GLOSSARY - Superfund Records CollectionsGLOSSARY * Annular Space The space between the well casing...

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Transcript of GLOSSARY - Superfund Records CollectionsGLOSSARY * Annular Space The space between the well casing...




Annular SpaceThe space between the well casing and protective casing. (Some wells havetwo casings and a protective casing.)

APSRAquaPak Shipping and Receiving Report. The system used to track theshipment of AquaPaks and sample bottles to, and AquaPaks containingsamples from, a site.

AquaPakThe specialized container used to store and ship samples and sample bottlesto and from a site. The EML provides AquaPaks, which contain bottleholders, sampling bottles, paperwork and preservatives for each samplingevent.

AquiferA geologic formation, group of formations, or part of a formation that issaturated, and contributes a significant quantity of water to wells orsprings.

BailerA hollow tube with a check valve constructed of PVC, teflon, or stainlesssteel. Used to remove water from a well.

Bladder PumpA gas-driven, positive-displacement purging and sampling devicecontaining an internal flexible teflon bladder (with upper and lower checkvalves) that can pump water with no air contact and minimum turbulence.

Bottle SetAn eight-character alphanumeric sample identifier. For a sample taken at agiven well, there is one designation number, and a different bottle set letterfor each bottle. Example: AB2387-LO

CasingTubular steel, finished in sections with either threaded connections orbevelled edges to be field welded, which is installed to counteract caving ofthe drilled hole.


The static volume of water in a casing (if required, use well bore volume)before it is purged. Calculated using the following equation: Casingvolume (gallons) = (irr h) x 7.48, where r = radius of the well casing infeet and h = height of the water column in the well in feet.

Chain-of-CustodyA record of possession maintained for each sample bottle. Used todocument where and in whose possession a sample was, from the time ofcollection through analysis.

Conductivity StandardSolution having a known conductance, prepared per "Standard Methods forthe Examination of Water and Waste water," 17th edition, and/or QA/QCManual.

Contaminent-free AreaArea not known to contain volatile organic contamination over therequired reporting limit levels as measured in the trip blank.

Dedicated EquipmentEquipment dedicated for use with only one specific well. It is usuallystored within the well.

Deionized Water or Laboratory Reagent Quality WaterWater that has passed through a column containing both anion- and cation-exchange resins. Water having no concentrations of analytes of interestabove the required reporting limits reference: ASTM III or equivalent.

Depth to Water MeterAn electronic probe that, on contact with water, registers a response. Usedto determine the distance from the top of a well to the water.

Distilled WaterWater that has been boiled and the steam condensed. The condensate isdistilled water.

EMLTSEnvironmental Monitoring Laboratories Information System. The systemincorporating all of EML's computerized modules.


ENSEvent Nptification System. The system the EML uses to track anddocument all phases of a sampling event. A separate ENS number is usedfor each part of the event requiring different analyses.

Field BlankA blank used to check for analyte contamination during the sampling andshipping processes. A portion of this water is poured into a sample bottleand analyzed as an actual sample, to determine whether any contaminationis present.

Field Information FormThe form used to track field observations and measurements, such aspurging information, equipment used, and all pertinent comments relatingto a sampling event.

Groundwater ElevationThe difference between the depth of well water and Mean Sea Level.(MSL)

HeadspaceAir in a sample bottle. Generally, air trapped between the water and bottlesurfaces.

LIMSLaboratory Information Management System. The electronic data systemthe EML uses to process and store data.

LockMarine lock made of brass stainless steel, used to ensure a sampling wellremains secure when company (or designated) personnel are not takingsamples.

MeniscusIn a container filled with liquid, the curved upper surface of the liquid.

MPSMonitoring Program System. The system the EML uses to define specificsampling and analysis information for a site, including sampling points,sampling frequency, sampling dates, reporting requirements, and analytes.

MSLMean Sea Level.


ypndedicated EquipmentSampling equipment used to sample more than one sampling point.(Dedicated sampling equipment is preferred.)

NPDESNational Pollution Discharge Elimination System.

PAP B-810The section of WMI's Policies and Procedures Manual defining corporategroundwater monitoring policies. The EML, along with WMNA, CWMand Corporate EMD is responsible for maintaining this document andrevising it as necessary.

pH BufferA solution of known pH, used to calibrate a pH meter before using themeter.

pH MeterThe analytical equipment used to measure the pH of a liquid.

PreservativesChemical solutions added to a sample to help prevent the degradation ofanalytes between the time of sampling and analysis.

Private WellsA well located on private property. These are often drinking-water wells,located on property not belonging to WMI or any governmental body.

Program ManagerThe person responsible for setting up monitoring programs, ensuringcorrect sampling procedures are followed, and reviewing and assessingmonitoring data.

Protective CasingAn outer steel or iodized aluminum, surrounding a well casing which isused to prevent contaminants from migrating into the well.

PurgeThe removal of 3 to 5 well volumes (as required) of water from a well.This is done before collecting a sample, to ensure' that the sample containsno stagnant water and that it is representative of the aquifer, (i.e. tablemeasurements pH, temperatures, and conductivity, if possible.)


OAQuality Assurance. A program set in place to continually monitor thereliability of a process.

OAPQuality Assurance Plan. A written protocol defining a laboratory's QAand QC requirements.

Quality Control. Definite, required steps for monitoring a process, toensure that the process results are correct.

RCRA;Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

Recharge TimeThe amount of time between the end of purging and the point at which thewell returns to the approximate prepurging level.

Statement of WorkThe system which, along with the APSR system, creates a template for eachsampling event.

Sample CompositeSamples taken over a period of time, which are mixed in equal volumes toform one sample.

Sample I.D.A unique, six-character number used to identify samples. Samples areentered into the EML's LIMS system, along with resultant data. (See bottleset for further clarification.)

Sample MatrixThe major constituent of a sample, (e.g. water, soil, leachate)

Sample PointThe location from which a sample is taken.

G5fl R 3 0 I 6 k 3

Site-Specific Groundwater Monitoring PlanThe plan outlining a site's groundwater monitoring requirements. Eachsite is responsible for developing such a plan which must incorporate allapplicable requlatory requirements and WMI PAPB-810.

Specific ConductanceThe conductivity of water, measured at 25C°.

Static Water LevelThe elevation of, or depth to, water before purging and sampling.

StickupThe height of a well casing, from the top of the casing to its cementfooting.

Trip BlankA blank used to check for volatile organic contamination of samples duringshipment. When sample bottles are initially prepared for shipment, one iscompletely filled with deionized water. This bottle remains with the otherbottles during the shipment and sampling steps. The sample is thenanalyzed as if it were an actual sample.

TSCA;Toxic Substances Control Act





Facility/Site Codes: Available through EML

Matrix Codes: W - WaterS -SoilC - LeachateX - Other

Source Codes: W - WellD - Dewatering/Pressure ReliefI - Surface Water ImpoundmentC - Leachate System .M - Gas CondensateA - AirP - Pretreatment FacilityU - Influent

' T - EffluentR - River/Stream/BrookL - Lake or OceanO - Outfall,S -SoilB - Bottom SedimentN - NoiseG - Generation PointX - Other




Temperature 0.566(°F) - 17.8 = °C

OTJ O(~* Op O/~< Op O/-i

40.0 4.44 51.0 10.6 , 61.0 16.141.0 5.00 52.0 11.1 62.0 16.742.0 5.56 53.0 11.7 63.0 17.243.0 6.11 54.0 12.2 64.0 17.844.0 6.67 55.0 12.8 65.0 18.345.0 7.22 56.0 13.3 66.0 18.946.0 7.78 57.0 13.9 67.0 19.447.0 8.33 58.0 14.4 68.0 20.048.0 8.89 59.0 15.0 69.0 20.7 '49.0 9.44 60.0 15.6 70.0 21.150.0 10.0

Length/DepthInches Feet Inches Feet

1 0.08 7 0.582 0.17 8 0.673 0.25 9 0.754 0.33 10 0.835 0.42 11 0.926 0.50 12 1.00

Purge Volumes 1 Casing (or well-bore) Volume (Gallons) = 7tr2h x 7.48

where n = 3.14r = radius of well casing (or well bore) in feeth = height of water column in well in feet

OR For a 1" diameter well casing - 1 casing volume (gal.) = 0.04hFor a 2" diameter well casing - 1 casing volume (gal.) = 0.163hFor a 4" diameter wall casing - 1 casing volume (gal.) = 0.652h



= Km(0.02 (25-Tm) ) + Km

Tm=10 K25 = Km(0.3) + KmTm=ll K25 = Km ( 0.28 ) + Km

Tm=12 K25 = Km ( 0.26 ) + KmTm=13 - K25 = Km ( 0.24 ) + KmTm=14 K25 = Km ( 0.22 ) + KmTm=15 K25 = Km ( 0.20 ) + KmTm=:16 K25 = Km(0.18) + KmTm=17 K25 = Km (0.16)4- Km

Tm=18 K25 = Km(0.14) + KmTm=19 K25 = Km(0.12) + KmTm = 20 K25 = Km(0.10) + KmTm=21 K25 = Km ( 0.08 ) + Km

Tm=22 K25 = Km ( 0.06 ) + Km

Tm=23 K25 = Km ( 0.04 ) + KmTm=24 K25 = Km ( 0.02 ) + Km

= Km(0.00) + Km

NOTE: Km = Conductivity MeasurementTm = Temperature MeasurementK25 = Specific Conductance



Careful sampling techniques must be used to obtain a representative samplefor the analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOAs). As the namesuggests, these compounds will volatilize from the water sample uponexposure to air. Therefore, this exposure time must be minimized.Sample contamination may easily occur if the samples are exposed to asource of volatile organics. Extra quality control procedures are used toavoid this possibility and to detect contamination if it has occurred.

Step 1: Carefully remove teflon septum cap, being careful not to allowthe cap to contact potential contaminants.

NOTE: .Vial must not be opened before sampling. If the vial and/orcap appears defective, call EML. The vial should be openfor a minimum amount of time (no longer than 3minutes).






Step 2: Carefully fill vial with sample until a meniscus (mound ofwater) forms on top. Avoid shaking or agitating thesample, as this may cause volatiles to vaporize.


Step 3: Carefully replace the septum and cap on the meniscus. Thiswill force a small amount of water off the top. Check thesample for air bubbles. If bubbles are present, remove thecap, top off the sample, and repeat Step 3. (generally to amaximum of 3 times.)





A R 3 G I 6 5 0

» Field Information Form Checklist.1) Purge date Must be complete and correct_2) Start purge Must be complete and correct (24-hour clock)._3) Elapsed hours' Must reflect in tenth of hours the time from start

of purge to the end of purge._4) Casing volume Actual volume present in well casing before purge

in nearest 1/2 gallons..5) Volume purged The actual number of gallons to nearest 1/2

gallon of volume of water purged.6) Purging and sampling equipment

Purging:Is equipment dedicated, what type of pump or device isit, what is the tubing constructed of?

Sampling:Is this equipment dedicated, what type of device orpump, what materials is it constructed of?

Filtering Devices:Indicate type of device used in-line cartridge, pressure,vacuum (peristaltic pump).

7) Field measurementsWell Elevation:

Must be recorded to two places to right, must be * incomment section as to its origin.

Depth to Water:Recorded in feet, must be recorded to two places to theright.

Groundwater Elevation:Must be complete, correct and recorded to two places tothe right.

Well Depth:Must be correct, complete to two places to the right..An asterisk notation (*) should be recorded in commentsas to the origin of this entry.

pH/SC Temperature:Must be recorded to 3 significant figures. SC must beread at 25°C or temperature compensated.

8) Field CommentsSample Appearance:

Should be descriptive, complete, and accurate. Noteappearance(physical), odor, color outlook.

Weather Conditions:Wind speed, direction, precipitation, outlook.

Other Comments:All sources of * information, purge conversions,duplicate field readings.

Sampler Certification:Must be dated, complete, neat, printed employer, andsigned.

A6 ^r L&R301651

Information on Chain-of-Custodv Checklist

.1) Sample Point Source code first then designation. Must becorrect I.D. Designation must be legible andcorrect.

_2) Sample Date Must be correct and complete.

_3) Sample Time Must be correct and complete (24 hr. clock).

_4) Filtering Information Should be circled and agree withS.O.W/bottle information.

_5) ENS Number Must be in agreement with S.O.W. andsample I.D.'s.

_6) Chain-of-Custody Chronicle Must sign, date, log AquaPak, condition andseal number.




Field measurements are required in certin areas of the country for threeadditional field parameters: oxidation-reduction potential (Eh), alkalinityand dissolved oxygen. Oxidation reduction potentials (Eh) are useful forpredicting the migration of contaminants in groundwater and surfacewater. Dissolved oxygen is necessary for the survival and growth of manyaquatic organisms. It's absence promotes the production of toxic materialsfrom anaerobic decay of organic matter. Alkalinity is a general indicatorof groundwater quality. It is a quantitative measurement of the ability of asample to react with strong acid to a designated pH.

ASTM procedures for these methods have been included for guidance incompleting the analysis of these field parameters. In addition, a descriptionof a recommended procedure for use of a flow cell has been included forthose sites that want to use this procedure.

Use of a Flow Cell for Field Measurements

Use of a closed flow-through cell in obtaining reliable field measurementshelps minimize such interferences as heating or cooling, turbulence andatmospheric gas exchange. Representativeness of groundwater's pH, Eh,conductivity, dissolved oxygen and temperature measurements may beimproved by use of a flow cell. Fewer chemical and physical changes arethought to occur with the use of a flow cell.


1. The pump outlet is connected to the inlet of the flow cell.

2. Calibrated electrodes are inserted into the flow cell.

3. The pump is turned on and water pumped through into a containerwhere calibrating solutions and buffers are submerged to allow them toreach sample water temperature. These solutions should be +/- 10degrees of the sample temperature.

4. After temperature equilibrium has been achieved, the electrodes shall be -"recalibrated.



5. Flow rate through the cell should not be more than one liter per minuteto prevent inaccurate pH readings caused by static charge effects ofwater moving through small openings.

6. Electrode calibration should be rechecked just before sampling.

7. The pump should be shut off, tubing disconnected and the electrodesremoved from the flow cell.

8. The flow cell should be cleaned with distilled water and thenpreparation for sample collection begun.

9. Use of a closed flow cell should be documented on the FieldInformation Form comments section.



This standard is issued under the fixed designation D I498; the number immediately following the designation indicates theyear or original adoption or. in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of lastreapprovaL A superscript epsilon (c) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

•' Nort New Section 7.9 was editorially added in December IVX2.

1. Scope tiai" used in this method is defined in accord-1.1 This practice covers the apparatus and ance with Definitions D 1129 as follows:

procedure for the electrometric measurement 4-1-1 oxidation-reduction potential—theelec-of oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) in wa- tromotive force developed by a noble metalter. It does not deal with the manner in which electrode immersed in the water, referred to thethe solutions are prepared, the theoretical in- standard hydrogen electrode.terpretation of the oxidation-reduction poten- 4.1.2 The oxidation-reduction potentialtiai. or the establishment of a standard oxida- (ORP) of a process solution can be describedtion-reduction potential for any given system, as the millivolt signal, £m, produced when aThe practice described has been designed for noble metal electrode and a reference electrodethe routine and process measurement of oxi- are placed in water. The millivolt signal pro-daiion-reduction potential. duccd can be represented as follows:

RT2. Applicable Documents £- - £° + 2.3 — log /*.„//!

2.1 A STM Standards: where:D 1129 Definitions of Terms Relating to Wa- £m « ORP,~ Le, „ .,- -, £° ~ constant that depends on the^ 1 J?n !Pecificationcfor RfaSe"t/ WajcH choice of reference electrodes.D 3370 Practices for Sampling WateH F m Faraday ^

ic. , „ R — gas constant,3. Summary of Pract.ce. r -absolute temperature, 'C +

3.1 This is a practice designed to measure the 273.15,ORP which is defined as the electromotive „ « number of electrons involvedforce between a noble metal electrode and a in process reaction, andreference electrode when immersed in a solu- ^ox and A^ - activities of the reactants in thetion. The practice describes the electronic available to make the measurementand describes how to determine the sensitivity 4.2 For definitions of other items used inof the electrodes as well as the calibration of this method, refer to Definitions D to solutions having a known poten- _________tiai. The ORP electrodes are inert and measurethe ratio of the activities of the oxidized to the '™s £?«*« is" thejurisdiaion of ASTM Committee, , . . , . D-19 on Water and is the direct responsibility of Subcommitteereduced species in the process reactions. D19.09 on Saline and Brackish Water.

Current edition approved Sept. 24, 1976. Published Novem-4 Definition* t*r 1976. Originally published as D 1498-57 T. Last previous' A , ni. edition D 1498 - 59 (1970).4.1 The term "oxidation-reduction poten- * Annual Book of ASTM standards. Voi n.oi.


•((UP U 1498

5. Interferences These instruments are generally much mor>5.1 The ORP ele'ctrodes reliably measured .nigged than those which are used for ver

ORP in nearly all aqueous solutions and in accurate measurements in the laboratory. Usu"general are not subject to solution interference ally, these more rugged instruments productfrom color, turbidity, colloidal matter, and sus- results that are somewhat less accurate ancpended matter. precise than those obtained from laboratory5.2 The ORP of an aqueous solution is sen- instruments. The characteristics of three typ-l

sitive to change in temperature of the solution, of process ORP analyzers are presented in Ta-but temperature correction is rarely done due W« 2. Each of these analyzers is satisfactory fo,to its minimal effect and complex reactions, process ORP measurements. The choice of ana-Temperature corrections are usually applied tyzer « generally based on how closely theonly when it is desired to relate the ORP to the characteristics of the analyzer match the re-activity of an ion in the solutions. quirements of the application. Typical factors5.3 The ORP of an aqueous solution is sen- which may be considered include, for example,

sitive to pH variations when the oxidation-re- &« types of signals which the analyzer canduction reaction involves either hydrogen or produce to drive external devices, and the spanhydroxyl ions. The ORP generally tends to ranges available.increase with an increase in hydrogen ions and 6-1-2 F°r remote ORP measurements the po-to decrease with an increase in hydroxyl ions tential generated can be transmitted to an ex-during such reactions. ternal indicating meter. Special shielded cable5.4 Reproducible oxidation-reduction po- is required to transmit the signal.

tentials cannot be obtained for chemical sys- 6.2 Reference Electrode—A calomel, silver-terns that are not reversible. The measurement silver chloride, or other reference electrode ofof end point potential in oxidation-reduction constant potential shall be used. If a saturatedtitration is sometimes of this type. calomel electrode is used, some potassium chlo-5.5 If the metallic portion of the ORP elec- ride crystals shall be contained in the saturated

trode is sponge-like, materials absorbed from potassium chloride solution. If the referencesolutions may not be washed away, even by electrode is of the flowing junction type, therepeated rinsings. In such cases, the electrode design of the electrode shall allow for eachmay exhibit a memory effect, particularly if it measurement a fresh liquid junction to beis desired to detect a relatively low concentra- formed between the solution of potassium chlo-tion of a particular species immediately after a ride and the standard or the test solution. The .measurement has been made in a relatively electrode design shall also allow traces of so-concentrated solution. A brightly polished lulion to be washed from the outer surfaces ofmetal electrode surface is required for accurate the electrodes. To ensure the desired slow out-measurements. ward flow of the reference-electrode solution,5.6 The ORP resulting from interactions the solution pressure inside the liquid junction

among several chemical systems present in should be somewhat in excess of that outsidemixed solutions may not be assignable to any the junction. In nonpressurized applicationssingle chemical this requirement can be met by maintaining the

inside solution level higher than the outside6. Apparatus solution level If the reference electrode is of6.1 Meter— Most laboratory pH meters can the mm/lowing junction type, these outward

be used for measurements of ORP by substi- flow and pressurization considerations shall nottution of .an appropriate set of electrodes and apply. The reference electrode and junctionmeter scale. The characteristics of a variety of shall perform satisfactorily as required in thelaboratory meters are shown in Table 1. The procedure for checking sensitivity described inchoice will depend on the accuracy desired in Section 9.the determination. 6.3 Oxidation-Reduction Electrode—A noble6.1.1 Most process pH meters can be used metal is used in the construction of oxidation-

for measurement of ORP by substitution of an reduction electrodes. The most common metalsappropriate set of electrodes and meter scale, employed are: platinum, gold, and silver. It is

A9-2 SR30I656

important to select a metal that is not attacked acid (H2SO4, sp gr 1.84).by the test solution. The construction of the 7.6 Detergent—Use any commerciallyelectrode shall be such that only the noble available "low-suds" liquid or solid detergent.metal comes in contact with the test solution. 7.7 Nitric Acid (I + I)—Mix equal volumesThe area of the noble metal in contact with the of concentrated nitric acid (HNO3, sp gr ""test solution should be approximately 1 cm2. and water.6.4 Electrode Assembly—A. conventional 7.8 Redox Standard Solution; Ferrous-Ferric

electrode holder or support can be employed Reference Solution*—Dissolve 39.21 g of fer-for laboratory measurements. Many different rous ammonium sulfate (Fe(NH4)2-(SO4)2-styles of electrode holders are suitable for var- 6H2O), 48.22 g of ferric ammonium sulfateious process applications such as measurements (FeNH4(SO4)2'12H2O) and 56.2 mLofsulfuricin an open tank, process pipe line, pressure acid (H2SO4, sp gr 1.84) in water and dilute tovessel, or a high pressure sample line. 1 L. It is necessary to prepare the solution using

reagent grade chemicals that have an assay7. Reagents and Materials confining them to be within 1 % of the nominal7.1 Purity of Reagents—Reagent grade composition. The solution should be stored in

chemicals shall be used in all tests. Unless a closed glass or plastic container.otherwise indicated, it is intended that all re- 7.8.1 The ferrous-ferric reference solution isagents shall conform to the specifications of the a reasonably stable solution with a measurableCommittee on Analytical Reagents of the oxidation - reduction potential. Table 4 pre-American Chemical Society.3 Other grades sents the potential of the platinum electrode formay be used, provided it is first ascertained various reference electrodes at 25°C in thethat the reagent is of sufficiently high purity to standard ferrous-ferric solution.permit its use without lessening the accuracy of 7.9 Redox Reference Quinhydrone Solu-the determination. tions—Mix I L of pH 4 buffer solution, see7.2 Purity of Water—Unless otherwise indi- 7.4.1, with 10 g of quinhydrone. Mix 1 L of pH

cated, reference to water shall be understood to 7 buffer solution, see 7.4.2, with 10 g of qmean reagent water conforming to Specifica- hydrone. Be sure that excess quinhyctions D 1193, Type II. used in each solution so that solid crystals are7.3 Aqua Regia—Mix 1 volume of concen- always present. These reference solutions are

trated nitric acid (HNO3, sp gr 1.42) with 3 stable for only 8 h. Table 5 lists the nominalvolumes of concentrated hydrochloric acid millivolt redox readings for the quinhydrone(HCl, sp gr 1.18). It is recommended that only reference solutions at temperatures of 20°C,enough solution be prepared for immediate 25°C, and 30°C.requirements.7.4 Buffer Standard Salts—Table 3 lists the 8. Sampling

buffer salts available from the National Bureau 8.1 Collect the samples in accordance withof Standards specifically for the preparation of Practices D 3370.standard buffer solutions. The NBS includednumbers and drying procedures. 9. Preparation7.4.1 Phthalate Reference Buffer Solution 9.1 Electrode Treatment—Condition and

<pH, - 4.00 at 25°C)—Dissolve 10.12 g of maintain ORP electrodes as recommended bypotassium hydrogen phthalate (KHCsHuOO in the manufacturer. If the assembly is in inter-*ater and dilute to 1 L. mittent use, the immersible ends of the elec-7.4.2 Phosphate Reference Buffer Solution

'PH, « 6.86 at 25°C)—Dissolve 3.39 g of po- ——————tassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4) and * "Reagent Chemicals, American Chemical Society Spec-3-53 g Of anhydrous disodium hydrogen ohos- ificatiom," Am. Chem. Soc, Washington, D. C. For sugges-nK-. /~».T TTiC-x v • j J-, ,,, tions on the testing of reagents not listed by the AmericanPnate (Na2HPO4) in water and dilute to 1 L. Chemical Society, lee "Rclgent Chemicals and Standai

Chromic Add Cleaning Solution—Dis- by Joseph Rosin, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., New "'* „ «f n/ttoceium ^i^K^mo». N- Y- "^ "™c United States Pharmacopeia."5 g Of OOtaSSlUm dlChromate « "Standard Solution for Redox Potential Measurements;

in 500 mL of concentrated sulfuric Analytical Chemistry, Vol 44, 1972, p. 1038.

