Git presentation to some coworkers some time ago

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A presentation about GIT features I did to some team mates some time ago while working at HP R&D

Transcript of Git presentation to some coworkers some time ago

©2010 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice

Rodrigo Urubatan <>07/26/2011

GitThe history, good and the bad

Distributed Version ControlGit prehistory

3 HP Confidential

Distributed Version Control Systems

– Every clone is a full repository copy

– There is no need to a central repository

– It is possible to work, commit, and then sync with other repository copies

– It is possible to cooperate with the team without a central repository

– It should be fast to perform any operation in the repository

Git creationAn open source VCS for the Linux Kernel

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Git creation (2004/2005)

– BitKeeper had licensing conflicts making it unsuitable for the linux kernel community

– Linus did not want to use Subversion or CVS• Subversion branching/merging is not really easy and fast

– He decided to create a version control system that must:• Be very fast

• *Know how to handle branching and merging

• Be secure (easy to validate a copy)

• Not pollute your source tree with meta data

– The first real use for Git was the Linux kernel

Git is rocket fastA very small comparison

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Subversion simple add a file

$time (svn add test.txt && svn commit --message "Test")

A test.txt

Adding test.txt

Transmitting file data .

Committed revision 1.

real 0m0.820s

user 0m0.011s

sys 0m0.018s

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Git simple add a file

time (git add test.txt && git commit -m "Test")

[master (root-commit) ebbc1ea] Test

1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

create mode 100644 test.txt

real 0m0.011s

user 0m0.002s

sys 0m0.008s

DVCS WorkflowA new workflow for version control

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Traditional Workflow

Work on Code

Get changes from


Commit changes

to repository

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Git (DVCS) Workflow

Local Repository

Pull changes from


Push changesto repository




Lots of smalloperations

Git basicsInternals and basic commands

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Basic commands

– git init• Will create a new local Git repository

– git clone• Will create a local copy of another repository, the copy will have the full history of


– git add/commit/rm/mv• Will add files, commit them, remove and move files in the local repository

• No remote operation needed

– git branch/tag• Will create a new local branch/tag

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Basic commands

– git checkout • Will checkout a branch to the current work tree

– git merge• Will merge the another branch into the current

– git rebase• Will re-apply all commits from the current branch on top of the new start point

– git reset• Will reset the current head (branch) to the specified state

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Getting information

– git diff• Will show the difference of two objects (branches, commits, files, …)

– git log• Will show the history of the repository

– git whatchanged• Will show changes and commit messages in a more user friendly way

– git status• Show the status of the current work tree

– git show• Will show the specific object (file, commit, branch, …)

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New concepts

– git pull• Fetches changes from a remote repository

• It is not the same as “svn update”, it will fetch all commits since the last recorded, new branches and new tags

– git push• Send changes to a remote repository

• It is not the same as “svn commit”, it will send all commits since the last recorded, new branches and new tags

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Git internals– Every commit is identified by a SHA-1 hash

• The commit hash identifies the state of the repository in that point of time

– Every commit stores the difference of the file from the previous state• Since the local repository has all the history, the file can be re-constructed to any state

• The stored data is not really the difference, the stored is the operations realized on the file

– Git works with files only• It has no knowledge of directories

• It cannot store empty directories

– Git tags and branches are labels to a SHA-1 hash

– With a hash it is possible to securely checkout any copy of a repository to a specified position• It is not possible for another repository to have a commit with the same SHA-1 signature

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Git internals

– There is only one .git directory in the project root, in this directory there is:• hooks – the directory for event commands

• config – the file with the current repository configuration and links to other repositories

• refs – the directory with one file for each branch/tag, the file has only the hash to the commit that represents that branch/tag current position

• objects – the directory with all diffs and commits compressed and organized− The “git gc” command organizes this directory from time to time or when manually executed

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Git internals – remotes

– One git repository can know about many others, these are configured by the git remote command

– The address and name for the remote repositories are stored in the .git/config file

– The remotes can be used to configure one central repository for the organization• The feature was not created with this objective

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Git internals - remotesgit clone

cd project

git remote add coworker user@machine:directory/project.git

git checkout –b small_feature_branch

----- do some work----

git add . && git commit –a –m “git presentation sample”

git push coworker small_feature_branch

---- coworker reviews or completes the work on the feature –

git pull coworker small_feature_branch

git checkout master

git merge small_feature_branch

git push origin master

--The original repo does not know about the local branch, the coworker does not need to know about the original repo --

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Git internals - hooks

– applypatch-msg• Validates the commit messages from a received patch, can stop the merge

– commit-msg• Validates the message for a commit

– post-commit• Can execute some command after a commit

– post-receive• Can execute some command after receiving a remote push

– post-update• Can execute some command after receiving each update

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Git internals - hooks

– pre-applypatch• Can validate a patch before applying

– pre-commit• Can validate a commit before applying it

– pre-rebase• Can validate the repository before a rebase

– prepare-commit-msg• Can provide a commit message template

– update• Can validate each update received from a remote push

Git X SubversionBasic differences

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Subversion basics

– Traditional/Centralized approach

– Everyone needs access to the central repository to work

– Every commit gets into the repository

– Branching/merging is expensive

– There are lots of good SVN clients

– It is possible for one user to have access to only part of a repository tree

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Git against it– Distributed approach, every clone is a full repository

– You can work without access to the central repository, a central repository does not need to exists

– You can have commits in local branches that never get into the central repository (for Chores for example)

– There are not many good git clients, the only with all features is the command line

– It is not possible to allow someone access to only part of the repository

– Git is really fast

– A Git clone usually is smaller than a SVN checkout, even having the full repository history

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Working together

git svn clone http://address/repository

cd repository

-- work normally with git, branch, tag, all locally ---

git svn dcommit

-- This command will synchronize your git repository to SVN, pulling all changes and pushing all your commits and branches --

Git strong pointsWhat is good about git

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Some advantages– You do not need a central repository

– Git is really fast

– Branching/merging works automatically most of the time

– You can stage changes and come back to them later

– You can work with git even if everyone else is working with SVN or CVS

– Git does not force a specific workflow• You can work your way

– Git can help you to find a bug root cause

– You can work offline, and still collaborate with the developer in the same room

– Git can increase collaboration (It has done it for Open Source, and can do it inside a company if the company culture permits it)

Git problemsWhat can be a problem

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Some problems

– You do not need a central repository

– There are no good GUIs for Git• Some are starting to show up

– The team needs to learn new concepts and new tools

– Not everyone is confortable with the command line

– git-svn branch/tag only works for standard SVN repository layouts

Some great commandsSome git goodness

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Git commands worth knowing– git stash

• Allows the current uncommited changes to be saved but not commited, and later re-applied

– git fsck• Makes it easy to find lost commits

– git blame/annotate• Makes iteasy to find who did what in a file

– git cherry• Show the differences between one point and the branch origin

– git submodule• Similar to SVN externals, allow another git repository to be used as a directory of a

parent repository

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Git commands worth knowing

– git bisect• Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug given a previous

“good” position


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– Linus Torvalds Presentation at Google -

– InfoQ article about DCVS -

– How to work with Git and SVN together -