age

With one incredibly quick and

clever missive during last year’s

infamous “Blackout Bowl” game,

Oreo may have officially launched

Twitter as the new hotspot for

Super Bowl advertisers to make

their biggest impact. – Yahoo! TV

How Oreo Culture-Jacked the Superbowl


– Wall Street Journal

Touchdown, Oreo.

– Wired

The team’s first instinct upon the blackout

was to figure out how Oreo can be relevant

in the moment. Having a full team of

creative, social media experts and the brand

made last night’s real-time culture-jacking

quick and seamless.

– 13 People, Apparently

108 million watched

5.1 million tweeted


6,483 favorites


44,500 people “engaged”


0.008% of active tweeters

Oreo’s exquisitely timed and

provocative tweet during the

Super Bowl set the benchmark for

breakthrough marketing on one of

the world’s most visible stages.


– Fast Company

How marketing culture-jacked my career.

Content Strategy

Content strategy guides

planning for the creation,

delivery, and governance

of useful, usable content.


the quad

Content Marketing

Biggest Content Marketing Challenges

Content marketing is a marketing

technique of creating and distributing

relevant and valuable content to attract,

acquire, and engage a clearly-defined

and understood audience with the

objective of driving profitable customer



Because you’ve recently created a

top Moment on Klout, McDonald’s

wants to recognize you by

providing you with a $5 Arch Card

to put towards your next order of

Chicken McNuggets.

Try them with the new Habanero

Ranch sauce and tune-in to the

Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics to see

top moments from the worlds best


We have achieved



The aim of marketing is to know

and understand the customer so

well the product or service fits him

and sells itself. – Peter Drucker

The tools have taken the

place of strategy. !

– Michael Porter

“What Is Strategy?” HBR 1996





We will become the industry leader in the

financial services arena by providing

consumers with compelling, valuable

content across all channels that deepens

the brand relationship and drives business

across all our product lines.


We will become the industry leader in the

[INSERT INDUSTRY] arena by providing

consumers with compelling, valuable

content across all channels that deepens

the brand relationship and drives business

across all our product lines.


We will grow our online customer base to

300,000 active accounts by focusing our

digital efforts on localized service and

fixing the cross-channel user experience.






Be pragmatic!

the hell slow


Fix your sh*t.

– Facebook CS team


We live in a moment of history

where change is so speeded up

that we begin to see the

present only when it is already



– R.D. Laing

A new foundation.






















Go home.

According to a recent poll of various web-based media producers,

content could be hotter, more social, more shareable. “While there is

certainly buzzworthy content out there, some of which is even snackable,

I do think content in general could be more relevant, more bite-size, and

make a stronger brand impression with trending keywords and a more

responsive design,” poll respondent Mark Zeligman told reporters, noting

that the last piece of content he came across was an infographic that

was neither flexible, timely, viral, nor engineered to maximize reader

engagement. “After all, can we honestly say the content that’s out there

right now is as buzzworthy and highly shareable as it could be? Does it

inform, engage, and convert? Is it digestible? Does it both increase

impressions and amplify the brand? I think you’ll find the answer is no.” At

press time, poll respondents reported that when it comes to content, you

gotta start thinking more bullet points, more lists, more visuals, more short-

form, more microcontent. – Feb 3 2014 The Onion

Thank you.

Kristina @Halvorson http://braintraffic.com http://confabevents.com http://contentstrategy.com