A9-3 B D '-! f' I ft F> 7

O 1498

trode should be kept in water between mea- the electrodes are sensitive and operaticsure men is. Cover the junctions and fill-holes of properly. If the ORP increases sharply whereference electrodes to reduce evaporation dur- the caustic is added, the polarity is rcvers6ing prolonged storage. and must be corrected in accordance with th,9.2 ORP Electrode Cleaning—Remove manufacturer's instructions. If the ORP doe.

traces of foreign matter. Immerse the oxidation- not respond as above when the caustic is addedreduction electrode in warm aqua regia (70°C) the electrodes should be cleaned as describeeand allow to stand for a period of about I min. in 9.2 and the above procedure repeated.This solution dissolves the noble metal as well 10.3 Checking Response Electrodes to thias any foreign matter so that the electrode Standard Redox Solutions (see 7.8 and 7.9)_should not be allowed to stand in U longer than Wash the metal and reference electrode andthe time specified. The above treatment in aqua the sample cup or container with three changesregia may also be used cautiously to recondi- of water or by means of a flowing stream fromtion an electrode that has become unreliable in a wash bottle. Fill the sample container withits operation. It is also possible to clean the fresh redox standard solution and .immerse theelectrode in HNOi (I 4- I). Warm the solution electrodes. Turn the range switch to the properand electrode gradually to boiling. Maintain it range and engage the operating button. Adjustjust below the boiling point for about 5 min the asymmetry control to the millivolt potentialand then allow the solution and electrode to of the standard redox solution. Without chang-cool. Wash the electrode in water several times, ing the setting of the asymmetry potential knob,It is desirable to clean the electrode daily. An repeat the above procedure until two successivealternative cleaning procedure is to immerse . instrument readings are constant. The readingsthe electrode at room temperature in chromic should not differ from the millivolt value of theacid cleaning mixture and then rinse first with standard redox solution by more than 10 raV.dilute hydrochloric acid and then thoroughly 10.3.1 It usually suffices to check the sensi-with water. Preliminary cleaning with a deter- tivity of the electrodes since the important fea-gent sometimes is desirable to remove oily res- ture is the change of potential as related to theidues. A mild abrasive can be used to remove concentration of the oxidant or reductant pres-some paniculate matter. In these cleaning op- ent. The actual numerical value of the potentialerations particular care must be exercised to will vary depending on the constituents presentprotect the glass-metal seals from sudden in the water.changes of temperature, which might crack 10.4 Indirect Calibration and Standardize'them. tion:

10.4.1 Employ this procedure when it is not10. Calibration and Standardization convenient or practical to remove the electrodes

10.1 Before using electronic type meters, from the flowing stream or container in whichturn them on and allow them to warm up the ORP is being determined. Use of a labo-thoroughly. Bring them to electrical balance by ratory ORP meter or an additional analyzer iscarefully following the manufacturer's instruc- required.tions. Set the scale or range to the desired 10.4.2 Verify the sensitivity of the laboratorymillivolt level expected in the test solution. ORP meter or additional process analyzer in10.2 Verify the sensitivity of the electrodes accordance with 10.2.

by noting the change in millivolt reading when 10.4.3 Collect a grab sample that is repre-the pH of the test solution is altered. The ORP sentative of the material that is in contact withwill increase when the pH of the test solution the electrodes of the analyzer that is to bedecreases and the ORP will decrease if the test standardized. If a submersion-style electrodesolution pH is increased. Place the sample in a chamber is in use, collect the sample from theclean glass beaker and agitate the sample. Insert discharge of the chamber. Immediately trans-the electrodes and note the ORP or millivolt port the sample to the laboratory ORP meterreading. Add a small amount of a dilute NaOH or additional process analyzer and measure thesolution and note the value of the ORP. If the ORP. It is absolutely .essential that the sampleORP drops sharply when the caustic is added, be reprejsepfrajivje 6f«i?sSlution in contact with


,l|jj|f> D 1498

the electrodes of the analy/.er being adjusted chemical characteristics of the process material.and that the integrity of the sample be main- Locale the submersion-style electrode chambertained until its ORP has been measured. In so that fresh solution representative of the proc-particular, the temperature of the sample must ess stream or batch continuously passes acrossremain constant. Then adjust the siandardiza- the electrodes. Agitation may be employed "*tion control on the process analyzer being cal- order to make the stream or batch more neaibrated until the reading corresponds to the homogeneous. The ORP value is usually dis-ORP of the sample. Repeat the procedure de- played continuously and can be noted at anyscribed above until two successive readings are specific time. Frequently, the pH value is con-obtained that differ by no more than 10 mV. tinuously recorded, yielding a permanent rec-This procedure cannot be employed if the ORP ord.of the solution being tested is fluctuating bymore than 10 mV at the time of standardiza- 12< Calculationtjon 12.1 If the meter is calibrated in millivolts,10.4.4 The sensitivity of the electrodes can rcad the oxidation-reduction potential directly

also be verified by a determination of the con- from the raeler scale- This ORP potential iscentration of the oxidants or reductants in a related to the reference electrode used in thegrab sample collected in accordance with measurement.10.4.3. It is necessary to determine the condi- I2-2 Calculate the oxidation-reduction po-tions required in each individual system to use tential of lhe samPle- in millivolts, referred tothis method of verifying electrode sensitivity. the hydrogen scale as follows:For example, the chlorine residual determina- £* " £•*« + EMtion can be used to verify the sensitivity of an where:ORP electrode system used to control an alka- EH •• oxidation-reduction potential referredline chlorination-cyanide destruction system. to the hydrogen scale, mV,

£.,/>» — observed oxidation-reduction potential11. Procedure of the nobie metal-reference electn

11.1 After the assembly has been checked employed, mV, andfor sensitivity (10.2) or standardized as de- Eref *= oxidation-reduction potential of the ref-scribed in 10.4, wash the electrodes with three erence electrode as related to the hydro-changes of water or by means of a flowing gen electrode, from a wash bottle. Place lhe sample ina clean glass beaker or sample cup and insert ^ Reportthe elecirodes. Provide adequate agitation 13.1 Report the Oxidation-reduction poten-throughout the measurement period. Read the tiai to the nearest 10 mV, interpolating themillivolt potential of the solution allowing suf- meter scale as required. When considered ap-ficieni time for the system to stabilize. Measure propriate, the temperature at which the mea-successive portions of the sample until readings surement was made, the electrode system em-on two successive portions differ by no more ployed, and the pH at the time of measurement,than 10 mV. A system that is very slow to may also be reported.stabilize probably will not yield a meaningfulORp. 14. Precision and Accuracy

11.2 Continuous Determination of the ORP 14.1 Precision and accuracy of the measure-of Flowing Streams or Batch Systems—Process ment depends largely on the condition of theORP analyzers with their rugged electrodes and electrode system and on the degree to whichelectrode chambers provide continuous mea- the chemical system being measured fits thesurements which are the basis for fully auto- qualifications given in Sections 3 and 5. In themalic control. Make selection of the electrodes absence of substances that coat or poison theand electrode chamber to suit the physical and electrode, the precision is ± 10 mV.



0 1498Table 1 Laboratory ORP Meters



AccuracyRepeatabilityAsymmetry potential


StabilityOutput signal, fullPotentiometric


Type 1

0 - sl400mV



compensator yes

Table 2 ORP Analyzers forType I

200. 500. or 1 000 mV withlower limit between±700 mV

±2 mV/24 hscale:

10.100 mV1.5V4 to 20. 10 to 50 mA

Type 11 Type Hi

0- 21400 mV 0»±1400mVany 200 mV any 140 mV

10 10• 1 1±1 ±0.7±0.5 ±0.2yes yes

Process MeasurementsType 11

0 to 1000 mV 100

±0.06 mV/week sO.


0 to 16. 0 to 20. 4 to 20. 5 4 toto 25. 10 to 50 mA

Type IV^

0 - ±1400 m



Type IIIto 200 mV

1 % of span

20. 10 to 50mA

Table 3 National Bureau of Standards (NBS) Materials for Reference Buffer Solution*NBS Standard Sample


Buffer Salt

disodium hydrogen phosphatepotassium dihydrogen phosphatepotassium hydrogen phthalate

Drying Procedure

2 h in over at 130* C2 h in over at 130* Cdrying not necessary

* The buffer salts listed can be purchased from the Office of Standard Reference Materials. National Bureau ofStandards. Washington. D.C. 20234.

Table 4 Potential of the Platinum Electrode forSeveral Reference Electrodes at 25*C !• FerroM-Ferric

Reference Solution


Reference Electrode

Hg. He, Clt. satd KC1 •Ag, AgCI. LOOM KGAg. AgCI, 4.00 M KC1Ag, AgO, satd KC1Pt, H,(p- 1), H(a -D

5 Nominal ORP of Reference

Potential EMF.mV•1-430+439+475+476+675

Quinfaydronc Solutions

ORP - mVBuffer solution, nominalTemperature, *CReference ElectrodeSilver/silver chlorideCalomelHydrogen





730 20 25 30

258 92 86 79213 47 41 34454 295 285 275




This standard is issued under the fixed designation D I067; the number immediately following the designation indicates theyear of original adoption or. in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year oflastreapprovaL A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.These methods have been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense and for listing in the DoD Index ofSpecifications and Standards

1. Scope the characteristics of the process controls in-I. I These methods2 cover the determination volv«d- While inflection points (rapid changes

of acidity or alkalinity of all types of water. *n PH) are usually preferred for accurate anal-Five methods are given as follows: ysis °f samPle conposition and obtaining the

_ . best precision, the use of an inflection point forSections v , ! • • • / • », t _. . ,.. . , .« process control may result in significant errorsMethod A (Electromelnc Titration) 7 to 15 - u - i . . . . i •Method B (Electrometricor Coior-Change 16 to 24 m chemical treatment or process control inTitration) some applications. When titrating to a selected

Method c (Coior-Comparison Titration) 25 to 32 end mint dictated by practical considerations,M££,g1? (Color-Change Tltration After 33to4° (/)onlyapartoftheactualneutralizingcapac-Method E (Color-Change Titration After 41 to 49 ity of the water may be measured, or (2) thisHydrogen Peroxide Oxidation and Boiling capacity may actually be exceeded in arriving1.2 In all of the methods the hydrogen or at optimum acidity or alkalinity conditions.

hydroxyl ions present in water by virtue of the 1A Scope section is provided in each methoddissociation or hydrolysis of its solutes, or both, as a guide. It is the responsibility of the analystare neutralized by titration with standard alkali to determine the acceptability of these methods(acidity) or acid (alkalinity). Of the five pro- for each matrix.cedures, Method A is the most precise and , . .. ., _.. . j . j i f .2. Applicable Documentsaccurate. It is used to develop an electrometnc KKtitration curve (sometimes referred to as a pH 2-J ASTM Standards:curve), which defines the acidity or alkalinity D 596 Method of Reporting Results of Anal-of the sample and indicates inflection points ysis of Water3and buffering capacity, if any. In addition, the D1I29 Definitions of Terms Relating toacidity or alkalinity can be determined with Water3respect to any pH of particular interest. The D 1192 Specification for Equipment for Sam-oiher four methods are used to determine acid- pl'ng Water and Steam3ity or alkalinity relative to a predesignated endpoint based on the change in color of an inter- —————nal indicator or the equivalent end point mea- ' These methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Com-SUred by a pH meter. They are suitable for mittee O-l 9 on Water and are the responsibility of Subcommit-

.• . i J tee D 19.05 on Inorganic Constituents in Water.routine control purposes. CurTent Hion approved June 25.1982. Published October

1.3 When titrating to a specific end point, 1982. Originally published as D 1067-49. Last previous editionth.C Choice Of end point will require a careful ° i VbSc r edures used in these methods have appearedanalysis Of the titration curve, the effects of any widespread in the technical literature for many years. Only theanticipated Changes in Composition On the ti- particular adaptation of the elecuometric titration appearing as

traiion curve, knowledge ofVhe intended uses g taS £8°" '$ " * * "** ** *°* " "™or disposition of the water, and a knowledge of J Annual Book of ASTM standards, voi 11.01.


lfl|l' D 1067

being determined electrometrically or by the 20.7 Sodium Hydroxide, Standard (0.02color change of an internal indicator. N)— See 11.2, except that the alkali may be

standardized by colorimetric titration as di-18. Interferences rected in Methods E 200 when an indicator is

18.1 Natural color or the formation of a used for sample titration.precipitate while titrating the sample may maskthe color change of an internal indicator. Sus- 21t Procedurepended solids may interfere in electrometric 21.1 Depending on the method of titrationtitrations by making the glass electrode slug- to be used, pipet 100 mL of the sample, ad-gish. Waste materials present in some waters justed, if necessary, to room temperature, intomay interfere chemically with color titrations a 300-mL, tall-form beaker or a 250-mL, nar-by destroying the indicator. Variable results row-mouth Erlenmeyer flask. Hold the tip ofmay be experienced with waters containing the pipet near the bottom of the container whileoxidizing or reducing substances, depending on discharging the sample.the equilibrium conditions and the manner in 21.2 Titrate the aliquot electrometrically towhich the sample is handled. the pH corresponding to the desired end point

(Note 5). When using an indicator, add 0.2 mL19. Apparatus (Note 6) and titrate with 0 02 N acid (for

19. 1 Electrometric pH Measurement Appa- kaiinity) or 0.02 N NaOH solution (for acidity)ratus — See 10.1. ' until a persistent color change is noted (Note

7). Add the standard solution in small incre-20. Reagents ments, swirling the flask vigorously after each20. 1 Bromcresol Green Indicator Solution (1 addition. As the end point is approached, a

g/L) — Dissolve 0. 1 g of bromcresol green in momentary change in color will be noted in2.9 mL of 0.02 N sodium hydroxide (NaOH) that portion of the sample with which the re-solution. Dilute to 100 mL with water. agent first mixes. From that point on, make20.2 Hydrochloric Acid, Standard (0.02 N) dropwise additions.

(Note 1)— See 11.1, except that the acid may NOTE 5— The choice of end point will have beenbe standardized by colorimetric titration as di- made to provide optimum data for the intended user=c«d in Methods E 200 when an indicator is ZffS£St£ ftoTEdlwdS SS'mused lor sample titration. the ones used most frequently; others may be em-20.3 Methyl Orange Indicator Solution (0.5 ployed if it is to the user's advantage. Color change

g/L)— Dissolve 0.05 g of methyl orange in an° endpoint data for indicators fisted herein are.La*., «,«/< ;i,,». t« inn mi presented in Appendix X2 and Table XI.water and dilute to 1 00 mL. r NoTE 6_ A|£r some practice, sliphtly more or less20.4 Methyl Purple Indicator Solution (1 g/ indicator may be preferred. The analyst must use the

L>— Dissolve 0.45 g of dimethyl-aminoazoben- same quantity of phenolphthalein at all times, how-2ene-0<arboxylicacid,sodiumsalt,inaPProx- ?nVd'Simately 300 mL of water. To this solution add NOTE 7— If the sample requires appreciably more0.55 g of a water-soluble blue dye-stuff, Color than 25 mL of 0.02 N. solution for its titration, use *Index No 7 14 6 and dissolve Dilute to 1 Lwith smaller aliquot, or a 0.1 N reagent prepared andmaex INO./14, ana aissoive. uuute to i L witn siand&Td\ztd in the same manner (see Methodswater. This indicator is available commercially E 200).in prepared form.20.5 Methyl Red Indicator Solution (1 g/ 22. Calculation

L)— Dissolve 0.1 g of water-soluble methyl red 22.1 Calculate the acidity or alkalinity, inin water and dilute to 100 mL. milliequivalents per litre, as follows:20.6 Phenolphthalein Indicator Solution (5 g/ Acidit (or aikalinity)t meq/L (epm)

L) — Dissolve 0.5 g of phenolphthalein in 50 ~(AN/B)x 1000mL of ethyl alcohol (95 %) and dilute to 100mL with water. • ___ •

,-;, 11,, A ,,,,,.,4 -,k,,i i u i 'Refers to compounds, bearing such number, as describedrt™ I 1A inrtf^ r °cho COn" in "Color Index," Society of Dyer! and Colourists, Yorkshire,Formula No. 3A or 30 of the U. S. Bureau England (1924). American Cyanamid Company's "Calcocid

°f '!"*,"!?* fflRevenue may be subsmuted for ethyl Blue AX Double" has been found satisfactory for this pur-alcohol (95 %). • pose.

A9-10 SR30I661*

Standard Test Methods forDISSOLVED OXYGEN IN WATER1

This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 888; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or. in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon (<) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

text method* have keen approved Jar use by agencies of the Department of Defense and for listing in the DoD Index ofSpet'ifiraiiiins and Standards.

" NOTE — Editorial changes were made throughout these test methods in April 1 986. ____________ ____


1. Scope pling Water and Steam21 . 1 These test methods cover the determina- D 1 1 93 Specification for Reagent Water2

tion of dissolved oxygen in water. Four test meth- D 2777 Practice for Determination of Preci-ods are given as follows: sion and Bias of Applicable Methods of

Range. mg/L Sections SS™ l9? ^ ,t, u . „ , . . /I „ ,, D 3370 Practices for Sampling Water2Test Method A— Colonmetnc <0.06 8 to 16 r . _ , ..indigo Carmine E 200 Practice for Preparation, Standardiza-Test Method B— Titrimetnc <i.o 1 7 to 24 tion, and Storage of Standard Solutions forProccdurc-Low Level Chemical Analysis2

T«t Method C— Titrimetric >I.O 25 to 3 1Procedure-High Level 3. Terminology

Test Method D— Instrumental 0.05 to 20 32 to 40Probe Procedure 3. 1 For definitions of terms used in these test1.2 Due to instability of samples adequate *«*">*• refer !° Definitions D 1 129

testing has not been carried out to validate Test 3'2 Descriptions of Terms Specific to ThisMethods A and B. The precision of Test Methods Sta™ar<*: -C and D was carried out using a saturated sample 3'2' ™P*™*t™ *J»/«w-thoie mstru-of reagent water. It is the user's responsibility to men,ta! P"*6* which involve the generation ofensure the validity of the test methods for waters an electncal current from which the final mea-cf untested matrices. surement is derived

1.3 This standard mav involve hazardous ma- 3'2'2 strumental probes-devices used totrials, operations, and equipment. This standard Penetrate and examine a system for the purposedoes not purport to address all of the safety prob- of relaying information on its properties or com-lems associated with its use. It is the responsibil- P°SItlon- The *™ Probe 1S used in thls testit v of the user of this standard to establish appro- m«h<? to, *&& thf entire sensor assembly,priate safety and health practices and determine ^eluding electrodes, electrolyte, membrane, ma-the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to ten,a!f f fabncations, etc.use. For a specific precautionary statement, see 3'2'3 Potenttometnc systems-thox mstru-\jote jg mental probes in which an electncal potential is

generated and from which the final measurement2. Referenced Documents is derived.2. 1 ASTM Standards: ' These test metnod$ *•* under *"* jurisdiction of ASTMr* ir\£.t. D - r e ' ro 2 Committee D- 19 on Water and are the direct responsibility ofL> 1000 Practice for Sampling Steam Subcommittee DI9.0S on Inorganic Constituents in Water.D 1 129 Definitions Of Terms Relating tO Wa- Current edition approved Jan. 30, 1981. Published March

f jj 1 98 1 . Originally published as D 888 - 46T. Last previous editionlcr 0888-66(1977).

D 1 192 Specification for Equipment for Sam- 2 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, ved 1 1.01.


fllllP D1067

D 1 193 Specification for Reagent Water1 samples are taken; essentially immediate anaD 1 293 Test Methods for pH of Water1 ysis is desirable for those waste waters contair,D 3370 Practices for Sampling Water3 ing hydrolyzable salts that contain cations LE 200 Practice for Preparation, Standardiza- several oxidation states.tion, and Storage of Standard Solutions for ' METHOD A__ELEcrROMETRIC TITRATIOChemical Analysis3

3. Significance and Use 7* Scopeit A -j-. j H i- • . 7.1 This method is applicable to the deter3.1 Acidity and alkalinity measurements are .-...- f „„•*•. it. r •. r n

used to assist in establishing levels of chemical 5™, f t * o , % 7- f 5 \

cdevelopmt of a titration curve that

me metals, and the r that relative to a particular pH Lof some waters. determined from the curve.4. Definition, ^ Summary of Method4.1 The terms in these methods are defined 0 . — . . ... . * . .,j •.!, r> « ••• n nia 8.1 To develop a titration curve that wil

sented in Appendix XI. lmion a(Jded pk)Ued agaiflst observed pH5. Purity of Reagents values. All pH measurements are made electro-5.1 Reagent grade chemicals shall be used in metncaUy-

all tests. Unless otherwise indicated, it is in- 9. Interferencestended that all reagents shall conform to the n . . . . . .. . ,specifications of the Committee on Analytical ?' ! AItJ°u«h tmatter' "*?*> "fP"*"Reagents of the American Chemical Society, f.«d other waste matenals may in erfercwhefe such specifications are available/ Other wuh,lhe ?H mefuremen'. these ~««"b ma>grades may be used, provided it is first ascer- 0ot * Kmov.ed to mcrease Precision' *"*%Uined thai the reagent is of sufficiently high iOIMflfI» " ™P°«**« component of the aad-purity to permit its use without lessening the ?r f-consuming property of the sample.accuracy of the determination. Suiularly, the development of a preapitatedur-5.2 Unless otherwise indicated, references to " utra"on may fke *f 8lass electrode slu8'

water shall be understood to mean reagent fc h and cause high results.water conforming to Specification D 1 193, JQ. ApparatusType I. In addition, reagent water for this test ,/>,,., . »«* A ~shall be free of carbon dioxide (CO2) and shall 10J Electrometnc pH Measurement App*have a pH between 6.2 and 7.2 at 25«C. A Ef S?8 1° *" re<luirements S*vcn mprocedure for the preparation of carbon diox- MeUlod D I293'ide-free water is given in Methods E 200. \\t Reagents46. Sampling H.I Hydrochloric Acid, Standard (0.02

ification D 1 192 and Practices D 3370. _ ... . ,-..... CM|S,_ _. . . . A ,. , Reagent Chemicals, American Chemical Society Spse-0.2 Tne time interval between sampling and ifjcations." Am. Chemical Soc, Washington, D.C. For

analysis Shall be as short as practically possible gestioos on the testing of reagents not listed by the America*:_ -ii _„— T» :• M.M «» jr. .u_4 .jli u Chemical Society, see "Reagent Chemicals and Staadards,in all cases. It is mandatory that analyses by by Joseph Rosii D. van Rostraad Co.. lac. New YoAMethod A be carried OUt the Same day the N.Y.. and the "United States Pharmacopeia."

