Glimpses of Shia Islam

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Transcript of Glimpses of Shia Islam







Introduction Chapter 1: The Last Apostle of God Chapter 2: The Lady of Paradise, Fatima Zahra Chapter 3: The First Imam Chapter 4: The Second Imam Chapter 5: The Third Imam Chapter 6: The Fourth Imam Chapter 7: The Fifth Imam Chapter 8: The Sixth Imam Chapter 9: The Seventh Imam Chapter 10: The Eighth Imam Chapter 11: The Nineth Imam Chapter 12: The Tenth Imam Chapter 13: The Eleventh Imam Chapter 14: The Twelfth Imam Chapter 15: The Companions




Say: "He, God, is One. God, the Needless. He begets not, nor is He begotten. And there is none like Him. (Sura 112 - Al Ikhlas)

There are two major divisions in Islam: The Shias and the Sunnis. This book aims at providing an insider’s look at Shiism and Shia thought.

According to Shia theology, religion’s roots are five: 1. Tawheed (Unity of God) 2. Adalat (Justice of God) 3. Nabuwat (Divine Messengers of God) 4. Imamat (Divine Leadership) 5. Qayamat (Day of Judgement)

Tawheed, or Oneness of God is the primary principle of Islam. In simple terms, oneness

means that God is indivisible, unique, omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. He knows what is best for his creations and in His infinite Justice, he sent infallible Messengers to guide his sentient creatures and help them achieve greatness. Muhammad was the last Messenger. Qur’an was the last Divine Revelation. The need after the last Message was to safeguard the Message until the Day of Judgement and for that purpose God appointed Divine Leaders or the infallible Imams. According authentic traditions, there are twelve Imams or successors of Muhammad and the last of them, whose title is Mahdi, has been given a long life. He is in occultation and will re-appear to fill the world with justice when it will be rampant with injustice. This, in a nutshell, are the tenets of Shiism.

The beliefs and the ideal day-to-day lifestyle of a Shia are based on the teachings found in Qur’an and the sayings and actions of the fourteen infallibles, i.e. Muhammad, his daughter Fatima, and the twelve Imams.

Who are these twelve Imams or divine leaders? THE TWELVE SUCCESSORS OF MOHAMMAD: A Brief Discussion The Apostle of Islam stated that his successors will be twelve in number. This tradition is quoted from numerous sources in numerous important books of Ahl al-Sunna, including Bukhari, Muslim, Masnad e-Ahmed Hambal, Abu-Daoud, Tirmidhi, Tabarani, Masnad al-Hamidi, Mustadrak of Hakim, etc. Some writers have counted up to more than two hundred and seventy narratives of this tradition. This makes this tradition irrefutable. Who, then, are these twelve successors of the holy Apostle? Unquestionably, Ali ibn Abi Talib is the first successor of the Apostle of Islam, as is clear from numerous clear traditions, chief among them being the tradition of Ghadeer e-Khum. Just a few months before his passing away, the Apostle performed the last Haj of his life. On his call, thousands of Muslims from near and far joined him for the Hajj. After the Hajj, the Apostle and the Muslims left for



Madina. They had not gone very far when, at God's command, the Apostle of Islam stopped them all at a place called Ghadir Khum. Here, he ordered a pedestal to be made of the palanquins from the camels. When this was ready, the Apostle climbed up the pedestal and delivered a sermon. Then he raised Ali ibn Abi Talib high up on his hands and said: "This Ali is the master of those of whom I am the master." And then he raised his hands in supplication to God, and said: "O Allah! Love him who love Ali and be the enemy of the enemy of Ali; help him who helps Ali, and forsake him who forsakes Ali." And thus, in the presence of thousands of Muslims, the Apostle appointed Ali as his successor. This tradition is quoted in countless authentic books of Ahl al-Sunna (the Sunnis), some of which are: Muslim: Sahih Ahmed Hanbal: Masnad Nisai: Kitab al-Khasais Hakim Nishapuri: Mustadrak Hakim Hakani: Shawahid al-Tanzil Syuti: Tafsir Durr al-Manthoor Raazi: Tafsir Kabir Mohammad Abduh: Tafsir al-Minar Ibn Asaker Shafa'i: History of Damascus Ibn Talha Shafa'i: Matalib al-Suool Ibn Sabagh Maliki: Fusool al-Muhimma Sulaiman Qandozi Hanafi: Yanabi' al-Muwadda Ibn Jurair Tabari: Kitab al-Wilaya Badruddin Hanafi: Umdat al-Qari fi Sharh al-Bukhari Abdulwahhab Bukhari: Tafsir al-Qur'an Hafiz Abu Na'eem: Nuzool al-Qur'an Humwaini: Faraid al-Simtain This tradition has been narrated directly from the holy Apostle by at least one hundred and ten companions of the Messenger of God.For more details, Allama Amini's book, Al-Ghadeer, may be referred. The second and the third successors are Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain, sons of Ali and Fatima. This is clear from the many statements of the Last Messenger of God, one of which is given below: "Ali is my brother and my inheritor and successor and leader of all believers after me; then Hasan; then Hussain; then nine from the sons of Hussain: the Qur'an is with them and they are with the Qur'an, and will not part till they arrive at the pool (of Kauthar)." (Humwaini) Concerning the nine successors being the descendents of Hussain, let me quote one more tradition (out of many): In the books of Syed Ali Hamdan, Shaafa'i, Akhtab Khwarizm, etc., it is reported from Salman may God bless him), that he once saw the Apostle such that Hussain was sitting on his lap and the Apostle was kissing his eyes and lips saying, "You are sayyed* and son of sayyed. You are Imam and son of Imam. You are hujjat (of God) and son of hujjat and father of nine hujjats, the nineth of whom is Qaem." Did the Apostle ever indicate all his twelve successors by names? Again, the answer is: yes. A Jew whose name was Na'thal, asked the Apostle some question. During the questions, he asked about the successors of the Apostle.The Apostle said: "After me, my successor is Ali ibn Abi Talib and after him my two sons Hasan and Hussain, and then there will be nine Imams from the progeny of Hussain." Na'thal asked their names. The Apostle replied: "When Hussain will leave the world, his son Ali will be his successor; when Ali will leave the world, his



son Mohammad will be his successor; when Mohammad will leave the world, his son Ja'far will be his successor; when Ja'far will leave the world, his son Moosa will be his successor; when Moosa will leave the world, his son Ali will be his successor; when Ali will leave the world, his son Mohammad will be his successor; when Mohammad will leave the world, his son Ali will be his successor; when Ali will leave the world, his son Hasan will be his successor; when Hasan will leave the world, his son ... Al-Mahdi will be his successor. These are the twelve." (Qandozi: Yanabi' al-Muwadda) (The term, “Syed”, used above is an honorific used for the progeny of Ali ibne-Abi Talib). There should be no doubts now about the names of the twelve successors of the Apostle of Islam. ABOUT THE PRESENT BOOK: The best and most accurate way to study Shiism is to look at these teachings found in the various events, incidents and anecdotes in the lives of the fourteen infallibles. The next fourteen chapters present such anecdotes for contemplation. The final chapter presents more anecdotes, this time from the lives of staunch companions of the Apostle and Imams, for further insights into Shia faith. Sources are stated at the end of each anecdote. Some of the chapters are preceded by translations of appropriate Qur’anic verses.

Ahmed A. Khan Email:



Chapter 1


o Birth: 570 AD o Passed away: 632 AD o Age at the time of death: 62 years

And we sent you not (O' Our Messenger Mohammad!) but a Mercy unto (all) the worlds. (21:107)

Errs not your Companion (Our Messenger Mohammad) nor is he led astray; And nor he speaks of (his own) inclination; It (the wording) is naught but a revelation revealed (to him). (53:2-4)

* When the Apostle of Islam was 35 years old, it was decided that Ka'aba was in need of reconstruction. All the tribes of Quraish joined forces in this endeavour and everything proceeded smoothly till it was time to fix the sacred "Black Stone" (Hajr Aswad) into the wall of Ka'aba. Dispute erupted over which tribe would get the honour of fixing this stone. It seemed that streams of blood would soon flow, when the most aged person of the Quraish presented the idea: "Let us select as adjudicator the first person to enter the mosque now and let us agree to accept whatever he decrees concerning the placement of the Black Stone." Everybody accepted this suggestion and began waiting to see who would enter the mosque. Just then, the Apostle entered and everyone of the Quraish said: "O, this is the trustworthy one (amin), this is Mohammed. We gladly accept his decree." They presented the problem to the Apostle who then said, "Bring a sheet of cloth." The sheet was brought. The Apostle spread the sheet on the ground and placed the Black Stone over it. Then he said, "Let the leaders of all the tribes lift the sheet so that each tribe has equal share in the honour." This way, the Black Stone was brought to the wall of Ka'aba, whereupon, the Apostle himself lifted up the stone in his blessed hands and fixed it in place. (Seerat Ibn Hisham)

* A man once approached the Apostle and complained about the harsh mean treatment of his neighbour toward him. "Have patience. Don't make loud complaints against your neighbour, but change your attitude toward him a little." After a few days, the man again approached the Apostle and reiterated his complaint. Once again, the Apostle advised him to have patience. A few days passed, and the man approached the Apostle for the third time. "O Messenger of God!" he said. "My neighbour doesn't stop his mistreatment and continues to harrass me and my household."



This time, the Apostle said, "It is Friday. You go to your house, take your belongings out and put them by the side of the road at such a spot where your belongings can be observed by everybody coming and going on the road. Seeing your belongings scattered thus, they will ask you why you have brought them out of your house. When people ask this, you should tell them that you are harrassed by the bad treatment of your neighbour. This way you will convey your complaint to the populace." The man followed the Apostle's instructions and did as he was told. The story of the bad treatment of the neighbour began to circulate and soon reached the ears of the troublesome neighbour himself. Hearing this and realising that if this continued, his name would be spoilt in the community, he came running to the man and started pleading with him to take the belongings back to the house, promising that his neighbour will never again face bad treatment from him. (Usool e-Kafi)

* One day, when the Apostle visited the house of Ali, he saw that Ali and Fatima are turning the wheel of the grinder together. "Between you, who is more tired?" asked the Apostle . "Fatima, O Messenger of God," said Ali. "Get up, my daughter," said the Apostle.Fatima got up. The Apostle sat down in her place and began turning the wheel of the grinder with Ali. (Bihar ul Anwaar)



Chapter 2


o Birth: 615 AD o Martyred: 632 AD, as a result of injuries caused by the door of

her house battered in by enemies of Islam while she was behind the door.

o Age at time of death: 17 years

The Apostle said: "God is displeased when Fatima is displeased and He is pleased when Fatima is pleased." (Kashf al-Ghumma)


Jabir ibn Abdullah Ansari reports: One day, the Apostle said his Asr prayer with us. After the prayer, the Messenger of God was sitting on his prayer mat and people were gathered all around him. Just then, from among the Arab immigrants, an old Arab wearing ragged clothes approached the Apostle.He was so old and weak that he could hardly walk. The Apostle turned to him and asked of his well-being. He said, "I am hungry, I want food. I am unclothed, give me cloths. I am needy, gratify me." The Apostle said, "I do not have anything that I can give you. But I will guide you, as one who guides towards good deeds is similar to one who performs good deeds. Go to the house which is befriended by by God and His Messenger, and which befriends God and His Messenger. They sacrifice in the way of God. Go to the house of Fatima." The house of Hazrat Fatima was next door to the house of the Apostle. The Apostle said, "O Bilal! Go, take him to the house of Fatima." Accompanied by Bilal, the old Arab came to the house of Fatima Zahra and called out, "Peace be upon you O household of the Apostlehood, O centre of angels, O destination of Gabriel, O destination of the revelations of God, peace be upon you." Fatima replied, "Peace be upon you too. Who are you?" The Arab said, "I am an old Arab. Hardships and worries made me migrate and come to your holy father, the master of the universe.O daughter of Mohammed ! I am very hungry. I do not have cloths to wear. Gratify me. May God send down his blessings upon you." This was the time when the Apostle, Ali and Fatima AS) had not eaten anything for three days as there was nothing to eat in the house. There was a fleece of lamb on which Hasan and Hussain used to sleep. Fatima proferred this fleece to the old Arab. The Arab said, "O daughter of Mohammed ! I complained of hunger and you are giving me fleece of lamb. What will I do with it to assuage my hunger?" Fatima then reached for her necklace. This necklace had been presented to her by her aunty Fatima, the daughter of the Apostle's uncle, Hamza. Fatima gave this necklace to the Arab and said, "Sell this; I am hopeful that God will give you better than this."



The Arab took the necklace and returned to the mosque where the Apostle was sitting amidst his companions. He said, "O Messenger of God, Fatima has given me this necklace saying 'Sell this; I am hopeful that God will give you better than this.'" Tears fell from the eyes of the Apostle of Islam.He said, "How is not possible that God will not fulfill your needs when this necklace has been given to you by one who is the leader of all daughters of Adam." Ammar Yasir (May God Bless Him) got up and said, 'O Messenger of God! Do you permit me to buy this necklace?" The Apostle said, "O Ammar! Buy it. If all the Jinn and humans share in the purchase of this necklace, God will free them all from the fires of hell." Ammar said, "O Arab! For how much will you sell this necklace?" He replied, "As much meat and bread as to fill me up, a cloak of Yemen to cover my body and to enable me to say the prayers of the Lord, and one Dinar with which I may return to my house." Ammar said, "In return for the necklace, I will give you twenty Dinars and two hundred Dirhams, one cloak of Yemen and one camel which will carry you home, and I will feed you with meat and bread too." "You are very generous," said the Arab. He went with Ammar who gave him all that had been promised. He returned to the Apostle who asked him, "Is your hunger assuaged? Did you get your dress?" The Arab stated his full satisfaction. "Pray for Fatima," said the Apostle . "O Allah! You are always our God. I worship none but you. You are our Provider in every way. O God! Give to Fatima such things as no eye has beholden and no ear had heard of." The Apostle said Amen, turned to his companions and said, "God has given to Fatima in this world itself the meaning of this prayer. I am her father and no one in the world is like me. Ali is her husband and had there not been Ali, there would have been none equal to Fatima. God has given to Fatima sons like Hasan and Husain, none in the world is like them. Both of them are the masters of the sons of Apostles and both of them are the masters of the youth of paradise." Miqdad, Ammar and Salman were sitting in front of the Apostle. He turned to them and said, "Shall I relate more exaltations of Fatima ?" "Of course, O Messenger of God!" was the eager reply. Said he, "Gabriel has informed me that when Fatima will die and will be buried and the interrogating angels will come into the grave and ask 'Who is your God?', she will reply, 'Allah is my God.' "Questioned 'Who is your Apostle?' she will reply, 'My father.' "Questioned 'Who is your Imam and Wali?' she will reply, 'this who is standing by the side of my grave, Ali ibn Abi Talib '." The Apostle of Islam said, "Know that I want to relate for you more exaltations of Fatima. "God has ordained a group of angels to protect Fatima from all sides. These angels are with her during her life and will remain on her grave after her death, reciting multitudinous blessings on her, on her husband and on her children. Whoever visits me after my death, it is as if he has seen me during my life. Whoever visits Ali ibn Abi Talib, it is as if he has visited Fatima. Whoever visits Hasan and Hussain, it is as if he has visited Ali, and whoever visits the sons and descendents of Hasan and Hussain, it is as if he has visited them both."



