Gliese 581d is the First Discovered Terrestrial-mass Exoplanet in the Habitable Zone

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"It has been suggested that the recently discovered exoplanet GJ581d might be able to support liquid water due to its relatively low mass and orbital distance. However, GJ581d receives 35% less stellar energy than Mars and is probably locked in tidal resonance, with extremely low insolation at the poles and possibly a permanent night side. Under such conditions, it is unknown whether any habitable climate on the planet would be able to withstand global glaciation and/or atmospheric collapse. Here we present three-dimensional climate simulations which demonstrate that GJ581d will have a stable atmosphere and surface liquid water for a wide range of plausible cases, making it the first confirmed super-Earth (exoplanet of 2-10 Earth masses) in the habitable zone. We find that atmospheres with over 10 bar CO2 and varying amounts of background gas (e.g., N2) yield global mean temperatures above 0°C for both land and ocean-covered surfaces. Based on the emitted IR radiation calculated by the model, we propose observational tests that will allow these cases to be distinguished from other possible scenarios in the future."authors: Robin Wordsworth, François Forget, Franck Selsis, Ehouarn Millour, Benjamin Charnay, Jean-Baptiste MadeleineEditors: Cornell University LibraryAccepted to the Astrophysical Journal Letters; 9 pages, 1 table, 4 figuresSubjects: Earth and Planetary Astrophysics (astro-ph.EP)Cite as: arXiv:1105.1031v1 [astro-ph.EP]Submission historyFrom: Robin Wordsworth, [v1] Thu, 5 May 2011 10:50:30 GMT (783kb,D)Published: The Astrophysical Journal LettersIssue 2 (2011 June 1)Received 2011 Março 4 , accepted for publication 2011 Abril 12Published 2011 Maio 12sources:Cornell University Library ( Astrophysical Journal Letters (

Transcript of Gliese 581d is the First Discovered Terrestrial-mass Exoplanet in the Habitable Zone

Gliese 581d is the first discovered terrestrial-mass exoplanet inthe habitable zone

Robin D. Wordsworth,1∗ Francois Forget,1 Franck Selsis,2,3

Ehouarn Millour,1 Benjamin Charnay,1 Jean-Baptiste Madeleine1

1Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique,Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris, France

2CNRS, UMR 5804, Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Bordeaux,2 rue de l’Observatoire, BP 89, F-33271 Floirac Cedex, France3Universite de Bordeaux, Observatoire Aquitain des Sciences de

l’Univers, 2 rue de l’Observatoire, BP 89, F-33271 Floirac Cedex, France


It has been suggested that the recently discovered exoplanet GJ581d might be able to supportliquid water due to its relatively low mass and orbital distance. However, GJ581d receives 35%less stellar energy than Mars and is probably locked in tidal resonance, with extremely lowinsolation at the poles and possibly a permanent night side. Under such conditions, it is unknownwhether any habitable climate on the planet would be able to withstand global glaciation and /or atmospheric collapse. Here we present three-dimensional climate simulations that demonstrateGJ581d will have a stable atmosphere and surface liquid water for a wide range of plausible cases,making it the first confirmed super-Earth (exoplanet of 2-10 Earth masses) in the habitable zone.We find that atmospheres with over 10 bar CO2 and varying amounts of background gas (e.g.,N2) yield global mean temperatures above 0 ◦C for both land and ocean-covered surfaces. Basedon the emitted IR radiation calculated by the model, we propose observational tests that willallow these cases to be distinguished from other possible scenarios in the future.

Subject headings: astrobiology—planet-star interactions—planets and satellites: atmospheres—techniques: spectroscopic

1. Introduction

The local red dwarf Gliese 581 (20.3 ly fromthe Sun, M = 0.31MSun, L = 0.0135LSun, spec-tral type M3V) (Hawley et al. 1997) has receivedintense interest over the last decade due to the lowmass exoplanets discovered around it. As of early2011 it has been reported to host up to six planets(Udry et al. 2007; Mayor et al. 2009; Vogt et al.2010). One of these, GJ581g, was announced inSeptember 2010 and estimated to be in the hab-itable zone (the orbital range in which a planet’satmosphere can warm the surface sufficiently to al-low surface liquid water) (Kasting et al. 1993; Pier-rehumbert 2011). However, its discovery has beenstrongly disputed by other researchers, including

the team responsible for finding the other fourplanets in the system (Kerr 2010; Tuomi 2011).For the moment, therefore, GJ581g remains un-confirmed.