A9.8 6R30I662

made elcctrometrically. The inflection point instances the reaction time may be an interval of aesponding to the complete titration of car- f?w seconds while other slower, more complex reac-capv e> V uons may require much longer intervals. It is tmpor-

bomc acid salts will be very close to pH 3.9. lant> thery0?e, that the period be sufficient to allowNOTE I—Sulfuric acid of similar normality may for any significant pH changes, yet consistent with

be used instead of hydrochloric acid. Prepare and good laboratory practices.•undardize in like manner. ._ e — . . .-. .•st*n 12.5 To develop a titration curve,

11.2 Sodium Hydroxide. Standard (0.02 cumulative millilitres of standard#)—Prepare and standardize as directed in added to the sample aliquot against the ob-Methods E 200, except that the titration shall served pH values. The acidity or alkalinitybe made electrometrically. The inflection point relative to a particular pH may be determinedcorresponding to the complete titration of the from the curve.ohthalic acid salt will be very close to pH 8.6. .„ _ . . ,v 13. Calculation11 Procedure 13.1 Calculate the acidity or alkalinity, in12.1 Mount the glass and reference elec- milliequivalents per litre, as follows:

trodes in two of the holes of a clean, threehole Acidity (or alkalinity), meq/L (cpm)rubber stopper chosen to fit a 300-mL, tall- -ANx 10form Berzelius beaker without spout. Place the where:electrodes in the beaker and standardize the 4 . milHlUres of standard acid or alkali re-pH meter, using a reference buffer having a pH quired for the titration, andapproximating that expected for the sample # - normality of the standard solution.(see Method D 1293). Rinse the electrodes, firstwith reagent water, then with a portion of the *4« Reportsample. Following the final rinse, drain the 14.1 Report the results of titrations to spe-beaker and electrodes completely. cific end points as follows: "The acidity (or12.2 Pipet 100 mL of the sample, adjusted, alkalinity) to pH _ at _ °C - _ meq/L

if necessary, to room temperature, into the (epm)."beaker through the third hole in the stopper. 14.2 Appropriate factors for convertinHold the tip of the pipet near the bottom of the liequivalents per litre (epm) to otherbeaker while discharging the sample. given in Method D 596.12.3 Measure the pH of the sample in ac- _ . 5

cordance with Method D 1293. 15* Preclsion12.4 Add either 0.02 N acid or alkali solu- l5-! No statement can be made concerning

tion, as indicated, in increments of 0.5 mL or tne precision of this method because of theless (Note 2). After each addition, mix the transient nature of the equilibria involved andsolution thoroughly. Determine the pH when tnc pronounced variation in the characteristicsthe mixture has reached equilibrium as indi- of different waters.cated by a constant reading (Note 3). Mechan- METHOD B-ELECTROMETRIC ORical stirring, preferably of the magnetic type, is COLOR-CHANGE TITRATIONrequired for this operation; mixing by means of , _a gas stream is not permitted. Continue the »copetitration until the necessary data for the titra- 16.1 This method covers the rapid, routinetion curve have been obtained. control measurement of acidity or alkalinity toNOTE 2—If the sample requires appreciably more predesignated end points of waters that contain

than 25 mL of standard solution for its titration, use no materials that buffer at the end point ora o. i N solution, prepared and standardized in the olner materials that interfere with the titration

wtA curve is by reason of color, precipitation, etc.^ I* SummaryofMethod

incremental addition of titrant, and may contain one 17.1 The sample is titrated with standardor more inflection pouits. Ragged or irregular curves ., „ ,., r, . . . „ .». jmay indicate that equiUbriuniwas not attained before acid or to a designated pH, the endadding succeeding increments. The time required willvary with different waters as the reaction rate con- 3 Possible programs to obtain this important info;slants of different chemical equilibria vary. In some are being considered.

%'lf) 0888

4. Significance and LLsc of inert material to the inlci and extend the tube4.1 Dissolved oxygen is required for the sur- oullct to thc to"0171 of lho P10 k>«Ie. Use

vival and growth of many aquatic organisms, stainless steel. Type 304 or Type 316, or glassincluding fish. The concentration of dissolved Iuhm8 Wlth short ncoprcnc connections. Do noioxygen may also be associated with corrosivity usc copper tubing, long sections of neopreneand photosynthctic activity. The absence of ox- Iubin8- or other types of polymeric materials.ygen may permit anaerobic decay of organic The *mW line sha» contam a suitable coolingmatter and the production of toxic and undesir- C0l! lf tne water ™n& sampled is above roomable esthetic materials in the water. te0TJ?cI?ture-m case co<>1 thc samP|e 16 to

4.2 Dissolved oxygen is detrimental in a I8 c/ Wncn a cooling coil is used, the valve forboiler/steam cycle because its presence may ac- cooling water adjustment shall be at the inlet tocelerate corrosion. Dissolved oxygen concentra- lhc cooling coil and the overflow shall be to ations greater than 10 ug/L are unacceptable in P°jnt of lower elevation. The valve for adjustingmany high pressure boiler systems. The efficiency tne flow of sample shall be at the outlet from theof dissolved oxygen removal from boiler feed- cooling coil. The sample now shall be adjustedwater either by chemical or mechanical means is to a rate that will fill the sampling vessel or vesselsdetermined by measuring the dissolved oxygen '" 4p to 60 s and flow Ion8 enough to provide aconcentration before and after thc removal proc- minimum of ten changes of water in the sampleess. The measurement is also made to check for vessel. If the sampling line is used intermittently,possible air leakage into the boiler system. Hush the sample line and cooling coil adequately

before using.5. Purity of Reagents 6.5 Where samples are collected at varying

5.1 Puriiv of Reagentx—Reagent grade chem- dcPtns from the surface, a special sample bottleicals shall be used in all tests. Unless otherwise holder or weighted sampler with a removable air-indicated, it is intended that all reagents shall lI8hl covcr should be used. This unit may beconform to the specifications of the Committee designed to collect several 250 or 300-mL sam-on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemi- P!CS at the same time. Inlet tubes extending tocal Society, where such specifications are avail- the bottom of each bottle and the water afterable.' Other grades may be used, provided it is Passing through the sample bottle or bottles,first ascertained that the reagent is of sufficiently displaces air from the container. When bubbleshigh purity to permit its use without lessening st°P nsin« from lhe sampler, the unit is filled.the accuracy of the determination. Water temperature is measured in the excess5.2 Reagent grade chemicals, as defined in water In the sampler. .

Methods E 200, shall be used unless otherwise 6-6 For dePths greater than 2 m, use a Kern-indicated. It is intended that all reagents conform merer-type sampler. Bleed the sample from theto this specification. bottom of the sampler through a tube extending5.3 Unless otherwise indicated, reference to to the bottom of a 25° to 30° mL biological

water shall be understood to mean reagent water Oxv8en demand (BOD) bottle. Fill the bottle toconforming to Type II of Specification D 1193. overflowing and prevent turbulence and the for-

mation of bubbles while filling the bottle.6. Sampling6.1 Collect the samples in accordance with

Practice D 1066 and Practices D 3370. '"Reagent Chemicals. American Chemical Society Specifi-,.— , i i r j. , • /-r- cations, Am. Chemical Soc., Washington, DC. For suggestions6.2 For lOW levels of dissolved oxygen (Test on t ng of rta nu not listed by the American Chemical

Method B), Collect the Samples USing apparatus Society, see "Reagent Chemicals and Standards," by Josephsimilar to that shown in FIB I * Rosin- a Van Nosuand Co- Inc- New York- NY, and thesimilar 10 mat snown in rig. I. "United States Pharmacopeia."

6.3 For higher Concentration of dissolved OX- 'McLean sampling tube as modified by the Engineeringygen. Collect the Samples in narrow-mouth glass- Experiment Station, U.S. Navy and by the Heat ExchangeJe> jv i eitv\ t • i- Institute. This figure was editorially revised in February 1951.Stoppered DOttleS Ot 300-mL Capacity, taking care For information on the modification of the sampling tube andto prevent entrainment or solution Of atmos- »« procedure developed ty the Heat Exchange Institute, seeu.-v rtv»/»»« tne PaPcr bv Sebold. J. F.. "An Evaluation of Test Methods forpnenc oxygen. the Qetennjn on Of Dissolved Oxygen in Deaerated Boiler

6.4 With water under pressure, connect a tube Feedwater, Proceedings. ASTM. voi 47.1947. p. 1121.A9.i2 HR30I666


•j. Preservation of Samples 11.2 Sampling Bucket* with an overflow at7.1 Do not delay the determination of dis- least 20 mm above the top of the sampling vessel.

solved oxygen. Samples for Test Method C may ' '-3 Sampling K«*?/5-Nessler-type 60-mLbe preserved 4 to 8 h by adding 0.7 mL of tubes or 300-mL BOD bottles having a raised lipconcentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4, sp gr 1.84) a™und the neck and glass stoppers ground to aand 1.0 mL of sodium azide (NaN3) solution (20 conical lower l'P' or low-level sampling bottlesg/L) to the bottle containing the sample in which for determining low levels of dissolved oxygendissolved oxygen is to be determined. Biological see *•*''activity will be inhibited and the dissolved oxygen \i Reagentsretained by storing at the temperature of collec- * , Standards. Stock Solutions'.tion or by water sealing (inverting bottle in water) ,. , , _ , „ . „ , , ... „„ . _.and maintaining at a temperature of 10 to 2Q-C / 2' ! ' ' £* "*? **"*»* "* 'iComplete the determination as soon as possible, *59£ C° °™ ?o n I oow Tusing the appropriate procedure for detenriimng foCU O) in sufficient HC1 (1 + 99) to makethe concentration of dissolved oxygen. ' , _ ., „ -. 0 . , ., ,,„ _12.1.2 Yellow Color Standard, No CS-B —TEST METHOD A— COLORIMETRIC INDIGO Dissolve 45.05 g of ferric chloride hexahydrate

CARMINE (FeClj • 6H2O) in sufficient HC1 ( 1 + 99) to make1 L.

8- Sc°P« 1 2. 1 .3 Blue Color Standard. No. CS-C— Dis-8.1 This test method is applicable to water solve 62.45 g of cupric sulfate pentahydrate

comaining less than 60 u£/L of dissolved oxygen, (CuSO4-5H2O) in sufficient HC1 (I +99) tosuch as steam condensate and deaerated boiler make 1 L.feedwater only. It is the user's responsibility to Store all stock solutions in dark-col-ensure the validity of this test method for waters ored bottles to prevent fading.of untested matrices. 1 2.2 Hydrochloric Acid (sp gr 1 . 1 9) — Concen-8.2 Due to the instability of the samples, ad- trated hydrochloric acid (HC1).

equaie testing has not been carried out to validate 12.3 Hydrochloric Acid (1 + 99) — Mix 1 vol-this test method. ume of concentrated HC1 (sp gr 1.19) with 99

volumes of water.9. Summary of Test Method , 2 .4 indigo Carmine Solution— Dissolve 0. 1 89.1 Dissolved oxygen reacts under alkaline g of 100% indigo carmine and 2.0 g of dextrose

conditions with the indigo carmine solution to (or glucose) in 50 mL of water. Allowance mustproduce a progressive color change from yellow- be made for the purity of the indigo carminegreen through red to blue and blue-green. The when the assay is less than 100 %. Add 750 mLresult of each test can be determined by compar- of glycerin and mix thoroughly. The solution isison of color developed in the sample with color usable for at least 30 days if stored in a refriger-standards made up to represent different concen- ator. The stock solution deteriorates rapidly if(rations of dissolved oxygen. allowed to stand in a lighted room at ambient

temperature in an ordinary reagent bottle.0. Interferences Smaller quantities of the indigo carmine solution1 0.1 Tannin, hydrazine, and sulfite do not may be prepared by proportionately reducing the

interfere in concentrations up to 1 mg/L. Ferric quantity of reagents. The indigo carmine andiron, cyclohexylamine, and morpholine in con- dextrose may be weighed, mixed, and stored incentrations up to 4 mg/L can be tolerated. Fer- capsules or vials for long periods of time as longrous iron wiU produce low results and copper as the mixture remains dry.*'ill cause high results. In samples where ferrous 12.5 Indigo Carmine-Potassium Hydroxideiron and copper are present, their combined in- Reagent — In a small bottle mix 4 parts by vol-|crference is frequently zero. Nitrate is a possible ume of indigo carmine solution with 1 part ofinterference. . the potassium hydroxide solution. Stopper and.. invert several times until mixture is complete.i - Apparatus AIlow the reagent tp siandjundisturbed until the11.1 Buret, 25 or 50-mL. initial red :p|61 Siarr erto lemon yellow. Keep


D 888

in a dark cool place. Prepare a fresh solution "cool" white fluorescent lamp for illumination.daily. - A better color match may be obtained by USJD.

12.6 Potassium Hydroxide Solution (530 g/ a three-lamp fixture containing two "deluxeL)—Dissolve 530 g of potassium hydroxide white" and one "daylite" fluorescent lamps whj,(KOH) in water and dilute to I L. an opal glass beneath the sample tubes or bottle*

Match colors as soon as possible after mixing tbc13. Sampling reagent and sample, since the colors are not stable

13.1 Place a scrupulously clean sampling ves- JOT more than 30 min and air leakage may causesel in the sampling bucket and collect the sample *a change in color.under water, following the precautions in 6.4 and 15.2 The test method used should be stated6.5. Adjust the sample flow to between 500 and when reporting results.1000 mL/min, when using 300-mL bottles, or100 to 200-mL/min when using 60-mL sample I6< r™1*10* •** Bia*tubes. Spin the sample vessel-several times to 16.1 The overall precision and bias of this testdislodge air bubbles or film adhering to the glass method cannot be determined by round-robinwall. Allow the sample to continue overflowing testing because of the instability of shipped so-from the vessel for several more minutes. lutions. The single-operator precision of this tea

method may be expressed as follows:14. Calibration & . Q OS2X + 0.7

14.1 Prepare a series of color standards as where:listed in Table 1. Place the amounts of stock So m single-operator precision, andsolutions listed in Table I in 300-mL borosilicate X » concentration of dissolved oxygen deter-glass-stoppered reagent bottles. Add 3.0 mL of mined, ug/L.HO (sp gr 1.19) to e ch and dilute to the neck 16.2 Due to the instability of samples ade-of the bottle with water. Stopper with plastic or quate testing has not been carried out to validatelightly lubricated glass stoppers and mix by in- this test method.version. Store in a dark place to minimize fading 16.3 Supporting data on file as RR: D19-1070of colors. at ASTM headquarters do not include inform*_ _ , tion on number of replicates and concentrationIS. Procedure ,eve,s15.1 Mount the buret directly above the sam-

pling vessel neck so that the buret tip dips intothe overflowing sample to a depth of 10 to 15mm. Fill the buret with indigo carmine-potas- 17. Scopesium hydroxide reagent to about 1 mL above the j 7. j xhjs test method is applicable to waterzero marie. Drain the buret to the zero mark into containing less than 1000 ug/L of dissolved ox-the overflowing sample, and allow the sample to ygen such & in g ^ condensate, boiler feed-flush for I min longer. Remove the sample tubing wteT and industrial water. It is the user's respon-gently from the sampling vessel so as not to sfy to ensure me validity of the test methodintroduce air bubbles. Do not remove the sample for v ers of untested matrices.bottle or tube from the sample bucket Quickly |7.2 Due to the instability of samples ade-introduce 0.8 mL of indigo carmine-potassium quate testing has not been carried out to validatehydroxide reagent from the buret into the sample this test method.if a 60-mL Nessler-type tube is used. If a BODbottle is used, add 4 mL of the reagent Raise the 18- Summary of Test Methodburet above the sample vessel and immediately 18.1 The sample is collected in a tube of spe-stopper the vessel firmly with a rinsed glass stop- cial design. Free iodine is liberated in an amountper, being careful to exclude air bubbles. Invert equivalent to the oxygen originally dissolved inthe vessel several times to mix. A color indicative the sample. The iodine is: (/) titrated with phen-of the dissolved oxygen concentration will de- ylarsine oxide or sodium thiosulfate potentio-velop. Place the sample vessel on a white surface metrically, the end point being the maximumand match its color with the previously prepared change in voltage per unit of titrant added or (2)standards by viewing them at a 45* angle using a (see Note I) .using starch indicator.

A9-14 '

D 888

19. Interferences dium iodide (Nal) or 150 g of potassium iodide19.1 Careful preparation of the iodized alka- <KI) in water and dilute to » L- Chemically

line iodide reagent minimizes reducing interfer- equivalent potassium and sodium salts may beences at low levels of dissolved oxygen.5 used interchangeably. The solution should

give a color with starch indicator when dil20. Apparatus and acidified. Store the solution in a dark, rub-20. 1 For Potentiometric Determination: ber-stoppered bottle.20. 1 . 1 Beaker, 800-mL Griffin low-form. 2 1 .2 Iodine Solution (0. 1 A>-Dissolve 6.34620.1.2 Bursts — Three 10 or 25-mL burets g of resublimed iodine in a solution of 75 g of KI

having a stopcock bore not greater than 2 mm in 60 mL of water and dilute with water to 500and a maximum tip diameter not exceeding 3 mL in a volumetric flask. Store in a dark, stop-rnm; two 10-mL burets with 0.0 1 -mL divisions, pered bottle.20.1.3 Graduated Cylinder, 10-mL, gradu- 21.3 Manganous Sulfate Solution (364 g/L)—

ated, with 0.1 -mL divisions. Dissolve 364 g of manganous sulfate (MnSO4-20.1.4 Calomel Electrode— Any calomel ref- H2O) in water, filter, and dilute to I L. No more

erence electrode of either the glass sleeve or as- than a trace of iodine should be liberated whenbestos fiber wick type of satisfactory size is suit- the solution is added to an acidified potassiumable. The 5-in. ( 1 27-mm) pencil-type is a conven- iodide (KI) solution.ient form . 2 1 .4 Phenylarsine Oxide Solution (0.025 N) —20.1.5 Platinum Electrodes—Any commer- Dissolve 2.6005 g of phenylarsine oxide in 110

cial platinum electrode of suitable size can be mL of NaOH solution ( 1 2 g/L). Add 800 mL ofused. The 5-in. (1 27-mm) pencil-type is a con- water to the solution, and bring to a pH of 9.0venient form. by adding HC1 (14-1). This should require about20.1.6 Potentiometer— A potentiometer hav- 2 mL of HC1. Continue acidification with HC1

ing a limit of error not greater than ±0.003 V ( 1 + 1 ) until a pH of 6 to 7 is reached, as indicatedand a total range of the order of J V. A galva- by a glass-electrode system; then dilute to Inometer for use with this potentiometer should Add I mL of chloroform for preservation. Stahave an external critical damping resistance of ardize against potassium biiodate solution.the order of 10 000 fl and a sensitivity of the NOTE 1— Phenylarsine oxide is available from Wal-order of 0. 125 uA/mm scale division. The poten- jace and Tiernan, Hach Chemical Co., and others.* Ittiometer may be of the type employing either a |f. more stable than sodium thiosulfate. However, so--contained gal ——— «.r or an ——— , ga,- f ™ ' ^vanometer, as desired. A glass electrode pH meter dissolve 24.82 g of Na&Os-SHzO in boiled and cooledhaving the proper voltage range may be used,! water and dilute to 1 L. Preserve by adding 5 mL of20.1.7 Sample Tubes— Two glass sample chloroform. For a dilute standard titrating solution

«te . shewn in Hj ,. having a nominal M tfSfftt'capacity of 500 mL. The two tubes should not and mix completely. Do not prepare more than 12 tovary from each other by more than 10 mL, and 15 h before use.the capacity of each tube shall be determined to 2, 5 Phenylarsine Oxide Solution (0.005,U?r?f - - • Transfer 100 mL of 0.025 N phenylarsine oxideS' I C°J?nmet?c T"mlon'' , . , solution to a 500-mL volumetric flask. Dilute to20.2. 1 Casserole, 1-L glazed porcelain, clear ^ mafk and mix completely.

wh"e '"c°5°r „ _ , . . . IA 21.6 Potassium Biiodate Solution (0.1 N)—20 2.2 /7o--SamPle tubes and 0- 2500 of ^ biiodate^>' in water and dilute to 1 L in a volu-20.2.3 Snrrer—A variable-speed, motor- metrjc

driven stirrer with a TFE-fluorocarbon-coated 2, ? Potassium Iodidfft Iodized Alkaline S(>stirrer bar is convenient —————

9 For further information on interferences, see Adams, R. C21. Reagents Barnett, R. E, and Keller, D. Y., Jr., "Field and Labora

Determination of Dissolved Oxygen," Proceedings, ASTM,21.1 Alkaline Iodide Solution — Dissolve 500 *3, 1943, p. 1240.

g Of SOdium hydroxide (NaOH) Or 700 g of , ' n,an 1^ has ten found satisfactory and is availableJ. „,: ,.,. ? fr°m Eastman Organic Chemicals, Eutman Kodak Co., Roch-

polassium hydroxide (KOH) and 135 g Of SO- ester. NY 14650. An jswivtltfit faiaMalso be used.A9-15

lution—Half fill a 25£mL volumetric flask with and H2SO4 (3 + I), respectively. Designate thethc alkaline KI solution. Add an accurately mea- larger one of the duplicate tubes as the samplesured, small amount of 0.1 N iodine solution, and the other as the blank.sufficient to react with all reducing interference 22.2.1 Rick the water from the upper nipnfein the water to be analyzed when the procedure of the sample flask (A) and fill the nipple to thedescribed in Section 22 is followed. Dilute to the upper calibration mark with the iodized alkalinemark with the alkaline KI solution. , iodide solution. Any bubble entrapped in the21.7.1 While the iodized alkaline iodide solu- nipple within or bejow the reagent can be re.

tion must be used for accurate determinations, moved by probing with a clean copper wire untilthe minimum sufficient quantity of 0.1 N iodine it rises to the surface. Open one stopcock andsolution required to yield detectable iodine in the admit the reagent by control with the other untilblank should be used because the precision of the meniscus in the nipple coincides with thethe results decreases with increase in iodine con- lower calibration mark. Precisely the same pointcentration. As a trial, use 10 mL of 0.1 N iodine on the meniscus at the upper and lower calibra-solution in preparing the iodized alkaline iodide tion must be used. Cose both stopcocks andsolution and use on a test run. Prepare a second rinse both nipples of the sampling tube with asolution, if necessary, using more or less 0.1 ff fine stream of water. Flick out the excess water,iodine solution, depending on the results of the invert the tube, and fill the nipple now on top totest run. the 2.0-mL calibration mark with the MnS0421.8 Starch Solution—Make a paste of 6 g of solution and introduce it into the sample as

arrowroot starch or soluble iodometric starch described for the addition of the iodized alkalinewith cold water. Pour the paste into 1 L of boiling iodide solution. Again rinse both nipples of thewater. Then add 20 g of potassium hydroxide, sampling tube, shake or rotate the tube to mixmix thoroughly, and allow to stand for 2 h. Add the sample thoroughly, and lay it aside. Follow-6 mL of glacial acetic acid (99.5 %). Mix thor- ing precisely the directions given above for add-oughly and then add sufficient HC1 (sp gr 1.19) ing the reagents to the sample, add to the blankto adjust the pH value of the solution to 4.0. the indicated amount of iodized alkaline iodideStore in a. glass-stoppered bottle. Starch solution solution through the upper nipple and stopcock,prepared in this manner will remain chemically and add the same amount, first of H2SO4 (3 + 1)stable for 1 year. and then of the MnSO4 solution, through theNOTE 2—Powdered starches such as thyodene7 have lower nipple (B). Rinse both nipples between

been found adequate. Some commercial laundry additions, as directed above, and mix the blankstarches have also been found to be usable. between the second and final addition. Finally,

the report of analysis shall state this deviation. ' to resuspend the precipitate. A significant errorti a €•„//;„> A*M c/,/,,,/0,, 11 j. i\_D«,,r is introduced if the precipitate is allowed to settler n ?(ni f Solutl°n£ *lfl>7-PbVJ so that more than a proportional amount iscarefully 750 mL of concentrated sulfunc acid removed .yolume ^ ^

2?2?°VSP f } T °f f" f 3 *e a ition of the H2SO4 (3 + 1). Add to thebeaker Cool to room temperature transfer to a an > ^ 0 +1) to fin the1-L volumetric flask, and dilute to the mark with nj £ calibration point, rinse bothwater. Sulfamic acid packets may be substituted.* ^ of fl££ and again 0 .22. Procedure Complete within 15 min after sampling._ . . _ . . . A. , 22.3 Potentiometric Titration:211 Samp mg-Arrange the two sample ^ n of Blank-Invert the sample

.tubes 0> Oinas^rtsothattheyare-vertical tube and drain out a sufficient volume of samplewith their outlets free of hose connections and at _____a higher level than the valve for adjustment of a 'Fisher T-183 has been found to be satisfactory and issample flow. Connect the lower ends to the Sam- Stable from Fisher Scientific Co., 711 ForbesAve., Pittsburgh.pling lines with a Y-tube. Follow the precautions A« ICroner?lR TLongbo«om, J. E., German, R., "A Com-in 6.4 and 6.5. parison of Various Reagents Proposed for Use in the Winkler

222 Fixing— Fill the three burets with the Procedure for Dissolved Oxygen, PHS Water Pollution Survefl-Z.Z fixing riu-im uirec ourcis wun me , s- Appfe o,. and Development Report No. liiodized alkaline iodide solution, MnSO4 solution, w&rfl&uMy sWubn/HaLs Dau Branch. July 1964.