Ammar took the necklace, sprinkled it with musk, wrapped it in a piece of cloth from Yemen and handed it over to his slave named Saham, saying, "Take this to the Apostle.You too belong to the Apostle from today." Saham brought the necklace to the Apostle and relayed Ammar's message. The Apostle said, "Take it to Fatima, and you too belong to Fatima." The slave took the necklace to Fatima and relayed the Apostle's message. Fatima took the necklace and freed the slave. The slave started laughing. "Why are you laughing?" asked Fatima. He replied, "I am laughing with joy, seeing the great blessedness of this necklace. It fed a hungry person, clothed an unclothed person, fulfilled a needy person, freed a slave, and returned back to its owner." (Bihar ul Anwaar)




o Birth: 600 AD o Martyred: 661 AD, assassinated while he was bent in prayers o Age at time of death: 61 years

Verily, Verily, your guardian is (none else but) God and His Apostle (Mohammad) and those who believe; those who establish prayer and pay the poor-rate while they be bowing down (in prayer). (5:55)

* One of the wise men of the Jews questioned Amir al-Momineen (Commander of the Faithful) Ali. "How many years after the Apostle will his successor live? Will he die a natural death or will he be killed?" Imam said: "The descendent of the Apostle will live 30 years after the Apostle. And this beard will turn with blood from this head," he pointed to his head and beard. The jew got and said, "I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and Mohammad is His messenger and you are his successor." (Asbat al-Hudaat)

* During the time of the caliph Omer ibn al-Khattab, a group of Jewish scholars approached the caliph and said, "We have a few questions. If we get the answers to these questions, we will accept the Islamic faith." "Ask whatever you want to ask," said the caliph. They asked the following questions: 1. What are the locks and keys of the heavens? 2. Who was that messenger who was neither of the human nor of the jinn, and who warned his people? 3. Which are the five beings who were created without the aid of ovaries? 4. What are one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve The caliph thought over the questions for a time, then said, "Please excuse me, as I do not know the answers to these questions. However, I will take you to a man who is the most knowledgeable in the commandments of God and the Apostle and the greatest among us." The caliph then brought the jews to Ali ibn Abi Talib and presented the matter to him. Ali answered thus: 1. The locks of the heavens are beliefs in more than one God, and its keys are the letters of "LA ILAHA ILLALLAH, MOHAMMAD UR-RASOOLULLAH". 2. The messenger who warned his people is the ant who, when Solomon's army was passing by, said to his people, "Enter your houses so that the army may not stamp you out (without intention)". So God states (in the holy Qur'an): "Until they came to the valley of the Ants, said an Ant (addressing the



��other ants of the valley): 'O you ants! enter into your dwellings, so that Solomon and his hosts may not crush you (all) while they know it not." (An-Naml: 18) 3. The five beings who were not born of ovaries are: Adam, Eve, the staff of Moses which used to change into a python, the camel of Saleh and the sheep of Abraham (which was sent by God to become the ransom of the life of Abraham's son, Ismael). 4. One is God who has no partners. Two are Adam and Eve. Three are the substances (i.e. non-living matter, plants and animals). Four are the heavenly books: Torah of Moses, Bible of Jesus, Zubour of David and Qur'an of Mohammed.Five are the five daily prayers (of Muslims). Six are the six days of creation of the heavens and earth, as per the verse of Qur'an: "And indeed We created the heavens and the earth and what is between them two, in six periods and touched us Us not any fatique." (Qaf: 38). Seven are the seven heavens, in the light of the Qur'anic verse: "And We have erected above you the seven strong ones." (An-Naba': 12). Eight are those angels who bear the heavens, as per the Qur'anic verse: "And the angels shall be on the sides of it; and aove them shall bear that Day 'Arsh' (the Throne of Authority) of your Lord, eight (of them)." (Al-Haqqah:17). Nine are the nine signs given to Moses as stated by God: "And indeed We gave Moses nine clear Signs (miracles); so ask the children of Israel when he came to them, Pharaoh said to him; 'Verily I deem you O' Moses one bewitched.'" (Bani-Israel: 101). Ten are the ten days, i.e. God had promised Moses that he would stay on the mountain of Toor for thirty days, and later added ten more days to this duration, as it is stated in Qur'an "And We made appointment with Moses for thirty nights and completed it with ten (more); Thus was completed the term of his Lord, forty nights, and (before he went up) Moses said to his brother Aaron: 'You take my place among my people, act rightly and follow not the path of the mischief-makers.'" (Al-A'raf: 142. Eleven are the eleven brothers of the Apostle Joseph, son of Jacob, as Qur'an states: "When said Joseph to his father (Jacob): 'O' my father! Verily I did see (dream) eleven stars and the sun and moon, I saw them (all) ��prostrating to me.'" (Yusuf: 4). Twelve are the twelve water-springs manifested by the staff of Moses, as God states: "And (remember) when Moses sought water for his people; said We, 'Strike the rock with your staff!' Then gushed out therefrom twelve springs; each people knew their (respective) drinking place; 'Eat and drink of God's provision, and commit not evil in the earth acting ��mischievously!'" (Al-Baqarah: 60 When the Jew scholars heard the replies of Amir ul-Momineen Ali ibn Abi Talib, they said: "We bear witness that God is one and Mohammad is His messenger and Ali is the 'wasi' and successor of the messenger of God, as Haroun was the 'wasi' of Moses." And they became Muslims. (Ahsan ul-Kibar, Kaukab e-Durri)

* On the way to Nahrawan (to fight the "Khawarij"), Amir al-Momineen Ali passed a monastery. An old Christian monk was standing atop the monastery. He shouted, "O army of Islam! Ask your leader to come to me." Upon hearing this, Amir al-Momineen turned his horse to the monastery and approached the monk. "Where do you go?" asked the monk. "To fight the enemies of Islam." "Do not fight now, because at this moment the stars do not favour the Muslims. Wait for a few days when the stars will become favourable for you." Amir al-Momineen said, "Since you profess knowledge of the stars, tell me about the movement of so and so star."



The old man said, "By God! I have never even heard the name of this star." Amir al-Momineen asked him another question about the skies and when the old man failed to reply, said: "It is now known that you do not know about the skies. Shall I ask you something about the earth? Tell me, do you know what is buried beneath your feet at the spot where you stand?" "By God! I do not know," said the old man. "There is a vessel filled with so many Dinars, and the coins bears such and such emblem," said Amir al-Momineen. "How do you know?" "By God's grace." Then Amir al-Momineen proceeded to say that in the ensuing fight, less than ten persons from the Islamic army would be killed where as less than ten persons from the opposing army would escape. The old man listened astonished. As per Ali's command, when the earth beneath the old man's feet was dug, a vessel filled with coins was found exactly as described by Amir al-Momineen. The old Christian monk immediately left the monastery and accepted Islam. Amir al-Momineen proceeded to Nahrawan in all his glory and grandeur, and in the ensuing fight, the Khawarij were thoroughly defeated. Out of the four thousand men of the Khawarij, only nine escaped, and only nine men of the Islamic army were killed in this battle. (Rawdhat al-Shuhada, Kaukab e-Durri)

* Ceasar of Rome sent a lot of wealth as a gift to the Apostle.By the time the delegation reached Madinah, the Apostle had passed away. The delegation wrote back to the king of Rome and asked for fresh instructions. The Ceasar sent back the order to handover the wealth to anybody who answered three questions. The questions were: What is the thing that is not for God? 2. What is the thing that God does not have? 3. What is the thing that God does not know? The delegate of Ceasar went to Abu Bakr and asked: "Are you the successor of the Apostle ?" Upon receiving a positive reply, they presented the three questions to Abu Bakr. As soon as Abu Bakr heard the questions, manifestations of anger appeared on his face. "This is blasphemy that you say," said he, and treated the Ceasar's delegate very badly. Omer ibn Khattab also treated him wrathfully. Ibn Abbas said, "What kind of justice is this that you treat this way someone who asks something? Simply say that you do not know the answers." "Do you then know the answers?" asked Abu Bakr and Omer. "No, but I know someone who is more a man of knowledge than any of us, and he is Ali ibn Abi Talib." "Spoken truly," said Abu Bakr and Omer. The delegate of the Ceasar was brought to Amir al-Momineen who heard the questions and replied: 1. That which is not for God is his partner. 2. That which God does not have is tyranny. 3. That which God does not know is your (Christians') statement that Jesus is the son of God, and God says that He does not know this. Hearing the replies, the Ceasar's delegate bore witness to his faith in Allah, the Apostle and Ali, and handed over to Ali the wealth sent by the Ceasar, and Ali immediately distributed the wealth among the believers. (Ahsan ul-Kibar, Kaukab e-Durri)



* Ibn Abbas reports: During the time of caliph Omer ibn Khattab, there was a man from Azerbaijan who owned a camel. The livelihood of his family depended on the rentals from the camel. One day, the camel broke its reins and took to the wilderness. The man tried his best to catch the camel but failed. Finally his relations advised him, "During the time of the Apostle of Islam, we would take our problems and troubles to the Apostle who would pray to God, and by the blessings of his prayers, God would ease the troubles. Now, though the Apostle is no longer with us, his successor is there, and you should go the successor of the Apostle and seek his aid." The man came to Madinah, met caliph Omer and presented his problem to him. Omer said, "You should ask God's pardon from your sins. This will solve your problems." The man said, "I have done this, but I could not get back my camel." Omer said, "I will write you a letter. Put this letter before the camel so that you get what you desire," and he wrote a letter and handed it to the man. The letter said: "O group of Jinn and O group of devils! This letter is addressed to you from Amir al-Momineen Omer. You should tame the disobedient camel and hand it over to its owner. Fear disobedience of my command." The man took the letter and proceeded to Azerbaijan. Ibn Abbas says: I went to Amir al-Momineen Ali ibn Abi Talib and related the incident. Amir al-Momineen said, "Apostle's miracles are not manifested except through the true successor." I began waiting for someone to come from Azerbaijan, in order to get some news of the camel. One day, I saw the same man coming. I met him and asked him about the camel. He said, "As soon as I put the letter before the camel, it became wild and attacked me, mauled and wounded me. My brother and some other men saved me with great difficulty. I was ill from my wounds for a long time. These marks that you see on my face are reminders of that incident. When I became better, I thought I would relate the matter to Amir al-Momineen Omer, and arrange some means of livelihood for my family." I went with him to Omer, who, after listening to the woes of the man, said, "For every work, God has made a man. O ibn Abbas! Take this man to Ali ibn Abi-Talib and relate the matter before him." We went to Hazrat Ali who smiled when he saw us, and said, "Go to where your camel is, and say this supplication to God: [O God! I approach you through your Apostle, who is an Apostle of Blessings, and through his Household (Ahl al-Baith) whom you have given superiority over all worlds. O God! Ease my trouble and deliver me from its bad effects, for You are the Deliverer, the Restorer, the Dominant, the Mighty.] The man memorized this supplication and left for Azerbaijan. Next year, we saw him come for haj with his camel, bringing with him gifts for Moula Ali. Ali said to the man, "Will you relate your circumstances or shall I?" He said, "O Amir al-Momineen! You relate." "When you saw the camel, you said the supplication. The camel came to you with docility and squatted before you and bowed its neck in obedience to you." The man exclaimed, "By God! It happened exactly the way you have said." Later, the man used to come for haj every year, and he became quite prosperous from his camel's earnings.



Amir al-Momineen Ali said to me, "O Abdullah! If any man faces any difficulty in any work, or loss of property, or some illness in the family, then he should say the said supplication to God with all sincerity, humility and tears, he will get what he desires" (Kifayat al-Momineen, Kaukab e-Durri)

* An Ethiopian slave came to Hazrat Ali and said, "O Amir al-Momineen! One day, under the influence of greed, I had stolen something which was not mine. I request you to punish me and purify me from my sin." When the slave confessed his sin three times, Ali ordered his hand to be cut, as per Islamic law. (In Islamic law, as punishment for stealing a hand is cut from the fingers and not from the wrist or elbow, as some people misunderstand). A servant severed his right hand and the slave left, with drops of blood dripping from his severed hand. Abdullah ibn Abbas saw him and asked, "Who severed your hand?" The slave said, "My hand was severed by Amir al-Momineen, Successor of the Leader of Apostles, Leader of people with radiant faces, Master of all jinn and humans, Lord of Lords, Ali ibn Abi Talib." Ibn Abbas said wonderingly, "He has cut your hands and still you praise him?" The slave replied, "Why should I not praise him, when his love is ingrained in my flesh and blood. His cutting my hand is right and just." Ibn Abbas went to Amir al-Momineen and related the words of the slave to him. Ali said, "O brother! Some of our friends are such that even if they are torn into pieces in the way of our love, no thought will cross their minds except our love. And some of our enemies are such that even if we load them with our beneficence, our enemity will reign supreme in their hearts." Later, he sent Imam Hussain to bring the slave to him. When the slave came, Ali said, "I had severed your hand yet you praise me?" The slave said, "Who am I to claim that I can praise him who is praised by God and his Messenger " Ali put the severed part of the slave's hand in place, covered it with a sheet, and recited the surat al-Fatiha over it. Immediately, the slave's hand was whole once again, as if it had never been severed. (Zahrat- al-Riyadh, Kifayat al-Momineen, Kaukab e-Durri)

* Amir al-Momineen Ali and his army were returning after winning the battle of Nahrawan. On the way they came to a point where two roads diverged. Water was available along one road, and was not available along the other road. Amir al-Momineen selected the road devoid of water and began to proceed at a fast pace. After some time, the soldiers began feeling thirst, and the hypocrites among them started criticising Amir al-Momineen. Their talk saddened the true-believers among them, who then approached Amir al-Momineen and related the circumstances. Amir al-Momineen called all the army together. Then he pointed a spot to Qanber and ordered him to dig there. Qanber found a big rock. Amir al-Momineen lifted the rock up and threw it far away. People saw that underneath the rock was a staircase. Ali said, "Qanber, go in, look around and relate the circumstances to us." Qanber went in, returned and reported, "After going down thirty five steps, I saw a door which was locked. I do not know where we can find the key



to lock, and without the key, the opening of that door is very difficult, may be impossible." Ali gave a key to Qanber and said, "Go to door and bring a cup of water." Qanber once again went in. When he opened the door with the key, he saw a reservoir of water. And he saw Ali by the side of the reservoir. Amir al-Momineen gave a cup full of water to Qanber and said, "Take this water and quench the thirst of the thirsty." Qanber came out and saw Amir al-Momineen standing at his place. He opened his mouth to express his wonder, but Amir al-Momineen stopped him saying, "Have you not heard of the incident of Azerna? Why do you wonder now?" Then Ali began supplying water to his army from the cup. All of the men of his army, and the horses too, drank to their full but the cup remained filled with water. (Fouhat al-Quds, Kaukab e-Durri) (The incident of Azerna - or Arzena - is given below.)


One day, when Ali was twenty seven years, he was sitting on the balcony of his house eating dates. Salman was sitting beneath the balcony. Ali good humouredly dropped a date seed on Salman. Salman said, "I am old in years and you are a youth. It is not seemly of you to behave with me this way." Ali said, "Salman! You think you are old and I am young. It seems you have forgotten the terrible events of Azerna and it is not known to you who it was who had saved you from the tiger and gave you a new life." Astonished, Salman said, "Amir al-Momineen! Please tell me about Azerna and the tiger." "Salman!" said Ali, "You were in water and a tiger was frightening you. You prayed to God to save you from the tiger. Your prayer was answered. I was passing through the jungle at that time. I was that rider on whose shoulders was an armour and carried a sword in hand, and rid you of the tiger by cutting it in two." "Please give me more signs and increase my astonishment," said Salman. Amir al-Momineen took out from his sleeve a bouquet of fresh flowers and said, "This was your gift which you gave to that rider." This sent Salman deep in thought. Suddenly he heard a voice telling him to go to the Apostle and relate the incident to him. Salman went to the Apostle and said: "I had read about you in the Bible and became your true admirer. I let go of all faiths and accepted your faith for myself. I hid this fact from my father but somehow, he got wind of it and wanted to kill me for it. (He tried to get rid of me in various ways). At last, I left my country and started journeying. During this journey, I passed the plains of Azerna. Here, I went to sleep for sometime... After I woke up, I went to a stream, entered it and started bathing myself. While I was bathing, a man-eating tiger appeared and came toward me, and stopped by the stream near my clothes. Faced with that situation, I fervently prayed to God to save me from the tiger. Just then, a rider appeared and with his sword, cut the tiger in two. I came out of the water and kissed his stirrups. It was springtime and the jungle was full of flowers. I prepared a bouquet and presented it to the rider. Then the rider vanished from my sight. I searched for him everywhere in the jungle but could not find him. It is now three hundred years from the time of this incident, and I have never related it to anybody till now, and yet your cousin just reminded me of it and astounded me. Whofrom did he get the knowledge of the hidden? Wherefrom did he learn the secrets?"