GJ581d, in constrast, which was first discov-ered in 2007 and has a minimum mass between5.6 and 7.1 MEarth, has now been robustly con-firmed by radial velocity (RV) observations (Udryet al. 2007; Mayor et al. 2009; Vogt et al. 2010).Due to its greater distance from the host star,GJ581d was initially regarded as unlikely to havesurface liquid water unless strong warming mech-anisms due to e.g., CO2 clouds (Forget and Pier-rehumbert 1997; Selsis et al. 2007) were present inits atmosphere. Recently, simple one-dimensional






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radiative-convective studies (Wordsworth et al.2010b; von Paris et al. 2010; Kaltenegger et al.2011) have suggested that a dense atmospherecould provide a significant greenhouse effect onGJ581d. However, the planet’s tidal evolutionposes a key problem for its habitability.

As it is most likely either in a pseudo-synchronousstate with a rotation period that is a function ofthe eccentricity, or in spin-orbit resonance likeMercury in our Solar System (Leconte et al. 2010;Heller et al. 2011), GJ581d should have extremelylow insolation at its poles and possibly a perma-nent night side. Regions of low or zero insolationon a planet can act as cold traps where volatilessuch as H2O and CO2 freeze out on the surface.A few previous studies (Joshi et al. 1997; Joshi2003) have examined atmospheric collapse in 3Dwith simplified radiative transfer, but only forEarth-like atmospheric pressures or lower (0.1 to1.5 bar). For low values of stellar insolation andlarge planetary radii, even dense CO2 atmosphereswill be prone to collapse, which could rule out astable water cycle altogether for a super-Earthlike GJ581d. To conclusively evaluate whetherGJ581d is in the habitable zone, therefore, three-dimensional simulations using accurate radiativetransfer are necessary.

Here we present global climate model (GCM)simulations we performed to assess this issue. InSection 2 we describe the model used. In Section3 we describe our results, and in Section 4 we dis-cuss implications and propose future observationaltests for the simulated habitable scenarios.

2. Method

In our simulations we made the initial hypoth-esis that GJ581d has a climate dominated by thegreenhouse effects of CO2 and / or H2O, as isthe case for all rocky planets with atmospheresin the Solar System (Venus, Earth and Mars). Toassess the influence of water on the climate in-dependently, we considered two classes of initialcondition: a rocky planet with no water, and anocean planet, where the surface is treated as aninfinite water source. CO2 was taken as the pri-mary constituent of the atmosphere and H2O wasallowed to vary freely, with surface ice / liquidand cloud formation (including radiative effects)taken into account for either gas when necessary.

Restricting the composition of the atmosphere totwo species in this way allows us to determine con-servative conditions for habitability, as it neglectsthe warming due to other greenhouse gases likeCH4 or buffer gases like N2 or Ar (von Paris et al.2010; Goldblatt et al. 2009; Li et al. 2009).

The simulations were performed using a newtype of GCM that we developed specifically for ex-oplanet and paleoclimate studies. It uses radiativetransfer data generated directly from high resolu-tion spectra, which allows the accurate simulationof climates for essentially any atmospheric cock-tail of gases, aerosols and clouds for which opticaldata exists. The dynamical core of the model wasadapted from the LMD Mars GCM, which usesan enstrophy and total angular momentum con-serving finite difference scheme (Sadourny 1975;Forget et al. 1999). Scale-selective hyperdiffusionwas used in the horizontal plane for stability. Theplanetary boundary layer was parameterised us-ing the method of Mellor and Yamada (1982) tocalculate turbulent mixing, with the latent heat ofH2O also taken into account in the surface tem-perature calculations when necessary. A standardroughness coefficient of z0 = 1× 10−2 m was usedfor both rocky and ocean surfaces for simplicity,although we verified that our results were insensi-tive to variations in this parameter. Spatial reso-lution of 32×32×20 in longitude, latitude and al-titude was used for all simulations; we performedone comparison test at the highest rotation ratewith 64 × 64 × 20 resolution and found that thedifferences were small.