<P D 888

to cquali/c the volume of "sample" and "blank" 22.4.2 Titration of Sample—Empty and rinseinio a 10-mL graduated cylinder. Record thc the casserole and drain lhe sample into it. Titratevolume withdrawn and discard it. Drain thc as described in 22.4.1.blank imp lhe clean 800-mL beaker by opening ,boih slopcocks. Do not rinse or blow through 2^- Calculationthe sampling tube, but shake thc last drops from 23.1 Calculate the dissolved oxygen contentthe lower nipple into the beaker. Rinse both of the sample, in milligrams per litre as followselecirodcs with water, and readjust the sleeve on (Note 5):the calomel electrode to provide a fresh junction. Dissolved oxygen, mg/LPlace the beaker on the titrating stand with both ^ 16 OOP n (S-I?)electrodes immersed in the sample, start the stir- * i\ + »vrer. and adjust its speed to mix the sample rapidly where:without causing a vortex sufficient to draw bub- « = normality of the titrating solutionbles of air into the liquid. Read and record the (nominally 0.005).emf (electromotive force) between thc electrodes. .9 . volume of titrating solution requiredFill a 10-mL buret (0.01-mL subdivisions) with for titration of thc sample. L,0.005 .V standard solution and adjust exactly to f; = volume of sample (volume of samplethc zero mark. Proceed with thc titration..rinsing tube minus volume of portion dis-thc lip of the pipet in the sample after each carded immediate!} before liiration)addition. Record the cumulative amounts of ti- (22.3.1), and lhe emf after each addiiion. and make # = volume of liiraiing solution requiredprogressively smaller additions as lhe end point for titration of lhe blank. approached and passed, allowing a sufficient r,, = volume of blank. mL. andiniefval bciween addiiions 10 enable elecirodes 0.0104 = correction for oxygen introduced'withand solution to come 10 equilibrium. Tilration the reagenis.should be compleied wiihin 30 min after sam- Nw|£ 4_The reagcms must te prcparedpling. In a ihird column, parallel lo ihose used days prior 10 use and allowed 10 come tofor recording lhe miililiires of lilrant and emf. with thc oxygen in the air."record lhe quotient Ucmfl/Utitrant) for each N()Tt 5—Inaccuracy of the results calculated by thcaddiiion. The maximum numerical value of Ihis "ielhod i"creasf wi'.h din'eren« in capacities of the, . two sampling tubes, the amount ol oxvgen dissolved inquotient, without regard to sign, occurs at the tne water ^ and the concemration of redoxend point of the tilration. The end point can be impuriiies in lhe waier.identified by inspection of the values in the third J3.2 The test method used should be statedcolumn, so that plotting of the data is unneces- when . hssary. 622.3.2 Titration of Sample—Empty the 24. Precision and Bias

beaker, rinse it and (he electrodes with water, 24.1 The overall precision and bias of this testprepare fresh junction with the sleeve of the method cannot be determined by round-robincalomel electrode, and drain the sample into the testing because of the instability of shipped so-beaker. Titrate the sample as described for the lutions. The single-operator precision of the testblank in 22.3.1. . method is 0.002 mg/L oxygen, if the potentio-22.4 Visual End Point Titration: metric titration is used, and if 0.005 mg/L of22.4.1 Titration of Blank—Drain the blank, starch is used for detecting the end point of the

which shall be at a temperature not above 20*C, titration.into the clean casserole and add 10 drops of 24.2 Due to the instability of samples ade-starch indicator solution. Fill the buret with the quate testing has not been carried out to validate\olume required for the titration, with 0.005 N this test method.titrating solution. Start the motor stirrer, if avail- 24.3 Supporting data on file as RR: D19-102able; otherwise, stir constantly with a clean glass at ASTM headquarters do not include inforod. Titrate to the disappearance of the blue,Starch iodine COlor, rinsing the tip of the buret in ' For further information, see White. A. H., LeUnd. C. H..iho r ,v,~u «<•«„.. *,<./•.», o/4 :«:»n oo »u« „ A • » and Button, D. W., "Determiiiati»n\of Dissolved Oxygen inthe sample after each addition as the end point ^^ Feed ttt.fl ft4! . fefM) Voi 36, Pan n. 1936. p.approaches. • 697.


tion on number of replicates and concentration solution in a dark, rubber-stoppered bottle.levels. 27.1.3 Alkaline Iodide-Sodium Azide Solution

TEST METHOD C— TITRIMETRIC //—This solution is useful when high concentra.PROCEDURE— HIGH LEVEL tions of organic matter are found, or when the

25. Scope dissolved oxygen concentration exceeds 15 QJ«/i* . T-L- L j- ,- t.i . . L. Dissolve 400 g of sodium hydroxide (25. 1 This test method « applicable to waters . m mL f* / cooled

containing more than 1000 ug/L of dissolved Coo| watef * and disso, «oxygen much as stream samples and sewage sam- ium j . * *.pies It is the user s responsibility to ensure the ^ (NaN > in of water isvalidity of the test method for waters of untested whh » ^^ to

'It... . . .. . ... t. . iodide solution, bringing the total volume to 1 L25 2 This test method with the appropriate 2?2 Afo^iwweS^/Ori-^ee 3agent, is usable with a wide variety of interfer-ences.ItisacombinationoftheWinklerMethod, n. . . . . /. -j t M j L. n-j i Dissolve 0.8125 g of potassiumthe Alsterberg (Azide) Procedure the Rideal- KH * £Stewart (permanganate) modification, and the metrjc LPomeroy-Kirshman-Alsterberg modification.25.3 The precision of the test method was , NOTE 6-If the bottle technique is used, dissolve. . . . .. , P . 1. 2 1 88 g of biiodate in water and dilute to L to makeearned out using a saturated sample of reagent Q.0375 N.

27.4 Phemiarsine Oxide Solution (0.025 )—26. Interferences 2 1 26.1 Nitrite interferences are eliminated by NoTE 7— If the full-bottle technique is used, 3.900?

routine use of sodium azide. Ferric iron interferes g must be used to make 0.0375 N.unless 1 mL of potassium fluoride solution is NOTE 8— If sodium thiosulfate is used, prepare andused in which case 100 to 200 mc/L can be preserve «0. 1 /V solution as described in Note LDeto-used, in wmcn case luu to uu mg/L can oe mjne the exact norma|ily by titration against 0025 Ntolerated. Ferrous iron interferes, but that inter- potassium biiodate solution. Dilute the appropriate vd-ference is eliminated by the use of potassium ume (nominally 250 mL) of standardized 0.1 Npermanganate solution. High levels of organic Na2S2O, solution to I L. One millilitre of 0.025 Nmaterial or dissolved oxygen can be accommo- S'?sul.fa1!el!f 1"tion,!s .equival"| to i2 foxysfn..... - .. . . j • j-j -j If the full-bottle technique is followed, use 37.5 mL ofdated by use of the concentrated lodide-azide ^ thiosulfate ^ and standardize to 0.0375solution. N.27. Reagents 27.5 Starch Solution— See 21. S.27. 1 Alkaline Iodide Solutions: 27-6 Sulfuric Acid (sp gr 1 .84)— Concentrated27.1.1 Alkaline Iodide Solution (see 21.1)— sulfuric acid (H2SO4). One millilitre neutralizes

This solution may be used if nitrite is known to about 3 mL of the alkaline iodide reagentbe absent, and must be used if adjustments are NOTE 9— Sulfamic acid packets containing 3 g maymade for ferrous ion interference. be substituted.1027.1.2 Alkaline Iodide-Sodium Azide Solution 27.7 Potassium Fluoride Solution (400 g/LH

/—This solution may be used in all of these Dissolve 40 g of potassium fluoride (KF-2HZ0)submethods except when adjustment is made for in water and dilute to 100 mL. This solution isferrous ion. Dissolve 500 g of sodium hydroxide used ,n the procedure for eliminating ferric ion(NaOH) or 700 g of potassium hydroxide (KOH) interference. Store this solution in a plastic bottle.and 135 g of sodium iodide (Nal) or 150 g of 27.8 Potassium Oxalate Solution (20 g/LHpotassium iodide (KI) in water and dilute to 950 Dissolve 2 g of potassium oxalate (K2C2O4 • H20)mL. To the cooled solution add 10 g of sodium in 100 mL of water. One millilitre of this solutionazide (NaN3) dissolved in 40 mL of water. Add will reduce 1.1 mL of the KMnO4 solution. Thisthe NaN3 solution slowly, with constant stirring, solution is used in the procedure for eliminatingChemically equivalent potassium and sodium ferrous ion interference.salts may be used interchangeably. The solution _____should not give a color with starch indicator ..Availablefrom Hach o, Co, p. o. BOX 389,solution when diluted and acidified. Store the land, co 80537. among others.

4JJIP 0888

27.9 Potassium Permanganate Solution (6.3 by 2.0 mL of alkaline iodide-sodium azide solu-g/L)—Dissolve 6.3 g of potassium permanganate tion well below the surface of the liquid (sec(KMnO4) in water and dilute to I L. With very Notes 10 and 11). Be sure the solution tempera-high ferrous iron concentrations, solution of lure is below 30*C to prevent losses due to * irCMnO4 should be stronger so that i mL will tility of iodine. Carefully replace the stopp B)

nTrosatisfy thc demand. This solution is used in the exclude air bubbles, and mix byprocedure for eliminating ferrous ion interfer- bottle several times. Repeat the mixing a secondencc. time after the floe has settled, leaving a clear

supernatant solution. Water high in chloride re-28. Apparatus quires a 10-min contact period with the precipi-28.1 Sample Bottles, 250 or 300-mL capacity, late. When the floe has settled, leaving at least

with tapered ground-glass stoppers. Special bot- 100 mL of clear supernatant solution, removeties with pointed stoppers and flared mouths are the stopper and add 2.0 mL of H2SO4, allowingavailable from supply houses, but regular types the acid to run down the neck of the bottle.(tall- or low-form) are satisfactory. Restopper and mix by inversion until the iodine

28.2 Pipets, 10-mL capacity, graduated in 0.1- is uniformly distributed throughout the bottle.mL divisions for adding all reagents except sul- Titrate without delay 203 mL of original sample.furic acid. These pipets should have elongated A correction is necessary for the 4 mL of reagentstips of approximately 10 mm for adding reagents added (2 mL of MnSO4 solution and 2 mL ofwell below the surface in the sample bottle. Only alkaline iodide-sodium axide solution: 200 xthe sulfuric acid used in the final step is allowed [300/(300 - 4)] « 203 mL (see Note 12).lo run down the neck of the bottle into the NoTE iq_Take care to use the correct alkalinesample. iodide solution (27.1.1) if no nitrite is present or ferrous

ion was oxidized, (27.1.2) for normal use or, (27.1.3) if29. Procedure there is a high organic or dissolved oxygen concentra-

29.1 Elimination of Ferrous Ion Interference. '°NOTE II-Two millilitres of the alkaline i,// Necessary. sodium azide solution are used to ensure better c29.1.1 Add to the sample (collected as in 6.3) of the iodide-azide solution and sample with

0.70 mL of H,S04, followed bv 1.0 mL of tan'on. With 25^mL bottles, ImL of the iodide-azide,..._ ! • " » , « _ t_- L • ' • solution may be used if desired. In this procedure, asKMn04 solution. Where high iron is present, in the succeeding ones, all reagents except the H2SO4also add 1.0 mL of KF solution. Stopper and mix are added well below the surface of the inversion. The acid should be added with a 1- NOTE 12—In the case where ferrous ion interferencemL pipet graduated in 0.1-mL divisions. Add has beer, eliminated, a toul of 6.7 rnlL of reagents were«• • . £\t f\ i *• . • . • -i * added (0.7 mL of acid, 1 mL of KMnO« solution, 2sufficient KMn04 solution to maintain a violet mL of MnSa ^ and 3 mL of ^ iodide

tinge for 5 min. If the color does not persist for solution). The volume of sample for titration is 2035 min, add more KMnO4 solution, but avoid mL. A slight error occurs due to the dissolved oxygenlarge excesses. In those cases where more than 5 of the KMnO« solution, but rather than complicate themL of KMn04 solution is required, a stronger correctlon further' *» error 1S Ignorcd-solution of this reagent may be used to avoid 29.3 Rapidly titrate the 203 mL of sampledilution of the sample. with 0.025 N titrating solution to a pale, straw-29.1.2 After 5 min, completely destroy the yellow color. Add 1 to 2 mL of starch indicator.

permanganate color by adding 0.5 to 1.0 mL of Continue the titration to the disappearance ofK2C2O4 solution. Mix the sample well and allow the blue to stand in the dark. Low results are caused by NOTE 13—If the full-bottle technique is used, trans-excess oxalate, so that it is essential to add only fer the enure contents of the bottle, 300 ± 3 mL, to asufficient oxalate to completely decolorize the 500-mL Erienmeyer flask and titrate with 0.0375 Npermanganate without having an excess of more ""gj •y J cofrect end one ofthan 0.5 mL. Complete decolonzation should be 0.025 N KH(IO3)j solution will cause the return of theobtained in 2 to 10 min. If the sample cannot be blue color. If the end point is overrun, continuedecolorized without a large excess of oxalate, the 0.025 N KH(IO3h solution until it reappears,dissolved oxygen results will be of doubtful value. <.he ?K!ffK£ublffi "S S n 025in i Ajj^rt T /• »* or\ i • t- drop of KH(IO3)j (0.04 mL) from the volume of 0.02529.2 Add 2.0 mL Of MnSO4 solution to the N titrating solution used. Disregard the late reappear-

sample as collected in a sample bottle, followed ance of the blue color, which may be due to the catalytic

A9-19 kRoQl^3

cfTcct of organic material or traces of uncomplcxcd desired to obtain a continuous record of themetal salts. ,„ ----- -dissolved oxygen content.30 Calculation 32t2'.1 The tesl mcthod is recommer»ded formeasuring dissolved oxygen in waters containjn*

30.1 Calculate the dissolved oxygen content materials that interfere with the chemical meth-of the sample as follows: ods, such as sulfite, thiosulfate, polythio.

« . . . /t TxO.2 inAn nate, mercaptans, oxidizing metal ions,D-ssolved oxygen, mg/L - ——— - x 1000

able in alkaline solutions.millilitres of 0.025 * titrating solution re- u 33J Difsolved oxygen probes are practical forquired for titration of the sample. the continuous monitoring of dissolved oxygen

A content in natural waters, process streams, bio-30.2 Dissolved oxygen, mg/L = . logical processes, etc. when the probe output is

conditioned by a suitably stable electronic circuitwhere: and recorded. The probe must be standardizedA » millilitres of oxygen at 0*C and 760 before use on samples free of interfering rnate-

mm Hg. rials, preferably with the azide modification ofNOTE 15— Each millilitre of 0.0375 'N titrant is Test Method C.

equivalent to i mg/L O: when the full bottle techniqueis used. . 33. Summary of Test Methodmi?*nUplIeriVp ^ ox- , 33J Tne most common instrumental probesygen found is compared with solubility data from stand- for determination of oxygen dissolved in waterard solubility tables," making corrections for baro- are dependent upon electrochemical reactions.metric pressure and the aqueous vapor pressure, when un<jer steady-state conditions, the current or pr>necessary. See Appendix XI. temia, an ^ corre!ated th dissolved oxygen31. Precision and Bias12 concentrations.

31 1 The nrecision of the test method was NoTE ' 7— Steady-state conditions necessitate the31.1 I he precision of tne test metnod was probe M jn thermaj equjlibrium ^ ^determined by six operators in three laboratories, this typify ,aking some 2o min for nonlaboratoryrunning three duplicates each, (not six laborato- conditions.11ries as required by Practice D 2777 - 85) using a 33 , , probe$ emp, membmt nor.saturated sample of reagent water. The mean mal| invo,ve meta,s of difi-erent nobui im_concentration was 9.0 mg/L and the pooled sin- mersed jn an electro, which js retained b ^gle-operator precision in these samples was 0.052 membn|nfc The metal of highest nobility (tnemg^ cathode) is positioned at the membrane. When aTEST METHOD D— INSTRUMENTAL PROBE suitable potential exists between the two metals,

PROCEDURE reduction of oxygen to hydroxide ion (OH")occurs at the cathode surface. An electrical cur-

32. Scope rent is developed which is directly proportional32.1 This test method is applicable to waters to the rate of arrival of oxygen molecules at the

containing dissolved oxygen in the range from cathode.50 to 20000 ug/L. It is the user's responsibility 33.1.2 The thallium probe, which does notto ensure the validity of this test method for utilize a membrane, exposes a thallium electrodewaters of untested matrices. to the water sample. Reaction of oxygen with the32.2 This test method describes procedures thallium establishes a potential between the thal-

that utilize probes for the determination of dis- Hum electrode and a reference electrode. Thesolved Oxygen in fresh water and in brackish and ..Carpenter. J. H., "New Measurement of Oxygen Solubilitymarine waters which may Contain dissolved or in Pure and Natural Water,* Limnology and Oceanography.suspended solids. Samples can be analyzed in voi 11, NO. 2, April 1966 pp. 264-277. ' -....... r *: • -+ i Supporting data for the precision statement have been tornsitu in bodies of water or in streams, or samples tt ASTM Headquarters, 1916 Race st, Philadelphia, PA 19103.can be collected and analyzed subsequent to Request RR:Di9-i070.collection The orobe method is esoeciallv useful " D'Aoust' B- °- aaA- M- J- R- "Analysis of Superaw-coiiecuon. i ne prooe meinoo. is especially USeiui nted Ajr jn NaturaJ Waten and Rescrvda- Transactions ofin the monitoring Of water Systems in Which It IS the American Fisheries Society, 1980, Voi 109, pp. 708-724.

potential is related logarithmically to dissolved Since thc thallium requires a conducting pathoxygen concentration. The cell output decreases through the sample to the reference electrode,(theoretically 59 mV/decade at 25*C) with in- the response will become sluggish at very lowcreased oxygen concentration. conductivity. It is therefore desirable toNOTE 18-The thallium probe has utility in waste- tne xnsor in solutions having a

treatment monitoring systems; it has limited applica- greater than 100 uS.tion under conditions of high dissolved oxygen, (>8 34.3 Reactive compounds can interfere vwmg/L) and low temperature (<10'C). the output or lhe performance of dissolved oxy-33.1.3 The electronic readout meter for the gen probes.

output from dissolved oxygen probes is normally 34.3.1 Membraned probes are sensitive to re-calibrated in convenient scales (0 to 10, 0 to 15, active gases that may pass through the mem-or 0 to 20 mg/L for example) with a sensitivity brane. Chlorine will depolarize the cathode andof approximately 0.05 mg/L. More sensitive dis- cause a high probe output. Long-term exposuresolved oxygen ranges are practical through am- to chlorine can coat the anode with the chlorideplification in the electronic readout (including of the anode metal and may eventually desensi-|ig/L readings in boiler feed waters). tize the probe. Hydrogen sulfide will interfere33.2 Interfacial dynamics at the probe-sample with membraned probes if the applied potential

interface are a factor in probe response. Turbu- is greater than the half-wave potential of thelence should be constant or above some mini- sulfide ion. If the applied potential is less thanmum level as recommended by the instrument the half-wave potential, an interfering reactionmanufacturer. will not occur, but coating of the anode metal33.3 Response rates of dissolved oxygen can occur.

probes are relatively rapid, often as fast as 99 % 34.3.2 The thallium probe is affected by inter-in 15 s. Probe outputs may be recorded for ference from soluble sulfur compounds, such ascontinual monitoring or utilized for process con- hydrogen sulfide or mercaptans. Ten milligramstrol (see Note 17). of hydrogen sulfide per litre of water will produce

a negative error corresponding to approxi34. Interferences 1 mg/L of dissolved oxygen. Free34.1 Dissolved organic materials normally en- will interfere with the thallium probe if present

countered in water are not known to interfere in in appreciable concentrations, such as above 2the output from dissolved oxygen probes. mg of chlorine per litre of water.34.2 Dissolved inorganic salts are a factor in 34.4 At dissolved oxygen concentrations be-

the calibration of dissolved oxygen probe. low 2 mg/L, pH variation below pH 4 and above34.2.1 Solubility of oxygen in water at a given pH 10 interfere with the performance of the

oxygen partial pressure changes with the kind thallium probe (approximately ± 0.05 mg/L dis-and concentration of dissolved inorganic salts, solved oxygen per pH unit). The performance ofConversion factors for seawater and brackish wa- membraned probes is not affected by pHters may be calculated from dissolved oxygen changes.saturation versus salinity data if internal compen- 34.5 Dissolved oxygen probes are temperaturesation is not included in the instrument. Conver- sensitive and temperature compensation is nor-sion factors for specific inorganic salts may be mally provided by the manufacturer. The thai-developed experimentally. Broad variations in lium probe has a temperature coefficient of 1.0the kinds and concentrations of salts in samples mV/*C, membraned probes have a temperaturecan make the use of a membraned probe difficult coefficient of 4 to 6 %/*C dependent upon the34.2.2 The thallium probe measures ionic ac- membrane employed.

tivity instead of concentration as do all ion selec- 34.6 Insoluble organic or inorganic materialslive electrodes. Gross changes in the conccntra- that can coat the surface of dissolved oxygention of dissolved salts will affect the activity coef- probes will affect the performance of either theficient of thallous ion and thus shift the span (see thallium or membraned probes.36.2.1). The thallium probe may be calibratedand operated in water of any conductivity above 35- Apparatus100 uS, but a ten-fold change in conductivity 35.1 Amperometric Probes—Oxygen-scnsi-

produce an error of approximately 20 %. live probes of the amperomctric type are nor--21 5R30I675

mally composed of two solid metal of, Test Method C in duplicate. In thedifferent nobility in contact with a supporting sample immerse the probe and.provideforelectrolyte which is separated from the test solu- able turbulence in the sample. Standardizetion by a selective membrane. The current gen- probe by adjusting the meter reading to the dk.crated by the reduction of oxygen at the cathode solved oxygen value as determined by the chen*.is measured through an electronic circuit and ical procedure. If substances that interfere wiAdisplayed on a meter. Typically, the anode is the chemical method are present in the natunjconstructed of metallic silver or lead and the water or wastewater sample, standardize tfa«cathode of gold or platinum. Probes are generally probe using reagent water or a synthetic samplenot affected by hydraulic pressure and can be as indicated below.used in the temperature range from 0 to 50*C. 36.2.1 Fresh Water Samples (less than 100035.1.1 Semipermeable Membranes of Polyeth- mg/L of dissolved salts)—If chemical interfer-

ylene or TFE-Jluorocarbon permit satisfactory ences are absent, use a test sample as indicatedoxygen diffusion and limit interference from above. If interferences are present, use reagentmost materials. water for membraned probes. With thallium35.1.2 Accessory Equipment may involve ap- probes, the greatest accuracy can be obtained

paratus to move the sample past the probe and from calibrating in a sample of the water to beto provide suitable turbulence at the membrane- tested or a synthetic sample similar to the teasample interface. sample.