The Apostle said: "O Salman! Don't consider as strange the occurrance of such things from my brother, because I have witnessed stanger things from him. O Salman! When I was called on Meraj, passing through Sidrat al-Muntaha I reached the place where even Gabriel could not accompany me any further and I proceeded alone towards "Arsh" and was totally separated from the world of being. I was relating secrets to God and hearing his replies. In this condition, I saw a lion standing before me. When I looked closely, I found it was the Lion of God, Ali ibn Abi Talib. When I returned from Meraj and reached my bed, Ali entered the room, greeting me with respect... Later, Ali related word for word the secrets that taken place between God and me. O Salman! From the time of Adam to the present, whoever of the God's selected ones were in trouble, it was Ali who delivered them from the difficulties and tribulations. So God has said to me "O Ahmed! I sent Ali secretly with all my Apostles and with you I sent him secretly as well as openly." (Ahsan ul-Kibar, Kaukab e-Durri)


One day, the Apostle of God was eating dates with his companions and good-humouredly piling in front of Ali the seeds of all the dates that he ate. At his signal, his companions were following suit. After the dates had been eaten, the Apostle turned to his companions and asked, "Who has eaten the most dates?" The companions replied, "He who has got more date seeds in front of him." "No," counterd Ali, "but he who has eaten the seeds along with the dates." The Apostle smiled, "It is very difficult to beat my brother in words, for I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate." (Lataif at-Tawaif, Kaukab e-Durri)

* Asbagh ibn Nabata reports that Amir al-Momineen Ali once said: "After me, the best among people, and their leader will be this son of mine", pointing to Imam Hasan. "Beware that soon after me, he will be oppressed by tyranny as I was oppressed by tyranny after the Apostle.And after my son Hasan, the best among people is my son Husain who, after his brother, will be slain with tyranny on the land of Karbala. Know that he and his companions will be the leaders of martyrs on the day of resurrection (qiyamat)." (Asbat al-Hudaat)




o Birth: 625 AD o Martyred: 670 AD, poisoned at the behest of Muawiya ibn Abu

Sufyan o Age at time of death: 45 years


One day Imam Hasan was riding on his horse. A jew who was living a life of poverty and destitution, caught hold of the reins of Imam's horse and said, "O son of the Apostle ! I have a question and I want a just reply." "What is your question?" asked Imam. "Is it not the saying of your ancestor that the world is a jail for the believer and heaven for the unbeliever? According to your faith, you are a believer and I am an unbeliever. You have horses, servants, good clothes, beautiful house, maids, tasty dishes and various decorative things. For you this world has become heaven and for me, because of my poverty, it has become hell. What do you say about this?" Imam replied immediately, "If you could see the magnificience that God has in store for us in the afterworld, the comforts of which you cannot even imagine, you would surely know that (compared to those comforts) this world is like a jail to me. And inspite of your troubles, if you could see the punishments which are in store in the afterworld for the unbelievers and the hypocrites, then you would understand that (compared to those punishments) this world is heaven for you." (Hadeeqat al-Shi'a)


One day, a man came to Othman bin Afan when he was sitting by the door of the mosque, and asked him for charity. He gave the man five Dirhams. The man said, "Guide me to other charitable persons." Othman pointed towards three young men who were sitting in a corner of the mosque. These three young men were Hasan, Hussain and Abdulla ibn Jafar. The man approached them and greeted them, then presented his plea for charity. Hasan e-Mujtaba said, "Begging for charity is not permitted except under one of three conditions: blood recompensation that holds you down; debt that ulcerate you with worry; poverty that derogates you. Which of these conditions are you suffering from that you ask for charity?" The man admitted that he did suffer from one of the three stated conditions. Hearing this, Imam Hasan gave him fifty Dinars, Imam Husain forty nine Dinars and Abdulla ibn Jafar forty eight dinars. When the man left carrying this wealth with him, he once again came across Othman who asked, "What did you receive?" The man said, "You gave me what you had to give and you did not even investigate my needs. The man with the long hairs (Imam Hasan) taught me first that asking for charity is not permitted except in three conditions and when I confirmed that one of the three conditions applied to me, one of them gave me fifty Dinars, the second one gave me forty nine Dinars and the third one gave me forty eight Dinars."



Othman said, "Who can equal them. They are masters of knowledge, wisdom and charity." (Khisal)

* Once Imam Hasan had to go to Shaam (Syria). There, Muawiya handed him a list of valuables and said, "I present all these things to you." As Imam started leaving, a servent of Muawiya dusted Imam's shoes and placed them before him to put on. Imam handed Muawiya's list to the servent and said "Collect all these things. They are now yours." And the Imam left. (Al-Shaheed al-Masmoom, by Mazher Hasan Moosavi)

* A man from Sham (Syria) saw Imam Hasan riding and began to insult him, but the Imam did not answer him. When the man had finished, Imam Hasan looked at him and smiled and said, "O Shaykh! I think you are a stranger and perhaps you have some misunderstanding, so if you have some criticisms we shall accept what you say, and if you ask for something we shall give it to you, and if you want to ride we can give you a mount, and if you are hungry we can feed you, and if you have no clothes we can provide you with some; if you need something we can help you, and if you have no refuge we can protect you; if you have any aim we can assist you, and if you come and be our guest until such time as you wish to leave it will be an excellent idea because we have a large property with many servants and provisions." When the man heard this he wept and said, "I testify that you are vicegerant of Allah on earth - Allah knows best where to put His message. You and your father were the most hated of men for me, but now you are the most beloved of creatures for me." He took his baggage to the Imam's house and was his guest until the time that he continued his journey, and he believed in and loved the Imams. (The Faith of Shi'a Islam, by Allama Muhammad Rida al-Muzaffar)

* A Syrian once asked Imam Hasan some questions. One of them was: "What is the distance between the earth and the sky?" Imam said, "The limit of your sight, or the curse of a tyrannized person." (Here, Imam seems to have taken into account both the physical and the idomatic meanings of the term "sky" or "heaven".) "What is the distance between east and west?" "A day's movement of the sun." (Al-Shaheed al-Masmoom)



Chapter 5


o Birth: 626 AD o Martyred: 680 AD, at the historic battle of Karbala fighting

against the army of Yazid ibn Muawiyah to safeguard the teachings of Islam – fighting against all odds: 72 hungry and thirsty people facing an army of at least 30,000. This martyrdom is commemorated every year in the Muslim world on the 10th of the Islamic month of Muharram. This day is called Ashoora.

o Age at time of death: 55 years

* "True for me was the saying of the Apostle that 'After salaath, the best action is to gladden the hearts of the believers in ways which are not against God's commands.'" said Imam Hussain. He then related that once he saw a slave who was feeding a dog along with himself. The Imam asked him about it, so he replied, "O son of the Messenger of God, I am sad. I am seeking my happiness by making this dog happy. My master is a Jew and I want to free myself from him." Hearing his plea, the Imam immediately went to the Jew and bought the slave from him for 200 gold pieces and then set him free. Seeing this, the Jew was impressed and said, "I give this slave to you as gift, and I give that garden to him, and I give the money back to you." "I gift you the money," said Imam Hussain. "I accept," said the Jew, "and give it to the slave." The Imam said, "I free the slave with all this wealth." The wife of the Jew was watching the proceedings from behind the door. She burst out, "I waive all of my mahr (dower) to my husband and I accept the faith of Islam." Seeing this, the Jew got up and said, "I too accept the faith of Islam and I gift my house to my wife." (Zibhe Azeem)

* Imam Jafar al-Sadeq from Imam Mohammad Baqir, and he from Imam Zain al-Abedeen, reports: Once people of Kufa came to Amir al-Momineen and complained of scarcity of rains, and requested Ali to pray to God to alleviate this problem. Ali turned to Imam Hussain and said, "You get up and pray for rains." Imam Hussain stood up and delivered a sermon and raised up his hands and prayed for rains. It started to rain before Imam Hussain's prayer had ended, and water overflowed from the lakes and valleys of Kufa.* (Ayoun al-Mu'jizat, Bihar al-Anwar)


A man came to Imam Hussain and said, "O son of the Messenger of God! I have a commitment, the payment of which is beyond my power. I decided to seek help from one who is the most charitable of persons. I pondered and found no one better than you."



Hussain said, "I will ask you three questions. If you answer one question correctly, I will give you one third of your needs, if you answer two questions, I will give you two thirds and if you answer all three questions, I will give you every thing you require." The man said, "O son of the Messenger of God! A scholar like you will question an ignorant person like me?" Imam said, "I have heard from my grandfather (the Apostle PBUH) that charity should be meted out in proportion to the knowledge of the seeker of help." The man said, "O son of the Messenger of God! Ask whatever you want to ask. If I know the answer, I will tell you, and if I don't know, I will ask you and memorise it." "Of the good deeds, what deed has precedence over others?" "O Moula! Believing in God and acknowledging his Unity." "What leads a man to salvation?" "Trust and reliance in God lead to salvation." "What is the ornament of man?" "Knowledge with cordiality and equanimity." "If he doesn't possess such knowledge?" "Then he should possess wealth to do good deeds with." "If he doesn't possess wealth?" "Then poverty with patience is his ornament." "What if he doesn't even possess poverty with patience?" "Then," said the man, "may lightning strike him and burn him down, for that is all he deserves." Imam Hussain smiled at his answers and gave him one thousand Dinars along with a ring he had bean wearing on his hand. "Use these Dinars to settle your debts, and use the value of the ring for your family." The man left saying, "God knows best where to place His Apostlehood." (Jaami-al-Akhbar, Bihar al-Anwar)

* One day, Imam Hussain (in his childhood) was sitting on the lap of the Apostle and the Apostle of God was Playing with him making him laugh. Seeing this, Aisha (a wife of the Apostle) said, "O Messenger of God! How much do you love this child." The Apostle said, "How should I not love him? I do not like the way you speak. He is the light of my eyes, the apple of my heart. My followers will martyr him. Hence, whoever will visit his shrine after his martyrdom, God will add to the pilgrim's document of deeds a reward equivalent to the reward of one of my own haj." "O Messenger of God! A pilgrim of Hussain deserves so much?" wondered Aisha. "But the reward of two of my haj." "The reward of two of your haj?" Aisha asked with increasing wonder. "But the reward of four of my haj." The Apostle said. It went on thus for some time, and at every expression of wonder, the Apostle increased the reward that a pilgrim of Hussain would receive from God, till finally the Apostle declared that God would grant the pilgrim of Hussain the reward equivalent to ninety of the Apostle's haj which had been performed along with Umrah. (Kamil az-Ziaraat, Bihar al-Anwar)




o Birth: 659 AD o Martyred: 713 AD, poisoned by the ruler of the time, Walid ibne

Abdul Malik ibne Marwan o Age at time of death: 55 years


Hisham bin Abdul Malik, the son of the caliph of that time, Abdul Malik bin Marwan, came to Maccah for hajj. There was a huge crowd round the Ka'bah and no matter how much he tried, Hisham could not reach "Hajr al-Aswad". At last, he gave up and went to a side with his entourage, waiting for a time when the crowd would thin out. Just then Imam Zain ul-Abedeen entered the holy mosque and proceeded towards Ka'bah. His steps were slow, calm and sure. As he reached Ka'bah, the crowd started parting, making way for him, the way the waters of Nile had parted for Moses. Imam performed his "tawaf", and kissed "Hajr al-Aswad". Seeing this scene, flames of hatred and jealosy filled Hisham's mind. Just then one of his entourage, who had also witnessed this scene, turned to Hisham and asked: "Who is this man who commands such immense respect from people?" Hisham knew that the man was Imam Zain ul-Abedeen but his jealosy made him say irritably, "I don't know." The poet, Abu Feras Farazdaq, heard Hisham's words and could not contain himself. Throwing to the winds the fear of death at the hands of the caliph, Farazdaq stood up and began reciting a poem extempore in praise of the Imam, saying (among other things): "He is one whose footprints are recognized by Maccah And Ka'aba and its surroundings and the mosque know him He is the son of the best of the servants of God He is God-fearing, sacrosanct, pure, leader Light of guidance emerges from the light of his brow Like sun, it splits the darkness Before him the greatness of the Apostles pales And his followers are the greatest of followers If you do not know him, he is son of Fatima His ancestor is the last of the Apostles of God If you anger him, it is better to face a lion Death is preferable to his ire Your saying 'Who is he?' is not harmful to him All Arabia and Persia knows whom you denied He bears the burden of nations that are weighted down Sweet is his mien and sweet his blessings If the God-fearing are counted, then he is their leader Or if asked who is best of the people of the world, it is he In times of need, he is a raining cloud And in times of war, he is a lion Who are the people who are not his serfs He who believes in God, knows this man And nations obtain religion from his house"



Verse after beautiful verse flew from the lips of Farazdaq while Hisham stood there, sweating with frustration. As expected, Farazdaq was arrested and put in jail. Imam sent some gifts to Farazdaq which Farazdaq returned, saying, "Whatever I said, Moula, was in the way of seeking the favour and pleasure of God and the Apostle ." Imam sent the gifts to him again, saying, "Keep these gifts, and your reward in the hereafter is also secure." Farazdaq accepted the gifts with thanks. (Amali of Syed Murtaza, Huliat al-Abrar, Sawaeq e-Muharraqa)

* Once, the caliph, Abdul Malik ibn Marwan, while performing "tawaf" of Ka'bah, observed the fourth Imam who was performing tawaf, paying no heed to the Abdul Malik. This angered Abdul Malik. Later, he called Imam to one side and said angrily, "You saw me but ignored me. Did you not fear that I would kill you the same way that Yazid ibn Mu'awiya (may God's chastisements on him increase) killed your father?" Imam said, "The man who killed my father destroyed my father's worldly life, and my father destroyed the killer's after-life. If you too want to become like him (Yazid), go ahead." Abdul Malik felt fear. He said, "I would never want that. In fact, I will obtain benefit for my after-life from you and I will grant you favour in this world. Imam spread his cloak on the ground, put some pebbles on it and prayed, "O God! Show this man the station of your friends." Abdul Malik saw that the pebbles had turned to gems. Imam said, "He whose station near God is such, why would he become dependent upon the people of the world?" and became engrossed in prayers. (Hadeeqat al-Shi'a)

* Zahri reports: Once, during the time of haj, in the place of Arafat, I was standing near Imam Zain al-Abedeen, watching the pilgrims. "Moula! How many thousands of pilgrims there are and what a tremendous tumult there is!" Imam said, "Come near me." When I went near him, he passed his hand over my face and said, "Look now." When I looked again at the pilgrims, I saw only one in ten thousand of them as human. The rest I saw as animals milling about - monkeys, dogs, swines, wolves, etc. I was amazed. Imam said, "Listen! Those who perform pilgrimage without true intention and true faith, they are like this. O Zahri! Without good intention and without love for us, all deeds are useless. (Tafsir e-Imam Hasan Askar AS)




o Birth: 676 AD o Martyred: 733 AD, poisoned by the ruler of the time, Hisham ibne

Abdul Malik o Age at time of death: 56 years


Once, the Apostle said to his companion, Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari, "O Jaber! God has granted you a long life. You will have the good fortune of seeing my son, Mohammad ibn Ali ibn al-Hussain ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib, whose name in Torah is 'Baqir'. When you meet him, convey my salaam to him." Many years after the passing away of the Apostle, Jabir one day went to the house of Imam Zain al-Abideen. There, he saw a boy of young age. As soon as he saw the boy, Jabir said, "Please come here." Then he said, "Please go back a little." Then he said, "By the God of Ka'ba! He is the exact picture of the Apostle " Then Jabir asked Imam Zain al-Abedeen, "Who is he?" Imam said, "This is my son, Mohammad Baqir, who will be your Imam after me." Hearing this, Jabir got up and kissed the feet of the boy and conveyed to him the salaam of his ancestor, Apostle Mohammad. Imam Mohammad Baqir's eyes filled with tears. He said, "May God's blessings and salaam be upon my holy ancestor as long as the earth and the sky remain. And salaam on you too, Jabir, who conveyed this salaam to me." (Amali of Sheikh Saduq)

* The caliph of the time wrote to his governor in Madinah, instructing him to send Imam Mohammad Baquer to him in Syria. Imam took with him his son Jafar, who was of very young age at that time. Near Yemen, Imam saw a very big monastery. A huge crowd was gathered at the monastery. It was found that they had gathered there to see a monk. This monk was very old and learned, and he came out of his monastery only once a year and on that day, people asked him questions and he answered them. Imam too joined the crowd. Just then, the monk came out. Due to age, his brows hung over his eyes. He glanced at the crowd, and his eyes became fixed on the face of Imam. "Are you one of us?" he asked. "I am of the followers of Mohammed," replied the Imam. "Are you a scholar or an ignorant?" In reply, Imam said, "I am not ignorant." "May I ask you certain things?" said the monk. "Of course," said Imam. "Tell me, which is the time that is neither day nor night?" "It is the time between the end of the night and the sunrise. This is of heavenly times. This is the time when the ill receive a little ease; the paining receive a little relief; one who has not slept the whole night, becomes sleepy; and this is a special time for those who turn their awareness towards God." "Muslims believe that in paradise, people will eat and drink but will not require to excrete. Is there any simile to this in this world?"