Our radiative transfer scheme was similar tothat we developed previously for one-dimensionalsimulations (Wordsworth et al. 2010a,b). For agiven mixture of atmospheric gases, we computedhigh resolution spectra over a range of tempera-tures, pressures and gas mixing ratios. For thisstudy we used a 6 × 9 × 7 temperature, pressureand H2O volume mixing ratio grid with values T ={100, 150, . . . , 350} K, p = {10−3, 10−2, . . . , 105}mbar and qH2O = {10−7, 10−6, . . . , 10−1}, respec-tively. The correlated-k method was used to pro-duce a smaller database of coefficients suitablefor fast calculation in a GCM. The model used38 spectral bands in the longwave and 36 in theshortwave, and sixteen points for the g-space in-tegration, where g is the cumulated distributionfunction of the absorption data for each band.


In most simulations CO2 was assumed to be themain constituent of the atmosphere, except thelocally habitable ice planet experiments (see Sec-tion 3), where N2 was used. CO2 collision-inducedabsorption was included using a parameterisationbased on the most recent theoretical and experi-mental studies (Wordsworth et al. 2010a; Gruszkaand Borysow 1998; Baranov et al. 2004). For thestellar spectrum, we used the Virtual Planet Lab-oratory AD Leo data (Segura et al. 2005). ADLeo is a M-class star with effective temperatureTeff = 3400 K, which is acceptably close to themost recent estimates of Teff = 3498 ± 56 K(von Braun et al. 2011) for the purposes of cli-mate modelling. A two-stream scheme (Toon et al.1989) was used to account for the radiative ef-fects of both clouds and Rayleigh scattering, as inWordsworth et al. (2010b).

In the water cycle and cloud modelling, carewas taken to ensure that the parameterisationsused were based on physical principles and nottuned to Earth-specific conditions. When thiswas not possible (as for e.g., the density of con-densable cloud nuclei in the atmosphere Nc), wetested the sensitivity of our results to variations inthose parameters. Three tracer species were usedin our simulations: CO2 ice, H2O ice and H2Ovapour. Tracers were freely advected in the at-mosphere, subject to changes due to sublimation/ evaporation and condensation and interactionwith the surface. For both gases, condensation wasassumed to occur when the atmospheric temper-ature dropped below the saturation temperature.Local mean CO2 and H2O cloud particle sizes weredetermined from the amount of condensed mate-rial and the density of condensable nuclei Nc. Thisparameter was set to 105 kg−1 in most of our sim-ulations; we tested the effect of varying it over therange 104 to 106 kg−1 and found that the maxi-mum difference in mean surface temperature after60 orbits was less than 5 K. As a further test ofthe robustness of our results, we also performedsome tests with cloud radiative effects removed al-together (see Section 3).

Ice particles of both species were sedimentedaccording to Stokes law (Forget et al. 1999). Be-low the stratosphere, adjustment was used to relaxtemperatures due to convection and / or conden-sation of CO2 and H2O. For H2O, moist and large-scale convection were taken into account following

Manabe and Wetherald (1967). Precipitation ofH2O due to coagulation was also included using asimple threshold parameterisation (Emanuel andIvkovi-Rothman 1999).

On the surface, the local albedo varied accord-ing to the composition (rocky, ocean, CO2 or H2Oice; see Table 1). In the wet simulations, ice for-mation (melting) was assumed to occur when thesurface temperature was lower (higher) than 273K, and temperature changes due to the latent heatof fusion were taken into account. In all cases,the simulations were run until collapse/glaciationoccurred or steady states of thermal equilibriumwere reached. The time taken to reach ther-mal equilibrium can be estimated from the atmo-spheric radiative relaxation timescale (Goody andYung 1989)

τr =cppsσgT 3


, (1)

where cp, ps, g, Te and σ are the specific heat ca-pacity of the atmosphere, the mean surface pres-sure, the surface gravity, the atmospheric emis-sion temperature and the Stefan-Boltzmann con-stant, respectively. Taking Te = 200 K, cp = 850J K−1 kg−1, ps = 30 bar and g = 16.6 m s−2

yields τr ∼ 4000 Earth days (60 GJ581d orbits).This was close to the timescales we observed inthe model by plotting time series of mean surfacetemperature.