35.2 Potentiometric Probes—The commonly 36.2.2 Salt Water Samples and Membranedused potentiometric probe employs a thallium- Probes (greater than 1000 mg/L of dissolvedmeasuring electrode and a suitable reference half salts)—Use a sample of clean water having thecell such as a saturated calomel. At 25*C and 0.1 same salt content as the test material. If a samplemg/L of dissolved oxygen, the cell establishes a free from substances which interfere with thenegative potential of approximately 817 m V. The azide method is not available, prepare a syntheticpotential decreases logarithmically in absolute standardization sample by adding the same safevalue with increased dissolved oxygen concentra- as that contained in the sample until the twotion (theoretically, 59 mV/decade change in dis- solutions have the same electrical conductancesolved oxygen concentration) to approximately within 5 %. High concentrations of dissolved688 mV at 15 mg/L of dissolved oxygen. An salts are not a problem with the thallium probe.external millivoltage source that opposes the out- 36.3 Temperature Coefficient—Systems areput of the electrometer is used to adjust the net available with automatic temperature compen-readout of output to the desired range. sation that permit direct measurements in milli-NOTE 19—Thallium and its salts are toxic; avoid grams per litre of dissolved oxygen. The temper-

contact with the skin. ature compensation of membraned probes cor-rects for changes in membrane characteristics

36. Apparatus Standardization including boundary-layer effects at the mem-brane-water interface and the changes in solubfl-

36.1 Instrument Reading—Consider carefully ity of oxygen in water. The temperature compen-the manufacturer's recommended procedure. If sation of thallium probes corrects for the changesit is necessary to zero the instrument, do this by characteristic of oxidation/reduction systemsimmersing the probe in water containing 1 g of (see Note 17). It is necessary that the probe be insodium sulfite and 2 drops of saturated cobalt thermal equilibrium with the solution to be mea-chloride solution (as deoxygenation catalyst) per sured for satisfactory temperature correction.litre of water and adjust the instrument to read 36.3.1 For those instrumental systems usingzero. membraned probes that are not temperature-

36.2 Carefully obtain approximately 1 L of compensated, the following procedure is recom-the type of water to be tested and saturate it with mended to obtain the temperature coefficientoxygen from the atmosphere by passing clean air Measure the oxygen content in water samples forthrough it. Carefully draw three replicate samples five temperatures over a ± 10*C range greater andfrom the well-mixed sample and immediately less than the expected sample temperature. By *determine the dissolved oxygen concentration by least-squares procedure, or graphically in a serfl-



u ooo

ilog plot of Y versus T, calculate the slope and For the reagent water control to which the probeintercept constant as follows: is calibrated, the value of A is 1.0. Prepare a plot

Log y - BIT + A w>th salt concentration as abscissa and the ratio.. A as ordinate. Use the developed curve for cal-

re' t e . -ii- rj- • j culation of the dissolved oxygen content ofy ** scale factor, milligrams of dissolved oxygen waters iper litre per microampere of electrode cur-

„ rent* 37. Sampling5 » slope constant,f « temperature, *C, and 37.1 £o«/e Samples — Collect a bottle sampleA ** intercept constant. by tne procedure described in Practice D 1066 orThis relationship is linear on a semilog plot only Practices D 3370. Collect the samples in 300-mLover a range of about ± 10*C. Over larger ranges BOD bottles or other suitable glass-stopperedan equation of higher degree is necessary to re- bottles, taking care to prevent entrainment orfleet the curvature of the relationship. solution of atmospheric oxygen. If analysis is36.3.2 If the thallium probe is utilized in a delayed beyond 15 min, cool the sample below

circuit without temperature compensation, the 5*C and hold at this temperature until analyzed.observed output in millivolts must be corrected Make the dissolved oxygen determination with-for the temperature sensitivity of the measuring out further temperature adjustment using thecell that has a temperature coefficient of 1 .0 m V/ appropriate temperature coefficient. It will be*C. The measuring cell's output will increase necessary to have the probe at the temperature(apparent dissolved oxygen concentration de- of the sample or otherwise compensate for insta-crease) with an increase in temperature. bility due to heat flow from probe to sample.

MV * \4V - \ o (T - T) ^'^ ^n Situ Samples — An effective use of theinstrumental probes is for the direct, in situ de-

where: termination of dissolved oxygen. By this means,\1VR - millivolts of output at reference tern- y \t handling problems are avoided and data

perature, may be obtained quickly at variousMV0 m millivolts of output observed, a body of water without concern for theTK « reference temperature, *C, and jn oxygen during storage or handling.T0 - temperature at the observed output, *C.36.4 Correction for Content of Dissolved 3 Procedure

Salts — If the concentration of salts is above 1000 ,„ . _ . „ . - , ,mg/L it will be necessary to correct for the effect 38-! Co"sider carefully the manufacturersof the salts in the relationship between oxygen recommendations on the use of his equipmentpartial pressure and concentration and also for m °rdernto ob*in factory °P«ratlon-the activity of thallium ion. For any given salt a u 38'2 Prov>de ** ble turbulent flow pastseries of experimental data should be obtained in the membrane ofmembraned probes or past thewhich solutions are prepared by dissolving vary- thalhum E J1"*,1" undei; someing weights of the salt in reagent water in the ^ * acmev " m•••£9 « WA^AtlM* WA »**W nJJllfc *U A W«ftAWU» W Wfc^A ftu bUW . • « t * * /• *

range of interest The solutions, plus a reagent streams; however'm e bodies of water'rt maywater control, are aerated at constant tempera- * necessary to employ mechanical stimng orture until oxygen saturation is achieved. Deter- pumping of water past the probe. For accuratemine the oxygen concentration of each solution re/ults' il is important that comparable degreesby the chemical method and, at the same time, of turbulence be employed both for calibrationobtain probe readings. Determine the ratio A for and utilization.each solution as follows: 38-3 Utilc Probe is not automatically compen-

_ sated for temperature changes, record the tem-* ' perature of the water at the sample probe at the

whcre: ' time of dissolved oxygen measurement. To avoidO . actual dissolved oxygen concentration, heat-flow effects, it is important that temper

mg/L, as determined by Test Method C equilibrium be established betweenand probe.

R » reading of the probe meter. 38.4 Recalibrate the_probe whenever the com-



parison with reference samples (36.2) indicates design features such as line size, rates of transferan absolute error of more than ±0.2 mg/L of kind of pump and location, practicality for cleaoldissolved oxygen or other value that is compati- ing the transfer system, and other maintenance.ble wjth the desired accuracy. 38.6.3 Examine'unattended probes at least38.4.1 Careful handling is required with mem- once per week and recalibrate when required

braned probes to avoid rupturing the thin mem- depending upon condition and service. Recali.brane. bration may be accomplished by using a portable38.4.2 Recalibrate the probe after replacing probe that has been placed into position next to

the membrane or cleaning the probe in accord- the unattended probe and that has been properlyance with the manufacturer's directions. For a calibrated as outlined in 36.2.period of a few hours after a membrane replace-ment, the probe output may drift, and frequent 39- Calculationrecalibration may be required. 39.1 For uncompensated probes, correct the

38.5 Probes can become fouled by oil, grease, observed meter reading for the difference of thebiological growths, etc., and cleaning may be observed temperature from the standardizationrequired. Some of the techniques currently in use temperature by means of the factors .developedinclude air-blasting, brush cleaning, and ultra- in 36.3.sonic cleaning systems. 39.2 For wastewaters with varying salt con-

38.6 The probe may be utilized in situ or the tents, make corrections utilizing the date devel-sample may be transferred to a sampling station oped in 36.4.that houses the probe and associated equipment.38.6.1 In situ placement of the probe is pref- 40. Precision

erable from the consideration that sample han- 40.1 The precision of this test method wasdling is not involved. However, in situ installa- determined by six operators in three laboratoriestions may be impractical because of problems running three duplicates each, (not six laboran'es

~. with vandalism, severe climate condition (freez- as required by Practice D 2777 - 85) using a sat-" ing, etc.) and difficulty in recovery of the probe urated sample of reagent water. The mean con-

for maintenance. centration was 9.0 mg/L and the pooled single-38.6.2 The use of sample transfer systems is operator precision in these samples was 0.029

practical when proper consideration is given to mg/L.

TABLE I Stock SolutionsEquivalent Dis- Millilitres of Color Standards

id Oxygen, ———————————————————ug/L______CS-A CS-B CSC_ . _ _ _ _

5 5.0 20.010 6.25 12.515 9.4 10.020 (13.0) (5.4)25 14.4 5.530 (14.5) (3.3) (0.2)435 (15.1) (2.9) (I.I)40 (15.5) (2.4) (2.2)45 (16.1) (2.0) (2.5)50 (18.3) (1.7) (3.1)55 (21.7) (1.4) (13.1)60____ (25.0)____(1.0) (15.0)

* Figures in parentheses are estimated from original datawhich are not in parentheses.



,No.3 Inttrchangeobl* Stopcocks.6

10.00 10.25 mm. d °-D- 1 ATLL r m


« — 102*3 mm.

/ Etched

K~ ..^^.^mmmmmmmtm ————————————

Letttrs \\ &•• \N$Jr\

^—Rubber Retaining Washtr•-14mm. Approx.


» 2.00 n


Volume ofStopcock Ban





•i— •

*- 10 mm. Approx

NOTE—Stopcocks should be of TFE-fluorocarbon.FIG. 1 500-mL Sample Tube for Dissolved Oxygen Determination1


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Oxygen Saturation Values in Water and Ele- 760 mm is shown in Table X1.2 at several temperaturesrations—The solubility of oxygen in water at various and concentrations of sea water for purpose of i"temperatures and elevations under an atmospheric trating the effects of salt concentration and tempressure of 760 mm is shown in Table XI. I. ture. The solubility versus dissolved salt concentrati'X1.2 Oxygen Saturation Values in Water and Salt can vary considerably with the nature of the salts in

Waters—The solubility of oxygen in water exposed to solution.water saturated air under an atmospheric pressure of

TABLE Xl.l Solubility of Oxygen (mg/L).at Various Temperatures and Elevations (Based on Sea Level Barometric Pressure of760 nun H|)"

Temperature, "C

0246810121416182022242628 •303234363840

Elevation, Feet above Sea Level014.613.813.112.411.811.310.810.





500012.311.611. •

600011.811.210.610. i9. _-5.8 M5'5™5.4 *5.2



TABLE Xl.2 Solubility of Oxygen (mg/1.) •( Various Temperatures and Cblorinify (Based on Sea Level Barometric PTHIBM^_ ______________ •• _______ 760 mm Ht)" _________________ «««*

Chlorinity, %Temperature. *C ————— . —————— —— ———— - __________________ . ___

_ 0 4£ _______ 8.0 _______ 12.0 _______ 16.0 20.0~ 0 \4* IW O2 115 H3

2 13.8 13.2 12.5 ' 11.9 11.4 lo'g4 13.1 12.5 11.9 11.3 10.8 1036 12.4 11.8 11.3 10.8 10.3 988 11.8 11.3 10.8 10.3 - 9.8 9410 11.3 10.8 10.3 9.8 9.4 9012 10.8 10.3 9.8 9.4 9.0 8614 10.3 9.9 9.4 9.0 8.6 8316 9.9 9.4 9.0 8.6 8.3 8.018 9.5 9.1 8.7 8.3 8.0 7.620 9.1 8.7 , 8.3 8.0 7.7 7422 8.7 8.4 8.0 7.7 7.4 7.124 8.4 8.1 7.7 7.4 7.1 6.926 8.1 7.8 7.5 7.2 6.9 6.628 7.8 7.5 7.2 6.9 6.6 6.430 7.5 7.2 7.0 6.7 6.4 6.232 7.3 7.0 6.7 6.5 6.2 6.034 7.1 6.8 6.5 6.3 6.0 5.836 6.8 6.6 6.3 6.1 5.8 5.638 6.6 6.4 6.1 5.9 5.6 5.440 ________ 6.4 _______ 6.2 _____ 5.9 _______ 5.7 _______ 5.4 _______ 5.2 '

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connectionwith any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any suchpatent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirety their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years andif not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additionalstandards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of theresponsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you shouldmake your vie*-s known to the ASTM Committee on Standards. 1916 Race St.. Philadelphia. PA 19103.




March, 1991

Laboratory Director Ken Stoub

Assistant Laboratory Director Deborah Hockman

Manager of Client Services Barb Hill

Manager of Quality Programs Frank Jarke

Manager of CMR Lab . Frank Dias

Manager of Inorganics Lab Bruce Warden

Manager of Semi-Volatiles Lab John Bychowski

Manager of Volatiles Lab Roy Gall

Groundwater Laboratory EML2100 Cleanwater Dr.Geneva, IL 60134(708) 208-3100

Waste Management, Inc. Chemical Waste Management3003 Butterfield Road Riverdale CenterOak Brook, IL 60521 150 W. 137th Street(708)654-?800 Riverdale, IL 60627

(708) 841-8360



" Program Manager:Name


City, State, Zip Code

Phone Number

Site Manager: _________Name

Site Chemist: ___Name

Lab Technician: ___Name

Site Address

City, State, Zip Code

Phone Number

Consultant: ________Company

Personnel: ___Name


Company Address

City, State, Zip Code

Phone Number

AH SR30I682

Sampling Trainer:Name

Company Name


City, State, Zip Code

Phone Number

Subcontract Lab: . _________Company Name


Company Address

Phone Number


City, State, Zip Code



City, State, Zip Code

Phone Number



Phone Number

Well Wizard trouble-shooting number: (800) 624-2026



Measurement Vol. Reg.(ml.) Container2 Preservative3.4 Holding Time5

100 Physical PropertiesColor 50 P Cool,4°C 48 hrs.Conductance 100 P Cool,4°C 28 daysHardness 50 P HNOstopH<2 6 mos.

Odor 200 Gonly Cool, 4°C 24 hrs.pH ' 25 P Cool,4°C Analyze

Promptly Upon. Receipt

ResidueFilterable(TSS) 500 P Cool,4°C 7 daysNonfilterable 500 P Cool,4°C 7 days

(TOS)Total(TS) . 500 P Cool,4°C 7 daysVolatile 100 P Cool,4°C 7 days

Settleable Matter 1000 P Cool, 4°C 48 hrs.Temperature 1000 P Cool,4°C Analyze

ImmediatelyTurbidity 100 G Cool, 4°C 48 hrs.

200 Metals

Dissolved 500 P Filter on site 6 mos.HNOstopH<2

Suspended 200 P Filter on site 6 mos.8

AH BR30I68-U

Measurement Vol. Reg.(ml.) Container2 Preservative3'4 Holding Time5

Total 500 P HNOstopH<2 6 mos.Chromium6 200 P Cool, 4°C 24 hrs.MercuryDissolved 100 P Filter HNOs 28 days

to pH<2Total 100 P HNO3topH<2 28 days

300 Inorganics. Non-MetallicsAcidity 100 P Cool, 4°C 14 daysAlkalinity 100 P Cool, 4°C 14 daysBromide 100 P None Reg. 28 daysChloride 50 P None Reg. 28 daysCyanides 500 P Cool, 4°C 14 days7

NaOHtopH>120.6g ascorbic acid6

Fluoride 100 P None Reg. 28 daysNitrogen

Ammonia 100 G Cool,4°C 28 daysH2SO4 to pH<2

Kjeldahl, total 100 G Cool,4°C 28 daysH2SO4 to pH<2

Nitrate plus Nitrite , 100 P,G Cool, 4°C 28 daysNitrate plus Nitrite 100 P,G Cool, 4°C 28 days*

H2SO4 to pH<2Nitrite 100 P,G Cool,4°C 2 wks.

H2SO4 to pH<2Nitrate 50 P,G Cool,4°C 2 wks.


Measurement Vol. Reg.(ml.) Container2 Preservative3*4 Holding Time5Dissolved OxygenProbe 300 G None Reg. Analyze


Winkler 300 G Fix on site andstore in dark 8 hrs.

PhosphorusOrthophosphate, 50 G Filter on site 48 hrs.dissolved Cool,4°C

Total 50 G Cool,4°C 28 daysH2SO4topH<2

Total, dissolved 50 G Filter on site 24 hrs.Cool, 4°CH2SO4topH<2

Silica 50 P Cool, 4°C 28 days

Sulfate 50 P Cool, 4°C 28 days

Sulfide 500 P,G Cool,4°C 7 daysadd 2 ml. zincacetate plusNaOHtopH>9

300 SVGA Methods

GC/MSSVOA 1,000 G only Cool,4°C Extractorganics: BNA, w/TefLn within 7 days,PCBs, PAHs, and/or analyze withinPesticides 40 days

Pesticides/herbicides 1,000 G only . Cool,4°C Extractw/TefLn within 7 days,

analyzewithin 40 days

A15 3R3QI686

Measurement Vol. Reg.(ml.) Container2 Preservative3'4 Holding Time5

HPLCSVOA 1,000 Gonly Cool, 4°C -Extract withinorganics w/TefLn 7 days analyzeEx: carbonates • within 40 days

400 Organics

BOD 1000 P,G Cool, 4°C 48 hrs.

COD 50 P,G Cool,4°C 28 daysH2SO4topH<2

Oil and grease -1000 G only Cool, 4°C . 28 daysHCLtopH<2

Organic carbon 25 G Cool, 4°C 28 daysH2SO4 orHCLtopH<2

Phenolics 500 Gonly Cool, 4°C 28 daysH2SO4 to pH<2

400 VOA Methods

Volatile organics 2-40 ml vial G only HCL or 14 days(VOA) w/septum caps Cool, 4°C

Purgeable 4-40 ml vial Cool,4°C 14 daysHalocarbons only w/septum caps

Purgeable Aromatic 4-40 ml vial Cool, 4°C HCE 14 daysHydrocarbons w/septum caps

Acrolein and 4-40 ml vial Cool, 4°C 14 daysacrylonitrite w/septum caps Adjust pH to 4-5


1 More specific instructions for preservation and sampling are foundwith each procedure as detailed in this manual. A general discussion onsampling water and industrial waste water may be found in ASTM, Part 31,p. 72-81 (1976) Method D-3370 and 40 CFR Part 136.

2 Plastic(P) or Glass(G). For metals, polyethylene with a polypropylenecap (no liner) is preferred.

3 Sample preservation should be performed immediately upon samplecollection. For composite samples, each aliguot should be preserved at thetime of collection. When use of an automated sampler makes it impossibleto preserve each aliguot, then samples may be preserved by maintaining at4°C until compositing and sample splitting is completed.

4 When any sample is to be shipped by common carrier or sent throughthe United States Mail, it must comply with the Department ofTransportation Hazardous Materials Regulations (49 CFR Part 172). Theperson offering such materials for transportation is responsible forensuring such compliance. For the preservation reguirements of Table 1,the Office of Hazardous Materials, Materials Transportation Bureau,Department of Transportation has determined that the Hazardous MaterialsRegulations do not apply to the following materials: hydrochloric acid(HC1) in water solutions at concentrations of 0.04% by weight or less (pHabout 1.96 or greater); nitric acid (HNOs) in water solutions atconcentrations of 0.15% by weight or less (pH about 1.62 or greater);sulfuric acid (H2SO4) in water solutions at concentrations of 0.35% byweight or less (pH about 1.15 or greater); sodium hydroxide (NaOH) inwater solutions at concentrations of 0.080% by weight or less (pH about.12.30 or less).

5 Samples should be analyzed as soon as possible after collection. Thetimes listed are the maximum times that samples may be held beforeanalysis and still be considered valid. Samples may be held for longerperiods only if the permittee, or monitoring lab, has data on file to showthat the specific types of sample under study are stable for the longer time,and has received a variance from the Regional EPA Administrator. Somesamples may not be stable for the maximum time period given in the table.A permittee, or monitoring lab, is obligated to hold the sample for a shorttime if information exists to show this is necessary to maintain samplestability.

6 Should only be used in the presence of residual chlorine.


7 Maximum holding time is 24 hours when sulfide is present.Optionally, all samples may be tested with lead acetate paper before the pHadjustment in order to determine whether sulfide is present. If sulfide ispresent, it can be removed by the addition of cadmium nitrate powder untila negative spot test is obtained. The sample is filtered and die NaOH isadded to pH 12.

8 *Note: Acid preservation has been shown to rapidly degrade nitrite tonitrate. It is listed here to accomodate sites specifically reguiring acidpreservation in their permits. It is strongly recommended mat nitrate-nitrite samples not be preserved. Holding times have been demonstrated toexceed 28 days in non-preserved groundwater samples (referencesavailable).

A18 RR301689


Proper Presentation (acid/base)

In order to ensure that a sufficient amount of preservative (acid or base)has been added to a sample, a method has been established for checking thepH of a sample with as little disturbance as possible to the sample. Fieldpreservation kits (see pg. A20 and A21) are available upon reguest fromthe EML Client Services Department. These can be used, if necessary, tocomplete the preservation of samples.

Reguired eguipment includes: Capillary tubespH paper (narrow range 0-6)Extra preservative vials (supplied by EML)

Once a sample has been preserved with preservative supplied by the EML,and inverted several times to mix the sample, the following proceduresshould be followed:

1. Open sample bottle.

2. Insert one capillary tube into the sample bottle, limiting the length oftime of insertion into the sample until the tube is filled. Do not plug theend of the capillary tube. The water will rise into this tube on its own.

3. Remove the capillary tube and close the sample bottle.

4. Place the capillary tube end onto a piece of pH paper and determine thepH value.

5. ' ' ' ' ' 'a. If the pH is less than 2 (for acid preservation) or greater than 12

(for base preservation), the sample has been adeguately preserved.

b. If the proper oH has not been achieved, an additional preservativevial, the same type as originally used, should be emptied into thesample and mixed, and steps 1-5 should be repeated.

A 1 0HR3QI69Q



2 packs Colorfast pH indicator strips VWR #EN-9590-3Intermidiate Range (0-6 pH)

Ipack Kimble non-heparinzed VWR #15401-537capillary tubes (200 ct.)

1 pack Pyrex glass beaker VWR #13912-502#T-1000 (150 ml.)

1 pack Flambeau high density Ames #1480014.5" plastic tool box

14 packs 5 ml. glass vials containing EML1:8 dilution HCL

7 packs 5 ml. plastic vials containing EML1:1 dilution Nitric acid

6 packs 5 ml. glass vials containing EML1:1 dilution Sulphuric acid




CMR. (all) Sulphuric Acid 8 ml. glass 1 mis. <2

INORG. (all) Nitric Acid 8 ml. plastic 2 mis. <2HNOs

VOA Hydrochloric Acid .3 mis. <2HCL(1:1)

VOA* Hydrochloric Acid .3 mis. 4-5HCL(1:8)

* Methods reguiring pH preservation between pH 4-5



Water Level Indicator

Slope Indicator Co.3668 Alborn PlaceP.O.BoxC-30316Seattle, WA 98103(206) 633-3073

Soiltest, Inc.2205 Lee StreetEvanston, IL 60202(708) 869-5500

In-Situ, Inc.209 Grand AvenueLaramie, WY 82070(307)742-8213

pH Meter

Beckman Instruments, Inc. *Model 10 pH Meter 12314Fullerton, CA *Epoxy body electrode 395420(714)871-4848 *Electrode cable 597578

*ATC probe 598115

Baxter Scientific Products Division *pH Meter Set H4292-211430 Waukegan Road *Conductivity/TDSMcGawPark, IL 60085-6787 Meter Set H4292-22

*DO Meter Set H4292-23*Deluxe Field System H4292-20*Meter Module Only H4292-24*pH Sensor H4292-25*DO Sensor H4292-26*Conductivity/TDSSensor H4292-27


Combination Temp./ pH / SC meter

Cambridge Scientific IndustriesP.O. Box 265Moose Lodge RoadCambridge, MD 21613

Comb. Temp./ pH/ SC meter 301353pH electrode 102927Buffer kit 102953

Filtration Apparatus

MFS: Micro Filtration SystemsDublin, CA(415)828-6010

In-LineFlat stainless 142 mm pressure holderModel #KS142ST 302100

ReservoirReservoir stainless 142 mm pressure holder (1.5 liter capacity)Model #KST142 302300

Filter PaperCellulose nitrate filter, 0.45 um pore size142 mm diameter AA045A142C

Q.E.D. Environmental Systems, Inc.P.O. Box 3726Ann Arbor, MI 48106(313)995-2547

In-Line disposable Sample Pro™ filters0.4,5 Micron High capacity field filter FF8000


Dedicated Bladder Pumps

Q.E.D. Environmental Systems, Inc.1254 N. Main StreetAnn Arbor, MI 48017(800) 624-2026

Controller Units for Bladder Pumps

GeoTech Environmental Eguipment, Inc.1441 W. 46th AvenueDenver, CO 80211(303)433-7101

Pneumatic logic unit 5504Electrical pneumatic logic unit 5505

Q.E.D. Environmental SystemsP.O. Box 3726Ann Arbor, MI 48106

Sample Pro Electronic Controller 350Pneumatic controller (automatic) 3013

Gasoline driven driver controller 3111


Diedrich Drilling Eguipment, Inc.2008 Ohio StreetLaPorte, IN 46350(800) 348-8809

Timco Manufacturing Co.851 15th StreetPrairie du Sac, WI 53578(608) 643-8534


Gaiter CorporationJonathon Industrial CenterChasra, MN 55318(612)448-6717

Submersible Pumps

GRUNDFOS Pumps Corporation2555 Clouis AvenueClouis,CA 93612(209) 299-9741

Retrofitted with teflon by:

PFC Eguipment, Inc.7409 Jolly LaneMinneapolis, MN 55470(612)425-7890

Safety Eguipment

Powder-Free GlovesGlove LinersBoots and Tyvek Suit

Shamrock Industrial Glove920 West Byers PlaceDenver, CO 80223(303) 778-0667



A designated sampling team lab and storage building is reguired for allfacilities for environmental sampling. This building is intended to isolatethe environmental samples and eguipment from possible contaminationsources, such as the site lab or site pollutants. Due to the low levels ofdetection reguired by regulatory agencies, every possible precaution mustbe taken to preserve the integrity of the samples from airborne or direct-contact contamination. The samples, as well as all sampling eguipment anddedicated lab eguipment, must be isolated. NO LEACHATE OR SALESSAMPLES ARE TO BE STORED OR PLACED IN THIS BUILDING.