"A baby in the womb of its mother," said the Imam. "You also believe that the fruits in paradise will not lessen from eating. Does this too have a simile in this world?" "Light thousands of lamps with a single lamp, but the light of the lamp does not diminish." "Tell me of the tree, the roots of which are in the household of the Apostle Mohammad and its branches are everywhere. Does this have a simile?" asked the monk. "The sun whose rays are everywhere, in every house. And I am that tree who is not only here but everywhere." "Is the key to the door of paradise made of gold or silver?" "Neither of gold nor of silver, but of the tongue of the believer. The door of the paradise opens when the believer speaks of God." "Now I will ask you a very difficult question," said the monk. "Please answer it." "On the condition that you will accept Islam," said the Imam. The monk agreed and said, "Two brothers were born on the same day and died on the same day but one of them was aged 100 years and the other 200 years. Is this possible?" Imam said, "Yes. The two brothers were Apostles. One of them was called Aziz and the other Uzair, who were born together. When both of them reached the age of fifty, one of them one day passed through a village which was very green, and the people of the village had been killed for their disobedience of God. There was no sign of them except for their ruined bones. He took heed of the sight. He plucked and ate some fruits, and gathered a little juice from them in a vessel and lying down in the shade of a tree, thought: on the day of resurrection, how will these people live again, whose bones too are spoiled. He was just thinking this when by God's command, he was given death. After a hundred years, God ordered an angel to bring the Apostle back to life and then to ask him how long had he slept. So, the angel, as per the Lord's command, brought him back to life and asked him, 'O Apostle! How long had you slept?' Aziz saw that the fruit juice is still there in the vessel and when he had gone to sleep, the sun was setting, and now it was rising, so he said, 'One night.' The angel said, 'No, a hundred years. If you do not believe, look at the ass you rode.' Even its bones were spoiled. By the Lord's command, the angel then brought the ass back to life. Aziz immediately said, 'Verily, God has power over all things.' And riding his ass, returned home and lived fifty more years, and when both the brothers died on the same day, one of them was hundred years old and the other was two hundred years old." The monk came near the Imam and asked, "Are you Mohammad, the Messenger of God?" Imam said, "I am Mohammad, but I am son (descendent) of Mohammad, the Messenger of God." The monk, and all the people gathered there, accepted the faith of Islam. The Imam reached Damascus. When later, becoming afraid of the Imam's ever-growing popularity among the people of Damascus, the caliph sent him back to Madinah, but to every village and city that fell in the way, he sent orders not to supply food or water to the Imam, so that by the time the Imam and his son reach Madinah, they would die of hunger and thirst. But the same monk and his students aided the Imam and arranged for the Imam to reach Madinah in comfort. (Hadeeqat al-Shi'a)



* During Imam's stay in Damascus, one day, the caliph, Hisham ibn Abdul-Malik, called them to his court. When the fifth Imam and his son entered the court, an archery contest was going on. Hisham, with a view of derogating the Imam, and under the impression that the fifth Imam was a scholar, and so, would not know much about weaponry, asked the Imam to participate in the contest. Imam at first refused, saying, "I am old and my days of archery are over. Hisham insisted and asked one of his courtiers to give his bow and arrows to Imam. Imam Mohammad Baqir took the bow and fitted an arrow. The arrow embedded itself in the exact centre of the target. Imam fitted a second arrow. The second arrow embedded itself in the first arrow. Imam let go a third arrow which pierced the second arrow. Hisham's face turned pale and the court watched awe-struck as, one after the other, Imam shot nine arrows at the target, each arrow piercing and embedding in the preceding arrow. (Dala'el al-Imama)

* Abu Basir says: One day, I visited the Imam (Mohammed Baquer) and asked, "Are you of the heirs of the Messenger of God?" He said, "Yes." I said, "The Messenger of God was the heir of all the Apostles past." "Yes." I said, "Can you bring the dead back to life and give sight to the blind?" "Yes," he said and called me near him. When I approached him, he rubbed his holy hand on my eyes. I had been blind for a long time but suddenly my eyes lighted up as if I had never been blind. Then Imam said, "O Abu Basir! Do you want to remain like this and on the day of resurrection, give account of your life before God like others? Or do you want to be such that on the day of reckoning you enter paradise without giving account of your life?" I said, "Son of the Apostle! I do not have the strength to give account of my life before God. I am content to live blind." He once again passed his hand over my eyes and I became blind as before. (Hadeeqat al-Shi'a)

* Abu Basir reports: One day, I went to the mosque in the company of Imam Mohammad Baqir. A huge crowd was there. Imam told me, "Ask people whom you meet, if they have seen me." I asked everyone, "Have you seen the Imam?" Everyone replied in negative even as Imam was standing beside me. Just then Abu Haroun, who was a true devotee of the Imam, came there. Abu Haroun was blind. Imam said, "Ask Abu Haroun too." "Have you seen Imam Abu Jafar?" I asked Abu Haroun. "Isn't he standing there beside you?" answered Abu Haroun immediately. "How did you know?" I asked him. Abu Haroun replied, "How would I not know him, when he is a shining light?" (Bihar al-Anwar)




Ibad bin Kathir of Basra reports: I visited Imam Mohammed Baquer and asked him, "What is the right of a believer on God?" The Imam remained silent. I asked him again. He still remained silent. I asked him a third time. Then the Imam looked at me carefully. "The right of a believer over God is that if he commanded a tree to come to him, the tree should come to him," the Imam said, pointing to a date tree. By God, I saw that tree come to Imam. Imam then commanded it to go back and the tree went back to its original place. (Kashf al-Ghumma)

* Abdullah ibn Nafe' was one of Ali's staunch enemies and used to say that he would go to anyone, anywhere, who could convince him that Ali was right in killing so many khawarij (plural of Khariji) in the battle of Nahrawan. People guided him to Imam Mohammad Baqir. Abdullah came to Madinah with his friends and desired audience with Imam. Imam ordered one of his servants to go and tell them to come the next day. Early next morning, Abdullah and his friends came to Imam. Imam also gathered together all his companions. Then Imam started speaking. First, he praised the Lord, then he praised the Apostle.Then he turned to the gathered populace and asked them to relate whatever they remembered of Ali's virtues and excellences. One after the other, the people began reciting various traditions about Ali. When the talk reached the tradition of Khayber and when the people related that during the seige of Khayber, Apostle had said, "Tomorrow will I give the 'alam (flag) to the man who loves God and His Messenger, and whom God and His Messenger love, who will attack again and again and who will not run away and will not turn back till God grants him victory. " The next day, the Apostle handed the flag to Ali who then proceeded and conquered Khayber and returned victorious. Imam turned to Nafe'. "What do you think about this tradition?" "The tradition is absolutely true," said Nafe', "but Ali later became an infidel because he killed the khawarij unnecessarily." "May your mother grieve for you!" said the Imam. "When God loved Ali did God know that Ali would later kill the khawarij, or did He not know?" "God knew." "Did God love Ali because he was an obedient servant of God, or because Ali was - God grant refuge - disobedient to Him?" "God loved Ali because he was an obedient servant of God." "Then if Ali was going to commit a sin - God grant refuge - in future, God would not have loved Ali. The fact that God loves Ali means that there was no possibility of Ali ever committing a sin, and therefore, Ali's killing of the khawarij was not a sin but was an act of obedience to God." Then Imam said, "Now, get up. You have no answer to this, and this one argument is enough to refute your contention." When Abdullah got up to leave, he was reciting from a Qur'anic verse: "...until the white streak (of dawn) becomes manifest to you from the black streak (of night)... " (Al-Baqarah: 187), and he kept on repeating: "...God knows best where to place His Apostlehood... " (Al-An'am: 125). (Kafi)

* From Imam Baqir's conversation with Sa'id ibn al-Hasan: Imam: Does it happen to you that one of you approaches his brother and puts his hand into his brother's pocket to take some money of which he is in need, without his brother preventing him?"



Sa'id: I do not know of such a thing. Imam: Then truly, there are no real Shi'i among you. (The Faith of Shi'a Islam, by Muhammad Rida al-Muzaffar)




o Birth: 702 AD o Martyred: 765 AD, poisoned by the ruler of the time, Mansoor ad-

Dawaniqi o Age at time of death: 63 years


Abu Basir says: Shoeb came to Imam al-Sadeq and presented him with a bag of dinars. "Is this zakat or gift?" Imam asked. After remaining silent for a while, Shoeb said, "It is both zakat and gift." "We do not need zakat," Imam said and put his hand in the bag, took out a handful of dinars and returned them to Shoeb. When we left, we asked Shoeb about how much zakat was there in the bag. Said: "As much as the Imam had returned to me. By God, there was not a piece more or less." (Ithbat al-Hudaat)

* Abu Shaker Abdullah Desani one day came to Imam Jafar al-Sadeq and asked Imam various questions. One of his questions was: God is All-Powerful. Can He, if He wishes, accommodate the heaven and the earth in an egg? Imam replied, "Desani! An egg is a big thing; don't you see that God has accommodated the heaven and the earth in the pupil of your eye...?" (Kashf al-Ghumma)

* Ali bin Hamza says: Of the workers of Bani Umaiya, a young man was my friend. One day he asked me to take him to Imam al-Sadeq. I obtained Imam's permission and took the young man to him. The young man said, "May I lay down my life for you! I am a worker of Bani Umaiya and I have gathered a lot of wealth." Imam said, "If not for people like you, Banu Umaiya would not have had the courage to seize from us our right. If people had not helped them and had left them alone, they would not have got anything." The young man said, "May I lay down my life for you! Is there any salvation for me?" Imam said, "If I tell you, will you act on it?" "Assuredly, I will." "Give back to its rightful owners all the wealth that you amassed through your work for Bani Umaiya. Anything that you cannot return to the owners, give it in charity. If you do this, I guarantee you paradise." The young man bowed his head. After a while, he lifted his head and said, "May I lay down my life for you! I will assuredly do this." The young man returned with us to Kufa and made good his word. Everything that could be returned, he returned to the rightful owners, and gave the rest in charity. As a result, he became so poor and destitute that we had to help him in his livelihood. A few months passed and the young man took ill. We used to visit him in his illness. One day, when we visited him, he was near



his death. He opened his eyes and said, "By God! Imam al-Sadiq has kept his promise." Saying these words he died and we buried him. After a time, I came to Imam al-Sadiq. As soon as Imam saw me, he said, "I kept my promise I had made to the young man." I said, "May I lay down my life for you! You speak the truth. By God! This was exactly what the young man had said at the time of his death." (Bihar al-Anwar)

* Yunus bin Yaqub reports: I was with Abu Abd Allah (Imam Ja'far) when a Syrian came up to him. He said, "I am a scholar of theology, jurisprudence, and the lawas of inheritance. I have come to dispute with your followers." "Is your theology from the Apostle of God, or from yourself? Abu Abd Allah asked. "Partly from the Apostle of God and partly from myself," replied (the other man). "Then are you a partner of the Apostle of God ?" enquired Abu Abd Allah. "No," he answered. "Have you heard inspiration (direct) from God?" "No," he replied. "Is obedience to you required as is obedience to the Apostle of God ?" "No," was the answer. Abu Abd Allah turned to me and said, "Yunus bin Yaqub, this man has contradicted himself before he has begun (the real business) of discussing." Then he said, "Yunus, if you were good at theology, you should speak to him." How sad it was, for I said to him, "My I lay down my life for you, I have heard you forbid (taking part in) theology and say: Woe to the theologians who say that this follows and that this does not follow; that this is entailed and that this is not entailed; that this we accept as rational and this we do not accept as rational." "I only said," Abu Abd Allah remarked, "'Woe to them, if they abandon what I say and adopt their own wishes.'" Then he told me, "Go out to the door and look for any of the theologians you can see, and bring them in." I went out and found Humran bin A'yan who was good at theology and Muhammad bin al-Nu'man al-Ahwal (also known as Momin Taaq), who was a theologian, and Hisham bin Salim and Qays bin al-Masir, both theologians. I brought them in to him. After he had settled us in the asembly - we were in the tent of Abu Abd Allah at the top of a mountain on the edge of the sanctuary (of Makkah) and that was (a few) days before the days of the pilgrimage - Abu Abd Allah put his head out of the tent. There appeared at that moment a camel dashing along. He cried out, "Hisham, by the Lord of the Ka'ba!" We thought that it was Hisham, one of the sons of Aqil, who loved him greatly, but behold, it was Hisham bin al-Hakam who came. His face still showed only the first traces of beard. All of us there were older than him. Abu Abd Allah made room for him and said, "(Here is) one who helps us with his heart, his tongue and his hand." He told Humran, "Debate with the man" - meaning the Syrian. Humran debated with him and overcame him. Then (the Imam) said, "O my Taaq, debate with him," so Muhammad bin al-Nu'man debated with him and overcame him. Next he said, "Hisham bin Salim, debate with him." So they both argued together. Abu Abd Allah began to smile at their discussion as the Syrian sought to escape. He told the Syrian, "Debate with this lad," - meaning Hisham bin al-Hakam.



"Yes," replied the Syrian and said, "lad, ask me about the Imamate of this man" - meaning Abu Abd Allah. Hisham trembled with anger but then he said, "Fellow, does your Lord look after His creatures or do they look after themselves?" "Indeed," replied the Syrian, "my Lord looks after His creatures." "What does He do to look after their religion for them?" "He gives them duties and provides them with proof (hujja) and evidence for the things which He has required of them. He removes any weaknesses they might have about that." "What is the evidence which He has established for them?" Hisham asked him. "It is the Apostle of God," the Syrian answered. "What after the Apostle of God?" enquired Hisham. "The Book and the sunna." "Do the Book and the sunna benefit us today in our differences so that the differences are removed from us and we are able to agree?" asked Hisham. "Yes," replied the Syrian. "Then do we differ from you," retorted Hisham, "so that you have come to us from Syria to dispute with us? You claim that personal judgement is the method of religion while you acknowledge that personal judgement does not bring people who differ together in one doctrine." The Syrian was silent as if he was thinking. So Abu Abd Allah asked him, "Why aren't you debating?" "If I say: We do not differ," he answered, "I would be (merely) being obstinate. If I say: the Book and the sunna remove our differences, I would be wrong because the two bear (different) interpretations. However, I could use the same argument against him." "Ask him, then," Abu Abd Allah told him. "You will find him competent." So the Syrian asked Hisham, "Who looks after His creatures, their Lord or themselves?" "Indeed their Lord looks after them," replied Hisham. "Does He establish for them someone who will harmonise their doctrine, remove their differences and explain the true from the false to them?" demanded the Syrian. "Yes," replied Hisham. "Who is that?" asked the Syrian. "At the beginning of the shari'a (the religious doctrine), it was the Apostle of God but after the Apostle, it was someone else." "Who is it other than the Apostle, who takes his place in being His (i.e. God's) proof?" the Syrian asked. "Now or before?" Hisham responded. "At the present time," answered the Syrian. "This man who is sitting here," said Hisham - meaning Abu Abd Allah. "He is the one to whom you travelled; he is the one who tells us about heaven and is the inheritor from father and grandfather." "How would I have knowledge of that?" asked the Syrian. "Ask him about anything which occurs to you," Hisham told him. "You have stopped (any) excuse of mine but I do have a question," the Syrian declared. "I will dispense with your questioning," Abu Abd Allah told him. "I will tell you about your travel and your journey. You left on such and such a day. Your road was such and such. You passed so and so and such and such (a man) passed you."