We used the minimum mass for GJ581d givenby Mayor et al. (2009) instead of the smaller value(Mmin = 5.6MEarth) proposed by Vogt et al.(2010). We took the actual mass of GJ581d tobe M = Mmin/sin 60◦ = 8.2MEarth, given thatthe statistically most probable value for the in-clination angle is 60◦. Radius and gravity forrocky and ocean / ice cases (Table 1) were thendetermined from theoretical models (Sotin et al.2007). In the latter case, the assumed bulk com-position of the planet was 50% H2O. Model testsusing M = Mmin and M = 1.6Mmin (the lattervalue comes from dynamical stability considera-tions (Mayor et al. 2009)) did not reveal significantdifferences from our main results.

To produce emission spectra, we recorded top-of-atmosphere longitude-latitude maps of outgoingfluxes computed by the GCM over one orbit. In-clination angle of the orbit relative to the observerwas assumed to be 60◦. An isotropic (Lambertian)distribution of specific intensities at the top of


the atmosphere was assumed; comparison with aline-by-line radiative transfer code at wavelengthswhere the limb-darkening was most pronouncedrevealed that the disk-integrated flux error due tothis effect was below 5%.

3. Results

We performed simulations with 5, 10, 20 and30 bar atmospheric pressure and 1:1, 1:2 and 1:10orbit-rotation resonances for both rocky and oceanplanets (see Table 1). Eccentricity was set to zeroin the simulations we present here, with the stellarflux set to the true value at a = 0.22 and not in-creased to account for orbital averaging as in our1D study (Wordsworth et al. 2010b). However, wealso performed tests with e = 0.38 and found thateccentricity was not critical to the results. Simi-larly, we assumed zero obliquity to assess the like-lihood of atmospheric collapse in the most severecases, but sensistivity tests showed that its influ-ence on the climate was second order at the highpressures where the atmosphere remained stable.

CO2 gas had a powerful greenhouse warmingeffect in our simulations because GJ581d orbits ared dwarf star. In the Solar System, Rayleigh scat-tering reflects the bluer incoming starlight muchmore effectively, and hence a planet receiving thesame flux as GJ581d would be uninhabitable forany CO2 pressure. In our rocky simulations, forpressures below ∼10 bar the atmosphere was in-deed unstable, and began to condense on the darkside and / or poles of the planet (Fig. 2a). How-ever, for denser atmospheres, we found that hori-zontal heat transport and greenhouse warming be-came effective enough to remove the threat of col-lapse and allow surface temperatures above themelting point of water (Fig. 1). Rotation rateaffected the atmospheric stability through boththe insolation (the planet has permanent day andnight sides in the most extreme 1:1 resonance case)and the horizontal heat transport (faster rotat-ing atmospheres were less efficient at transportingheat polewards).

Even in the stable simulations, some CO2 usu-ally condensed in the middle atmosphere (Fig. 3),leading to CO2 ice cloud formation as occurs onpresent-day Mars (Montmessin et al. 2007). CO2

clouds typically had a net warming effect (up to12 K), depending on the cloud microphysical as-

sumptions, due to the scattering of infrared radi-ation from the ground (Forget and Pierrehumbert1997). To check the robustness of our results, wealso performed tests with the (unrealistic) assump-tion of no CO2 cloud radiative effects, and foundthat the atmospheres were colder, but still stableabove around 10 bar.