The sampling team lab and storage building should have a "dirty" roomand a "clean" room. This design is intended to minimize the risk of mostcontaminants, which are present on site from being introduced into thesamples during filtration and preservation. It also provides for amplestorage space for all sampling eguipment and shuttles. All entry to thebuilding is made through the "dirty" room, which acts as a filter for mostsite contaminants and dirt, by trapping these materials before entry into the"clean" room.

This lab and storage building will need to be cleaned thoroughly withdeionized water before each use. Tap water may be used to remove theexcess dirt, but it must then be thoroughly rinsed with deionized water.

A26 (\R30I697


The following list provides some of the uses for "dirty" rooms and "clean"rooms in lab and storage buildings.

"Dirty" Room "Clean" RoomReceive AguaPaks. Place ice packs in freezer.Open and inspect AguaPaks. Calibrate pH and specific

conductivity meters.Reseal AguaPaks and store Store prefiltration bottles.until used.Return AguaPaks after sampling. Receive samples.Clean AguaPaks. Measure pH and specific

conductivity.Clean sampling eguipment. Filter samples.Store sampling eguipment. Preserve samples.Store boots, rain gear, etc. Place samples in refrigerator.Repack AguaPaks. Complete field forms.

Store filtering eguipment.Store extra preservativesand field forms.

Store pH and specificconductivity meters.

Store pH and specificconductivity standards.

A27 /1R30I698


Kev to Symbols

f F j Fire Extinguisher

Nitrogen Tank orCompressed Air Source

D.I. Deionized Water

———i . Sealed Window


Cabinets with Shelves

Emergency Exit

Floor Drain

First Aid Kit


A28 AR301699



— _ _ J _ —



PROPER CHILLING____(Wet Ice Method) ______

Samples are collected and preserved.

Place in a separate cooler/AquaPak 2-310 Ib. bags of ice.

Add 2-3 gallons of deionized water.

Remove samples from bottle holders andplace into cooler/AquaPak.

Place a temporary Chain-of-Custody sealon cooler/AquaPak.

Remove samples from cooler/AquaPak atend of day's sampling, dry the bottlesusing clean paper towels, and repack intooriginal AquaPak.

A so RR'30\70L


PROPER CHILLING____ (Blue Ice Pack Method)_____•


• Samples are collected and preserved.

• Line a separate cooler/AquaPak with 25-30 blue ice packs.

• Remove samples from bottle holders andplace into cooler/AquaPak.

• Place a temporary Chain-of-Custody sealon cooler/AquaPak. j

• Remove samples from cooler/AquaPak atend of day's sampling and repack intooriginal AquaPak

A 3,8R30I7Q2



Repack the samples with adequate spaceto allow extra packing of ice packs.

Repacking should include lining theAquaPak on all sides, top, and bottomwith a layer of blue ice packs.

All ice packs should be completelyfrozen prior to use.

. RR301703

Waterloo Multilevel Sampling System

FeaturesO Unique- self-activating packers, seal against rock walls.

isolating strata to be sampled.- sampling tubes protected inside modularcasing string.

<» Small Diameter- H" to 3/4" I.D. sampling tubes.- up to 6 sampling points in 3"(N) boreholes.'- up to 10 sampling points in 4"(H) boreholes.

<• Economical •- low cost sampling equipment.- reduces drilling costs.- easy, rapid installation. «

« High Quality Samples ' •«**•' ' measures.- controlled sampling.

- portable or dedicated samples.- dedication avoids cross-contamination.


'Manufactured under exclusive licence "from .University of Waterloo. U.S. and Canadian . 'Ipatents pending. \

Model 401 Data Sheet

Model 401: ' .

Waterloo Multilevel SamplingSystem*For obtaining groundwater samples and pressuremeasurements from many different levels in asingle, narrow diameter borehole.The Waterloo system can provide a detailedthree-dimensional profile allowing patterns ofgroundwater flow to be identified and assessed.economically.Developed for use in bedrock, the system can beadapted for use in soil by using traditional backfillmethods with bentonite.When used in conjunction with dedicated sam-pling pumps, general site and cross-well contami-nation are avoided. Sampling time is dramaticallyreduced. This makes it ideal for situations wheregroundwater samples, from many depths, need tobe taken repeatedly over long periods of time.

Applications1. Identification of contaminants and leachateplumes.

2. Mapping groundwater flow patterns.3. Water supply quality studies.4. Demonstrating the absence of pollutants.5. Evaluating the success of pollution abatement

6. Monitoring industrial hazardous materials uselocations.

slope• * 8. Evaluating the performance of lagoons, dams.

and grout curtains.

Instrumentation to measure the properties oftoil, rock and groundwater. . fl R 3 Q ! 7 Q k

SolinstO-nng S«al


Operating PrinciplesThe system uses a PVC casing string to isolate andprotect multiple sampling tubes. The casing is of amodular construction, using flush threaded joints, fittedwith Solinst Oring seals.

For Boreholes in rocka unique feature of the system is the specially designedself-inflating packer module. Packers are used above andbelow each sampling port module, to isolate the strata tobe sampled.The casing string may be made using 2" Sch.80 PVC foruse in 3"(N) boreholes or with 3" Sch.40 for 4"(H)boreholes. The string is assembled using port and packermodules at desired locations, linked together with 2ft 5ftand 10ft lengths of the PVC casing. Spacers can be used por boreholes in overburdento centralize the casing string within the borehole.From each port module a small diameter sampling tube or as an alternate method in rock, packers can be omittedpasses up the centre of the casing string to the surface. from the casing string. Sampling points are then isolatedSampling tubes are typically of W orH"O.D. polyethylene. in the conventional manner, using bentonite and sand.Up to 6 sampling tubes can be installed in a 3"(N) Installation would normally be in larger diameter boreholes.borehole and 10 tubes in a 4"(H) sized installation. A major advantage of the Waterloo System, when using•\mples can be obtained using dedicated samplers in this method, is that the sampling tubes are confined andjch port, or a portable sampling pump. protected within the central PVC casing string. Compac-

tion of the backfill materials can therefore take place in acontrolled manner, using a circular tamper, without fearof damaging the sampling devices or tubing.

InstallationInstallation of the Waterloo Multilevel Sampling Systemis achieved quickly and easily, as it is assembled as it islowered into the borehole. As each port is put intoposition a new sampling tube is connected Each successivemodule or section of casing is then threaded over thesesampling tubes.Water is added to the inside of the PVC casing string, asneeded to counteract buoyancy. The process continuesuntil the entire string is installed. The result is a set ofsmall diameter tubes, each connected to an individuallyisolated sampling port, which terminate in a manifold.




v Gu«



Packer ModuleThe packer modules consist of a length of slotted PVCcasing onto which is mounted a sleeve of Dowell chemi-cal sealant held in place by a pure gum rubber sheath.The packers are strengthened at each end with wovenKevlar cuffs and securely fixed in place by stainless steelclamps at either end.The packer chemical is activated when water is poureddown the central PVC string, during installation. Over thefollowing 24 hours the chemical swells, pushes therubber against the side of the borehole wall and forms atight seal. The process of expansion continues for sometime, ensuring a permanent seal between samplinglocations.The rubber sleeve ensures the seal against the boreholewall and prevents chemical reactions between the com-pound and the formation water outside the casing. Thewoven' Kevlar cuffs provide the strength required towithstand the high differential pressures across thepacker, which are encountered in some installations.

Port ModuleThe port module, as shown, has a stainless steel stemwhich connects the small diameter sampling tube to theport. The port is isolated at the required location withpacker units both immediately above and immediatelybelow itFor dedicated use of Triple Tube or Double Valvepumps, these may be fitted within the small diametertubing directly above the port.Pneumatic or Vibrating Wire Pressure Transducers mayalso be dedicated within separate port modules.



• X S'ro*f

Sampling Options2. The Double Valve Purge/ Sample Pump(Model 403 Data Sheet) was developed to provide rapidpurging and sampling of wells. It uses two one-way checkvalves, which are suitable for dedication in each port inthe Waterloo Multilevel Sampling System.There is no practical depth restriction and sampling timeis rapid. Because the units are dedicated, there is adouWe, coaxial tube leading from each port to a manifoldwith quick release couplings at the surface. Although thiscontributes to the excellent sampling speeds, again itprevents direct measurement of water levels.


Pressure Measurements1. The Triple Tube Sampling Pump

When a portable pump is to be used in conjunction with(Model 402 Data Sheet) was developed specifically for the Waterloo System, water level measurements can beobtaining ground water samples from H" to V ID. taken, with a dipmeter, directly in the sampling tubes.tubing. It uses a Nitrogen inflated packer to seal the When dedicated are to be used direct water Ievelsampling(tube and a second N.trogen me to deliver a measurernents cannot be taken. Water pressure may bepositive Nitrogen pressure that pushes the water to the estimated by caicuiation of the volume of water extrac-ourtace in a single flow. ted Alternatively, additional ports may be installed atThe Triple Tube Pump operates to a maximum depth of each location. These would allow direct water level300 ft and can be used in either the dedicated or the measurement or could be fitted with dedicated Pneu-portable mode. To limit the time required to push the rnatic or Vibrating Wire Pressure Transducers.Triple Tube packer assembly and tubing to the requireddepth, it is suggested that the portable model not be usedfor installations greater than 100-150 ftUse of the portable Triple Tube Pump allows water levelmeasurements to be taken in the same sampling tube.These can be measured using a dipmeter such as theSolinst Coaxial Cable Water Level Meter, (Model 102Data Sheet).A dedicated Triple Tube Pump has coaxial tubes leadingto a manifold at the surface. If necessary it may beremoved for servicing. Quick release coupling's on themanifold are used to operate each Triple Tube assemblyin turn. Use of the dedicated Triple Tube Pump seals offthe sampling tube, preventing direct water level meas-urement

Waterloo Multilevel Sampling SystemOrdering Information.

Specify. Borehole sizePackers: numberPorts: number and typeCasing number of lengths

2ft 5ft 10ftBase Plugs: numberSpacers: numberSampling OptionPressure Measurement OptionInstallation Accessories

A*R 30For further information contact. ....

Solinst Canada Ltd. 2440 Industrial St., Burlington, Ontario L7P 14577 y rxi.ttu rnnr Jtr'B\ CnMr SnUnst Burtinrrnn Dnt

June. 1987


Summary of J^hjange B to Data Sheet.

'1. Double 0-ring joints art- now fttandsrn for ?< 11 mr.r. _iicomponents. i . ?• . Packers. Ports, P.V.C. Casings ami SaPlug.

"E . The port unit ' •-- "1: &ro. ', niess. stc->=. ^ i t r port •.-tr-rr t,-.?. I dtcj the port tor:-. A s t<ii 'iJ e>ss' <?.:. rz>&\-i ( ! o- • rie\- > . '••f i t led ar cu'.'iri • :•;& LIC.I* '. LJOCJ / c: i a:- -rG w: th stc\ •• : ] t-vi?. •. ;.?•damns.. • . .

3. The packer design is chancre: . w.ti'i . laver ^f .. .r^/pvi s'p . lbetween two lays'-s ct rubber inst*--.d of Kevla>- rufl s' -ncsingle layer of iiibber. This clesig- -snsure'S that even v. >£very high unbalanced internal pre"-.--. ures (i.e. i50psi. -h,the nacker wj 1 1 bridge •fissures j n the bt?c/r;ci-. w.f-.of ai 1 are.

4. A port design ; •- availot'e t^hici nav, a ! •:.• : = i 1 y '" ': .exterior, for u&e in c.&rburdfcn ; n--,ta 1 1 at i-..i .': . itr ecomms-naec t!'rir ''or D . '3-r ijt.jr ae:'i st that t. i. t.-. fc '«.•.-. i 'iinstalled in a ^-«-.^ei' cs^efz hil& •" u. 1 « i ; j s-.- : • «• . I'sy&tem be inatr.jled as ^ k:crivt»nt ;c; .1 •_•. »tf>m ^i'.t hun'^ •. . 'pac.k;-?rfc an;1 sanri r.iact.-d bt-i wr*&r. the yc >.«••••• J o c - a c . -ns '«• t"casing is wi thd^w: i. Installation ac ies arf ^vt, i:.\ . ] ,including 'CdSir'.j dtoth oetecl.u:~, '_• e ••! t -.• n i te/&r..-uj d,- j . ,e-systems and tamcin.^ tools.


Double-Valve Purge/Sample PumpModel 403 Data Sheet

Model 403 .

Double-Valve Purge/Sample PumpFour purging and sampling of groundwater from boreholesand monitoring wells.Portable and dedicated model use a nitrogen-drivesystem, double concentric tubing and a pump unit withtwo stainless steel check-valves in a H" to 1.5" O.D.(15.87 - 38.1mm) housing.

Applications• Detection and monitoring of groundwatercontaminants from waste disposal sites, industrial

• facilities and underground storage tanks.• Monitoring for evaluation of groundwaterremediation/restoration measures.

Ideal for use in: Features• Small diameter applications • Versatile - Range of sizes.- Bundled sampling tubes. - Operates with 2ft. (.6m) head.- Waterloo Multilevel System. - Dedicated or portable.• Deep applications ' Manual or automatic-- 100 - 2000ft (30 - 610m). • Fast set-up - Compact pump unit.

• Non-Vertical applications - OnlV one tube- Below landfill liner, - EasV to clean-

- ID n j i , . ~ Convenient reel.• well development or purging- Prior to installation of piezometers, in narrow diameter • Quality Samples - Precise control of flow.rock boreholes. - Mid-flow samples.

- Simple, reliable operation.Material Options Size OptionsThe standard pump uses stainless steel check-valves and. The stainless steel check-valve units are available inhousing attached to concentric U" within H" (6.35mm sizes with an outside diameter of V, 1.05" (19mm.within 12,7mm) O.D. polyethylene tubing, For .deep 26.7mm, 38.1mm). Asmalervalve unit is also availableinstallations nylon tubing can be specified and for sensi- . wi'h th!,st ?leff ,steel valves uho"sed ™thin \ °p-tive applications. Teflon-. tubing. Double-valve pumps which are dedicated in the

Waterloo Multilevel System have the smaller valvepermanently incorporated within H" (15,87mm) O.D.sampling tubes.

Pump PerformanceCheck valves are pressure rated to 1500 Thus the maximumdepth of sampling is limited only by the pressure rating of thetubing used. Polyethylene is typically rated for use to 200ft(61m) and nylon for use to 2000ft. (610m).The pump refills with as little as 2ft. (0.6mm) head of water abovethe intake. It operates efficiently in non-vertical boreholes. Flowrates vary with the dimensions of the pump and tubing; the head ofwater, the hydraulic conductivity of the formation and the timeschosen for the pressure/vent cycle. Rates are comparable to othergas operated pumps (bladder pumps, gas-lift samplers, etc.) at

'Teflon is the registered trademark of Dupont. shallower depths and superior at greater depths,

fiistrumeniation to measure the properties ofsoil, rock and groundwater. _

Operating Principles Portable ModelThe pump utilizes two stainless steel, one-way check- In the P°rtable ™d«the tubing and controls are housed:toidht= ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ s -a compact stainless steel housing. . ported from one borehole or monitoring well to another.A nitrogen dnye system conducts the water to the A compact pump unit and only one tube to handle, allowsurface in a W (6.35mm) O.D. riser tube concern™ . rt m thc borehoie or monitoring well.within a V4 (12.7mm) O.D. gas dnve tube. The water _ , .. .. a . .arrives at the surface in a contiguous undisturbed 'slug'. F»t reliable operation is achieves using the manua_. i . n / n j t u / control switch on the reel. This allows full adjustment ofThe contra unit allows full adjustment of the pressure/ ^ pressure/vent cycle times. Best results are achievedvent cycle time, giving precise control over the pumping ^ a short press* re/vent cycie ,8 used. This can beprocess. adjusted to deliver a contiguous flow of water for as

many well-volumes as required, (providing that thenatural recharge rate is sufficiently fast).For further convenience a model with a fully automatictimer is available. This model houses the control unit

Stage 1 and timer in a separate, lightweight carrying case andAt atmospheric pressure both check re<*uires s!»Sht difference in the carrying reel This unitvalves remain open. Formation water 9'ves precise control of water extraction and, dependingenters the sampler and rises to static ?n the size of the 12 *olt batterv used can °Perate for 4jevej , hours or more per charge.


j_ SlottedWellscreen .

water Dedicated ModelNitrogen

The Double-Valve Pump is ideally designed for dedicatedStage 2 use in small diameter applications such as "bundleNitrogen pressure is applied to the piezometers" or the Waterloo Multilevel Groundwaterannular space. This closes the lower Monitoring System. (See Model 401 Data Sheet.)valve and pushes the formation water ln the Waterioo System the smallest Double-Valveto the surface in a contiguous undis- pump is used A valve unit is set just above eachturbed slug. The lower valve pre- discretely isolated sampling point permanently incorpo-vents water or gas from being driven rated wjthin H» (15.87rrirn) sampiing tubes that leadback into the formation. from the port to the surface manifoid. For easy operation.

quick connect couplings attach to the controls housed ina high-impact lightweight carrying case.Dedicated models can also be installed in the conven-tional manner within individual boreholes or monitoringwells. The Pump is particularly suited to small diameterapplications, or applications which require non-verticalor deep installations.

Stage 3On release of the Nitrogen pressure.the upper valve closes, sealing offthe water within the sampling tube.The lower valve opens, allowingfresh formation water to enter.

The cycle is repeated until purging is completed Samplesare taken from the middle of the 'slug of water, thusavoiding the gas-water interface. •

DoubleValve Purge/Sample PumpOrder Information

Specify. Dedicated or portable useID. of sampling wellDepth to sampling point(s).Special materials

A R 3 0 ! 7 I 0 For Junker information contacL—SolinStSolinst Canada Ltd. 2440 Industrial St. Burlington, Ontario L7P 1AS

f416) 33S-5611 TLX. 061-SSI4 <BOC BCRl Cable. Solinst, Burlington, Out.













JOB NO 873.6048DRAWN







Angle BraceWith Padlock

Pea Gravel

Weep Hole

CouplingIt Typical


7in. Dia. Aluminum Protective Casing

Polyethylene Tubing(3/8 and 1/4 inch Diameter )

2 Inch Diameter PVCThreaded Pipe

6in. Dia. Aluminum Protective Casing

Concrete Seal Around 6 h. PVC andAlurnhurn Casng to Approx. 5 ft. BelowGround Surface

Clay Backfill

Bentonite SealTo Top Of First Packer

6 inch Diameter PVC Standpipe(Used To Case Off Overburden Material)






















873-6048E A M





RR30I7I3Colder Associates ELIZABETHTOWN LANDFILL rituneA3


WELL WIZARCIII dedicated systems for well-monitorirIIII



AR30I7U °?:7£


System Description...........................................p iDedicated Component Installation.t...........................p 4

Model 3013 Automatic Controller..............................p 6

Model 3011 Automatic Controller/Driver.......................p 10

Model 3111 Automatic Controller/Driver.............i.........p 13Figure 1................................................p 16Figure 2................................................p 1~

Figure 3................................................p 16

Figure 4 ................................................p 15

Figure 5................................................p 20

Figure 6 ................................................p 21

Equipment Specifications.....................................p 22

Compressor Manufacturer Instructions.........................p

Static Water T avel Meter...........................'......... .p

Purge Mizer Operating Instructions...........................p 2£

Schematic Diagrams

. Typical Well Wizard Pump and Water Level ProbeInstallation..........................................p 2E

Model 4200 Purge Mizer................;.................p 25

Model 4202 Purge Mizer..................................p 2:

Model F-1100............................................F 21

Model p-liOl............................................p 2:Model T-1100............................................? 22

Model F-1201.............................................F 34

Model T-1200............................................P 25

Warranty Information. .........................................p 26



Monitoring the quality of groundwater demands anefficient method of collecting unbiased samples. Well Wizardprovides a total system for meeting the complete needs ofgroundwater monitoring with the flexibility necessary to meetyour special requirements.

The Well Wizard system is based on dedicating the water-contacting components to each well. Only the portablecontrol elements need be transported from well to well.

The WELL WIZARD system is comprised of the followingdedicated and portable components:


A. Pump

The Well Wizard pump is an air-actuated bladderpump which 13 permanently positioned at the desiredlevel in the well; its intake is normally mid-way in thewell- screen section. The pump is suspended by twotubes, which supply air to the pump and convey the watersample to the well cap. The pump is normally suppliedpre- assembled to the tubing and the well cap assemblyto permit quick installation of the system.

The 1100 series pumps consist of four majorcomponents: upper and lower end check valve assemblies(one each)r a bladder cartridge, and the pump body. Thepump may be totally disassembled without tools byunscrewing each end cap and pushing the b l a d d e rcartridge out of the pump body. The water dischargefitting has a small diameter orifice to aid cold weatheroperation by allowing the water discharge line to drainafter use.

The 1200 series pumps consist of two majorcomponents: the bladder cartridge assembly and the pumpbody. The pump may be disassembled partially by pushingthe body locating pin out of the body and bladdercartridge, then pulling the two major components apart.The upper portion of the bladder cartridge has a smalldiameter orifice, covered by the body, which aids incold weather operation.


The use of a bladder mechanism prevents the driveair from contacting the sample. In alternating cycles,drive air squeezes the bladder, moving water out throughthe top of the pump, followed by a vent cycle in whichfresh water enters through the bottom of the pump.

The Well Wizard pump may be operated dry withoutdamage. In many field applications and laboratorytests, particulate matter has been pumped without damageto the pump. However, continued pumping of particularlylarge sharp particles may puncture the bladder.

B. Well Cap

The well cap is fitted to the top of the well casing toprotect the well from contamination. There are two (2)terminal fittings inside the well cap plus a thirdoptional fitting for the integral standing water levelmeasurement. These fittings are:1. A 3/8 inch ID brass compression throughfitting for

the water delivery line.

2. A short brass quick connect nipple for the pumpair supply line.

3. A compression fitting with tube stub for thestatic head air supply line (optional) .

The protected well cap has a lid with a lock pin. Alabel inside the lid allows well identification andreference data to be recorded.

C* Pneumatic Static Water Level Probe (optional)

The static water level probe is permanently mountedinside the well. The relative submergence of the proteis measured pneumatically with a portable instrument.


A. Controller

The Well Wizard cycle controller regulates the air flowfrom a compressed gas source to the pump. The cyclecontroller alternately vents and pressurizes the pumpsupply air line, allowing the pump to fill with water,then discharge. The duration of the pumping cycles and

' the rate of sample flow can be adjusted! separately.Controller/driver models include an oilless compressorto power the Well Wizard System.

j W30I7I7

B. Water«ievel Meters

Two methods of static water level measurement areoffered. The pneumatic water level approach employs*aportable meter with a sensitive back pressure gauge tomeasure the submergence of the dedicated probe. Themeter is powered by a refillable compressed gas chargeobtained from the pump controller output.

The electronic water level approach uses aconductivity probe attached to a calibrated tape. Alight and buzzer are activated when the probe touchesthe water surface.



A. Pump and Well Cap

Each pump and well cap assembly has been provided withtubing lengths selected to match the specified welldepths unless otherwise indicated. The well identifi-cation information and well depth are labeled on thepackaging. (The static head sensors, and tubing arepackaged and installed separately).1. Do not remove the packaging from each pump and

well cap assembly until at the well site to minimizecontamination during handling.

2. Standard well caps are provided to match casingsof 2', 3*, and 4" diameter. Any special fittingsto be installed on the well head to adapt to thewell cap should be installed before proceeding

. further.3. Lower the pump into the well slowly while uncoiling

the tubing bundle. Continue until the ent'" tubelength has been deployed.

