Globalization benchmark

Post on 03-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Globalization benchmark


Olaitan Akinsola


Education has come a long way since the 20th century. After a long time of books, chalkboards and pencils, we as a society have changed the face of education to something a little more hi tech. As shown here, technology has went from one big computer to being put into the hands of every student to give them even more access to education from many different sources all over the world.

This site provides four different theories on what education is and what it should really look like. One of the first two theories is that education should be relevant to the child and should be a way of life and not just a set thing to do for 7 hours. The way this laptop relates to these theories is that in today’s generation, technology is a big interest and is used by nearly every teenager around the globe. Not only is it a high interest but also a lot of those teenagers who use the technology have also mastered its uses and have made it an everyday part of their lives. This then makes it easier to learn more on their own.


Science & Technology has changed many times over the years. The definition of “Hi-tech” has also undergone many changes. From cars to TV’s, from carriages to airplanes, technology and science has had many faces. This picture illustrates the interworking of an I-Max theater in the Franklin Institute. An I-max is a way more advanced way style of movie presentation that makes one feel as if the movie is actually happening in front of them.

In an international conference held back in 2006, panelists from all over the came to one spot to discuss science and technology in globalization. In the conference, the main idea was that science and technology basically fuel globalization. Without it, communication would be hard to do amongst one another and we wouldn’t be able learn much more about the world and ourselves. This I-max theatre helps supply us with not only entertainment but also information about how we see things and how the eye can be manipulated to see things in different styles.


Trade across the world has helped fuel the world’s economy for many years. Things like food and clothes have been made in some countries and then distributed into others to be sold and consumed by others in the global economy. This is good for globalization because it not only helps the global economy but it also brings the world together as a global community. These hats came straight out of China and our relationship with China is strong and has been strong for many years.

According to an article written by Aana Sharma, global trade is very important in today’s world. She says that global trade is “essential for overall growth of market.” This means that no matter what we trade all over the world, as long as we trade to everyone, the whole world will move forward as a worldly community.


This picture was taken during spring break and is a great example of how we as a society interact with our environment. As you can see here, the trashcan is filled with a huge mystery of things that I still don’t know could have been in there. The one big thing to notice however is the umbrella. This trashcan on this corner on my block shows that the people in my neighborhood are very courteous towards their environment and recognize the importance of non-littering. However this is something that the whole world needs to get up on.

According to, littering is a big contributor to global warming…. which is very bad. Global warming isn’t too good because with the planet getting warmer, there will be more chances of extreme natural disasters. We have already seen the damage done by the earthquake in Haiti and the volcanic eruption in Europe. In order to keep our planet in shape, we as a world community need to stop the littering.


This picture was taken in Manhattan, New York. The picture contains images of a building and a side of the road. This photo represents development in America because of the clean street and stable building in the back that look like busy spots for business people. There are many streets just as big as this and there are more that are even bigger. This helps show that development in America has been an overall success.

But strong development is not something that the whole world has had the pleasure of experiencing. For example, the development of Haiti played a big part in how horribly it was destroyed by a 7.5 earthquake earlier in the year. Since the land that acted as “foundation” for many of buildings wasn’t all that strong, the devastation that followed after the earthquake was far greater than it would have been if the earthquake had taken place in America.


This photo was taken in the trauma room at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. In there I was helping with putting a dead young women in a body bag. Health in our world is very important and studies have shown that most people in America are not as healthy as they should be and that is why a lot of people die young.

The World Health Organization (WHO) records the health of people from all over the world. According the statistics on their website, women are expected to live four years longer than men due to the way men eat and the activities that they engage in.