Every time he told him anything about his affair, the Syrian would say, "True, by God." Then the Syrian said to him, "At this moment I have submitted (aslamtu) to God." "Rather at this moment you have faith (amanta) in God," said Abu Abd Allah. Islam (submission to God) is before Eeman (faith in God). On the basis of the former they arrange inheritance and marriage; ��on the basis of faith men are rewarded." "True," replied the Syrian, "at this moment I testify that there is no god but God, that Muhammad is the Apostle of God, and that you are the (present) trustee (wasi of God) among the trustees (appointed by God)." [Later, Imam commented on the individual styles of debate of each of his followers.] To Hisham bin al-Hakam, he said, "Hisham, you are hardly likely to fall, for you tuck in your legs (like a bird); when you are about to fall, you fly. Therefore a person like you should debate with the people. Guard against slipping and intercession will be behind you." (Al-Irshad)

* Hisham bin Hakam reports that Ibn Abil-Iwaja and Abu Shaker Desani and Abdul-Malak and Ibn Muqaffa came to Maccah and were throwing taunts on the holy Qur'an and making fun of the people who came for hajj. Ibn Abil-Iwaja said, "Come let each of us take one quarter of the Qur'an and pin-point its faults and fallacies, and next year when again we meet here, we would have proven the whole of the Qur'an faulty." Next they gathered once again at Maccah and confessed to each other their inability to find any fault with the Qur'an. At that time, Imam al-Sadeq passed near them, narrating this qur'anic verse: "Say, 'If men and the jinn get united that they bring the like of this Qur'an, they would bring not the like of it, even though some of them to the others be helpers." (Bani Israel: 88) They all wept and said, "If there is any reality to Islam, the successorship of Mohammad belongs to none but Jafer ibn Mohammed. By God, there never was a time when we saw him and were not awed by his magnificence and our bodies did not tremble." (Ithbat al-Hudaat)

* Mu'alla ibn Khunays (a close companion of the sixth Imam) reports: On a dark, cold night, I saw Imam Jafar al-Sadeq walking towards the lodge of 'Bani Sa'dah' (which was a staying place of the poor and destitute). He was carrying a sack on his back. I decided to follow the Imam. On the way, something from the Imam's sack fell on the ground. I heard Imam's voice as he prayed, "O Lord, give me back that which has fallen on the ground." I went closer to the Imam and greeted him. Imam returned the greeting and said, "Is it you, Mu'alla?" "Yes, O son of the Apostle," I replied. "Search on the ground with your hands give me what ever you find." When I searched, I found a few loaves of bread which I gave to Imam. I noticed that Imam's sack was heavy and full of bread. I asked him, "Lord, will you permit me to carry the sack for you?" "No," he said, "it is more fitting for me to carry it, but come with me." I went with Imam till we reached 'Bani Sa'dah'. Some paupers were sleeping there. Imam put one or two breads underneath the clothes of all the sleepers, without depriving a single person there. Then we quietly returned.



"Are these shi'as?" I asked. "No," he said. "Had they been our shi'a, we would have given them more than this." (Kafi, Bihar al-Anwar)

* Abu Basir reports: One day, I was in the presence of Imam al-Sadeq when the talk turned to Mu'alla ibn Khunays. Imam said, "Will you keep secret whatever I tell you about Mualla ibn Khunays?" I said, "Moula! I will keep it secret." He said, "Mu'alla will reach his destination when Daoud bin Ali will cause him trouble." "How will Daoud bin Ali treat him?" I asked. "He will have him brought to his court, will martyr him and will have his body hung. And this incident will happen next year." One year later, Daoud bin Ali came to Madinah as its governor. He called Mu'alla ibn Khunays to his court and asked him the names and addresses of the shi'as of Imam al-Sadeq. Mu'alla refused. Daoud threatened him "If you do not tell me, then I will kill you." Mualla said, "You threaten me with death! By God! I will never reveal the shi'as to you... And if you kill me, I would be quite pleased. That way, you will be bringing wretchedness upon yourself." And Daoud killed Mu'alla. (Bihar al-Anwar)

* When Daoud bin Ali bin Abd Allah bin Abbas killed Mu'alla ibn Khunays and took his property, Imam al-Sadiq went to him while he was pulling at his cloak. "You have killed my follower and taken his property," Imam said to him. "Do you know that a man may sleep when he has suffered the loss of a child but he may not sleep when he is at war? I will pray to God against you." "Do you threaten us with your prayer?" he retorted as if he was ridiculing his words. Abu Abd Allah (Imam Jafar al-Sadiq AS) went back to his house and spent the whole night standing and sitting. Then, at dawn he was heard saying in his private prayer: "O Possessor of mighty strength, O Possessor of fierce enmity, O Possessor of power before which all Your creatures are humble, give me satisfaction against this tyrant and take vengeance on him for me." It was not an hour before voices were raised in screeching (lamentation) and it was announced that Daoud bin Ali had just died. (Al-Irshad)

* Aban ibn Taghlab relates: While I was circumambulating the Ka'bah with Imam Sadiq, one of our friends signalled me that I should immediately go with him to help him. The Imam noticed and said to me, "O Aban, does he mean you?" I replied, "Yes." "Does he believe in what you believe in?" "Yes." "Then go with him and break your circumambulation." I asked if it was incumbent on me to do so, and he said that it was. (The Faith of Shi'a Islam, by Allama Muhammad Rida al-Muzaffar)



* Sufian ibn Yahya writes that a man of Kufa reported to him thus: My wife said to me, "We are withheld from seeing our Imam (Jafar as-Sadeq AS). If we go for haj this time, we will be able to get the honour of seeing the Imam too." I said, "By God, we do not have enough money to make the journey." Wife said, "I will sell all my valuables in order to obtain this honor." So we arranged the money for the journey and went for haj. After ��performing haj, when we reached the holy Madinah, my wife became very ill and was near her death. I rented a house, left my wife in the house and visited the Imam. Imam enquired of my health and of my woman. I said, "I have come here leaving her close to death. Perhaps I will not find her alive when I return." Hearing this, Imam bowed his head and remained silent for some time. Then he raised his head and said, "Go, that true-believing woman is now completely healthy." When I returned, I saw that my wife was sitting, healthy and well. "Tell me, how did you get well so fast?" I asked her. Wife replied, "A strange incident happened. I was close to my death when an honorable man came and asked me, 'How are you?' "I said, 'I am seeing the angel of death in front of me.' "He said to the angel of death, 'Do you not have God's command to obey us?' "The angel of death said, 'Without a doubt, my leader!' "The man said, 'Give her a further term of twenty years.' Hearing this, the angel of death went away silently." I then asked, "Tell me about the honorable man." She said, "He had a radiant face, wore a robe." I understood (that it was the Imam Jafar as-Sadeq AS). (Kharaij, Hadeeqat al-Shi'a)

* Zaid Shiham reports: One day I, accompanied by a group of people from Kufa, was in the presence of Imam al-Sadeq. Then Jafar ibn 'Afan came there. Imam, with great consideration, seated him down beside himself and said, "O Jafar! We have come to know that you compose very good poetry in elegy of Imam Hussain." "Yes, O son of the Messenger of God!" said Jafar. "Recite some poem in elegy of Imam Hussain," said Imam al-Sadeq. When Jafar recited the poem, Imam wept so much that his tears coursed down his blessed beard, and all those who were present wept. And Imam said, "O Jafar! By God, the angels close to God had come here and every one of them heard the poem you recited, and they wept even more than us. God has made paradise compulsory for you from this moment, and has forgiven your sins." Then Imam said, "Shall I relate more about your reward?" "Yes, O Moula." "Whoever writes one couplet in elegy of Hussain and weeps and makes others weep, God makes paradise compulsory for him forgives his sins." (Bihar al-Anwar)




o Birth: 746 AD o Martyred: 799 AD, poisoned by the ruler of the time, Harun ar-

Rasheed o Age at time of death: 53 years


Ali ibn Yaqteen was a devoit follower of Imam Moosa Kazim but he was also trusted by the caliph Haroun Rashid. Imam's instructions to him were to remain near the caliph and taking advantage of his trust, aid the followers of Imam whenever possible. Following Imam's instructions, he hid his true faith from the Haroun Rashid. One day, one of Haroun's ministers spoke to Haroun against Ali ibn Yaqteen, saying that he was a shi'a, and a follower of Imam Moosa Kazim. At the same time, Imam's letter reached Ali ibn Yaqteen, commanding him to perform wuzu in the way of Abu Hanifa, from that moment on. Ali ibn Yaqteen was surprised, but being well-guided, knew that following Imam's commandment is worship of God. So he immediately changed his way of performing wuzu. On Haroun's side, discussion was going on about how to check the truth of the minister's statement. It was finally decided that Ali ibn Yaqteen always performs wuzu at his house for prayers. Somehow Haroun would hide himself in ibn Yaqteen's house and observe with his own eyes how ibn Yaqteen performs wuzu. This was arranged. At last, Ali ibn Yaqteen came out to perform wuzu, and as the caliph watched from his hiding place, he performed wuzu in the way of Abu Hanifa. Seeing this, Haroun Rashid was satisfied, and returning to his palace, he immediately ordered the death of the minister who had spoken against Ali ibn Yaqteen. At this time, Ali ibn Yaqteen received another letter from Imam, commanding him to revert to the true way of performing wuzu. Later, the caliph said to Ali ibn Yaqteen, "Some people had tried to revoke my trust in you by complaining against you, but all their complaints were baseless. I am now satisfied and will not hear anybody's complaints against you any more." Then he related the incident of wuzu to Ali ibn Yaqteen, and Ali ibn Yaqteen understood why his master had commanded him to perform wuzu in the way of Abu Hanifa for some time. (Hadeeqat al-Shi'a)

* Ali ibn Hamza reports: A man was crying because his ass had died on the road of Maccah. "Why do you cry?" Imam (Mousa Kazim AS) asked him. He replied, "My ass has died." "May be it is not dead." "You are making fun of me." "Don't you know of any incantation which will bring it back to life?" Hearing this angered the man. Imam picked up a wooden stick and hit the ass with it and the ass immediately stood up. "You have seen how we make fun," said the Imam. "Now ride the ass and go your way." (Hadeeqat al-Shi'a)




Haroun Rashid asked Imam Moosa Kazim, "How do you call yourselves descendents of the Messenger of God, when you are the descendents of Ali ibn Abi Talib. Imam quoted this verse from Qur'an: We gave to him (Abraham) (issues like) Isaac and Jacob; each We did guide; and Noah, We did guide before, and in his progeny, David and Solomon, and Job and Joseph and Moses and Aaron; and thus do We reward those who do good; And Zakariya and John and Jesus and Elias; every one was of the righteous (ones). (Al-Anam: 85,86) Imam said, "Jesus had no father." (As per above verse, Jesus is counted among the progeny of Abraham, through Mary). Then he quoted another verse from Qur'an: And to him who disputes with you therein after the knowledge has come to you Say! (O' Our Apostle Mohammad!) (to them) 'Come, let us summon our sons, and (you summon) your sons, and (we summon) our women and (you) your women, and (we summon) ourselves and (you) yourselves and then let us invoke and lay the curse of God on the liars!" (Ale-Imran: 61) Imam said, "In Mubahela (the event to which the above verse refers), the holy Apostle did not take anybody else with him except Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Hussain, hence, Hasan and Hussain had the status of his sons." (Arjeh al-Matalib)

* Safwan bin Mahran was a close companion of the seventh Imam, Mousa al-Kazim. One day, Imam said to Safwan, "Everything about you is excellent, every facet of your character is bright and radiant, but it is not right that you rent your camels to Haroun (the caliph of the time)." Safwan said, "Lord, I just rented him the camels for haj, but I did not go with him, nor will I ever." Imam said, "Because you rented him your camels, you would wish Haroun to remain alive at least till the time he returns from haj and gives your camels back to you." "Yes, that is so," Safwan agreed. "Anybody who wishes for the life of a tyrant will also be counted ��with the tyrant." Safwan immediately sold all his camels, so that no question may arise about renting camels to Haroun again. (Rijal Kishi)

* Sulaiman Marouzi reports: I presented myself before Imam Kazim and it was my intention to ask him about who would be the God's hujjat after him. Before my asking, the Imam said to me: "O Sulaiman! after me, my son (Ali) is my successor and God's 'hujjat' on people." (Ayoun Akhbar al-Rida)




o Birth: 765 AD o Martyred: 818 AD, poisoned by the ruler of the time, Mamun ar-

Rasheed o Age at time of death: 53 years


A man living in the city of Balkh reports he was with Imam Rida during his journey to Khorasan. One day food was laid and Imam had called all his servants to him and they were eating together. This man respectfully suggested to the Imam that it would have been better if food was laid out for the servants separately, away from the master. Imam said "Be silent. The God of all is one, the parents of all are one (Adam and Eve), and everyone will be get what he deserves for his deeds." (Kafi)

* One day a man approached the Imam as said: "I am one of your followers and I hold love for your ancestors. I am now returning from hajj and all my finances for the journey are exhausted. If you think it proper, please give me just enough money so that I can reach my home. After reaching home, I will give away equivalent money to the poor in return. I am not poor at home. It is during my travels that I have become poor." Imam got up and went inside the house. He then called the man to the door, extended his hand from behind the door and handed some money to the man saying: "Take these two hundred Dinars. These are your travel expenses, and may these bring you the blessings of God. And there is no need to give away equivalent money to the poor." The man took the money and left. Imam came out of the house and resumed his seat. People asked: "Why did you adapt a way such that the man could not see you while taking the money?" Imam replied, "I did not want to see the shame of supplication on his face."

* Mohammed bin Sinan reports that during the caliphate of Haroun, they once warned the Imam about declaring his Imamate as the caliph would try to harm the Imam. The Imam replied: "What gave me courage are the words of the Apostle when he said 'If Abu Jehel (an enemy of the Apostle) can harm even a hair of my head, then be witness that I am not the Messenger of God.' And I say that 'If Haroun can harm even a hair of my head, then be witness that I am not Imam'". (Kafi) (And of course, Haroun died without being able to harm the Imam in any way).




At the behest of the caliph Mamoun, Imam had to travel from Madinah to Marw. On the way, many events took place. One of the events is described thus: A lady, the grand-daughter of the man at whose house Imam had chosen to stay for a while when at Nishapur, reports: "Imam had sown an almond in one corner of my house. By the blessings of Imam, it became a fully grown tree in one year and it bore fruits. People obtained healing from the almonds of the tree." (Ayoun Akhbar al-Rida)

* Aba-Salt Harvi reports that Imam left Nishapur and when Imam reached a village called Dih-Surkh, it was the time of the Zuhr prayer. Imam descended from his seat and asked for water to perform wuzu. No water could be found. Then Imam with his holy hands dug some earth and a spring of water started gushing. Imam and all his companions performed wuzu. (Behar Al-Anwar, Ayoun Akhbar al-Rida) (Probably this refers to the place near Nishapur which is now called Qadamgah. It is on a small hillock. The spring still gushes and people who visit the place drink from the spring for blessings and for obtaining cure from sickness. The place also preserves the holy foot prints of the Imam on a black stone.)

* Abd Allah ibn al-Mughirah says: "At the time that I was a "waqif" (a sect of Islam) I went on hajj. On reaching Makkah, something making my heart heavy, I pressed myself against al-Multazam (the part of the wall of Ka'bah between the Black Stone and the door) and prayed, 'O God! You know what I seek and You know my intent. So guide me to the best of faiths!' Then it came into my mind to go to al-Rida (A). Thereupon I went to Madinah and stopped at his door. I said to the slave, 'Tell your master that there is a man from Iraq at the door.' Then I heard him (the Imam) calling, saying, 'Come in, O' Abd Allah ibn al-Mughirah! Come in, O' Abd Allah ibn al-Mughirah!' So I went in, and he, on seeing me, said to me, 'God has answered your prayer and guided you to His faith.' I said, 'I bear witness that you are the Hujjah of God and His trustee over His creatures.'" (Kafi)

* Mir Mo'eenuddeen Ashraf, who was one of the virtuous guardians of the tomb of Imam Rida, reported that once he saw in a dream that he emerged from the holy tomb and saw a number of people entering the blessed courtyard. Ahead of them was a person of radiance and immense grandeur. The people were carrying spades in their hands. When they entered the courtyard, the leader pointed to a grave and ordered, "Open that grave and take out the scoundrel." When they started digging the grave, I went close to one of the people there and asked him, "Who is this person who has given this order?" He replied, "This is Amir al-Momineen Ali." Just then I saw that the eighth Imam, al-Rida emerged out of his holy tomb, came to Amir al-Momineen and greeted him respectfully. Amir al-Momineen returned the greeting. Imam Rida said, "Grandfather, I request you to forgive this man because he has sought refuge with me. I hope that you will forgive him for my sake." Amir al-Momineen said, "You are aware that he is a debaucher and drunkard."