4. The well cap may be cemented into position or leftloosely attached.

5. The label within the protected well cap may be markedwith information such as well identification anddepth.

B. Static Head ProbeCare should be taken to ensure that the water level inthe well has returned to its natural level after anyrecent sampling or purging.1. Measure the static head level in the well' with a

measuring tape or other available device. Recordthis reference value on the label provided insidethe well cap.

2. Cut a length of static head tubing equal to thedistance to the standing water level, withoutaccounting for the length of the static head probe.

3. Attach one end of the static head tubing to thestatic head probe by inserting it into the tubingfitting, then tightening the nut one full turn pastfinger-tight.

4. The fitting panel in the well cap assembly can beremoved by grasping the fittings and pullingupward.

5. Push the free end of the static head tubing upthrough the appropriate fitting in the well capfitting panel. Push the tubing through untilapproximately 2 feet of tubing extends above thefitting. Tighten the fitting nut finger tight to

-.prevent loss of the probe.

6. Lower the static head probe into the well andreplace the fitting panel into the well cap.

7. Connect the static head indicator as described inthe OPERATION Section.

8. .Read the static head level as described in theOPERATION Section. Raise or lower the probe levelas necessary to cause the static head indicatorgauge to read mid-scale (zero) . Hand tighten thestatic head tubing fitting nut as tightly aspossible without use of a wrench.

9. Cut off the excess static head tubing one inchabove the well cap fitting.



The Model 3013 automatic controller controls operationof the Well Wizard pump. When connected to an appropriatecompressed gas source, the Model 3013 controller alternatelypressurizes, then vents•the air supply line to the pump. Theunit is pneumatically operated and requires no electricalpower supply. The duration of the pressurization and ventcycles can be adjusted to optimize the pumping rate.

Figure 1 shows the control panel of the Model 3013automatic controller and identifies the components.

It is recommended that the compressed gas source be ofhigh quality, such as breathing quality air or from anoilless compressor of the type offered in the Well Wizardproduct line.

WARNING: Pressure applied to the controller must notexceed 125 psi. Higher pressures may createhazardous conditions, and will void systemwarranties.

environmental systems inc. • P.O. Box 7209 Ann Arboi Michirwn 48107 • (313)995



1. Attach the compressed gas source to the long quick-connect nipple labeled Pump Pressure Inlet on the faceof the controller panel (See Figure 1) , using femaleportion of coupling supplied.

2. Connect either end of the red controller air hose to theshort brass quick-connect nipple labeled Pump Supply onthe right side of the control panel (See Figure 1).Connect the other end of the controller air hose to thesame type of quick- connect nipple located in the wellcap assembly.

3. To begin operation of the Well Wizard pump, actuate thesupply of compressed gas connected to the controllerblock. Five to fifteen pumping cycles are required topurge the air from the pump and tubing. Full water flowfrom the sample supply tube should then begin.

4. To reduce the water flow rate during sample collection,turn the throttle control on the left side of thecontrol panel in the counterclockwise direction (SeeFigure 1) For increased flow rate during well purging,turn the throttle control clockwise.

' i

5. The refill and discharge control knobs as shipped shouldbe in proper position (12 o'clock as shown in Figure 2)for average well depths with refill and discharge cycletimes of 6 to 8 seconds each. To optimize pumpingefficiency for a specific well depth, the following,three-step procedure can be followed:

a. Adjust the refill and discharge cycles to 10-15seconds each. Measure the water volume dischargedin a single discharge cycle.

b. Shorten the discharge cycle period (by counter-clockwise knob adjustment) until the end of thedischarge cycle just begins to coincide with theend of water flow from the Well Wizard pump outlettube.

c. Shorten the refill cycle period until the watervolume per discharge cycle decreases 10-251 fromthe maximum value measured in Step a.

6. Operating guidelinest. Deeper wells require both the refill and discharge


cycles to be lengthened, by turning the controlknobs clockwise up to one-quarter turn.

b. Me compressed gas source is applied to the WellWizard pump to discharge water during the dischargecycle. The pump is vented to atmosphere to refillduring the refill cycle.

c. Equal length refill and discharge cycles aregenerally desirable.

d. If the controller does not sound as if it isalternating between cycles (pressurizing andventing), the control knobs are adjusted forexcessively long cycle times, and should beadjusted counterclockwise.

e. The full range of usefull refill and dischargecycle lengths is 3 to 15 seconds each.

f. Higher compressed gas pressure levels providehigher pumping rates. Lower compressed gaspressure levels pump more water per unit volume ofgas.

g. The volume of water pumped per cycle should beapproximately 300-350 ml. If the pumping rate isunsatisfactory, and the volume per cycle is below300 ml, recheck the cycle lengths according to thethree-step procedure. If the pumping rate is stillunsatisfactory, check all air fitting connectionsfor leaks.

7. Maintenance

Maintenance of the controller includes the followingprocedures: 1) periodically draining the internalaccumulator filter bowl, and 2) application ofcontroller protectant (see page 9 for instructions).Water from the internal accumulator filter bowl must bedrained periodically when a compressor is used to powerthe controller. The bowl is drained by depressing thevalve button at the upper left corner of the controlpanel as shown in Figure 1. It is recommended that thebowl be drained after every 1/2 hour of controller

. operation, especially in humid conditions. The buttonshould be held down for five seconds while thecontroller is operating.



. Proper application of Controller Protectant win aid• trouble-free operation of your Well Wizard Controller.


Treatment once per year is sufficient for normal usageconditions. Application two to four tines per year isrecommended for units subject to extended operation underconditions of high humidity. Application prior to long-termstorage is also recommended.APPLICATION DIRECTIONS:

1. Remove excess moisture by operating controller with dry,compressed air source for 10-15 minutes. Set refill anddischarge timers to 9:00 position and disconnect "PumpSupply" air hose from controller panel.

2> Model 3013; Disconnect air hose from "Pump PressureInlet" fitting on panel and apply approximately 20 drops(about 1/8 inch of vial level) of Controller Protectantinto "Pump Pressure Inlet" fitting.

Reconnect compressed air source to "Pump Pressure Inlet"fitting and allow controller to cycle for 30 minuteswith open discharge from "Pump Supply" fitting.

Excess protectant will be discharged from "Pump Supply"fitting.

Model 3011: Apply approximately 20 drops (about 1/8inch of vial level) into the auxiliary pressure inletconnector located at the top left side of the controlpanel. Open the connector's check valve by depressingthe valve tip with a flat screwdriver or by connectingthe mating female coupler provided with the controller,separate from any hose.

3. Push vent button for five seconds prior to disconnectingcompressed air source.

4. Wipe excess Controller Protectant from panel surface andfittings.061719-6/28/84



The Model 3011 automatic controller/driver operates theWell Wizard pump. When connected to a 12 VDC power supply,the Model 3011 controller/driver alternately pressurizes,then vents the air supply line to the pump. The controlcircuit in the unit is pneumatically operated and requires noelectrical power supply; the 12 VDC power supply operates thecompressor only. The duration of the pressurization and ventcycles can be adjusted to optimize the pumping rate. Aseparate control allows the rate of flow to be throttled downfor sample collection.

Figure 1 shows the control panel of the Model 3011automatic controller/driver and identifies the components.


1. Refer to Fi~ % 1 for location of controls.

2. Connect the power cable plug end to the matching socketlocated on the exterior, back of the controller/drivercase. Connect the red spring clamp to the positiveterminal of the 12 VDC source, and the black clamp tothe negative terminal.

3. .Connect the end of the red controller air hose to theshort brass quick-connect nipple located in the well capassembly.

4. To begin operation of the Well Wizard pump, move thepower supply switch on the panel to the ON position.Five to fifteen pumping cycles are required topurge the air from the pump and tubing. Full water flowfrom the sample supply tube should then begin.

5. To reduce the water flow rate during sample collection,turn the throttle control on the left side of thecontrol panel in the counterclockwise direction (SeeFigure 1). For increased flow rate during well purging,turn the throttle control clockwise.

6. The refill and discharge control knobs as shipped shouldbe in proper position (shown in Figure 2) for averagewell depths with refill and discharge cycle times of €

- to 8 seconds each. To optimize pumping efficiency for aspecific well depth, the following three-step procedurecan be followed:a. Adjust the refill and discharge cycles to 10-15

seconds each. Measure the water volume dischargedin a single pump cycle.

b. Shorten the discharge cycle period (by counter-clockwise knob adjustment) until the end of thedischarge cycle begins to coincide with the end ofwater flow from the Well wizard pump outlet tube.

c. Shorten the refill cycle period until the watervolume per discharge cycle decreases 10-25% fromthe maximum value measured in Step a.

7. Operating guidelines

a. Deeper wells require both the refill and dischargecycles to be lengthened, by turning the controlknobs clockwise up to one-quarter turn.

b. The compressed air is applied to the .Well Wizardpump to discharge ., r during the discharge cycle.The pump is vented to atmosphere to refill duringthe refill cycle.

c. Equal length refill and discharge cycles aregenerally desirable.

d. If the controller does not sound as if it isalternating between cycles' (pressurizing andventing), the control knobs are adjusted forexcessively long cycle times, and should beadjusted counterclockwise.

e. The full range of useful refill and dischargecycle lengths is 3 to 15 seconds each.

f. The volume of water pumped per cycle should beapproximately 300-350 ml. If the pumping rate isunsatisfactory, and the volume per cycle is below300 ml, recheck the cycle lengths according to thethree-step procedure. If the pumping rate is stillunsatisfactory, check all air fitting connectionsfor leaks.

g. The maximum compressor current draw is 18 amps. Ifpumping rates appear low, rechec.k the ratedcapacity of the 12 VDC power source.

______________ ii 5R3Q I 7?fi


a. External pressure applied to the controller MUSTNOT exceeed 125 psi. Higher pressure may createhazardous cond i t ions , and will void systemwarranties. It is recommended that the compressedgas source be at high quality, oilless nature such asbreathing quality air.

b. Connect external air source to controller usingcoupling provided.

c. DO NOT engage controller compressor when usingexternal air ource. This will result in greater airflow and may carnage internal components.

d. Follow operating instruct ions,5-7 for controlleradjustments.

9. Maintenance

Maintenance, of the controller includes the followingprocedures: 1) p e r i o d i c a l l y d r a i n i n g the' i n t e r n a laccumulator filter bowl, and 2) appl' ...ion of controllerprotectfr.t (see page 9 for instructions) .

Water from the internal accumulator filter bowl must bedrained periodically. The bowl is drained by depressing thevalve button labeled "MOISTURE VENT" located on the controlpanel, as shown in Figure 2. The button should be held downwhile the compressor is operating until the flow of moisturestops. It is recommended- that the bowl be drained afte revery 1/2 hour of controller operation, especially in humidconditions.

The compressor requires only infrequent maintenance, asdescribed on pages 23 and 24 of this manual.



The Model 3111 controller/driver is a self contained,' cart-mounted unit that powers and controls the Well Wizardsample pump. An air-cooled gasoline engine drives a 100 psioiless compressor. When the gasoline engine is activated thecontroller alternately pressurizes and vents the air supplyline to the pump. The unit is pneumatically operated andrequires no electrical power supply. The duration of thepressurization and vent cycles can be adjusted to optimizethe pumping rate. A separate control allows the flow rate tobe throttled down during sample collection.

Figure 1 shows the control panel of the Model 3111automatic controller/driver and identifies thecomponents.

WARNING: Pressure applied to the controller must notexceed 125 psi. Higher pressures may createhazardous conditions, and will void systemwarranties.



1. Attach the compressor output to the long q u i c k -connect nipple labeled Pump Pressure Inlet on the faceof the controller panel (See Figure 1), using the blackhose with mating fittings.

2. Connect either end of the red controller air hose to theshort brass quick-connect nipple labeled Pump Supply onthe right side of the control panel (See Figure 1).Connect the other end of the controller air hose to thesame type of quick- connect nipple located in the wellcap assembly.

3. To begin operation of the Well Wizard pump, start thecompressor engine. Five to fifteen pumping cycles arerequired to purge the air from the pump and tubing.Full water flow from the sample supply tube should then

, begin. '

4. To reduce the water flow rate during sample collection,turn the throttle control on the left side of thecontrol panel in the counterclockwise direction (SeeFigure* 1) For increased flow rate during well purging,turn the throttle control clockwise.

5. The refill and discharge control knobs as shipped shouldbe in proper position (12 o'clock as shown in Figure 2)for average well depths with refill and discharge cycletimes of 6 to 8 seconds each. To optimize pumpingefficiency for a specific well depth, the followingthree-step procedure can be followed:

a. Adjust the refill and discharge cycles to 10-15seconds each. Measure the water volume dischargedin a single discharge cycle.

b. Shorten the discharge cycle period (by counter-clockwise knob adjustment) until the end of thedischarge cycle just begins to coincide with theend of water flow from the Well Wizard pump outlettube.

c. • Shorten the refill cycle period until the watervolume per discharge cycle decreases 10-251 frcir.the maximum value measured in Step a.

6. Operating guidelines

a. Deeper wells require both the refill and dischargecycles to be lengthened, by turning the controlknobs clockwise up to one-quarter turn.

b. The compressed gas source is applied to the WellWizard pump to discharge water during the dischargecycle. The pump is vented to atmosphere to refillduring the refill cycle.

c. Equal length refill and discharge cycles aregenerally desirable.

d. If the controller does not sound as if it isalternating between cycles ( andventing), the control knobs tre adjusted forexcessively long cycle tines, and should beadjusted counterclockwise.

e. The full range of usefull refill and dischargecycle lengths is 3 to 15 seconds each.


f. Higher compressed gas pressure levels providehigher pumping rates. Lower compressed gaspressure levels pump more water per unit volume ofgas.

g. The volume of water pumped per cycle should beapproximately 300-350 ml. If the pumping rate isunsatisfactory, and the volume per cycle is below300 ml, recheck the cycle lengths according to thethree-step procedure. If the pumping rate is stillunsatisfactory, check all air fitting connectionsfor leaks.


7. Maintenance

Maintenance of the controller includes the followingprocedures: 1) periodically draining the internalaccumulator filter bowl, and 2) application ofcontroller protectant (see page 9 for instructions).water from the internal accumulator filter bowl must bedrained periodically. The bowl is drained by depressingthe valve button labeled "moisture vent" on the controlpanel as shown in Figure 1. It is recommended that thebowl be drained after every 1/2 hour of controlleroperation, especially in humid conditions. The buttonshould be held down for five seconds while thecontroller is operating, until the flow of moistureceases. Maintenance of the engine .should follow theengine manufacturer's recommendations.


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_ (g THOMASII XX INDUSTRIES INC^ "'" . „ 1419 Illlneli Avt., Shtboyg.n, Wl


MODELS:405 ADC 38-12405 ADC 38-24

^ ••lor* proceeding with any maintenance, remove electric cord from outlet. ^

REPLACING A CONNECTING MOO ASSEMBLY located in grooves correctly K sleeve seal "tees -err t: -Remove the four head acrew. and remove head Remove the K??££ £'r£&'SX£""m* "5 " * 'vnlve plate Then remove the four front cover acrews and the M" ll!t m 9roovt eorrfct|y Wlth *(ttvtfront cover. loosen connecting rod acrew and elide REPLACING ECCENTRIC 4 IEARING ASSEMBLY

„ UIMtr BOC..1 « ..M pttu f M fc...!,.™ o-"i- ,MEPiACING THE INTAKE VALVE Aeaaaembie reveramg procedure, be sure not tc Ove-t ;- •.

Harnovt connecting rod aaaembly it deacnbed above. •ceentr.c aet acrew or connecting rod screwremove flapper valve acrew. and replace valve Reassemble REPLACING •MUSHESan above. The complete bruah holder and lead wire as$t-ty-.r :

REPLACING THE EXHAUST VALVE replaced. Remove the end cap acrews ana remove e^: :iRemove h«*d at described above remove valve acrew andr.p..c. MM. R,m.mb- .. «.Kr.Bea above

REPiLAClNQ AIR SEALS guide before placing over commutatorRemove head as described, replace »r aeai. be sure aeai is AH other services for maintenance on this un>t ca»r:: r

1 made m the field and must M made at the factory

WPORTANT MOTICI TO PUHCMAMKeetaatien an« ewfcntar'i (or uw i I uoiy*nr« remedy ewnne M surtaa*it» me ntm* of tie atoduei «0' mi tnwneie WM i"

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The Model 6010 Pneumatic static water -level meter ispowered by a refillable compressed air charge containedwithin the portable unit, and requires no electrical powersupply. The sensitive gauge within the unit Measures thechange in standing water level of wells equipped with adedicated pneumatic static probe.


To charge the air tank inside the portable unit simplyconnect the hose which is normally used -to drive the WellWizard pump to the 'TANK RECHARGE' fitting and actuate thecompressed gas source. If using the Model 3011controller/driver the 'Tank Air Pressure* gauge should peakaround 60 psi. If using the Model 3111 controller/driver thegauge should peak around 100 psi. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RECHARGETHE AIR TANK FROM A COMPRESSED GAS SOURCE OF OVER 100PSI.

Connect the flexible, clear tubing to the "Air Supply toWell" fitting on the panel of the 6010 and to the static waterlevel probe tube located on the well cap panel.Turn the Air on/off switch on the panel of the 6010 to the"on* position. The needle on the "Water Level" gauge shouldthen begin to move. The needle nay take up to two minutes toSteady. IF THIS IS THE INITIAL INSTALLATION STOP HERE ANDOREFER TO STATIC WATER LEVEL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS.

4. Once the needle has steadied, record the indicated value. —The indicated value will be either a negative value, zero, or CDa positive value. A negative value indicates that the watercolevel has dropped, e.g. a value of '-5' indicates that theocwater level has dropped 5 inches from the value determined at«xthe initial installation of the system (the level recorded onthe inside of the cap assembly) . Thus 5 inches are addedto the value indicated on the cap and recorded in the logbook as the current static water level. If the gauge reads apositive value than that value is subtracted from the valueindicated on the cap. If the gauge reads zero then no changehas occured since installation.

5. Once static water level has been determined turn Air on/offswitch to off.




WARNING: Inflate Purge Mizer only when positioned at fulldepth within well casing. Do not inflate PurgeMizer outside well. Deflate after use.

1. Purge Mizer should be inflated a ft e r measuring waterlevel, but before purging.

2. To inflate Purge Mizer, connect Model 4000 control unit tothe mating fitting in the well cap. Next connect theModel 4000 control unit to the "Pump Supply" hose of theWell Wizard controller.

3. Turn the pressure regulator knob on the Model 4003control unit counter-clockwise to ensute i n i t i a linflation at low pressures. (Less than 30 psi).

4. Activate the compressed gas source and inflate the PurgeMizer while slowly increasing the pressure to recommencedlevel. (See Inflation Setting Table No. 1). Turning thecontrol unit pressure regulator knob clockwise increases tr.einflation pressure. The Purge Mizer will be inflated _during the controller 'discharge1 cycle, which may be __j.lengthened to speed inflation. ^

5. Proceed with purging and sampling. A proper performance c£-,Purge Mizer is indicated by a steady pressure reading on t$*>Purge Mizer control unit inflation gauge. ae

6. After sampling is completed, fully deflate Purge Mizer byuncoupling the Model 4000 control unit.


O.K.IX environmental systems inc> P.O. Box 7209. Ann Aiijor.'Mictiigjn 48107 -1313) 995 2




20 50

40 60

60 70

80 . 80

100 90


No regular maintenance required.


Only the following tube fittings are user-servicable; consultmanufacturer -for other service.

Sample tube fitting-3/8" tube x 3/8 MPT-No. 34457-BPump air supply f" tube K 1/4" MPT-No. 34455-BInflation air fitting-1/8" tube x 1/8" MPT-No. 34623



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55 RR301750

March 1992 ______________-i-__________________ 903-6372



Section Page No.

Table of Contents i

1.0 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Designated Safety Personnel and Chain-

of-Command 11.3 Medical Surveillance and Training 31.4 Respiratory Protection 31 . 5 General Procedures 31.6 Confined Space and Trench Entry 5

Procedures1.7 Exclusion Zones 6

2.0 SITE BACKGROUND AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION 72.1 Site Background 72.2 Project Description 72.3 Existing Conditions 72.4 Potential Hazards 8

3.0 SITE MONITORING AND ACTION LEVELS 103.1 Oxygen Deficiency, Combustible Gases

Hydrogen Sulfide and Cyanide 103.2 VOC Monitoring 12

4.0 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND RESPIRATORYPROTECTION 144.1 Personal Protective Eguipment 144.2 Heat Stress 154.3 Cold Stress 164.4 Decontamination 16

5.0 CONTINGENCY AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANS 185.1 Medical Emergency Response Plan 185.2 Fire and Explosions _ 205.3 Unforeseen Circumstances 21

LIST OF- TABLES In OrderFollowingPage No. 21

Table 1 - Compounds of ConcernTable 2 - Emergency Contacts


Colder Associates AR3QI753

March 1992___,_____________-1-________________ 903-6372

1.0 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS1.1 IntroductionThe purpose of this document is to establish standard healthand safety procedures for RI/FS site personnel during siteinvestigation activities at the Elizabethtown Landfill, WestDonegal Township, Pennsylvania.

The levels of protection and the procedures specified inthis plan are based on the best information available andrepresent the minimum health and safety requirements to beobserved by all personnel while engaged in this project.Unforeseeable site conditions or personal preferences maywarrant the use of higher levels of protection. Anyadditional health and safety procedures that are required bythe owner/operator of the on-site facility that are morestringent than the procedures specified herein must befollowed and shall supersede the requirements of this plan.

Project staff must read this document carefully. If youhave any questions or concerns which you feel are notadequately addressed, ask the Health and Safety Officer oravailable on-site health and safety personnel. Follow thedesignated health and safety procedures, be alert to. thehazards associated with working on any construction site inclose proximity to heavy equipment, and above all else, usecommon sense, and exercise reasonable caution at all times.

1.2 Designated Safety Personnel and Chain-of-CommandThe personnel responsible for the health and safety of theRI/FS project staff on this project are the Site Health andSafety Coordinator, the Health and Safety Officer and theProject' Manager. These individuals, as well as theiralternates, will be identified after the selection of theRI/FS Contractor. Their names and qualifications will be

Colder Associates

March 1992________________-2-___________________903-6372

submitted to EPA and PADER 30 days prior to the initiationof the RI/FS.


The Health and Safety Officer has overall responsibility forestablishing appropriate health and safety procedures forthe project and shall have the requisite authority toimplement those procedures including, if necessary, theauthority to temporarily close the project down for healthand safety reasons.

The Site Health and Safety Coordinator is responsible forassuring that the designated procedures are implemented inthe field and providing Health and Safety briefings as newworkers arrive at the Site or a new work task is initiated.

The Project Manager has the overall responsibility forproject health and safety and shall have the authority totake whatever actions may be necessary to provide a safeworking environment for all personnel.

The ultimate responsibility for the health and safety of theindividual project member rests with the project memberhimself, and his or her colleagues. Each project member isresponsible for exercising the utmost care and good judgmentin protecting his or her own health and safety and that offellow project members. Should a potentially unsafesituation exist, it is the responsibility of the projectmember to bring that situation to the attention of theappropriate health and safety personnel as designated above.Should the project require the project member to engage inpotentially unsafe activities as a result of poor planning,oversight, changing conditions, etc., it is not only theright, but the responsibility of the individual to say "No".

Colder Associates&R30I755

March 1992__________________-3-_____________________903-6372

1.3 Medical Surveillance and TrainingAll personnel engaged in on-site activities on this projectmust have had baseline physical examinations in the yearprior to commencing work and be participants in the medicalsurveillance program. In addition, all on-site personnelmust be trained in hazardous waste site investigation healthand safety including hazard recognition, respiratoryprotection, personal protective clothing, decontamination,and the proper calibration and use of the photoionizationdetector (PID), Mine Safety Appliances (MSA) 361 combustiblegas, oxygen and hydrogen sulfide detector, and cyanidemonitoring equipment. This training shall be in accordancewith 29 CFR. 1910.120(6).

