Globe English Centre Adult Brochure

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Globe English Centre Adult Brochure

Transcript of Globe English Centre Adult Brochure

Learning English for a Better Future



The Globe English Centre is avery special place. I have

enjoyed running this school inthe beautiful city of Exeter since1978.

Exeter, the capital city of thecounty of Devon, is 2h15 fromLondon and 20 minutes from thesea! It is very popular with Britishand foreign tourists, thanks to itsrich mixture of culture, beauty,charm and proximity to some ofthe best beaches in Britain.Exeter combines the excitementof a large city with thefriendliness of a close community and is surrounded byspectacular countryside. It is also one of Britain’ssafest cities, helping to make it the ideal location tocombine learning a language with making new friends.

The Globe English Centre offers:

• Small, intensive classes

• An excellent choice of courses

• Expert teaching

• A friendly, relaxed atmosphere

• Personal attention

• A pleasant and safe environment in the city centre

You can improve your English for work, studies orsimply for pleasure. You can learn about differentcultures, make rapid progress in English, meet newfriends and have a wonderful time while building for thefuture.

Come and join us — we look forward to welcomingyou!

C o n t e n t s

The Director outside the School’s garden rooms

Catherine BorgenDirector

Why choose Exeter? .................................. 3

Why choose the Globe?............................. 4

School Facilities ......................................... 5

Social Programme...................................... 6

Accommodation.......................................... 7

Methodology and Teachers ........................ 8

Intensive Courses - Main Programme ....... 9

Intensive Courses - Authentic English ..... 10

Intensive Courses - Business Programme 11

Intensive Courses - Exam Programmes .. 12

One-to-One & Closed Group Courses ..... 13

Intensive Courses -Teacher Refresher .... 14

Other Courses.......................................... 15

Travel......................................... Back Cover

31-33 St David’s Hill Exeter Devon EX4 4DATelephone +44 1392 271036Facsimile +44 1392 427559


The Globe reception



Exeter is a historic city with a wonderful cathedral. With a population of 111,000, it is a relatively smallcapital city, which offers something to everyone. You will soon feel at home and relax in the traditionalEnglish way of life. Here are some more excellent reasons to come to Exeter:

• Devon has been voted the “Best County in Britain”with the sunniest and warmest climate

• It is regularly voted Top British City for Quality of Life:low crime and pollution, best cultural, recreational,welfare and commercial facilities

• It is a safe and friendly community where peoplehave time to talk and still practise traditionalhospitality

• The sea and beaches are within 20 minutes from thecity centre

• Easy access - only 2h15 by train from London;Exeter has its own airport - other airports are easy toreach

• An important education centre, Exeter has one of thebest British universities and further educationcolleges

• The shopping centre is full of variety and interest

• It is a green city with a charming riverside, colourfulparks and gardens and the surrounding hills

• You can do almost any sport within the city, includinggolf and canoeing

• Theatres, arts centres, galleries, concert halls andcinemas will add more fun and culture to your visit

• The night-life is great, with music, dancing, eating inthe many good pubs, cafés and restaurants

Exeter University THE GLOBE Shopping Centres High Street CathedralCollege

Why choose Exeter ?Why choose Exeter ?


Why Choose Globe ?Why Choose Globe ?Personal• Catherine Borgen started the Globe in

1978 and personally runs the school asDirector

• Maximum of 60 students in the school

• Small group tuition – maximum of6 students per class

• Very high ratio of personnel per student(1 to 3 on average)

• You will get all the personal help andattention you need

• You are coming to a friendly school


Pract ical• The Globe is in the city centre, within 10 minutes

walk of stations, main shops and sports centres

• Wide choice of courses starting every Monday

• Interactive teaching methods for emphasis on communicative English in life and at work

• Made-to-measure courses to suit specific needs

• Possibility to meet British colleagues, visit or work inestablishments and businesses in your field of work

• Useful Free Services:

— Information and reservation service

— Health, insurance and immigration advice

— Examination guidance and enrolment

— Orientation for further studies

— Family services

• Run by a dynamic and experienced team

• Accredited by the British Council. Regular andrigorous inspections ensure the high quality of allservices and provide an independent guarantee

• Member of English UK

• Member of IALC – International Association ofLanguage Centres

• Recommended by many companies andeducational establishments

• Education UK - part of Education UK GovernmentInitiative


Globe Garden

Students’ Kitchen

School FacilitiesSchool FacilitiesConveniently situated in the City centre within a 10-minute walk from the main shops and sports centres,the Globe’s beautifully modernised 19th century buildings offer excellent facilities. We are surrounded bytrees and gardens with lovely views over the Exe valley.

Terraces and gardenThe school has 2 south facing terraces and a largegarden with views over the valley where students canrelax with friends and teachers on a nice day andenjoy a barbecue party.

Recreation Rooms and KitchenThe Student Lounge has comfortable seating, a musiccentre and a television. Students are offered free teaand coffee during the breaks and are welcome tomake use of our kitchen facilities for their own lunchesand dinner parties.

During the day this is a non-smoking school.However, there is a room for smokers.

Sports and LeisureIndoor – Board games, billiards, table football, tabletennis. A large screen television and DVD areavailable to view feature films in English, an excellentway to improve the language.

Outdoor – Volleyball, badminton, basketball, boules.

Family ServicesThe Globe Junior School, next door to our AdultSchool, is open all year for academic and holidaycourses for children and young people aged 7-19.

Crèche and nursery schools for babies and youngchildren are within 200 metres of the school.

ApartmentsThe Globe has access to a number of studio andfamily apartments in the City as well as 2 apartmentson the school campus.

ParkingA few students like to bring their own car and are ableto park at school. We have an 8-seater car availablefor student outings.

AdministrationOur caring and efficient team isalways happy to help you, forexample, hire a car, confirm yourflight, send a fax or make a doctor’sappointment.

ClassroomsClassrooms are equipped withcomfortable chairs and tables,whiteboard, tape/CD players,television, video/DVD and portableoverhead projector.

Video and DVDThe use of video and DVD is integratedinto the teaching programme.

Self-Study CentreOpen from 08.30-17.00, the Study Centre has aComputer Room and a Resource Room wherestudents can work on their own or with the guidanceof our Tutor.

Facilities provided: Broadband Internet, laptopports, wireless access, printing and copying facilities.

All students are offered a Self-Study orientation onDay 1 of their course and a Tutor is available everyafternoon to offer help and advice.

Various reference, grammar and vocabulary books,listening and pronunciation tapes, computerprogrammes, Examination and Business materials. Inaddition, there is information on British Culture, alibrary of readers, videos and DVDs.


A Student lounge

Resource room

Afternoon and Day tripsExeter is ideally situated for exploring this beautiful region. You can spend theafternoon at the seaside or walk in the mysterious Dartmoor National Park, ride asteam train along the charming Dart valley or visit other cities like Plymouth andBristol. Day trips to London, Oxford, Bath, Cornwall or Wales are popular. Find out ifEnglish really is the international language — fly to France or Spain from Exeterairport!

SportsExeter has many excellent leisure and fitness centres, parks and playing fields,which offer tennis, gold, football, cycling, bowling, swimming, horse riding, dry slopeskiing, squash and more. The River Exe also provides a variety of water sports:canoeing, sailing and wind surfing.

If there are any sports you are interested in trying during your stay, please tell us inadvance and we will make arrangements for you.

Exeter FestivalA feast of arts, theatre, music, dance and celebrations lasting two weeks, generally atthe beginning of July. Please ask for dates.


Social ProgrammeSocial ProgrammeLeisure is an important part of learning. Enjoy our Social Programme and practise your English in avariety of activites. See more of Britain, its people, culture and countryside. Take the opportunity to makenew friends and have fun. Make the most of your stay with us and join in!

