December 2015 vol 3 -Issue...

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Transcript of December 2015 vol 3 -Issue...


December 2015 vol 3 -Issue 3


Familja Lasalljana S. Gwann Battista de la Salle Fundatur

Signum Fidei Hajja ta' Xhieda ta' Fidi


1. Speak as little as possible about yourself.

2. Keep busy with your own affairs and not those of others.

3. Avoid curiosity.

4. Do not interfere in the affairs of others.

5. Accept small irritations with good humour.

6. Do not dwell on the faults of others.

7. Accept censures even if unmerited.

8. Give in to the will of others.

9. Accept insults and injuries. 10. Accept contempt, being forgotten and disregarded.

11. Be courteous and delicate even when provoked by someone.

12. Do not seek to be admired and loved.

13. Do not protect yourself behind your own dignity.

14. Give in, in discussions, even when you are right.

15. Choose always the more difficult task.

Intenzjonijiet tal-Papa u tal-lsqfijiet tagħna għal dan ix-xahar:

Biex ilkoll inġarrbu l-ħniena ta' Alla, li qatt ma jgħeja jaħfer. Biex il-familji, l-aktar dawk li qed isofru, jsibu fit-twelid ta' Ġesu sinjal ta' tama zgura.

Sabiex fil-ħidma pastorali tagħha l-Knisja toffri liz-żgħażagħ skopijiet ġodda ta' ħajja u tama.

Dati important! għax-xahar ta' Diċembru :

8 ta' Diċembru: It-Tnissil bla Tebgħa ta' Marija 15 ta' Diċembru: Tibda n-Novena tal-Bambin Ġesu’ 25 ta' Diċembru: Twelid ta' Sidna Ġesu’ Kristu 26 ta' Diċembru: San Stiefnu l-ewwel Martri. 27ta' Diċembru: Familja Mqaddsa ta' Ġesu’, Marija u Ġuzeppi


Talba tal-Papa Franġisku għall-

Ġublew tal-Ħniena


Mulej Ġesu Kristu, int li għallimtna nħennu bħalma ħanin hu Missierna tas-Sema, u

għidtilna li min jara lilek jara lilu: urina wiċċek u nkunu salvi.

Ħarstek mimlija mħabba ħelset lil Żakkew u 'I Mattew mill-jasar tal-flus;

lill-adultera u l-Maddalena milli jqiegħdu l-ferħ tagħhom biss fi ħlejqa;

bikkiet lil Pietru wara t-tradiment, u wiegħdet il-Ġenna lill-ħalliel niedem.

Agħmel li kull wieħed u waħda minna jisma' tingħad lilu dik il-kelma li int lissint lis-

Samaritana: Kieku kont taf id-don ta' Alla!

Int il-wiċċ li jidher tal-Missier li ma jidhirx,

ta' Alia li juri s-setgħta tiegħu fuq kollox bil-maħfra u l-ħniena:

agħmel li l-Knisja tkun fid-dinja l-wicc tiegħek li jidher,

int li int il-Mulej tagħha, rebbieħ fuq il-mewt u glorjuż.

Int ridt li l-ministri tiegħek ikunu huma wkoll imlibbsa bid-djgħufija biex jistgħu jħossu

għal dawk li qegħdin fl-injoranza u l-iżball; agħmel li kull min jersaq lejn wieħed

minnhom iħossu milqugħ, maħbub u matħfur minn Alla.

Ibgħat l-lspirtu tiegħek u kkonsagrana Ikoll bid-dilka tiegħu biex dan il-Ġublew tal-Ħniena jkun sena ta' grazzja tal-Mulej u l-Knisja tiegħu b'ħeġġa mġedda tista' twassal lill-foqra l-bxara t-tajba, tfħabbar il-ħelsien lill-imjassrin u l-maħqurin, u d-dawl mill-gdid lill-għomja.

Dan nitolbuhulek bl-interċessjoni ta' Marija, Omm il-Ħniena, int li tgħix u ssaltan flimkien mal-Missier u mal-lspirtu s-Santu għal dejjem ta' dejjem. Ammen.

4 5


Spain – The IV Congress of Lasallian Principals,

Barcelona, 18-21 November.

120 Principals of De La Salle establishments meet to work on the model of the Innovatory School They were four days of study and analysis of the current trends and

the most innovatory projects in education.

The Congress was attended by all the Principals and Heads of the District of ARLEP from Spain and Portugal. La Salle Bonanova and the Campus Universitario La Salle (Barcelona) were the chosen locations for this important event when the main lines of action for Lasallian establishments over the coming years were decided.

Based on the title “Widening Horizons”, various people presented their experiences, and there was the opportunity for people to get to know about the most innovatory projects being undertaken in Lasallian schools.

The Congress was an address by Xavier Melgarejo, Doctor of Education, expert in the Finnish system of education and author of the book Gracias, Finlandia. On the 19th, “horizons were opened” by visits to schools in Barcelona such as Claret, Costa i Llobera, Súnion, Jesuitas del Clot, Virolai and La Salle Bonanova.

On the third day, the emphasis was on good practiceas found in the schools of the District.


What is Advent? Justin Holcomb

What Is Advent? For Christians the Advent season focuses on expectation; an anticipation of Christ’s birth on Christmas Day. This is part of the story, but there’s more to Advent.

Advent Today Today, the Advent season lasts for four Sundays leading up to Christmas. At that time, the new Christian year begins with the twelve-day celebration of Christmastide, which lasts from Christmas Eve until Epiphany on January 6. Advent symbolizes the present situation of the church in these “last days” as God’s people wait for the return of Christ in glory to consummate his eternal kingdom. The church is in a similar situation to Israel at the end of the Old Testament: in exile, waiting and hoping in prayerful expectation for the coming of the Messiah. In this light, the Advent hymn “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” perfectly represents the church’s cry during the Advent season: O come, O come, Emmanuel, And ransom captive Israel,

Each week of advert has a theme:

Week One – HOPE


Week Three – JOY

Week Four - LOVE