Global Concern Brochure

Post on 22-Mar-2016

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Global Concern Brochure

Transcript of Global Concern Brochure

A Corporate Partnership

This album is a collection of photos describing the work being carried out by Global Concern, an organisation that for over 25 years has been providing opportunities for disadvantaged communities to create for themselves a better way of life through education, health care, vocational training and micro-enterprise. This album will show something of what is happening! Our hope is to work together so that your Australian customers will become more loyal customers to your brand because they know that you also care about the 30,000 children who die every day from poverty related causes, and the millions of people who have no food.

Front cover photo by Dale Boyer/Getty Images Rear cover photo by Dean Lewins/AAP Image

Victims of Burma’s cyclone Nargis. Global Concern provided new housing, food, water and medical relief Alayung Thaksin/Panos Pictures

Katherine Franks—Overseas Projects Manager—Global Concern

Your customers have a global concern

Chris Stowers/Panos Pictures Despite its booming economy, India still has 380 million people living on less than $1.00 a day

Paul Lowe/Panos Pictures Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger—United Nations Millennium Development Goal

Australians share a common humanitarian concern for the 30,000 children who die every day from poverty related causes which are so easily preventable. For the children being used as cheap labour and never having an opportunity to go to school. For the children who are recruited for prostitution or used as soldiers. For the millions of people dying each day from AIDS, and the children left homeless when their parents die. While sharing this concern as an individual, you may quite rightly be asking how this relates to your corporate agenda here in Australia. Let me explain. We are convinced that tackling poverty overseas is intricately connected with doing business in Australia. Why? Because global poverty relief matters to your customers, It matters to your staff, it matters to all your corporate stakeholders, and therefore it needs to matter to your marketing strategy. Many of your customers are trying to tell you this. They are wearing it on wrist bands, on T-shirts, and even on their underwear! They engage global issues in the media and internet. They are taking firm action by giving 13.3% of their own donations to overseas aid. Showing your “global concern” by partnering with Global Concern will put you in alignment with the values of your target market—and we will help you get the maximum business benefits while you help us to address poverty at a grassroots level.

Your Customers Have a Global Concern

Photo courtesy of

“Never, never, never give up!”

Winston Churchill

Africa An Agricultural and food security approach

Trucks arrive to deliver food for the hungry in Africa. 824 million people suffer from chronic hunger

Global concern workers unloading ploughs and fertiliser. Agriculture is an important tool in tackling extreme

poverty and hunger in Africa as food prices rise

Once barren land now producing sustainable crops using organic farming methods

Producing an abundant harvest

Learning how to grow their own food

Happy children using a foot pump on a family farm

Global Concern volunteers distributing free mosquito nets in Africa—and saving lives

Irwin Fedriansyah/AAP Pictures

The boxing day 2004 Tsunami killed 225,000 people. Global Concern provided disaster relief in India, Indonesia and Sri Lanka

Reuters Image/Rafiqur Rahman Fresh water distributed to flood victims in Bangladesh

Will Salter/AusAID Focus Apr 2003

Children are provided with education, uniforms, books and a hot meal each day through Global Concern child sponsorship

This Global Concern school is in Annupampattu near Chennai in India. The land was donated and the building paid for by Australian donors

Teaching adult literacy, as the first step towards independence for the poor

Girls in one of our Global Concern schools in Bangladesh

Women who may have once broken bricks for a living are now self employed dressmakers and tailors. Global Concern establishes women in micro enterprise

Global Concern provided this Malawian woman with her own chicken farm

Previously exploited rickshaw pullers are released into their own business

Will Salter/AUSAid Focus Autumn 2003 Improving maternal health—UN Millennium Development Goal

Mothers have one chance in 16 of dying during childbirth in sub-Saharan Africa; every minute a woman dies in pregnancy or childbirth

Giacomo Pirozzi/Panos Pictures

Global Concern medical clinic in Togo Africa

Abbie Trayler-Smith/Panos Pictures

A mobile medic treats a village child in Togo Africa

Global Concern provided boats to deliver food, clothing and medicine to many of the millions of people who live along the Amazon River in Brazil

How will your company benefit?

It makes good business sense to partner with Global Concern and be a part of making poverty history. How? The people who directly benefit from our development projects may not be able to thank you, but your Australian customers will, because they care about world poverty. The return to your business is not merely some vague sense of goodwill. We want to work with you to make sure the results are real changes in buyer behaviour, brand preference and loyalty. Real improvements in employee satisfaction and turnover rates. Genuine shareholder support and favourable media reporting. We want to assist you to proudly speak about what you are doing to address poverty in a systematic and sustainable way so there is no mistaking where you stand in the world. Likewise, we want to shout loudly about the tremendous example your company is setting as a social responsibility leader, as we engage with other companies and the general public.

Photo Courtesy Airbus S.A.S. 2008 ©

Company executives and staff are invited to come and see for themselves Global Concern overseas projects

Carol Franks went overseas to see!

This company executive went overseas to see!

Lorraine Leach went overseas to see!

Justin Franks went overseas to see!

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”



Whether or not you take the opportunity to go personally, we value the opportunity to meet with you and discuss how an overseas project can increase customer involvement and sales in Australia.

Mark Hornshaw MBA AIMM Development Executive “Mark Hornshaw represents a new generation of Social Entrepreneurs who combine a burning passion for the cause of poverty relief with creative flair for business and marketing. This is an exciting opportunity for Australian companies”.

We would love to take you, your board members or any interested staff out to our projects in Africa or Asia to see first hand what is being achieved.

Sometimes I struggle getting up at 6:30am to shower for work. Then I look at some women who wake at 4am to collect water. Sometimes I think I have a bad headache, and back pain. Then I look at some women who work in the fields all day, hunched over, no food or water at all, working for 12 hours straight as pictured here. Women who have to carry loads on their backs in the breaking heat of the day. Sometimes I think desk-work is boring, and my lunch break is too short, or sometimes I want a day off. Then I look at the millions who just want work, who earn less than $1 a day and can’t feed their families. Sometimes I don’t feel like cooking dinner. Then I remember those who are starving for want of dinner…or lunch… or any food at all. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have to clean the house. Then I think about those who have no house to clean. Sometimes I think “its all relative to your situation”, then I realize that just gives me permission to complain. I have heard it said “I used to complain I had no shoes to wear; until I saw a man with no feet”. I have seen a man with no legs (as pictured opposite). I have seen a man hunched over walking on his hands. I have seen children sifting through garbage dumps searching for scraps of food. I have seen children with their hands raised to me begging me for food. I have seen malnutrition, hunger, thirst, desperation.

But I rarely see someone that truly cares about such people. I sometimes wonder if I even do… Katherine Franks M.I.P.H. B. Com. Dev (ISD) Global Concern Overseas Projects Coordinator


“I used to complain I had no shoes to wear; until I saw a man with no feet”

Global Concern invites you to partner in a way that delivers real return to your business. We work with companies to align their brands with an overseas project that speaks to the concerns and passions of their target market, and involves customers in a way that results in favourable buyer behaviour, brand preference and loyalty.

Eric Leach Executive Director

will you help us?

We are bringing HOPE!

“There is a strong business case for Australian companies to focus on, and to do more to address, the plight of the poor in developing nations.”

Allen Consulting Group

Every Home Global Concern Ltd ABN 88 001276 240

1 The Strand (PO Box 168)

Penshurst NSW 2222

Phone 02 9570 8211 Fax 02 9570 4738

Email: Web:

Every Home Global Concern is: a tax-deductible gift recipient; a signatory to the ACFID Code of Conduct; an AusAID accredited NGO

Australians have a Global Concern