In the ocean planet simulations, we neglectedall oceanic horizontal heat transport. This as-sumption led us to overestimate global tempera-ture differences and hence the probability of atmo-spheric collapse, in keeping with the aim of a con-servative habitability estimate. We found that at-mospheric H2O vapour greatly increased warming,while H2O cloud formation low in the atmospheretended to cool the planet by increasing the plan-etary albedo (Fig. 3). This led to a transition inthe climate as total pressure increased. At 10 barand below, cooling effects dominated and runawayglaciation occurred, followed by atmospheric col-lapse. From 20 bar, the positive feedback of watervapour on greenhouse warming raised mean tem-peratures significantly compared with the rockycase (Fig. 2b). In the intermediate region, climatestability was difficult to assess as surface temper-ature trends were extremely small (as low as a fewK per 100 orbits in some cases). There, our re-sults were somewhat sensitive to our microphysicalassumptions; for example, lowering the precipita-tion threshold l0 (see Table 1) resulted in opticallythinner H2O clouds and stable, cooler climatesat lower total pressures. Nonetheless, at higherpressures we found stable, hot climates with littleglobal temperature variations even in the tidallylocked cases, regardless of the choice of microphys-ical parameters.

We investigated the effect of starting with asurface covered by H2O ice. For the dense atmo-spheres where the climate was stable, this onlyweakly changed the planetary albedo, and the icemelted for pressures of 20 bar or more. Hencethe runaway (H2O) glaciation that is possible onEarth (Budyko 1969) would be unlikely to occuron an ocean-planet GJ581d. Our results here con-trast with those of Spiegel et al. (2009), who useda 1D energy balance model to investigate the ef-fects of obliquity on planetary habitability, be-cause they neglected the dependence of planetaryalbedo on the total pressure in dense atmospheres.

We also investigated the possibility that an ice-


covered, tidally locked GJ581d with permanentday and night sides could be locally habitable onthe day side due to partial melting. However inthis scenario, the day side only stayed warm whenthe atmosphere was thin and hence inefficient attransporting heat. As a result, the planet’s darkside became cold enough for the collapse of evenan N2 atmosphere. An ice planet with only a thinsublimation-driven H2O atmosphere could havedayside temperatures above 273 K and contin-ual transport of H2O to the dark side, but thelow atmospheric pressure would preclude liquidwater except in extremely limited sub-surface re-gions. Clearly, dense, stable atmospheres offerbetter prospects for habitability.

4. Discussion

Are CO2 partial pressures of over 10 bar a real-istic possibility for GJ581d? Given the planet’s as-sumed gravity, this corresponds to a CO2 columnof only 4 to 6 bars on Earth. Even though Venusand Earth are smaller, their total CO2 invento-ries scaled by planetary mass are around 10-100times greater than this. On Venus, it is thoughtthat a large fraction of this inventory is in the at-mosphere (Bullock and Grinspoon 1996), while onEarth, the atmospheric partial pressure is regu-lated over geological timescales by the carbonate-silicate cycle (Walker et al. 1981) via plate tecton-ics. The geophysics of GJ581d is unknown, but ifa similar mechanism were present there, its atmo-spheric CO2 would stabilize above the level neededto maintain a liquid water cycle by negative feed-back.

CO2-H2O-(buffer gas) atmospheres are clearlyonly a subset of all the possible scenarios forGJ581d. If small quantities of additional green-house gases such as CH4 or SO2 were present,they would increase warming further. However, ifthese gases were chemically unstable, they wouldneed to be continually emitted by e.g., volcanicor biological sources to have a long-term effect onthe climate. More drastically, the planet couldhave a thick H2-He envelope like Uranus or Nep-tune, or its atmosphere could have been removedentirely by increased stellar activity early in thelife of the host star. Both scenarios would ex-clude surface liquid water (the former through anexcess of surface pressure). GJ581d’s large mass

means that it can retain an atmosphere more eas-ily than Earth or Venus, but the increased XUVand ion fluxes from M-class stars early in their his-tory means that removal processes can be muchmore efficient than in the Solar System (Tanigawaand Ikoma 2007; Tian 2009). The escape of at-mospheric hydrogen depends sensitively on bothXUV flux levels and radiative cooling by H+

3 ions,both of which are poorly constrained for GJ581d(Selsis et al. 2007; Koskinen et al. 2007). More-over, stripping by the stellar wind, which does notdiscriminate between light and heavy atoms, couldhave removed large amounts of any gas (includingCO2) (Lammer et al. 2007). Detailed modellingof atmospheric escape may be able to constrainthe effects of these processes on the atmospherefurther.

