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Transcript of GLORY OF GREECE


They are the Indo-European invadersA highly sophisticated civilizationSome historians call this civilization Minoan after an ancient Cretan King,MinosCretans were : slender , short, dark, curly hairCretans lived well : they had hot and cold running water, bathroom, elaborate furnitureThey protected their valuables with metal locks and keysPlastered interiors of their homes were colorfully decorated with paintings called FRESCOES

CRETANS CULTUREWe learned so much culture from their art.Cretans were fond in dancing, as well as boxing, racing, and other sportsCretans seem to be unique in one sport “bull leaping”The Cretans were among the earliest sea traders. Their journey took them to Egypt, Phoenicia-the general area of Lebanon, Syria, And Israel –and the lands bordering the Aegean SeaTheir trade goods : vases, enameled bronze dagger, rings, and other items made of gold, silver, and bronzeTrading brought the Cretans to mainland of Greece


Women wore hats, tight jackets, long bell-shaped skirts.Women apparently held a high position in Cretan society.Chief deity of Cretans was a goddess who was oftenrepresented in gold or ivory statues holding a snake.Cretans have also feeling for nature and peace.

Bull-leapingMen and women leaping over bull’s horn, turning handsprings on its back, and landing behind the bull.

Frescoes Painting

Technique of painting on wet plaster




Major city of CreteFirst build in middle of Minoan periodEurope oldest cityThe largest bronze age archeological site on Crete


MYCENAEANSAchaeans came to dominate the trade and government of the area, were they met Cretans the result was to rise new civilization, the Mycenaean.They built walled cities and worked in bronze.Product of their trades : bronze daggers, beads, pottery1400 B.C. they captured Knossos and ruled it.


CITY-STATESThe descendants of the Achaeans, Dorian's, and other people settled in peninsula come to known as Greeks.Greeks created unusual system of government for themselves.Greeks built forts which gradually grew into city-states.Greek word for city-states is POLIS, word politics comes from it.Greek acknowledge no authority over the individual or the city except tribal leader.Clan-basic social groupings of Greeks were the family.Kinship group- a larger group of people or tribe.

Position of tribal leader became of king.The clan leaders became nobles.Small area of valleys, coast, mountain controlled by each city.Other city-states were equally proud, jealous of their independence.RESULT: the peninsula was the scene of battles, shifting alliances for centuries.Self-reliance, separateness of Greeks were strengthened by the rough, mountainous countryside.Every 4years Greeks gathered for 5days athletic contest (OLYMPIC GAMES)Greeks placed great emphasis on sports and physical fitness.


These game is to honor Zeus-father of deities and humans.Games consisted of foot races, chariot races, discus, javelin hurling, broad jump, others physical fitness.Wreath of olives branches or laurel were placed on the head of winners.Greek women were not allowed to take part in or watch the games.Greek women set up games of their own, the Heraea. Held every 4 years.

SPARTANSSparta was located in the southern part of Greece called Peloponnesus.Dorian's, ancestors of the SpartansSpartans ruled the entire area Peloponnesus.Their bodies, mind had been toughened and shaped for the war since childhood.Spartan baby boy was examined by his elders, if he met their standards of physical, he is permitted to live if not they left in cave and let die.Age of 7 they began to severe training to make him a soldier.Given too little food to forced them to steal.

Young Spartan male given only a single piece of cloth to wear in summer and winter no shoes.At the age of 20 he became full citizen of Sparta.Spartan women were trained to accept political responsibilities and had voice in public affairs.When men are far away, they ran the city.At the age of 30 Spartan man can married.Wife also taught to keep her body healthy for child-bearingIdeal women was one to asked first whether Sparta won or lost. Only afterward she ask about life of her husband or sons.Fighting is the primary job of Spartan men.