Varied Activities• Visit a newspaper, the Courts, abrewery, a pre-historic monument,a Roman bath house • Learn to makea traditional Devon cream tea ordelicious crumble • Follow the stepsof Agatha Christie and CharlesDickens • Go mackerel fishing, ponytrekking • Fly up in a balloon • Seea vintage car rally or witness an 18thCentury battle • Enjoy activities inschool, cooking, quizzes, parties,competitions • Go out for theatre,cinema, concert and pub nights •

Social Programme Facts

Weekly programme of events toinclude:• A Friday afternoon excursion and

2 evenings with Social Organiserand teachers

• Unaccompanied activities onoffer each day

• Excursions most weekends

All events and trips charged atcost price.

AccommodationAccommodationHost Families play a very important part in the success of our students’ stay. They provide the bestopportunity to learn about British culture and make more progress in English. People enjoy sharing theirlives and interests with their foreign guests.

Your Host FamilyWe choose your family from the details on yourenrolment form. It is very important that you write yourrequirements clearly. Students of the same mothertongue are not placed with the same family unless theyrequest to stay with a friend.

Students have their own heated room with a writingtable and are offered breakfast, packed lunch andevening meal. Cooked lunches can be heated upat School. Some students prefer to eat in localrestaurants, but will be charged the normal rate.Families will offer to do some light laundry on a weeklybasis.

We select our families for the comfort of their homes,their kindness and the quality of their welcome. Many ofour families are personally known to our staff. Familiesare within a walking distance of approximately 30minutes/2.80 kms and on a bus route.

Our families follow the English UK Code of Practice inaccordance with the British Council and British Authorityrecommendations. Executive families guaranteea higher standard of accommodation and welcome.Private bathrooms must be requested if required.

If a student has any difficulties or problems with theirhost family, we will do our best to improve the situationand are prepared to change the host family,if necessary.

HotelsPopular with British tourists, Exeter and the surroundingcountryside offer a wide range of country hotels whichwe are happy to recommend and reserve for you.

ApartmentsThe Globe has access to a number of self-cateringapartments in the City centre as well as 2 apartmentson the School campus. Some are suitable for familiesand all offer the basic comforts. Heating, electricity,linen and television are included.



Methodology and TeachersMethodology and TeachersOur adult programmes have a maximum of 6 students per class. This ensures that teachers give ourstudents personal attention. Your individual language needs are always considered. You are able todecide on a study plan together with your teachers and the other students in the group.

Learning and HomeworkHomework is set daily and we recommend you takeadvantage of our Self-Study Centre (see p.5) toconsolidate the work done in the classroom andfurther improve your language skills. You can benefitfrom the latest computer software, up-to-date books,audio equipment, a library of readers, videos andDVDs. Our Self-Access Tutor can advise you on thebest materials for you.

To make as much progress as possible, we adviseyou to practise English both in and out of class, withother students, your host family and British people.

ExaminationsIf you would like to take an internationally recognisedEnglish examination for your professional life,entrance to a British university or personalsatisfaction, we can advise you on the bestexamination to take. We will help you with yourapplication and teach you examination skills andstrategies, so that you are as well prepared aspossible. See pages 12 & 13.

CertificatesAt the end of your course you will receive a GlobeEnglish Centre Certificate of Attendance and a writtenreport on your progress, to include an assessment ofyour abilities and advice on further study.

TeachersAll our teachers are native speakers and trained inteaching English as a Foreign Language. Dynamicand approachable, they are expert in motivatingstudents and identifying their needs. They generateinterest in lessons with the latest teaching techniquesperfected in our regular training sessions.

The First DayOn the first day of the course, all new students aregiven a language level test, an interview and placedin the appropriate class.

Students will also be shown a short video about livingand studying in Britain, followed by a tour of theschool and an presentation of the course and SocialProgramme.