Unlike the majority of the Kepler planetarycandidates, Gliese 581d is relatively close to Earth,so in the future it will be possible to establishwhich scenario applies to it through direct spectro-scopic observations. To determine the sensitivityrequired for this, we used the outgoing longwaveradiation (OLR) from our simulations to producesynthetic emission spectra for the habitable cli-mates just discussed, along with those for a planetwith no atmosphere (Fig. 4). We did not calculateemission spectra for the H2-He dominated case,but equilibrium chemistry calculations1 allowed usto establish that for an atmosphere where H2 isthe dominant species by mass, the abundance ofCO2 should be below the limit of detectability.For a rocky / icy planet where volatiles like CO2

have collapsed on the surface and the atmosphereis thin or non-existent, the flux variations over oneorbit will be large (grey region in Fig. 4). Obser-vations of CO2 and H2O absorption bands withlow phase variations (red / blue regions in Fig.4) would hence be a strong indicator of the kindof stable, dense habitable atmospheres discussedin this paper. From Fig. 4, the flux sensitivitynecessary for this in the infrared will be of order10−21 W m−2 µm−1, corresponding to a planet/ star ratio lower than 10−6 for wavelengths <20 µm. This is beyond the capabilities of currentspace and ground-based observatories, but it will

1These were performed using a code developed by R.Bounaceur (LRGP, CNRS, Nancy, France), based on analgorithm to minimize the free energy of a given mixtureof gases (Reynolds 1986).


become possible with future improvements in in-strumental technology.

F.S. acknowledges support from the Euro-pean Research Council (Starting Grant 209622:E3ARTHs).


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Table 1: Standard parameters used in the climatesimulations.

Stellar luminosity L [LSun] 0.0135Orbital semi-major axis a [AU] 0.22Orbital eccentricity e 0.0Obliquity φ 0.0Tidal resonance n 1, 2, 10Initial atmospheric pressure ps [bars] 5-30Radius (rocky) r [rEarth] 1.8Radius (ocean) r [rEarth] 2.3Surface gravity (rocky) g [m s−2] 25.0Surface gravity (ocean) g [m s−2] 16.6Surface albedo (rocky) As 0.2Surface albedo (ocean) As 0.07Surface albedo (ice) As 0.6Surface roughness coefficient z0 [m] 1× 10−2

Precipitation threshold l0 [kg kg−1] 0.001Number of cloud condensation nuclei Nc [kg−1] 1× 105

This 2-column preprint was prepared with the AAS LATEXmacros v5.2.


Fig. 1.— Surface temperature snapshots after 60orbits integration time for rocky planet simula-tions with a) 1:1, b) 1:2 and c) 1:10 tidal resonanceand a 20-bar CO2 atmosphere.

Fig. 2.— Surface temperature vs. pressure fora) rocky and b) ocean planet simulations. Red,green and blue markers represent tidal resonancesof 1:1, 1:2 and 1:10. Points are separated forclarity; simulations were performed at 5, 10, 20and 30 bar for each all cases. Crosses and errorbars show mean and maximum / minimum tem-peratures (sampled over one orbit and across theplanet’s surface) in stable cases, while circles in-dicate simulations where the atmosphere began tocollapse or runaway glaciation occurred.

Fig. 3.— Latitude-altitude map of H2O (blue) andCO2 (red) cloud coverage for a 20-bar ocean sim-ulation with 1:2 resonance, averaged in longitudeand over one orbit. While the cloud deck altitudeswere similar for all simulations, the latitudinal dis-tribution depended strongly on the atmosphericdynamics and hence on the rotation rate and to-tal pressure.

Fig. 4.— Infrared emission spectra for an ocean/ rocky GJ581d with a 20-bar atmosphere (blue/ red) and a rocky GJ581d with no atmosphere(grey). Thickness of the lines corresponds to themaximum / minimum difference in flux over oneorbit, for the most probable observation angle of60◦. The maximum (minimum) surface temper-ature in the airless case is 271 K (37 K). Forthe cases with atmospheres, emission of the oceanplanet is higher at most wavelengths due to theincreased planetary radius. The major absorptionfeatures are labelled by molecule / process (CO2-CO2 corresponds to CO2 collision-induced absorp-tion).