Imam Rida replied, "I am aware of this, but before dying, he had instructed his inheritors to bury him near my tomb. I hope that you will forgive him." "For your sake, I forgive him," Amir al-Momineen said, and left. Mo'eenuddin Ashraf woke up from sleep, gathered other guardians of the tomb of Imam and went to the place where he had seen the grave in his dream. There they found a newly dug grave of a man who had buried there just the day before. (Manazil e-Akhirah, by Sheikh Abbas Qummi)




o Birth: 811 AD o Martyred: 835 AD, poisoned by the ruler of the time, al-Mu’tasim o Age at time of death: 24 years


One day, when the nineth Imam Mohammad al Taqi was nine year old, the caliph Mamoun Rashid went hunting. The Imam was standing silently by the side of a road where some children were busy playing. The caliph's entourage came that way. Seeing the soldiers of the caliph, all the children ran away, but Imam remained at his place. Noting this, Mamoun stopped his carriage and asked, "Child, why did you not run?" The Imam replied calmly, "Neither had I committed a crime, nor was I blocking the way. Then why should I have run or be afraid? And I know also that you will unnecessarily cause trouble." Mamoun Rashid was surprised at this mature reply and asked, "What is your name?" "Mohammad," came the reply. "Whose son are you?" "Son of Ali ibn Mousa." Mamoun rode on. During the hunt, his hawk returned to him with a fish in its beak. Mamoun was surprised. He turned back toward the city. Once again, he found children playing on the same spot, who ran away seeing the caliph's soldiers, except Imam Mohammad Taqi who remained where he was. Mamoun hid the fish in his palm, stopped his carriage near the Imam and said, "Tell me, what is there in my fist?" The Imam said, "God created river between earth and sky. The hawks of kings sometimes catch fish from there and bring it to the kings. They hide it in their fist and ask the household of the Apostlehood, 'Tell me what is there in my fist?'" Mamoun Rashid said, "Truly, you are son of Imam Ali Raza." (Hadeeqat al-Shi'a)

* After the martyrdom of the eighth Imam, al-Rida by poison at the hands of caliph Mamoun Rashid, Mamoun put Aba-Selt, the servant of the eighth Imam, in prison. Aba-Selt reports that after remaining in prison for a long time, I prayed to God to free me from prison, by the right of Mohammad and Al-e-Mohammad (PBUT). My prayer was answered and Imam Mohammad Taqi appeared before me. "Wearied of prison, Aba-Selt?" he said, and removed my chains. Opening the door of the prison, he said, "Go wherever you want to go. No one can hurt you now." So after leaving the prison, I never saw Mamoun again and Mamoun never sought me out. (Hadeeqat al-Shi'a)

* Ali bin Khalid reports:



I was at al-Askar (Samarra) and I was told that there was a man in prison who had been brought in chains from the direction of Syria. They said that he had pretended to be a Apostle. I went and persuaded the gate-man until I was able to go to him. There (I found him) a man of understanding and intellect. I asked, "Fellow, what is your story?" "I was a man in Syria," he said, "who used to worship God, the Exalted, in the place in which it was said that the head of Husain was placed. One night I was in my place facing the mihrab, mentioning God, the Mighty and the High when I saw a person standing in front of me. I looked towards him and he told me to get up. I got up with him and he walked with me a little way. Suddenly we were in the mosque of Kufa. "He asked me, 'Do you know this mosque?' "I answered, 'Yes, this is the mosque of Kufa.' "He said, 'Let us pray.' I prayed with him. "Then he left and I left with him. He walked with me a little way. Suddenly we were in the mosque of the Apostle.He greeted the Apostle and prayed and I prayed with him. "Then he went out and I went out with him. He walked a little way. Suddenly we were in Makkah. He made the circumambulation of the (Sacred) House and I made it with him. "Then he went out and walked a little way. Suddenly we were (back) in the place in which I used to worship God in Syria. The person disappeared from my sight and I was left amazed and dazed at what I had seen. "The next year I saw that person again. I rejoiced (to see) him. He called me and I answered him. He did as he had done in the previous year. When he was about to leave me in Syria, I said to him, 'I ask you by the truth which I estimate you to have through what I have seen from you, will you tell me who you are?' "He said, 'I am Muhammad bin Ali bin Musa bin Ja'far.' "I told one of those who came to me, this report of him and he brought a charge against me of that to Muhammad bin Abd al-Malik al-Zayyat. He sent for me, arrested me and put me in chains. He took me to Iraq and I was imprisoned as you see now. I was charged with being a cheat." I said to him, "I will raise your story with Muhammad bin Abd al-Malik al-Zayyat." "Do so," he told me. I wrote his story and I explained his part in it and I sent it to Muhammad bin Abd al-Malik al-Zayyat. (It was sent back with) an answer written on it: "Tell the one who in one night took you from Syria to Kufa, from Kufa to Madinah, from Madinah to Makkah and then took you back from Makkah to Syria to take you from your prison." That troubled me for his affair. I felt ashamed and went away saddened for him. On the next day I went early to the prison to tell him the situation and to encourage him to be steadfast and patient. I found soldiers, guards, warders and a great crowd of people hurrying to and fro. I asked about the situation and was told: "The man brought from Syria who had pretended to be a Apostle disappeared yesterday from the prison. We do not know whether the earth has swallowed him or the birds have snatched him away." [This man - meaning Ali bin Khalid (who has reported the above) - was a Zaidi and then maintained the Imamate when he saw that and his faith became sound.] (Al-Irshad)




o Birth: 827 AD o Martyred: 868 AD, poisoned by the ruler of the time, al-Mu’taz o Age at time of death: 41 years


During the reign of the caliph Wathiq Abbasi, one day Bagha, a Turk officer of Wathiq's army was passing through Madinah. Abu Hashim Jafferi says: I was present at that time. Imam Hadi (the tenth Imam Ali ibn Mohammed AS) said, "Come, let us see the Turk's army". We came out and stood. All the army passed near us and Bagha reahed the gate. Imam said something to him in Turkish language.* Bagha got down from his horse and kissed the feet of Imam's mount. I asked Bagha under oath about what the Imam had said to him. "Is he a Apostle?" asked Bagha. "No," said I. Said Bagha: "He called me by a name by which I was known in my region in Turkey during my childhood, and no one knows of this till now." (Asbat al-Hudaat) (According to the seventh Imam, Moosa ibn Jafar, one of the signs of Imamat is that an Imam can speak all languages better than anybody.)

* There lived in Isfahan a man named Abd ar-Rahman, who had converted to Shiaism. People asked him why he had become a Shia. "I witnessed a miracle," he replied. "I was very poor, but I had the power of speech, so people of Isfahan chose me, along with a few others, to go to Mutawakkil (the caliph of that time) and plead for justice (in a matter). "One day, as I stood in front of Mutawakkil's palace, I heard Mutawakkil give the order to fetch someone called Ali ibn Mohammed ibn Rida (Imam Ali An-Naqi AS). "'Who is this person being called?' I asked a man. 'He is an Alawi. The Rafezi (a derogatory name used for Shias by their enemies) call him their Imam,' he said. 'Probably the caliph is calling him in order to put him to death,' he added. "I decided I will not move from there till I see that Alawi. Just then I saw a man on horse, approaching Mutawakkil's palace. People were flanking him, standing respectfully as he passed. When my eyes fell on him, my heart was filled with love for him. Standing where I was, I started praying to God to save him from Mutawakkil's mischief. "He was moving among people but his eyes were fixed on the horse's mane. He was not looking this way or that. I was praying continuously. "When he reached near me, he turned to me and said, 'God has accepted your prayers and has also granted you increase in age, wealth and offsprings.' "Hearing this, I started trembling and swooned. Friends asked me what had happened to me. 'Nothing,' I replied.



"After my return to Isfahan, God gave me a lot of wealth. At this moment, my wealth inside this house amounts to 100,000 (Dinars). What I have outside this house is something else. Presently I have ten sons. My age is more than seventy. I believe in the Imamate of him who informed me on what was in my heart, and whose prayer for me was accepted by God." (Bihar al-Anwar)

* Is'haq bin Abdullah Alawi 'Areezi visited Imam Ali al-Naqi in Madinah. Immediately upon seeing Is'haq, Imam said, "I know that there took place a discussion between your father and his brother about those fasts in the year (other than the compulsory fasts of the month of Ramadan), the reward of which is immense. You have to come to me to ask about this." "O Moula!" said Is'haq, "This is exactly the case." Imam said, "Listen! Those are four fasts, keeping which has been stressed: 1) The birthday of the holy Apostle, 17th of Rabi' ul-Awwal; 2) The day of Bi'that (the declaration of the Apostlehood) and Mi'raj of the Apostle, 27th of Rajab; 3) The day when the earth was spread, 25th of Ziqa'dah; 4) The day of Ghadeer (when the Apostle declared Amir al-Momineen Ali ibn Abi Talib as his successor), 18th of Zilhajj." Imam continued, "O 'Areezi! When someone fasts on any one of these days, his sins of sixty and seventy years are forgiven." (Misbah of Sheikh Abu Jafar Tusi)

* The caliph, Mutawakkil (God's curses upon him) wrote a letter to Imam Ali al-Naqi calling him from Madinah to Samarra, and sent the letter with three hundred soldiers under the leadership of one Yahya bin Harthama, in order to force the Imam if he refused to come. The army was making haste towards Madinah. With them was a scribe who was Shi'a. A debate ensued between him and an officer of the army, called Shaadi, about their beliefs. This debate continued almost all the way to Madinah. On the way, the army passed a great valley which was totally barren and desolate. There were no habitations miles around it. It was difficult even to pass through it. When the army reached this valley, Shaadi turned to the scribe and said, "Has not your Imam Ali said that there is no valley in the world where there are no graves or where no graves would be made in the near future?" The scribe said, "Of course, that is the saying of our Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib." Shaadi said, "Tell me whose grave is there in this valley, or whose grave would be made here? Your Imam just says these things." The scribe was chagrined. The army reached Madinah. Yahya bin Harthama presented Mutawakkil's letter to Imam. Imam said, "I am ready to come with you, but give me a day or two to prepare myself for the journey." Yahya agreed. Imam then ordered his tailor to prepare warm dresses for himself, to be worn during the journey. Yahya was shocked to hear this, because it was summer time and Imam was ordering warm clothes. He left the Imam, thinking, "How stupid are these



Imamiya (followers of the Imam) to follow a man who doesn't know whether it is summer or winter." When Yahya visited the Imam next day, he found that all the winter dresses were ready, and Imam was instructing his servants to pack tents and other things which were used for protection against rains. Imam told Yahya to do likewise. Yahya once again left thinking disappointing thoughts, "What has happened to him? In these hot days, he is taking things suitable for winter and rains. And he asks me to follow suit." Finally, surrounded by Yahya's army, the Imam left Madinah. On the journey, the army once again reached the desolate valley. As soon as the army reached this valley, the weather began to change. Clouds gathered. There were thunderclaps and lightning. It became dark. As soon as the signs of the coming rains had been observed, Imam ordered his servants to unpack the tents and the warm clothes. Of these, he gave one warm dress each to the scribe and to Yahya bin Harthama. It began to rain. And what a rain it was! It was a veritable deluge. The cold was unbearable. When at last the rains stopped, Yahya saw that 180 men of his army lay dead. Imam said, "O Yahya bin Harthama! Bury your dead. And know that this is the way God fills every nook and crany of the earth with graves. And this is why my ancestor Ali ibn Abi Talib had said that there would be no part of the earth without a grave in it." Yahya bin Harthama kissed Imam's feet and witnessed his belief in Allah, the Apostle and the Imam, and remained a follower of the Imam all his life. (Kashf al-Ghumma)




o Birth: 846 AD o Martyred: 874 AD, poisoned by the ruler of the time, al-Mu’tamid o Age at time of death: 27 years


Abu Hashim Jafferi reported: One day, I presented myself before Abu Mohammad (Imam Hasan Askari Alaihis Salam), and wanted to ask for some silver from the Imam, to make a ring and keep it with me as a blessed article. I sat down and forgot (about asking for the silver) and when I got up to leave, Imam gave me a ring and said, "You wanted silver. We are giving you a ring. You have profited by (saving on the cost of) the stone and the making charges. O Abu Hashim! May it bring you blessings." I said, "O my lord! I bear witness that you are friend (wali) of God, and my Imam. I consider obedience to you as part of religion." Imam said, "O Abu Hashim, May God grant you absolvance." (Kafi)

* Abu Hashim Jafari reported: I complained to Abu Muhammad al-Hasan bin Ali (al-Askari AS) about my needs. He rubbed his whip on the ground. He took out from it an ingot which (was worth) five hundred dinars. "Take it, Abu Hashim," he said, "and forgive us." (Al-Irshad)

* Abu Hashim Jafari reported: (When in prison) I complained to Abu Muhammad (the eleventh Imam AS) about the oppressiveness of prison and the harshness of the chains. He wrote to me, "You will pray today's noon prayer in your own house." I was released at noon and prayed the noon prayer in my house as he had said. I was in a distressed state and I wanted to ask him for help in a letter which I had written to him but I was ashamed to send it. When I went to my house, he sent me a hundred dinars and he wrote to me, "When you are in need, do not be ashamed and do not refrain (to ask from us). Ask for it and you will be given what you need, God willing." (Al-Irshad)

* Husain bin Zarif reports: Two problems occupied my mind and I wanted to write to Abu Muhammad (al-Hasan al-Askari AS) about them. I wrote to ask him about how when one who would undertake (the Imamate for the rest of the time) (al-Qa'im AS) would undertake his office, he would give his judgements and how his assembly would be in which he gave judgements between the people. I (also) wanted to ask him about something for the quotidian fever. I forgot to mention the fever. The answer came:



"You asked about the one who will undertake (al-Qa'im AS). When he undertakes his office, he will give judgements among the people through his knowledge just as David judged without asking for evidence. "You wanted to ask about the quotidian fever but you forgot. Write on a paper and hang it over the person with the fever (this Qur'anic verse): O fire, be cold and a safety to Ibrahim(Al-Anbiya: 69)" I wrote down that and hung it over the person with the fever. He woke up recovered. (Al-Irshad)

* The Abbasids went to Salih bin Wasif when Abu Mohammad (Imam Hasan al-Askari), peace be on him, was imprisoned. They told him: "Be hard on him. Don't give him any ease." "What can I do with him?" Salih asked them. "I entrusted him to two of the evilest men I could find. They have become (men) of worship, prayer and fasting to an amazing extent." Then he ordered those two men who had been put in charge of the Imam al-Askari to be brought. He said to them: "Shame on you! What is your involvement in the affairs of this man?" They answered: "What can we say about a man who fasts through the day and stands (in prayer) through the night, who does not speak and occupies himself with nothing except worship? When he looks at us, our limbs shake and within us is (a feeling) which we have never had." When the Abbasids heard that, they left in despair. (Al-Irshad)




o Birth: 869 AD o Still alive and in occultation


Syed Baqi ibn Atwah reports: My father was of the "Zaidi" sect and he suffered from a disease which all the doctors had failed to cure. Because we brothers were all of the "Imamia" belief, our father was always displeased with us. One day, I tried to expound our belief to him. He said, "Alright, if you and your Imam are true, then ask your Imam to cure me of my disease." One day, we brothers were gathered together after the "Maghrib" prayers when we heard the shouts of our father, "Run, come fast." We ran to him. He said, "Run and meet the Imam. He just left from here." We looked everywhere but found no trace of him. We asked our father about what had happened. He said, "A man came to me and said, 'O Atwah!' I was surprised to hear my name being called, and asked him, 'Who are you?' He replied, 'I am the master of your sons and have come to give you health.' Saying this, he passed his hand on me and my disease vanished." Our father then gave up his "Zaidiya" belief and became "Imamiya". (Kashf al-Ghumma)



Chapter 15

THE COMPANIONS Those who follow the Messenger Apostle the 'Ummi' whom they find written (in their own scriptures) with them, in the law and the Evangel; he commands them (what is) good and he prevents them from evil, and he made lawful to them the good things, and he prohibits to them the bad (impure) ones, and he removes from them their burden and the yokes which were upon them: to those who believe in him, and honour him, and help him, and follow the Light which has been sent down with him, these are they who are the successful ones. (7:157)

Some of the well-known Islamic personailities that have been glimpsed at in the following section of the book are: Fidhdha (the maid of Fatima), Qanber (the servant of Ali), Habib ibn Mazahir (who was martyred along with Imam Husain at Karbala), Meetham al-Tammar, Rushaid Hijr, Adi bin Hatim Tai, Sa'sa bin Souhan, Saeed bin Jubair, Hisham bin Hakam, Buhlol the wise.