Classes start at 13.30 on Monday (or 11.00 whenpossible) for 28+ lesson programmes and at 9.00 onTuesday for Main Programme.

The Course Director meets all students at the end oftheir first week to see if they are satisfied with theirclass level, accommodation and programme ingeneral.

LevelsWe have courses at all levels, but on the very rareoccasions when we have only one student at aparticular level, we reserve the right to provide areduced number of One-to-One lessons (60%).

Progress TestingStudents take a progress test on the first Monday ofevery month during class hours, followed by a tutorialwith the Course Director to assess their English andto advise them on areas for further study. All studentsreceive a written assessment of their progress at theend of their course.

“The teaching at the Globe was committed,competent and comprehensive. There was a pleasant atmosphere between staff andstudents. We achieved our goal - to learnEnglish and have a holiday in South West

England.”Gunter Greiner, Judge - Germany

On the Main Programme you will develop your ability to communicate effectively in English. You will practiseall four skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - and expand your knowledge of vocabulary andgrammar. We use a variety of the best text books and supplementary materials. You will become moreconfident and accurate in your use of the English language.

Intensive Courses – Intensive Courses – Main ProgrammeMain Programme

Typical Main Programme according to level

C o u r s e F a c t s• Start date - Any Monday• Duration - Minimum 1 week,

maximum 1 year • Number of lessons - 20 per

week 45 minutes per lesson

• Level – Beginner to Advanced• Class times – 09.00 - 12.30• Average in class – 4• Maximum in class – 6• Minimum age – 17,

18 in summer

• Homework – Daily• Testing – On day 1 & monthly• Course Certificate• Free use of Self-Study Centre

after classes See page 5

• Possibility of One-to-Onelessons See page 13

Student’s comment


09.00/ Grammar Grammar Grammar Grammar Grammar09.45 Present tenses Comparatives Making questions Past tenses A review of the

I read/I’m reading Superlatives What?/When?/Where? regular/irregular week’s grammargood/better/the best

09.45/ Vocabulary Reading Writing Vocabulary Reading10.30 Newspaper Comprehension Letter writing Jobs and An English

headlines Life in the City Formal letters professions short story

11.00/ Listening Video Listening Video Listening11.45 Today’s news Note taking Listening to A day in the life An author

Life in Britain announcements of... describes hisairport/station life and work

11.45/ Speaking Pronunciation Role Play Speaking Intonation12.30 Discussion Difficult sounds Asking for information Dialogue work Questions/statements

A current news item ‘TH’ at the airport/ ‘An interview’Fluency practice station etc



“The Globe is excellent fromany point of view. Both theEnglish course and my stay

in Exeter have by farexceeded my expectations.”

Maurizio Sica - Italy

Intensive Courses – Intensive Courses – Authentic English ProgrammeAuthentic English Programme

A skills-based course to practise speaking, listening, reading and writing. Using primarily authenticmaterials such as newspapers, magazines, literature, video, radio and film, it is a particularly interestingand dynamic way of improving your communicative ability as well as your knowledge of British life andculture.

C o u r s e F a c t s

• Start date - AnyMonday

• Duration - Minimum 1week, maximum1 year

• Level - Elementaryto Advanced

• Minimum age - 17,18 in Summer

• Average in class - 4• Maximum in class - 6• Minimum of 2


• 20 lessons on MainProgramme See page 9


• 8 Authentic Englishlessons45 minutes per lesson

• Class times 13.30 - 15.00not Fridays

• Homework - daily• Course Certificate• Free use of Self-

Study Centre afterclassesSee page 5

• Possibility of One-to-One lessonsSee page 13



09.00/See typical Main Programme page 912.30

13.30/ Video Magazine article Newspapers in Britain Advertising14.15 British life Britain today: Video review British

and customs Crime & Punishment TV commercials

14.15/ Leisure, Food, Causes? Prevention Censorship? Truth The Message 15.00 Entertainment and Cure? or Sensationalism? Stereotypes,

current trends

Free afternoon

or social

programme or



Intensive Courses –Intensive Courses –Business English ProgrammeBusiness English Programme

If you need to use English in business, this programme will help you to develop the necessary languagefor meetings, presentations, telephoning and other professional activities. You will be able to take part inthe international business community with more confidence.

