GMO powerpoint updated

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of GMO powerpoint updated

Katie Allen

Mrs. Crank 4th

GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism

GMO: A genetically modified organism is an organism

whose genetic material has been altered using genetic

engineering techniques(Source: Wikipedia)

Modified food first showed up in stores in 1995

GMOs labeled in Europe but not in United States-

started 1999

Includes pesticides

Used in modern food processing


Crops such as corn can produce up to 200 bushels

per acre

Variety of product

Much more profitable

Halves the time taken to grow full size crop

Pesticides increase productivity

Plants, especially corn, can be completely altered to

form starch, cellulose, maltodextrin etc.

Plants ripened using ethanol gas

GMOs, especially those processed in a factory, can cause

diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and other ailments

Lack of nutritional value

Often contain chemicals such as BT toxin(designed to kill insects)

Very little testing has been done and the only funding given is to

tests with positive results

Pesticides cause chemical poisoning

“RoundUp” pesticide by Monsanto linked with sterility, hormone

disruption, birth defects, and cancer.



Type of food American adults prefer

Prefer Organics

Prefer Non-Organics

No preference

Organics are expensive

Limited supply of organic products

Some people don’t know anything about food


Some people just don’t care or they’re lazy.

Over 78% of products in the average American

supermarkets are genetically modified foods,

so they can be really difficult to find.

1.61 LBS FOR $4.06 1.76 LBS FOR $3.17

Healthier America

Less obesity, food-

related diseases, etc.

Increased awareness

of surroundings

Less pollution in the


Real food!!!!!

Air pollution

Large amount of

petroleum used

Land could become


MAJOR hit on the


Food industry

becomes more

domestic than global

Sales of GMOs will have declined

Organics are very popular

Pressure on organic farms

Fewer “commodity” crops available

because of high demand

High prices on food

Healthier overall population

Lower obesity rates

They’re grown naturally and they’re

better for you. When it comes to food,

cheaper definitely doesn’t mean better.

Organic products cost more to produce.

(Isn’t that messed up how unnatural things that

haven’t even existed for very long are less

expensive than crops grown naturally?)

Buy more organic products. Even just one or two can create

a huge impact. Supply and demand, people. We are what

makes a store successful.

Purchase from local markets. Food that has just been

harvested contains more nutrients than food that has been

refrigerated, shipped, and processed.

Try not to eat as much processed food. It really is bad for

you. Treat your body like a home. If you want a home to last

for a while, you’d build it on a strong foundation. Same thing

with your body. Nutrition is your foundation.