Global Warming Update – May 26th, 2013 Whiteface NY _ American Everyman6

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    Global Warming Update May 26th, 2013 Whiteface NY

    Posted on May 27, 2013 by willyloman


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    mkmk, on May 27, 2013 at 9:20 am said:

    Hi Scott, tou usually weigh in on whom you think may be disinfo. Do you have

    an opinion about Professor J ames Fetzer? I think he genuinely believes the

    holograms/planes theory of 9/11 but is way off about that (it was video compositing).

    He did recently come out for the mini-nukes theory of 9/11, and I know you disagree

    on that (I feel he might be correct). He strikes me as quite genuine and with a few

    exceptions generally on the money. I look to you to know what to think Thanks

    for all your work!!!


    Jan10, on May 27, 2013 at 6:22 pm said:

    Hello mkmk, Scott has discussed this issue many times.. the use of

    det-cord (which resembles cable cord) could have easily been installed in the

    twin towers,,,, in fact for a period right before 9/11 the installation of an up-

    grade of the cable in the towers was being completed. det cord may have

    been installed then.. chilling to think of it..

    det-cord is easy to handle and install.. and it wraps around needed joints

    quite neatly.

    read this article that Scott wrote

    and nuclear bombs would have been clearly radioactive and dangerous for

    years you really they would have wanted to contaminate the entire NY city?


    willyloman , on May 27, 2013 at 6:34 pm said:

    Hi there.

    The problem with Fetzer is his history. Yeah, he supports ridiculous claims like

    TV fakery and the no-planes hit the towers crap which I think was created for

    the purpose of poisoning the well. We could go into that in more detail if you

    like, but honestly, long ago Fetzer somehow got a couple researchers into theWashington Press club to give lectures on their theories. This was right at the

    start of the height of the truth movement back in 2005 I think or slightly earlier.

    Anyway, it was J ones (thermite), Woods (ray beams from space) and Morgan

    Reynolds, formerly of the Bush Commerce Department, and his no planes hit

    the towers crap. In short, Fetzer took a bunch of crackpots to Washington to

    tout them as the Truth Movement to the press.

    He delves into a few things now and then that are interesting, but honestly he

    did his damage long ago. People in the movement back then knew exactly what

    he and J ones and Woods and Reynolds were and it has been proven time and

    time again.

    I listen to Keven Barrett every now and again these days. But honestly the

    Truth Movement is all but gone. Hell, even the disinfo site TruthAction haspulled up stakes and called it quits. I guess L3 stopped funding them.


    mkmk, on May 28, 2013 at 11:13 am said:

    Yeah I think Fetzer did a big tent approach and it may have

    backfired on him due to some of the people he associated with. I guess

    I give him a pass because of all the good stuff he did surrounding JFK

    and just a gut feel about his good faith.

    Im not so quick to dismiss the no-planers, but I respect your viewpoint.

    The best YouTube bits Ive seen on tv fakery at the towers are Ace


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    Bakers What P lanes #6 and The Key #7. Theyre worth checking

    out. The guy is very strange and he had a huge falling out with Fetzer,

    but he makes good substantive points (no debris falling in the street

    upon impact, no wake vortices visible in the fireball & smoke,

    inexplicable airplane nose coming through the tower, improbable

    characteristics of the live shots, etc.). I think there would have been

    many more witnesses to the presence of planes in NY if an object had

    struck the buildings. Im sure some of the accounts of planes striking the

    towers are genuine, but they may have tricked themselves upon seeing

    the explosion in real time & space coupled with the TV coverage

    afterwards. Its hard to dissent when everybody including the media istelling you a particular account with apparently incontrovertible video


    Ace Baker:

    I believe this witness more than the other interviewees:

    If I hear a good explanation for the Ace Baker observations, I would be

    open minded to going back to believing there were planes hitting the


    Scott, thanks again for all your work! It is really immeasurably helpful.

    Cant wait to hear your take on the Portland School / Grant Acord case.


    blues, on May 27, 2013 at 10:09 am said:

    Hi mkmk.