Course Facts

• Start date - Any Monday• Duration - Minimum 1 week,

maximum 8 weeks• Level - Intermediate to

Advanced• Minimum age - 21• Average in class - 4• Maximum in class - 6• Minimum of 2 teachers

• 20 lessons on MainProgrammeSee page 9

PLUS• 8 Business English lessons

45 minutes per lesson

• Business visits• Class times 13.30 - 15.00

not Fridays

• Homework - daily• Course Certificate• Free use of Self-Study

Centre after classesSee page 5

• Possibility of One-to-Onelessons See page 13


09.00/ See typical Main Programme page 912.30

13.30/ Presenting yourself Business Language of Telephoning

14.15 and your company Vocabulary meetings language

14.15/ Role Play Business News Role Play Writing memos,15.00 A presentation on TV A meeting letters, faxes

at a conference with a customer

Free afternoon

or social

programme or


“I can truly recommend TheGlobe. It was the

perfect place for the staff of the Agency for Technical

Co-operation.”Manfred Helm, manager –




An Overview of Levels and Exams

Intensive Courses –Intensive Courses –Examination ProgrammesExamination Programmes

C o u r s e F a c t s• Start date – According to

exam dates. Please enquireat our office

• Duration – Minimum 6 weeks• Minimum age – 17• Very high pass rate • Minimum in class – 2• Maximum in class – 6• Minimum of 2 teachers• 20 lessons on Main

Programme See page 9

PLUS• 8 Exam Preparation lessons

45 minutes per lesson

• Class times – 13.30-15.00not Fridays

• Homework - daily• Regular testing and mock

exam• Course Certificate• Free use of Self-Study

Centreafter classes See page 5

• Possibility of One-to-Onelessons See page 13

Typical Examination Programme

We offer 10-week preparation courses for all the Cambridge exams for entry in December, March (whereapplicable) and June each year. Please contact us for dates. We also offer preparation classes in the otherlisted exams. These exams can be taken at any time (minimum 6 weeks notice).


09.00/ See typical Main Programme page 912.30

13.30/ Grammar Writing Listening Speaking14.15

Use of Techniques How to improve Oral fluency:English for exam comprehension describing

composition skills pictures

14.15/ Reading Speaking Use of English Reading

15.00 Strategies How to The active and A look at pastfor exam succeed in the passive forms exam paperscomprehension exam interview of verbs

Free afternoon

or social

programme or



• Post Advanced CPE 9

• Advanced CAE & BEC H 7.5

• Upper-Intermediate FCE & BEC V 5.5

• Intermediate 5


• Pre-Intermediate 3

KET 2.5

• Elementary 2

• Beginner 1

Expected Progress On average students move up four Globe levels during an academic year. If astudent comes to us as a ‘Beginner’ we would expect them to reach ‘Upper-Intermediate’ by the end of the year.However, this is only a guideline. Not all students progress at the same rate.To enter British Universities and Colleges, students are usually required to have reached at least FCE or IELTSscore 5.5. For guaranteed entry students need CAE or CPE, or equivalent IELTS score.

One-to-One and Closed GroupsOne-to-One and Closed GroupsThese courses are particularly useful for studentswho need to make rapid progress in a very shorttime, or for students who need English forspecific purposes, for example work-relatedEnglish, preparing a business trip orpresentation.

One-to-One CoursesYour teacher will work in co-operation with you todesign a course to exactly suit your needs. Weencourage you to bring any materials in connectionwith your studies or profession which you need towork on. You can combine One-to-One options withany of our other programmes.