1.4 Respiratory ProtectionAll project members who may be required to use air purifyingrespirators must be included in the medical surveillanceprogram and be approved for the use of .respiratoryprotection by a licens-ed physician. Prior to using any airpurifying respirator in the field, each project member mustbe qualitatively fit tested for the specific size, make, andmodel of respirator he or she will be using according to theprocedures set forth in Appendix C of the 29 CFR 1910.1001asbestos regulations. Beards (including a few days growth),large sideburns, or mustaches which may interfere with aproper respirator seal are not permitted.

1.5 General ProceduresThe following personal hygiene and Work practice guidelinesare intended to prevent injuries and adverse health effects.These guidelines represent the minimum standard proceduresfor reducing potential risks associated with this projectand are to be followed by the RI/FS project staff at alltimes.

Colder Associates ftR301756

March 1992________________-4-___________________903-6372

1. A multi-purpose dry chemical fire extinguisher, acomplete field first aid kit, and a bottle ofemergency eye wash solution shall be maintained inevery site vehicle.

2. Eating, drinking, smoking, taking medications,chewing gum, etc., is prohibited within a 50-footradius, and at all distances downwind of drillingoperation.

3. Thoroughly wash hands and, if necessary, facebefore eating or putting anything in your mouth.

4. Stand upwind of excavations, boreholes, wellcasings, drilling spoils, etc., whenever possible.

5. Be alert to potentially changing exposureconditions as evidenced by perceptible odors,unusual appearance of excavated soils, etc.

6. Do not enter any test pit or trench greater thanfour feet in depth unless in accordance withprocedures specified in Section 1.6.

7. Under no circumstances shall any project memberenter or ride in or on any backhoe bucket,materials hoist, or any other similar device notspecifically designed for carrying humanpassengers.

8. Be alert to the potential hazards due to ongoingsite activities not related to the project, i.e.,nearby process emissions, etc.

9. Be alert to the symptoms of fatigue, heat and coldstress, and their effect on the normal conditionand judgment of personnel.

10. Establish prearranged hand signals or other meansof emergency communication when wearingrespiratory equipment, since this equipmentseriously impairs speech communications.

11. Noise may become a health and safety hazard,particularly during drilling and constructionactivities. A good rule of thumb is that if youhave to shout in order to communicate from adistance of three feet in steady state(continuous) noise, you should be wearing hearingprotection. Likewise, any impact noise fromactivities such as driving casing on a drillingoperation which is loud enough to cause

• discomfort, would also indicate the use of hearing


ftColder Associates ftR3QI757


March 1992_____________ -5- —-"- ____________903-6372

protection. Hearing protection is available andshould be included in your standard field kitalong with hard hat, safety glasses, etc.

12. Always use an appropriate level of personalprotection. Lesser levels of protection canresult in preventable exposure; excessive levelsof safety equipment can impair efficiency andincrease the potential for accidents to occur.

In addition to the above items, a Site Safety Meeting willbe held at the outset of site activities requiring healthand safety procedures. Safety briefings will be given topersonnel new to the site prior to their entering the site.This briefing must be given by the Health and SafetyOfficer, Site Health and Safety Coordinator or ProjectManager. All personnel must sign an acknowledgement of thisbriefing. Additionally, safety meetings will be conductedby the Site Health and Safety Coordinator, Health and SafetyOfficer or Project Manager prior to the start of newactivities or following the receipt of monitoring dataindicating possible exposures above those anticipated.

1.6 Confined Space. Trench, and Test Pit Entry ProceduresThe following procedures apply to the entry of any spacehaving limited egress (access to an exit) and the potentialfor the presence or accumulation of a toxic or explosivesubstance. This includes certain trenches, particularlythose through landfill wastes, and all test pits.

No project member shall enter any test pit or trench greaterthan four feet in depth unless the sides are shored or laidback to a stable slope as specified in 29 CFR 1926.652 orequivalent State Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.

When a project member is required to enter a pit or trenchfour or more feet in depth, an adequate means of access andegress must be implemented - e.g., a slope of at jLeast 2:1, Associates

March 1992________________zfr___________________903-6372

to the bottom of the pit, a ladder, or steps. Steeperslopes than 2:1 on the side walls require use of a trenchbox. Ladders shall be placed so that the project member'stravel distance to the nearest ladder is less than 25 feet.Ladders shall extend at least 3 feet above the top of thetrench or pit.

Prior to entering any test pit or any trench the atmosphereat the bottom of the pit and at four foot intervalsthereafter (if greater than four feet in depth) shall betested for oxygen deficiency, hydrogen sulfide (H2S),combustible gases, and organic vapors, in that order.Excavations in municipal and/or hazardous wastelandfill/dump sites shall also be tested for hydrogencyanide (HCN). Appropriate levels of protection shall beemployed as specified in Sections 3.0 and 4.0 herein.

No project member shall enter any test pit requiring the useof Level C-l (see Section 4.1) or greater protection, unlessa second person equipped with a pressure demand self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) is present. No back-upperson shall attempt any emergency rescue unless anotherindividual equipped with a SCBA is present, or until anappropriate emergency response agency has been notified andadditional help is on the way.

1.7 Exclusion ZonesExclusion zones shall be established for each RI/FS task asrequired. The site and location will be determined by the

iextent of work, personnel and equipment mobility, anddecontamination requirements for each task.

Exclusion zones shall be clearly defined and marked withhigh visibility ribbon to prevent entry by personnel withoutadequate personal protective equipment. '


Colder Associates AR30I759

March 1992_________.________-7- ______________903-6372

2.0 SITE BACKGROUND AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION2.1 Site BackgroundThe Elizabethtown Landfill is located in West DonegalTownship, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Access to thesite is via West Ridge Road. The landfill is owned by SCAServices (SCA) and is a closed facility, with a recentlycompleted low-permeability clay cover. Landfilling at thefacility took place approximately between 1960 and mid-1973,at which time the landfill was closed. Prior tolandfilling, sand and gravel were quarried from the site,likely from an outcrop of the weathered conglomeratesprevalent in the area.

2.2 , Project DescriptionThe Elizabethtown Landfill RI is being completed to definethe nature and extent of leachate constituents which havebeen released from the site. This data will be used todevelop a Feasibility Study (FS) such that potentialRemedial Actions can be screened. To achieve this a programof test borings, monitoring well installations and testtrenches will be completed. A program of groundwater,surface water, leachate and soil/sediment sampling will thenbe performed. In addition pump testing with on-site pilottreatability testing may be completed.

A detailed description of the site, site conditions andfield investigations is presented in Sections 2.0, 3.0 and4.0 of the RI/FS Work Plan (Volume 1A).

2.3 Existing ConditionsA search of PADER and EPA files was performed in December1986. This search revealed that municipal, commercial andsome industrial waste materials were previously disposed atthe Elizabethtown Landfill.

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March 1992__________________-8-____________________903-6372

The hydrogeology and water quality at the ElizabethtownLandfill facility have been the focus of a Phase IIHydrogeological Investigation performed by Colder AssociatesInc. This study has provided additional informationregarding the site and areas of concern.

Substances suspected to be present on the site may include,but are not necessarily limited to, those included in Table1 of this document.

2.4 Potential HazardsAlthough not currently specified in the Work Plan, thisproject may involve drilling and/or excavation through oldlandfill areas that are known to contain industrial wastesthat under current regulations, would be designated ashazardous waste.

Based on existing data, time weighted average exposurelevels for personnel working in the old landfill areas areexpected to be low. Groundwater data, however, is notnecessarily indicative of potential short term exposurescenarios that may arise should workers encounter isolatedpockets of more highly concentrated wastes.

The possibility of encountering significant quantities andconcentrations of any or all of the substances and/orconditions discussed above cannot be discounted, and hencemust be anticipated and addressed. Potential hazardsinclude:

1. Inhalation of vapors due to the presence of suchvolatile organic compounds as benzene, vinylchloride, chloroform, hydrogen sulfide andhydrogen cyanide.

2. Inhalation or ingestion of particulate (dust)contaminated with organic chemicals, cyanides,PCB's or heavy metals.

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3. Dermal exposure and possible percutaneous (skin)absorption of certain lipophilic (readily absorbedthrough the skin) inorganic and organic chemicalsand metals.

4. Slips, trips, falls, bumps, cuts, pinch points,falling objects, crushing injuries, i.e.,potential at every construction-related job site.

5. Physical hazards such as noise and heat/coldstress.

Exposure via the ingestion route can be greatly reduced, ifnot completely eliminated, by the use of gloves, goodpersonal hygiene habits, and restrictions on smoking,eating, and drinking in contaminated areas.

Similarly, dermal exposure can be eliminated by goodpersonal hygiene, the use of gloves and appropriate personalprotective clothing, and conscientious personaldecontamination procedures.

Ort* Associate*

March 1992 ________;_____-10-___________________903-6372

3.0 SITE MONITORING AND ACTION LEVELS3.1 Oxygen Deficiency, Combustible Gases. Hydrogen Sulfide

and CyanideSituations that are of most concern from a health and safetystandpoint are those that are potentially "IDLH" orimmediately dangerous to life and health.

IDLH situations are most commonly associated with oxygendeficient atmospheres, explosive atmospheres, and acutelytoxic chemical asphyxiants such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S)and hydrogen cyanide (HCN).

The Site Health and Safety Coordinator shall have a MSA 361oxygen, combustible gas, and hydrogen sulfide detector orequivalent instrument(s), and a MSA "Samplair", Draeger, orequivalent pump, and hydrogen cyanide detector tubes (MSAP/N 93262 or equivalent) on site at all times.

Prior to entering any trench or test pit, the air in the pitwill be monitored for oxygen, combustible gases, hydrogensulfide and cyanide. Oxygen levels below 19.5 percentrequire the use of pressure demand self contained breathingapparatus or a pressure demand air line respirator withescape pack.

Air purifying respirators equipped with organic vapor/acidgas cartridges are quite effective in removing H2S and HCNbut are not approved for such use due to the potential forsudden accumulation of IDLH concentrations. The use ofcartridge type air purifying respirators in atmospherescontaining H2S or HCN at concentrations in of theeight ho'ur threshold limit value (TLV) , short term exposurelimit (STEL) or TLV ceiling value (C) is permitted only forescape. Entry into any atmosphere containing greater than10 ppm hydrogen cyanide (ceiling value) or 10 ppm hydrogen

Colder Associat



March 1992 ________;_____-11-____________________903-6372

sulfide (15 ppm STEL) requires the use of a pressure demandsupplied air respirator with escape provisions. Use of airpurifying respirators to control nuisance odors requirescontinuous air monitoring.

No project member shall enter any trench or test pit withcombustible gas concentrations greater than 25 percent LEL(lower explosive limit). The pit must be allowed to aeratenaturally or may be actively ventilated. In the case of amunicipal landfill, combustible gas readings are most likelydue to the presence of methane gas which is odorless anddoes not show up on the photoionization detector (PID).

Project members should be aware of the fact that "25 percentof the LEL" represents a concentration of several thousandsto tens of thousands parts per million of a gas or vapor inair depending on the particular gas. If there is any reasonto suspect that a combustible gas reading is due to anythingother than methane (i.e. solvent odors, high readings on PIDetc.), there is high probability that a toxicity hazardexists as well as an explosion hazard and the action leveland procedures discussed in Section 3.2 following will alsoapply.

High combustible gas levels (up to 100 percent LEL) are notof concern at a depth in a borehole or well if oxygen levelsare below 12 percent, and readings are less than 25% LEL atthe top of the borehole. Under these circumstances, projectmembers should continue to closely monitor conditions, andstand clear (at least five feet) of the mouth of theopening.

If, however, it is apparent that methane gas is entering thehole under pressure and levels at the top of the hole exceed25% of the LEL, project members must exercise extreme

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March 1992________________-12-__________________903-6372

caution. Smoking will not be permitted within fifty feet ofthe hole. Drilling equipment should be raised and loweredslowly to minimize the possibility of sparking andsubsequently, project members should stand clear of thehole. An inflatable bladder should be inserted in the wellcasing and combustible gas levels checked both inside thecasing and around the outside at ground level, prior to anywelding.

3.2 VOC MonitoringSubstances that are most hazardous from a chronic inhalationstandpoint are those that are relatively volatile, highlytoxic (i.e. low threshold limit value), and have an odorthreshold much higher than the TLV.

Most of the organic compounds detected at the Site have anionization potential below 11.7 eV, and are detectable byphotoionization detector (PID) with an 11.7 eV lamp and,except for vinyl chloride, are effectively controlled byorganic vapor respirator cartridges.

The designated Site Health and Safety Coordinator shall haveeither an 11.7 eV PID or an FID organic vapor detector onsite'at all times and will establish "background readings"well upwind of any excavation, spoils pile, borehole, etc.

Given the fact that the ACGIH eight hour time weightedaverage TLV of benzene is 1 ppm and the NIOSH recommendedexposure level is 0.1 ppm, and that the OSHA permissibleexposure limit for acrolein is 0.1 ppm, any consistentreadings in the breathing zone that are perceptibly abovethe upwind background for more than fifteen minutes, or anyreadings in the breathing zone greater than 5 ppm abovebackground other than a momentary peak shall be the actionlevel for donning half face air purifying respirators

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ftMarch 1992________________-13-__________________903-6372

equipped with organic vapor acid gas cartridges. Given therapid breakthrough time of vinyl chloride, cartridges willbe replaced after each day of use 'or after four hours ofactual use, whichever is less.

Any readings consistently greater than 10 ppm, abovebackground for fifteen minutes, greater than 25 ppm abovebackground for five minutes, or any peak reading greaterthan 50 ppm in the breathing zone will be the action levelfor either temporarily discontinuing work, institutingengineering controls, or upgrading the level of respiratoryprotection to "Level B" (SCBA's).

If it can be determined through the use of benzene specificair monitoring (e.g. color detector tubes or a portable gaschrpmatograph) that the detected organic vapors are not dueto benzene, then the action level for upgrading respiratoryprotection to half face air purifying respirators will becontinuous readings greater than 5 ppm, or peak readingsgreater than 10 ppm. The ceiling concentration for use ofair purifying respirators under these circumstances will becontinuous readings greater than 25 ppm or peak readingsgreater than 50 ppm.

March 1992_________________-14-___________________903-6372

4.0 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND RESPIRATORY PROTECTION4.1 Personal Protective EquipmentThe initial level of personal protective clothing requiredat the site will be D-3, which consists of a normal workuniform with a hard hat, safety glasses, and steel-toedboots. Chemically resistant gloves shall be worn wheneverit is necessary to handle waste, wet soil, or groundwater.This level shall be upgraded to D-2 (see description below)when tasks are such that there is the likelihood ofinadvertently contacting wastes or other potentiallycontaminated material.

Respiratory protection shall be upgraded to Level C or LevelB as required, based on site monitoring results as discussedin Section 3.0. Unless the designated tasks are such thatthere is little or no opportunity for dermal exposure,upgrading from Level D to Level C may also involve upgradingfrom Level "3" to Level "2" i.e., D-3 to C-2.

The level of protection shall be upgraded to C-l or B-l whenthere is the potential for dermal exposure to unknownsubstances or to known substances that are toxic via thedermal exposure route.

Equipment and dress code for the various protection levelsare listed below:


1. One or two piece tyvek suit or splash suit ifsplash hazard exists.

2. Cloth coveralls (long pants and shirt sleeves).

3. Steel-toed rubber boots.

4. Safety glasses or safety goggles if splash hazardexists.

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March 1992__________________-15-______________ 903-6372

5. Hard hat.

6. Chemically resistant gloves.

7. Inner gloves of PVC or latex rubber.


D-2 plus air purifying respirator.


D-2 plus pressure demand supplied-air respirator.


1. Comfortable field clothing (long pants and shirtsleeves).

2. Hard hat.

3. One piece tyvek inner suit.

4. Inner gloves of PVC or latex taped to inner tyvek.

5. Hooded one piece waterproof outer suit (Savanex orPVC "Nuke Suit").

6. Outer chemically resistant gloves taped to outersuit.

7. Solvent resistant steel toed rubber boots taped toouter suit.

8. Full-face air purifying respirator.


C-l with pressure demand supplied-air respirator inplace of full-face air purifying respirator.

4.2 Heat StressWorking in protective clothing can greatly increase thelikelihood of heat fatigue, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke, the latter being a life threatening condition. Allproject members are to be alert to the possibility andsymptoms- of heat stress. Should any of the following

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March 1992________________-16-__________________903-6372

symptoms occur - extreme fatigue, .cramps, dizziness,headache, nausea, profuse sweating, pale clammy skin - theproject member is to leave the work area, rest, cool off,and drink plenty of water/Gatorade/Squencher, etc. If thesymptoms do not subside after a reasonable rest period, theproject member shall notify the Project Supervisory or on-site Health and Safety Coordinator and seek medicalassistance.

4.3 Cold StressCold weather can produce vasoconstriction of the hands,hypothermia, anoxia, snowblindness, frostbite, and freezing.All project members are to be alert to the possibility andsymptoms of cold stress. Protective measures for coldstress include wearing a hat, covering the neck, protectiveclothing for the hands and other exposed areas, layers ofclothing to increase trapped air (insulation), and adequatefootwear. If the symptoms of shivering, burning sensations,or extreme pain occur, the project member should immediatelyseek shelter and warmer temperatures.

4.4 DecontaminationA source of clean water for personnel and equipmentdecontamination is to be available on site. This should beavailable on most drill rigs; however if it is not, analternate source such as 5 gallon jerry cans must be broughtto the site on a daily basis.

Drill rigs and all field vehicles will be steam cleaned atthe wash bay in the site operations area before leaving thedesignated contaminated area of the site, or if wastematerials were encountered outside the designated portion ofthe site.

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March 1992________________-17-________________903-6372

Personnel will deposit used personal protective equipment inreceptacles in the site operations area. Boots and anyreusable gloves will be washed with a detergent solution.All personnel will wash their face and hands before leavingthe site, and should shower as soon as practical.

Remaining waste material outside of the designated area ofthe site will be backfilled into the borehole or containedfor disposal by SCA. Any spent decontamination solutionsfor sampling equipment will also be contained for disposalby SCA. Any rinsates will be contained in individualcontainers for the respective solutions. Vehicle wash downwastes will be collected on a decontamination pad andcontained in a tank for disposal by SCA.

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March 1992________________-18-__________________903-6372

5.0 CONTINGENCY AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANSThe following procedures have been established to deal withemergency situations that might occur during fieldoperations. Project staff should familiarize themselveswith the location of the nearest phone, and the designatedmedical facilities which will be posted at the project site.In the event of an emergency situation, project staff shallfollow the procedures specified below. When help arrives,project staff defer all emergency response authority toappropriate responding agency personnel.

If an unanticipated, potentially hazardous situation arisesas indicated by instrument readings, visible contamination,unusual or excessive odors, etc., project personnel shalltemporarily cease operations, move away to a safe area, andcontact the Health and Safety Officer.

In the event of a serious emergency situation, project staffshall contact the local fire department, or paramedics asappropriate and inform them of the nature of the emergency.A list of important telephone numbers is provided as Table 2of this document.

5.1 Medical Emergency Response PlanShould any person visiting or working at the site be injuredor become ill| notify the on-site Health and SafeCoordinator and initiate the following emergency responseplan:

Note: The nature of chemical contamination on this projectdoes not present an immediate threat to human health.Other than removal of outer garments and grosscontamination (i.e., mud) immediate emergencytreatment of injuries should take precedence overrigorous personal decontamination.


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March 1992_________________-19-____________ 903-6372

1. If able, the injured person should proceed to thenearest available source of first aid. If theinjured party is extremely muddy, remove outergarments and if necessary, wash the injured areawith soap and water.

2. If the injury involves foreign material in theeyes, immediately flush the eyes with emergencyeye wash solution and rinse with copious amountsof water at the nearest emergency eye washstation. Obtain or administer first aid asrequired. If further medical treatment isrequired seek medical assistance as discussedbelow.

3. If the victim is unable to walk, but is consciousand there is no evidence of spinal injury, escortor transport the injured person to the nearestfirst aid facility. If the victim cannot be moved

. without causing further injury such as in the caseof a severe compound fracture, take necessaryemergency steps to control bleeding andimmediately call for medical assistance asdiscussed below.

4. If the victim is unconscious or unable to move, DoNot Hove The injured Person Unless AbsolutelyNecessary To Save His Or Her Life/ until thenature of the injury has been determined.

5, If there is any evidence of spinal injury do notmove the victim unless absolutely necessary tosave his or her life. Administer CPR by acertified individual if the victim is notbreathing, control severe bleeding and immediatelyseek medical assistance as discussed below:

6. If further medical treatment is required and

a. the injury is not severe, contact and takethe injured party to the clinic/hospital byprivate automobile.

b. the injury is severe, call the HarrisburgHospital at (717) 782-3131 and advise them ofthe situation. If the Harrisburg Hospital isunable to immediately and adequately respond,for any reason, contact Hershey Medical-Emergency Care Center, Hershey, PA (717) 531-8333.

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March 1992 _____________-20-___________________903-6372

7. If the injured person is a Project staff member, afellow Project staff member will accompany theinjured person to the hospital to ensure promptand proper medical attention. After propermedical treatment has been obtained, the companionstaff members should notify the Health and SafetyOfficer and prepare a written report.


5.2 Fire and ExplosionsThe dry chemical fire extinguisher provided to Projectpersonnel are effective for fires involving ordinarycombustibles (wood, grass, etc.), flammable liquids, andelectrical equipment. They are appropriate for small,localized fires such as a drum of burning refuse, a smallburning gasoline spill, a vehicle engine fire, etc. Noattempt should be made to use the provided extinguishers forwell established fires or large areas or volumes offlammable liquids.

In the case of fire, prevention is the best contingencyplan. There should be no smoking within a fifty foot radiusand at all distances downwind of the operation. Smokingmaterials, where permitted, should be extinguished withcare.

Catalytic converters on the underside of vehicles aresufficiently hot to ignite dry grass. Project staff shouldavoid driving over dry grass that is higher than the groundclearance of the vehicle, and be aware of the potential firehazard posed by the catalytic converter, at all times.Never allow a running vehicle to sit in a stationaryposition over dry grass or other combustible materials.


ftGo'derA°soctete8 flB30!773



March 1992____________;_____-21-_________________903-6372

The following needs to be considered in the case of a fireor explosion:

l. If the situation can be readily controlled withavailable resources without jeopardizing thehealth and safety of yourself or other sitepersonnel, take immediate action to do so.

2. If the situation cannot be readily controlled:

a. Isolate the fire to prevent spreading ifpossible.

b. Clear the area of all personnel working inthe immediate vicinity.

c. Immediately notify site emergency personneland the local fire department. See Table 2for a list of local Police & Fire Companytelephone numbers.

5.3 Unforeseen CircumstancesThe Health and Safety procedures specified in this plan arebased on the best information available at the time.Unknown conditions may exist, and known conditions maychange. This plan can not possibly account for everyunknown situation or anticipate every contingency. Shouldsubstantially higher levels of contamination be encounteredduring field activities, or should any situation arise whichis beyond the scope of the monitoring, respiratoryprotection and decontamination procedures specified herein,work activities must be evaluated and proper procedureimplemented, as per the directive of the Health and SafetyCoordinator.

Colder Associat




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1. Hazardous Substance Spills (SARA Title III)Pennsylvania Emergency Management AgencyRoomB-151Transportation and Safety Building

Commonwealth and Forster StreetsHarrisburg, PA. 17120

(717) 236-7976

2. Hospitals

a. Harrisburg HospitalSouth Front StreetHarrisburg, PA 17101717-782-3131

b. Hershey Medical - Emergency Care Center50 University DriveHershey, PA 17033(717) 531-8333

3. Police

600 S. Hanover StreetElizabethtown, PA 17022(717) 367-1835

4. Fire

171 N.Mt Joy StreetP.O. Box 164Elizabethtown, PA 17022(717) 367-5300

A map showing the location of the nearest hospital, police station and firedepartment will be distributed to all personnel working at the Site for this projectduring the Health and Safety Briefing.


AR30I777Golder Associates

Acknowledgement of Review

I have read and reviewed the Site-specific Health and SafetyPlan for the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study beingconducted at the Elizabethtown Landfill. I acknowledge thatI understand the information contained within this documentand will comply with the specified Health and Safetyprocedures.

Name: ____________•__,_________________________


Colder Associates ft $ 3 01779