* Fidhdha was not just a servant of Fatima (Salam Allah Alaiha) but had a special place with the Apostle and his blessed progeny. The surat ad-Dahr ("Hal-'Ata) was sent in honour of Ali, Fatima , Hasan, Hussain and Fidhdha. Her name had been Maimona, but the Apostle awarded her the name of Fidhdha, which means silver. She had been a princess in her own country. There are two reports about her origin. Some say that she was Indian but most of the historians say that she was Nubian. She spent her whole life in the service of Aale Mohammad. After the martyrdom of Fatima , Ali married Fidhdha to a nubian named Abu Thaliba. A son was born of this wedlock, after which Abu Thaliba died. Then Ali remarried Fidhdha to Abu Salaik al-Ghatfani. (Anwar al-Alawiya) The names of four sons and one daughter of Fidhdha are mentioned in the books: Daoud, Mohammad, Yahya, Moosa and Maska. Once, during the month of Ramadan, Amir al-Momineen Ali ibn Abi Talib invited the Apostle to break the fast with him. The Apostle accepted. The next day, the Apostle was invited by Fatima . On the subsequent days, the Apostle became their guest at the invitation of Hasan and Hussain. Seeing this, Fidhdha also proferred her invitation to the Apostle and the Apostle accepted. That day, after the prayers of Maghrabain, the Apostle came to the house of Fatima , where Fidhdha was waiting at the door to welcome him. Seeing the Apostle, Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Hussain greeted him respectfully. "Today, I am Fidhdha's guest," said the Apostle. Amir al-Momineen turned to Fidhdha and said, "You did not inform us, else we would have helped you in arranging the feast." "I am after all your servant, Moula," said Fidhdha. "Everything will be arranged." And then she went inside, spread the prayer mat, performed two rak'ats of salaat and prayed, "O Lord! Provide for the feast of your loved one."



Her prayer was accepted, and food of paradise was sent down to her, and all of them feasted on this. Afterwards, the Apostle said, "All praises for Allah! God had sent down food from heaven for the servant of my daughter, like He had done for Maryam, daughter of Imran (Mary, mother of Jesus)." (Riad al-Quds)

* The Messenger of God was sitting in his house, surrounded by his companions. Just then, a destitute and poorly dressed Muslim entered and looked about for a place to sit in the presence of the Apostle.He found a place and sat down. This place happened to be beside a wealthy man. When the wealthy man saw the destitute person sit down beside him, he gathered his costly robes closer to himself. The Apostle was observing all this. He turned to the wealthy man. "Were you afraid that his poverty would cast its shadow on you?" asked the Apostle . "No, O Messenger of God! No." "Then why did you move away from this destitute man?" "I erred, O Messenger of God!" said the wealthy man, contritely. "I confess my error and am ready to redress my offence by offering half of my wealth to this poor and needy brother of mine." "But I am not ready to accept his wealth," the destitute man said immediately. "Why not?" asked some of the people there. "I fear the possibility that excessive wealth would one day make me proud and I too would begin to treat my destitute Muslim brothers in a similar manner as this man treated me today." (Usul e-Kafi)

* Jowaibir was a native of Yamamah where he came to know about the Apostle Mohammad and the advent of Islam. He was poor, dark and short, but at the same time intelligent, truth seeking and a man of determination. He came to Madinah to look at Islam from near. In a short time, he embraced Islam. One day, the Apostle said, "How nice it would be if you could marry and establish a family, ending the forlorn and isolated life. You could fulfil your natural urges and also she could help you in your temporal and spiritual needs and goals." "O Messenger of God, I have neither wealth nor beauty; nor have I a noble descent or lineage," said Jowaibir. "Who will marry me? And what woman would like to be the wife of a poor, short, black and ugly man like me?" "O Jowaibir! God has changed the individual's worth through Islam," replied the Apostle."Many people were high placed in the pre-Islamic society and Islam brought them down. Many were despised non-entities and Islam bestowed them with honour and high rank and brought them up. Islam abolished the un-Islamic discrimination and pride of lineage. Now all people, irrespective of their colour and origin, are equal. Nobody had superiority over others but through piety and obedience to God. Among the Muslims, only that person would be higher than you whose virtues and deeds are better than yours. Now do as I tell you." The Apostle then directed him to the house of Ziad ibne Lubaid to request him for his daughter's hand in marriage. Ziad was one of the wealthiest persons of Madinah and commanded high respect among his tribes. When Jowaibir entered his house, he was surrounded



by his relatives and some of his tribesmen. Jowaibir took a seat, paused for a moment and then raising his head said, "I have brought a message from the Apostle.Do you like to hear it confidientially or openly?" "A message from the Apostle is an honour to me," said Ziad. "Better you tell it openly." "The Apostle has sent me to request you for your daughter for myself." "Did he himself make this suggestion to you?" "I don't speak on my own accord. Everybody knows me, I am not a liar." "Strange! We don't give our daughters to persons of unequal status nor outside our tribe. You go back. I shall go to the Apostle and have a talk with him myself." Jowaibir left the house murmuring, "By God, whatever the Qur'an teaches and whatever is the purpose of the Apostle-hood of Mohammad, is totally against what Ziad says." Zalfa, the lovely daughter of Ziad, heard these words of Jowaibir. She came to her father and asked, "Father, what was that man who just went out saying? And what did he mean?" "He had come to ask for your hand in marriage and was claiming that the Apostle had sent him for this purpose." "Isn't it possible that he had really send him, and thus your rejection may amount to disobedience of the Apostle's order?" "What do you feel about it?" "I feel you should bring him back before he reaches to the Apostle and then go yourself to find out the truth." Ziad brought Jowaibir back to his house with due respect, and then himself hurried up to the Apostle. "O Messenger of God," he said, "Jowaibir came to my house and brought such and such a message from you. I would like to inform you that our custom is to give our daughters to persons of equal status and belonging to our tribe, who are all your helpers and companions." "O Ziad, Jowaibir is a faithful man. That dignity and honour which you are talking about has now been abrogated. Every believer man is equal (for marriage purpose) to every believer woman." Ziad returned to his house and explained the matter to his daughter. She said, "Please do not reject the proposal put by the Apostle.This matter concerns me. I accept Jowaibir whatever his condition may be. If the Apostle is pleased with it, I am also pleased." The wedding was duly solemnized. Ziad paid "Mahr" from his own wealth and offered good articles to the pair. "Have you got a house where to take the bride?" Jowaibir was asked. "No, I had never thought that I would get a wife and settle down in domestic life. It was the Apostle who came suddenly and had a talk with me and sent me to Ziad's house." Ziad arranged for him a house equipped with complete house-hold effects, and transferred the bride there, superbly adorned with ornaments and perfumes. Night came. Jowaibir did not know the whereabouts of the house meant for him. He was guided to the house and led to the bridal-chamber. When he saw the house and its equipment and looked at the dazzling bride, he was filled with a feeling of thankfulness toward God. In spiritual ecstasy he went to a corner of the room and spent the night in recitation of the Qur'an and prayer. He fasted during the next day. When women came to see Zalfa in the morning they found her untouched. They kept the matter secret from Ziad.



Two nights and days passed in the same manner. Jowaibir was fasting during the day and praying during the night. The women of the family of the bride were worried. They thought perhaps Jowaibir was impotent. At last, they put the matter before Ziad. He informed the Apostle. The Apostle called Jowaibir and asked, "Don't you have any desire for woman?" "Incidentally, I have very intense desire of that kind," replied Jowaibir. "Then why didn't you go near your bride?" "O Apostle of God, when I entered the house I found myself amidst that affluence. A state of gratitude and devotion came over me. I thought it necessary to offer thanks and prayers to God before doing anything. Tonight I shall go near my wife." Jowaibir and Zalfa lived a most happy life. When the call for a Jihad (holy war) came, Jowaibir participated in it with the enthusiasm typical of a brave Muslim, and achieved martyrdom under the banner of Islam. (condensed from Dastan Rastan, by Mortaza Mutahhari)

* One day, the Messenger of God, accompanied by some of his companions, was passing by when he saw some children playing by the wayside. The Apostle sat down near one of the boys and kissed his forehead, put him in his lap and showed great love. The companions asked the reason for the Apostle's showering love on that particular child. The Apostle said, "One day I saw this boy playing with my Hussain and he was taking the dust beneath Hussain's feet and rubbing it on his face and eyes. I love this boy because he loves my son Hussain. Gabriel has informed me that this boy will aid my son Hussain in the war of Karbala." The name of the boy was Habeeb ibn Mazahir. (Bihar al-Anwar)

* Fuzail bin Zubair reports: One day, Meetham e-Tammar was riding by on a horse. Seeing Meetham, Habeeb ibn Mazahir got up from the assembly of Bani Asad and went forward to greet him. They talked to each other for a long time. Habeeb said, "As if I see an elderly man who has no hair in the front of his head ..... and sells fruits near 'Dar Riza' (meaning Meetham e-Tammar); he, for his love of his Apostle and the household of the Apostle, will be hanged and his belly will be slit." Meetham said, "And I too know that man of red complexion whose hair is split in two plaits (meaning Habib ibn Mazahir) and who has come for the aid of the son of the Messenger of God and has been martyred and his head is being carried around in the lanes of Kufa." And then they parted. Their audience was left amazed and disbelieving. Just then Rushayd Hijri passed by, searching for Habeeb and Meetham, and asked the people about them. The people related to Rasheed the conversation they had witnessed between Habeeb and Maitham. Rushayd Hijri said, "God bless Meetham e-Thammar. Whatever he said is true but he forgot to mention that whoever brought the head of the man of red complexion will receive hundred Dirhams more in reward." Saying this, Rushayd left, leaving the people more confounded than before. (Rijal Kishi, Bihar al-Anwar)




On the day of Ashoora, with death before their eyes, Habeeb bantered with Burair. Burair said, "O Habeeb! This is not the time for fun." Habeeb said, "What time would be better than this time when, between us and the houries of paradise is only so much distance that these people (the enemy armies) take up swords and attack us?" (Bihar al-Anwar)

* Rushayd Hijri was brought to Ziyad. Ziyad said to him, "What did your leader (Ali) say to you? For we will do that to you." "You will cut off my hands and my legs and then you will crucify me," he answered. "By God, I will make his word false," declared Ziyad. "Free him." When Rushayd was about to leave, Ziyad said, "By God, we do not find anything wrong with what his leader told him. Therefore cut off his hands and legs and crucify him." "Wait a moment," Rushayd said to him, "I still have something to tell you which Amir al-Momineen told me." "Cut out his tongue," ordered Ziyad. "Now, by God, is the verification of the words of Amir al-Momineen, peace be on him," declared Rushayd. (Al-Irshad)

* Meetham al-Tammar was a slave of a woman from (the tribe of) Banu Asad. Amir al-Momineen bought him from her and gave him his freedom. "What is your name?" asked Amir al-Momineen. "Salim," he replied. "The Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family, told me that the name your father gave you in Persian was Meetham." "God and His Apostle are true and you are true, O Amir al-Momineen," he said. "By God that is my name." "Go back to the name by which the Apostle of God referred to you and leave (the name) Salim." He returned to (the name) Meetham and was given the kunya Abu Salim. On the same day, Ali told him, "After me, you will be seized and crucified and stabbed by a spear. On the third day your nostrils and mouth will flow with blood which will colour your beard. So wait for that colour. You will be crucified on the gate of the house of 'Amr bin Hurayth. You will be the tenth one of ten (crucified) men. You will have the shortest timber among them.... Come so that I may show you the palm tree on (the timber of) whose trunk you will be crucified." Ali showed it to Meetham. Meetham used to go there ... and say, "What a blessed palm-tree you are. I am created for you and you grew up for me." He continued to frequent it until it was cut down... He used to meet 'Amr bin Hurayth and say to him, "I will be your neighbour, so show neighbourliness to me." "You want to buy the house of Ibn Mas'ud or the house of Ibn Hakim," 'Amr used to say, because he did not understand what Meetham meant. In the year in which he was killed he made a pilgrimage. He visited Umm Salama, may God be pleased with her. "Who are you?" she asked. "I am Meetham," he said.



"By God, how often I heard the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family, mention you," she said. "He used to commend you to Ali in the middle of the night." Then he asked her about Husain. "He is at an estate of his," she said. "Tell him that I would have liked to greet him and that we will meet before the Lord of the Worlds, if God, the Exalted, wills," he told her. Umm Salama called for some perfume and she perfumed his beard. "Soon it will be coloured by blood," she said. He went to Kufa and 'Ubaid Allah ibn Ziyad, may God curse him, had him arrested and brought to him. He had been told that the man was one of the closest people to Ali. "For shame, is he not a persian?" asked ibn Ziyad. "Yes," he was told. "Where is your master?" he asked Meetham. "He is looking down on every wrongdoer and you are one of the wrongdoers," he answered. "Despite your foreign accent you say what you mean," said ibn Ziyad. "What has your leader told you that I will do to you?" "He told me that you would crucify me as the tenth one of ten men," he answered. "I will have the shortest timber among them..." "We will oppose him," ibn Ziyad declared. "How could you oppose him?" Meetham retorted with total assurance. He did nothing but give me information on the authority of the Apostle, on the authority of Gabriel, on the authority of God, the Exalted. How could you oppose these? I know the place in Kufa where I will be crucified. I am the first of God's creatures to be briddled in Islam." Ibn Ziyad imprisoned him, and also imprisoned Mukhtar bin Abi 'Ubayda with him. "You will escape," Meetham told Mukhtar, "and you will rebel to avenge the blood of Husain. Then you will kill this man who is going to kill us." When Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad called for Mukhtar to kill him, a messenger arrived with a letter for Ubayd Allah from Yazid (God's curses upon him), ordering him to free Mukhtar. Ubayd Allah freed him and ordered Meetham to be crucified. A man who met (Meetham) said to him, "Would not something satisfy you rather than this, Meetham?" He smiled and said, pointing to the palm tree, "I was created for it and it has grown for me." When he was put on the wood, the people gathered around him at the gate of 'Amr bin Hurayth. "By God he used to say: I will be your neighbour," 'Amr said. Crucified as he was, Meetham began to speak of the virtues of Banu Hashim and it was reported to ibn Ziyad: "That slave has insulted you." "Bridle him," ibn Ziyad (God's curses upon him) ordered. Meetham, became first of God's creatures to be bridled in Islam. He (may God have mercy on him) was killed ten days before Husain came to Iraq. On the third day after his crucifixion, he was stabbed with a spear, and he declared the greatness of God. At the end of the day, blood flowed from his mouth and his nose. (Al-Irshad)

* Adi bin Hatim was the leader of the tribe of Tai. The period of his leadership co-incided with the advent of the Apostle Mohammad.The Tai tribes



were idol-worshippers but Adi himself was a Christian and kept his beliefs secret from his people. A time came when the Muslims fought the Tai tribes and defeated them. Adi managed to escape with his family, but in the confusion, forgot to take his sister, Saffana, with him. Muslims brought Saffana to Madinah alongwith other captives of the Tai tribes. The prisoners were sheltered in a low-walled compound near the Mosque. One day, the Apostle, while going to the Mosque passed beside the enclosure. Saffana, intelligent and articulate, said, "My father is dead; my guardian is hiding; be generous to me, God will be generous to you." "Who is you guardian?" asked the Apostle "Adi, son of Hatim." "The one who has run away from God and His Messenger?" Saying these words, the Apostle went away. Next day, again she repeated her words and heard the same reply. The third day, having lost her hopes, she decided to remain silent. But a young man walking behind the Apostle made signs to her to repeat her demand. She repeated her words. The Apostle said, "Very well, I am waiting for some reliable man from your tribe. As soon as such a man is found I shall send you with him to your tribe. Inform me if you find such a person who has come to Madinah." She asked the people about the young man walking behind the Apostle who had encouraged her to repeat her demand. They said he was Ali. After some time, Saffana informed the Apostle that some men of her tribe had come to Madinah. The Apostle gave her a new dress, some cash for meeting the expenses of the journey and a camel to ride on. She went along with them to her brother in Syria. When she saw her brother, she reproached him and said, "You brought out your wife and children and forgot me, the memory of your father!" Adi apologized to her. Then he asked her, "What do you advise me to do, since you have seen Mohammad from near? Should I join him or keep aloof from him?" "I believe you should join him," said Saffana. "If he is a Apostle of God, it will be a credit to your honour and nobleness. And if he is not a Apostle and only wants to be a worldly ruler, then in a place (Madinah) which is not far from Yemen (your place), nobody will dare to dishonour you, because of the honour and respect you have among the people of Yemen. Either way, your honour is guaranteed." The idea appealed to Adi and he went to Madina. He entered the mosque and saluted the Apostle.The Apostle accorded him due respect and took him to his house. On their way a haggard woman caught hold of the garment of the Apostle and entered into a discussion with him. A long time passed, and the Apostle answered all her questions with kindness and patience. Adi said to himself, "This is one sign from the character of this man that he is a Apostle. People having worldly ambitions do not have such a disposition and temperament of replying to a poor old woman with so much patience and kindness." When they entered the house, Adi found the life of the Apostle most simple and unpretentious. There was only a quilt which the Apostle used to sit upon, but now he spread it for Adi to sit. Adi insisted that the Apostle should sit upon the quilt, but he flatly refused. Ultimately, Adi sat upon the quilt and the Apostle sat upon the ground. Adi said to himself, "This is



the second sign of the character of this man. This is the character of the Apostles, not of kings." The Apostle turned to him and said, "But was not your religion Christianity?" Adi said, "Yes, why?" "Then why, and on what grounds, were you taking one-fourth of the income of your people (as tax)? Is it not inadmissible in your religion?" Adi, who had kept his religion secret even from his closes relatives, was surprised to hear about it from the Apostle. He said to himself, "This is the third sign that this man is a Apostle." Adi embraced Islam with sincerity. (condensed from Dastan Rastan, by Mortaza Mutahhari)

