Girls world

Post on 11-Mar-2016

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Transcript of Girls world

Contents 1. Sharpay Evans/ Ashley Tisdale interview

2. Jessica Watson (dancing with the stars)

3. Dork diaries Review

4. How to look good for school

5. Most embarrassing moments

6. Justin Bieber Reviews

7. Weather report

8. Lip smacker quiz

9. Miley Cyrus parked in a disable spot.

Sharpay Ashley

She doesn't wear pink anymore

When I started playing Sharpay I had to

wear pink for acting. I have stopped

wearing pink I don't have pink anymore in

my cupboard. When I’m a brunette I feel

more feel.

She loves working with dogs on set

It’s a challenge working with dogs. They

don't understand what's going on. There

so cute though. 2 dogs played in my movie

(Sharpays fabulous adventure) their

names were Howie and Herbie. If I had to

pick my favourite I would pick Herbie

She missies all her HSM friends

I was very nervous working with them

because everything was new to me. But when

I got used to them they were wonderful

people they helped when I needed it most.

But me and the HSM still hang out together.

Pandora is so pretty its shiny

sparkly and it will shine on


Jessica Watson Jessica Watson the solo sailor gets back

on her horse and try's even harder than

last week when she got 1 but she has

made ait come back. Watson said that

she gave it all her best. Let’s hope she

gives all her best next week so she can


Dork Dairies

Dork Dairies is a good book for girls its

funny it’s interesting and the pictures are

detailed. It has a set of dork dairies they

are great books.

How to Look Good For School

Materials: hair brush, hair tie, bangles, necklace, earrings,

floral shoelace’s, hair clips, nail polish


1. Brush your hair so all the knots are all out how your hair

is soft.

2. Tie your hair up or leave it down if you leave your hair

down you can put hair clips in your hair if you put it up

you need to use a hair tie.

3. You can accerize with necklace’s, bangles , earrings, hair

clips and floral shoelace’s.

4. For your nail’s you should put some pretty nail polish

that’s with sparkle.

I hope you look good for school.

Buy one

rubber and get

2 more for


Justin Bieber News Feature!

Justin Bieber got

bashed for a photo


Justin Bieber bought

a house for 10 million

dollars which he calls

the love nest.

Justin Bieber made

a new song called

Boyfriend that’s

really popular.

Pandora Beads


You can get this in a supermarket

near you.

Sleepovers and movie nights with

popcorn are awesome

You love getting dressed up all girly

for parties.

Do you like making cupcakes with


Do you like shopping?




Your favourite pet would be….. Your


season is


You like playing outside?




Your favourite

colour is pink

Summer Winter

Your friends

describe you

chatter box

You dream of being on


yes No




Fanta is so orange it smells

like the drink and when you

put it on your lips it looks



Watermelon smells so nice it

shines on your lips plus it will

shine on you.

Coca cola

Coco cola is just like the

drink it smells like it and

when you put it on your lips

it shines and sparkles.





Buy them now they are

great for wearing in winter

and they are warm and


Miley Cyrus got caught parking in a disable spot in front of

her Pilate’s class in her white Mercedes. She had a yellow bag

and was wearing yoga clothes. As she was walking back to

her car she gave a little smile to say she was sorry. But at the

end she was fined $350.