Closed Group CoursesWe can design special courses of tuition and visits forany group of people who have a common purpose forstudying English and are of a similar level. They couldbe business executives, teachers, bankers, etc. Weneed detailed specifications of the course objectivesand the language level and background of theparticipants in advance.

One-to-One extra lessonsStudents following any of our courses can requestextra lessons of individual tuition in advance, or whenthey are at the school. These lessons will take place inthe afternoon and are booked in double lessons.

Visits & PlacementsWe can organise meetings, visits or placements inorganisations working in the same professional field asyou. We can put you in touch with local companies forpossible future business links. You should apply forsuch visits when booking your course.

C o u r s e F a c t s• Start date – Any Monday• Duration – Minimum 1 week• Level – Beginner to Advanced• Minimum age – 17• 1 to 3 teachers according to option

8 lesson option Class times 13.30-15.00 or 15.30-17.00

16 lesson option Class times 13.30-17.0020 lesson option Class times 09.00-12.3028 lesson option Class times 09.00-15.00

or 09.00-12.30and 15.30-17.00

36 lesson option Class times 09.00-17.00

PET Cambridge Preliminary English Test. Level: LowerIntermediate. Covers all 4 skills and tests learner’sability to communicate in English in real situations.

FCE Cambridge First Certificate in English. Level:Intermediate / Upper Intermediate. Competence in allareas of English with a wide vocabulary and ability tocommunicate in a range of situations.

CAE Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English. Level:Advanced. Fluent and creative use of English in bothpredictable and unforeseen situations.

CPE Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English.Level: Post Advanced. Approaching native speaker level,coping with high level academic work.

BEC Cambridge Business English Certificates, offeredat 3 levels. BEC Preliminary, BEC Vantage, BEC Higher. Use of English in a wide range of work-relatedsituations. Suitable qualification for using English inInternational Business.

We can help our students with admission tovocational and higher education courses in England.Exeter itself has an excellent University and College.Your stay at the Globe will prepare you fully forliving and studying in Britain.

IELTS International English Language Testing System.Assessment system designed to provide proof of thelanguage ability needed to study in English at degreelevel. Recognised by many Universities in Britain,Australia, Canada and New Zealand. Run according todemand, approximately every two months.

LCCI London Chamber of Commerce and Industry.Tests communication in Business at 3 levels. Levels 2and 3 are accepted for entry into most UK universities.We are a recognised examinations centre.

TOEFL Test of English as a Foreign Language. Level:Upper Intermediate. Required for entry to USUniversities. Dates and centres are limited.

TOEIC Test of English for International Communication.Level: Intermediate +. Test of American English forBusiness, Commerce and Industry. Dates and centresare limited.

TRINITYA suite of speaking examinations at 12 levels:Integrated Skills Examination (ISE) assessing speaking,writing, reading and listening. Enrolment by priorarrangement.

Student on a professional visit


CambridgeCambridge Other ExamsOther Exams


Intensive Courses –Intensive Courses –Teachers’ ProgrammesTeachers’ Programmes

We run Junior courses throughout the year in liaison with non-native English teachers. At their request,we have designed very successful teachers’ courses, using our experience in teaching English as aForeign Language to school-age students. Teachers from all over the world take part in our courses.

Course ContentsWe offer courses for Primary, Secondary and Adultteachers (General and Business English) comprisinga Main Programme of language-based lessons and aMethodology programme of up-to-date teaching skillsof practical use in the classroom. This can includeusing video, communicative activities and teachinglarge classes.

After booking your course, you will be sent a list ofcourse options and asked to select those you aremost interested in. The course will then be designedto suit the needs of all participants.

A course can be designed to meet the more specificrequirements of closed groups of three or moreteachers. Programme content can include generalmethodology or specialised areas such as businessEnglish, teaching literature or technical studies. Thisis particularly useful for colleagues from the sameestablishment, who can implement and feedback onnew techniques on their return to work. See page 13.