    Scott seems pretty sure that PETN or some high explosive much like it was used in

    great quantities to explode the WTC. I have been in agreement, except that I find it

    hard to accept that any chemical could have yielded the requisite extreme explosive

    force. So I am leaning toward miniature nuclear bombs (probably small thermonuclear

    neutron bombs). I have come to not trust Fetzer at all and would refer you to Ed

    Ward, MDs blog; Ward has been ostracized by J ames Fetzer, Zen Gardner and the

    Veterans Today blog. See:

    Archive for the Proven 9 11 Nukes WTC Category

    I dont take any position at all on climate change or global warming (though I have

    some rather uncontroversial thoughts on these matters). Im sick of people arguing

    about such things.


    willyloman , on May 27, 2013 at 7:07 pm said:

    Actually, I think if you look at what is written about nukes you will find

    that the heat they generate is relatively comparable to that of PETN.

    PETN is one of the most powerful high explosives used in the demolition

    industry. Its equivalence by weight is 1.7 times that of TNT.

    That means lets say you use Primaline 85, about 3/8 to a 1/2 in diameter,

    similar to standard CAT5 cable (remember the security cable upgrade taking

    place in the Twin Towers right up until the day they came down? its grain

    count makes about a foot and a half of it equal to one stick of dynamite. You

    start cable runs up in those floors as I have diagrammed in the past (years ago)

    and basically you could easily have the equivalent of 200 or 300 or 400 (each

    floor 200 by 200 basically) sticks of dynamite per floor or more depending on

    the design of the demolition.

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    Personally I think they used too much as the heat it generated melted a lot of

    metal. That threatened to give them away (just read the RJ Lee Report) til a

    guy by the name of Steven J ones employed by BYU came along and distracted

    the movement with thermite

    Anyway, PETN when ignited creates a blast wave moving at 8,000+ meters per

    second. Compare that with thermite which burns at around 600 or so. Its

    therefore a low explosive and as I have said for years, incapable of destroying

    the floor systems.

    A high explosive is anything that creates a detonation wave over the speed of

    sound, 3,000 meters per second or so. As you can see, PETN is extremelyexplosive creating a detonation wave of nearly 3 times the required amount to

    be a high explosive.

    Could enough of that pulverized the concrete floor systems? Sure. They use it

    to that end in the demolition business. Thats one of the things it does.

    There are many videos out there of a small amount of smaller gauge det cord

    doing just that. Its not hard to find.

    As to the heat.

    When it ignites, it creates a heat of 8,100+ deg. f. To put that in perspective,

    structural steel melts at 2,750 thermite creates a heat of only 3,400 or so

    and the surface of the sun is around 9.800 give or take.

    So could a wave of 8,100 degs. f vaporize steel trusses and desks and other

    metal and plastic objects floor by floor by floor?

    I think so. 8,000 degs is hot. Very hot. About twice a blast furnace. Thats hot.

    As to Ed Wards writing. Its interesting, but I think there obviously can be other

    answers to the questions his witnesses bring up.

    Remember, all the iron and metal spheres that the RJ Lee group found in the

    dust were burning metal cooling on the way down. It was literally raining drops

    of molten metal. Of course cars paint jobs were going to be pitted with them

    and some would catch on fire when a window was blown out and the burning

    metal got into the car on the seat perhaps?

    In the end, I made my final findings based on what the ready evidence told us.Indeed, this entire New World Order is about privatizing everything and I think

    they would have used the worlds leading controlled demolition company to

    achieve what they wanted here, the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers

    and the rest of the Trade Center.

    As it just so happens, that company was not only on site for the entire

    demolition process (the NIST report puts them there after the first plane hit the

    first tower) but they remained with the contract to clean up the site and were in

    charge of it pretty much and even contributed to the NIST report on what

    brought down the towers.

    Seems pretty convenient, huh?

    And keep this in mind controlled demolition is about one thing: control.

    They control the site before, during and after the event. Who said that? The guy

    who owned that same company I just mentioned which was there before the

    event and was there after the event controlling the site.

    In controlled demolition, you do NOT use material you have not used in the

    past. Period. its about CONTROL and you do not use stuff that you have any

    questions about.

    In that light, cutting edge mini-nukes would be untested and therefore in my

    opinion, would never be used by a company whos existence depends on


    Then you couple that with the simple fact that all that dust all around New York

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