* Adi bin Hatim remained a respected companion of the Apostle and a devout follower of Amir al-Momineen Ali ibn Abi Talib till the time of his death. He died at the age of one hundred twenty years in the year 67 or 68 of the Hejira, after seeing the times of the first three of the twelve Imams. He had accompanied Amir al-Momineen Ali in the wars of Jamal, Siffeen and Nahrawan. In the war of Jamal, he lost one of his eyes. He was a fearless and outspoken man whose repartees often left his opponents gasping for air. Once, in Muawiya's court, Abdullah ibn Zubair said, "Shi'a say that Adi is unparalleled in speech. Will you permit me to test this?" Muawiya said, "Don't do it. I have a notion that you will lose your face." Abdulla ibn Zubair didn't listen and turning to Adi, said, "O Aba Tareef! When did your eye get spoiled?" "On the day when your father (Zubair bin Awam) turned tail and ran away from the battle field," replied Adi. "On the day when Malik Ashtar hit you on your bottom with his lance." Then he proceeded to compose impromptu a few couplets in derogation of Zubair and ibn Zubair. Ibn Zubair could do nothing but shut his mouth. "Didn't I warn you against baiting Adi?" said Muawiya to ibn Zubair. (Al-Shaheed Al-Masmoom)


One day, Muawiya, with an aim to harass Adi bin Hatim, asked him, "What happened to your three sons, Tareef, Turafa and Turaf?" "You know very well that they were killed in their support and service of Amir al-Momineen Ali," said Adi. Muawiya said, "Ibn Abi Talib did not do you justice. He had your sons killed but left his own sons safe." Adi said, "No. It is I who did not do justice to Ali. He was martyred and I am still alive." (Aqd al-Faraid of Syed Murtaza, Al-Shaheed Al-Masmoom)

* Sa'sa' bin Souhan Abdi was a devout follower of Amir al-Momineen Ali. His two brothers, Zaid bin Souhan and Saihan bin Souhan were killed in the war of Jamal, while fighting for Ali. The sixth Imam Jafar al-Sadeq also has Sa'sa' for his devotion to Ali.



It has been observed that a general trend among the true followers of Mohammed and His Progeny (PBUT) is their fearlessness even in the face of mighty kings. Sa'sa' too had this quality. Once, in Kufa, Muawiya commanded Sa'sa' to mount the platform of the mosque and curse Ali. Sa'sa went to the platform and said, "O people! I come from him who has put evil in the front and has pushed back good. He commands me to curse Ali, I curse him, and may God's curses upon him." And the people in the mosque said "Amen!" When Sa'sa returned, Muawiya (curses of God and angels and true-believers upon him) said, "It seems you have cursed me and not Ali. Go back and curse Ali in open words." Sa'sa went back and said, "Muawiya has told me to curse Ali. Assuredly I curse him who curses Ali." And once again, the people in the mosque said, "Amen!" When Muawiya heard this, he immediately ordered Sa'sa' to leave Kufa. (Al-Shaheed Al-Masmoom)

* Once, when Sa'sa was ill, Amir al-Momineen Ali visited him. Ali said, "O Sa'sa'! Do not let my visit become a cause of pride for you among your people." "Why not, O Amir al-Momineen?" Sa'sa' said. "I will count it as God's Grace upon me." Ali said, "As far as I know, Sa'sa', you are man with few burdens and your aid is abundant." Sa'sa' said, "And you, By God, O Amir al-Momineen! As far as I have seen, I have found you all-knowing of God and compassionate and merciful on true-believers." (Rijal Kishi, Al-Shaheed Al-Masmoom)

* Saeed bin Jubair was a companion of the fourth Imam, Zain ul-Abedeen. He was a very famous scholar of his time. In those times, Hujjaj Thaqafi was the tyrant ruler of Madinah. One day, Hujjaj had Saeed arrested and brought to him. Part of the conversation between Saeed and Hujjaj is reported below. Hujjaj: What is your belief about the caliphs? Saeed: Am I their agent? Hujjaj: Whom do you like most among the caliphs? Saeed: He whom God likes most. Hujjaj: Who is it that God likes most? Saeed: God knows better. .................... Hujjaj: (to his servants) Give him some diamonds and jewels. (According to his wish, heaps of jewels were placed before Saeed). Saeed: If you have collected this wealth intending to use it in obtaining gain for the hereafter and pleasing God, then good, else remember that the day of judgement is so horrible that a mother will not think about her child in the weaning age, brother will be parted from brother, and this wealth will not be of any use to you. Instead, it will become a cause of woe for you. But of course, the wealth earned by legitimate means will not cause harm. Hujjaj: (To his servants) Bring out equipment of pleasure and music. (As soon as Saeed heard this, his eyes became filled with tears). Hujjaj: Tell me, how shall I kill you?



Saeed: Any way you want, but just remember one thing. On Judgement Day, God will have you killed in exactly the same way. Hujjaj: If you wish, I can forgive you. Saeed: I ask forgiveness only from God, not from you. On orders of Hujjaj, Saeed was made to sit on a mat used for executions. Saeed: (reciting a Qur'anic verse) "Verily I have turned my face wholly to Him Who originated the heavens and the earth, being up-right and I am not of the polytheists." (Al-Anam: 80) Hujjaj: Turn Saeed away from Qibla (the direction of holy Ka'bah). Saeed: (reciting another Qur'anic verse) "And God's is the East ��and the West, therefore withersoever you turn you find the Face of God; Verily God is All-Pervading, and All-Knowing." (Al-Baqara: 115) Hujjaj: Put Saeed on his face. Saeed: (continuing his recital of Qur'an) "From it (the earth) We created you, and into it will We return you, and out of it will We bring you forth for a second time." (Ta'ha: 55) Hujjaj: Take off Saeed's head. Saeed: I witness that there is no God but Allah, He is unique, He has no partners; And I witness that Mohammed is His servant and messenger. (And then he prayed): O God! Do not let Hujjaj oppress anybody else And Saeed was martyred. (Rouzaat al-Jannat, Rijal Kishi)

* Once, Amir al-Momineen Ali wrote a letter to Muawiyah, advising him to discontinue his bad deeds. Ali gave this letter to his slave Qanber to deliver it to Muawiyah. When Qanber reached Muawiyah, Muawiyah noted Qanber's tallness and asked teasingly, "have you got any news of the heavens?" Qanber said, "Yes! Ali is coming after you, and the angel of death is searching for you." This silenced Muawiyah. Then Qanber trod, shoes and all, on the carpet to reach Muawiyah. "Remove your shoes," said Muawiyah. "Is this the holy valley?" Qanber said, referring to God's injunction to Moses to remove his shoes in the holy valley of Tu'a. And once again Muawiyah was shamed into silence. (Kaukab e-Durri)

* Hisham bin Hakam was a close companion of the sixth and the seventh Imam and was noted for his scholarly debates and discourses. Hisham was a young man during the time of the sixth Imam, Jafar al-Sadeq. Yunus bin Yaqoub reports that one day, people were gathered around the sixth Imam, noted among them being Humran bin A'een, Momin Taaq (Muhammed bin Ali bin No'man), Hisham bin Salem, Hisham bin Hakam, etc. Imam turned to Hisham bin Hakam and said, "What did you say to Amr bin Ubaid? What questions did you ask?" Hisham said, "I feel embarrassed talking about that before you. I am tongue-tied." "Why should you feel embarrassed when I, myself, am commanding you? Relate the incident." Hisham began, "I had heard that Amr bin Ubaid discourses on scholarly problems in the mosque of Basra. It was Friday when I reached Basra and went to the mosque. I saw Amr bin Ubaid surrounded by a crowd. I made my way



through the crowd, sat down near Amr and said, 'O man of knowledge and wisdom, I am a stranger here and have come from far. Will you permit me to ask you some questions?' 'Go ahead,' said Amr." The discourse then went this way: Hisham: Do you have eyes? Amr: Young man! What kind of a question is that? Ask something proper. Hisham: I will ask these kind of questions only. Amr: Alright! Ask and I will answer, though your question is foolish. Hisham: Do you have eyes? Amr: Yes. Hisham: Of what use are these? Amr: They see colours and shapes. Hisham: Have you nose? Amr: Yes. Hisham: What is it used for? Amr: To smell. Hisham: Have you mouth? Amr: Yes. Hisham: What do you use it for? Amr: To taste food. Hisham: Have you mind and intellect? Amr: Yes. Hisham: Of what use is it? Amr: Everything that I sense through my organs (eyes, nose, mouth, etc.), I cognize with my mind and intellect. Hisham: Don't your organs make you independent of your intellect? Amr: No. Hisham: Why, when all your organs are intact? Amr: When the organs face a doubt, they refer to the intellect to remove the doubt and confirm the truth. Hisham: This means that God has given us intellect to remove the doubts of our senses and to inform them of the truth. Amr: Yes, of course. Hisham: So we are dependent on the intellect in all circumstances. Amr: Yes. Hisham: God has not left our organs and senses without an Imam who can clarify their doubts, but the same God has left his creatures amidst their doubts and did not ordain any Imam for them who could remove their doubts and confirm the truth? Amr remained silent for some time, then asked Hisham, "Where are you from?" "I am from Kufa," said Hisham. "Perhaps you are Hisham?" Then he seated Hisham in his place and as long as Hisham remained there, he refused to answer the questions of all the people gathered around him. After sometime Hisham came away. After Hisham had related this incident to Imam Jafar al-Sadeq, Imam smiled and said, "Who taught you this argument?" "No one, O son of the Apostle!" said Hisham. "It just came to me impromptu." Imam said, "By God! This argument is stated in the epistles of Abraham and Moses." (Rijal Kishi)




His real name was Wahab but he became known to the world as Buhlol e-Dana (Buhlol, the wise). He was related to the caliph, Haroun al-Rasheed but was a devout companion of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq, and after him, of Imam Mousa al-Kazim. He was one the most intelligent men of his times, but once, when Haroun al-Rashid wanted to press him into service of the government, Buhlol intentionally put on a mantle of madness over his intelligence, to escape the ignominy and sin of working for a tyrant. Buhlol is well-known for his devotion to the household of the Apostle, his intellect, sagacity, wit and wisdom. Caliph Haroun al-Rasheed was often at the receiving end of Buhlol's wit and wisdom. Buhlol's encounters with Haroun al-Rasheed are classics of their kind. Once, Haroun al-Rasheed and Buhlol went to a bath. In a playful mood, the caliph asked Buhlol, "Had I been a slave, what would have been my price?" "Fifty Dinars," replied Buhlol. "You are mad!" exclaimed the caliph. "This wrap I am wearing costs fifty Dinars." "I too had stated the price of the wrap. The caliph has no value." replied Buhlol calmly. (Buhlol e-Dana, by Syed Salman Hyder)

* One day, Buhlol squatted by the side of a road, making mud houses like children do. Just then, the carriage of Haroun al-Rashid and his wife, Zubaida, passed by. Zubaida was a true believer of the Aal e-Mohammad. Seeing Buhlol, Zubaida asked, "Buhlol! What are you doing?" "Making houses of paradise," said Buhlol. "Would you sell them?" "Yes." "For how much?" Buhlol stated a nominal figure. Zubaida immediately paid Buhlol. This irritated Haroun al-Rashid, but he remained silent, thinking derisively of weak intellect and gullibility of women. That night, Haroun dreamt that he was standing near paradise, and ahead of him was a palace. On the gate of the palace was written: "This is Zubaida's palace." Haroun tried to enter the palace but was stopped by the doorman. "This is Zubaida's palace and you do not have permission to enter." "I am Zubaida's husband and she is my wife," said Haroun. "Paradise is not obtained through husband-wife relations but through good deeds." Haroun al-Rashid woke up from the sleep, startled. He spent the night restlessly. Next morning, he passed on the same road where had met Buhlol the previous day. Once again, he found Buhlol busy making mud houses. "Buhlol! What are you doing?" "Making houses of paradise," said Buhlol. "Would you sell them?" "Yes." "For how much?" Buhlol stated an enormous figure which was more than the value of Haroun's whole kingdom. "Yesterday, you sold to Zubaida at such and such amount only," said Haroun.



"That was the value of good intention, reward for belief on the unseen and trust in my words," said Buhlol. "You now have come to buy after seeing the reality with your own eyes." (Khazeenat al-Jawahar)

* Once, the caliph sent to Buhlol various exotic dishes from his own spread. The king's servants bearing the food found Buhlol in a desolate place, with lots of dogs roaming about. They placed the food before Buhlol. "What is this?" asked Buhlol. "The caliph has showered his grace upon you and has sent to you special dishes of food from his own spread." "Put this food before the dogs. I have no need of caliph's graces." The caliph's servants began protesting that Buhlol was insulting the caliph and his graces. "Shush! Talk softly," said Buhlol. "If the dogs hear that this food has come from the caliph, they too will refuse to eat it." (Anees al-Wa'izeen)

* Buhlol once found the caliph Haroun al-Rasheed drinking wine. In a bid to justify his sin, Haroun al-Rasheed asked Buhlol, "Is it forbidden to eat grapes?" "No," said Buhlol. "What if water is drunk after eating grapes?" "There is no harm." "Then why is it forbidden when grapes are put in water and left in the sunlight?" "If a little sand were to be put on a man's head, would it hurt him?" asked Buhlol. "No," said the caliph. "Would it hurt if some water is poured on his head after putting the sand?" "No." "What if we take the same sand, mix it with water, make a brick out of it by drying it in the sunlight, and then hit a man on the head with it?" Buhlol asked. (Buhlol e-Dana, by Syed Salman Hyder)

* Sheikh Juneid Baghdadi (a leader of the sufi sect), accompanied by his followers, sought out Buhlol. He found Buhlol in the desert, reclining, with a brick as a pillow. The conversation that ensued between them is recorded thus: Sheikh: Salam alaikum. Buhlol: Alaikum salam. Who are you? Sheikh: I am Juneid Baghdadi. Buhlol: Are you Abul-Qasim? Sheikh: Yes. Buhlol: Are you Sheikh Baghdadi who guides people? Sheikh: Yes. Buhlol: Are you aware of the ethics of eating food? Sheikh: I eat from what is before me. I take small bites, eat with my right hand, chew slowly. I do not look at what other people are eating. I do not neglect the remembrance of God while eating. I say 'Praise be to Allah' at every bite. I wash my hands before and after eating.



Buhlol: (Getting up) You want to lead people. When you yourself do not know the principles of eating, what will you teach others? (Saying this Buhlol left them. Sheikh's followers were angry at Buhlol but Sheikh followed Buhlol who had once again sat down in a desolate place.) Buhlol: You do not know how to eat. Do you know how to speak? Sheikh: I say whatever is apt. I do not speak of anything out of place, out of context. I do not speak more than necessary. I speak according to the intelligence and understanding of the listener. I invite people toward cognizance of God and His Apostle .... Buhlol: You didn't know how to eat, and you do not know how speak too. (Saying this, Buhlol once again left them, but the Sheikh followed him.) Buhlol: What do you want from me? You do not know how to eat. You do not how to speak. Do you know how to sleep? Sheikh: After I finish my 'Isha prayers and the supplications, I rest on my bed... (and proceeded to recount the ethics of sleep as known to him). Buhlol: I have now understood that you do not know the principles of sleep too. (Buhlol began to get up but Sheikh Juneid caught the hem of his dress.) Sheikh: O Buhlol! I do not know. For the sake of God, instruct me. Buhlol: Whatever you told me about the ethics of eating, speaking and sleeping are the branches and not the roots. The basic principles of eating are: The food you eat should be halal (permitted by religion). If it is forbidden food, all the ethics of eating described by you are useless. The basic principles of speaking are: In order to speak, the mind should be clean, the intentions right. Whatever being spoken should be for the favour of God. If your speech is for worldly gains, silence with good intent is better. The basic principles of sleeping are: When you go sleep, your heart should be free of hostility and envy, animosity and hypocrisy. Desire for the world and worldly riches should be absent. When you sleep, the Lord's name should be on your tongue. (Sheikh kissed Buhlol's hands reverently.) (Buhlol e-Dana, by Syed Salman Hyder)