Class observationsTeachers on our Teacher Refresher Programmes willhave the opportunity to observe the teaching methodscovered during the course in a real classroomsituation at our Junior School. During term time, wecan organise visits to State and Private schools in thearea. You should apply for such visits when bookingyour course.

Information FileTeachers are provided with a useful file of informationand materials to take home which will help them putinto practice all their new skills and ideas.

GrantsGrants are available from various EducationAuthorities such as Lingua Grants from the EuropeanCommission. Please contact us for furtherinformation. You may be able to attend our coursesall expenses paid!

Course Facts

• Start date – Any Monday• Duration – Minimum 1 week,

maximum 4 weeks• Level – Intermediate to Advanced• Minimum age – 21

• 20 lessons on Main Programme See page 9

PLUS• 8 Teaching Methodology lessons

45 minutes per lesson

• File of information and materials• Class observations• Class times 13.30-15.00 not Fridays

• Average in class – 3• Maximum in class – 12• Homework – daily• Free use of Self-Study Centre after

classes See page 5

• Optional One-to-One lessons See page 13


09.00/See typical Main Programme page 912.30

13.30/ Teaching large Communication Class observation14.15 classes activities

14.15/ Techniques Grammar Vocabulary 15.00 and Ideas Teaching activities teaching

Free afternoon

or social

programme or


Using videosuccessfully

Currentvideo materials

“The course was just what Iwanted. Great ideas, smallgroups, very personal and

friendly. I hope to come back.”Ute Kumpel - Germany

Typical Programme for teachers of EnglishStudent’scomment...

Courses for young people all year roundIf you are a parent or a teacher, you may be interested to know that the Globe English Centreruns courses all year round for young people aged 19 and under. Our Junior school is next toour Adult Centre, which is extremely convenient for families wishing to study and have a holidayat the same time, or teachers wanting to bring some of their students whilst following ourTeachers’ courses. our Junior our Junior School

...If you would like our Young Learners’ Brochureplease contact us now

The Globe English Centre • 31-33 St David’s Hill • Exeter • EX4 4DA • EnglandTel +44 1392 271036 • Fax +44 1392 427559 • Email


Explorers Course 7-10 year olds2 to 10 weeksAll year round for school groupsIn the summer for individuals

Vacation courses 11-14 and 15-19 year olds2 to 10 weeksAll year round for groups and individuals

English as a Second Language CourseFor young students hoping to follow the Britisheducational system and enter schools anduniversities in Britain.

FOR SCHOOL AND COLLEGE GROUPS1 or 2 weeksDiscovery CoursesIntroduction to English Language, culture andcustoms.

Exam CoursesPreparation of students for the Cambridgeexaminations or their national school exams(Baccalaureat, Abitur, etc).

Curriculum CoursesDesigned to complement curriculum topicsstudied in home country (conservation, localhistory). Can include some integration visits inlocal British Schools.

Future Career CoursesBased on specific needs of a group of studentsalready preparing for professional life. Syllabusincludes language and visits relating to their fieldof work (business, hairdressing, marketing,engineering etc).

Work Experience ProgrammesWork Trials and Internships for students whowant to broaden their experience and strengthentheir language skills outside the classroom.

• We will tell you the best way totravel to Exeter

• We can make all your travelreservations

• The Globe offers meeting services inmost international ferry ports andairports

• We will always welcome you toExeter at the coach or train station orat the airport

• Exeter is only 2 hours by train and 3hours by motorway from London

• All main public transport routes aredirect to Exeter

• Exeter is an ideal centre fortouring South West England

31-33 St David’s Hill Exeter EX4 4DA EnglandTelephone +44 1392 271036Facsimile +44 1392 427559

























Scale - 1cm:250m















C o r n w a l l


Globe English Centre Ltd. Registered in England No. 3987028

S c o t l a n d

W a l e s

E n g l a n d

I r e l a n d