Giovanni Emanuele Corazza · Giovanni Emanuele Corazza est professeur ordinaire à l'́cole de...

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Transcript of Giovanni Emanuele Corazza · Giovanni Emanuele Corazza est professeur ordinaire à l'́cole de...

Giovanni Emanuele Corazza

1. Identité

- Prénom, Nom (Statut) : Giovanni Emanuele, Corazza

- Numéro de bureau : N/A

- Téléphone : +39-051-2093054

- Adresse mail :

- Liens vers site web personnel, ResearchGate, LinkedIn, …

ResearchGate :

Linkedin :

- Photo

2. Thèmes de recherche (résumé + mots-clés)

Project Title: A Study of the Dynamic Creativity Framework The PhD research project of Giovanni Emanuele Corazza is focused on the investigation of the Creativity construct, and specifically to the study of what can be identified as the Dynamic Creativity Framework, where the term Dynamic comes from the adoption of the Dynamic Definition of Creativity (Corazza, 2016). Four research questions will be addressed : Research Question #1 (creative potential): What are the consequences of the adoption of the Dynamic Creativity Framework in terms of the 4P’s, 5A’s, and 7C’s classifications, and specifically what different forms of creative potential can be identified in each research strand? Research Question #2 (creative inconclusiveness): How can the state of creative inconclusiveness be characterized, both theoretically and with a qualitative/quantitative analysis, and what implications can be drawn, in terms of the individual, of the creative process, of the creative products, of creative education, of the creative socio-cultural environment? Research Question #3 (creativity estimation): How can the estimation of creative products be characterized, considering specifically: a) methodologies for testing creative performance as an instance of estimation of the outcomes of a creative process; b) discrimination ability of original ideas (diversification of the possible consequences derived within a set of expert/non-expert

estimators); c) developmental and educational experiences? Research Question #4 (modeling the dynamic creativity framework): How can the creative thinking process be modelled in a way that accounts for the inferences deriving from the adoption of the Dynamic Definition for Creativity, (e.g. focusing on the moments when the creator examines the potential of generated ideas)? Within the Dynamic Creativity Framework, which factors can be considered either domain general, or domain specific, or domain relevant in a creative process leading to potential originality and effectiveness? How does this framework fit within the broader characterization of the Dynamic Universal Creativity Process? Keywords: Creativity, Dynamic creativity framework, Creative potential, Creative inconclusiveness, Creativity Estimation, Dynamic Universal Creativity Process

3. Responsabilités (pédagogiques, scientifiques, administratives)

Giovanni Emanuele Corazza est professeur ordinaire a l'ecole de Ingenierie de l'Universite Alma Mater Studiorum de Bologne (Italie), President de la Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi, fondateur de l'Institut Marconi pour la Creativite, membre du Board of Directors de la Societe Marconi. Giovanni Emanuele Corazza a obtenu son premier doctorat de recherche en Telecommunications et Microelectronique en 1995 a l'Universite de Rome Tor Vergata, et poursuit actuellement un doctorat en psychologie à l'Université Paris-Descartes. Il a ete membre du conseil d'administration de l'Universite de Bologne de 2012 a 2018, President du consortium CINECA pour la superinformatique de 2017 a 2019, chef du Departement d'Electronique, Informatique et Systemes (DEIS) de 2009 a 2012, President de la School for Telecommunications dans les annees 2000-2003, President du la Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems Task Force (ASMS TF), fondateur et President de l'Integral Satcom Initiative (ISI), une plate-forme technologique europeenne consacree aux communications par satellite, membre du conseil d'administration de la 5G Infrastructure Association et Vice-President de la plate-forme technologique europeenne NetWorld2020. Giovanni Emanuele Corazza a publie plus de 300 articles scientifiques dans des revues specialisees et des actes de conferences internationales. De 1997 a 2012, il a ete Associate Editor pour les IEEE Transactions on Communications. Giovanni Emanuele Corazza a recu le prix Marconi International Young Fellow en 1995, le prix du service distingue IEEE 2009 pour les communications par satellite, le prix Newcom # 2013 du meilleur article, le prix IEEE VTS du meilleur systeme article 2002, le prix du meilleur article a les conferences IEEE ISSSTA'98, IEEE ICT2001 et ISWCS 2005. Ses recherches portent sur la creativite et l'innovation, les systemes 5G, la navigation et le positionnement. Contributions au domaine de la psychologie Meme si Giovanni Emanuele Corazza est un ingenieur electronique, depuis l'an 2000 il a commence a travailler parallelement sur la creativite humaine. En 2011, il a fonde le Marconi Institute for Creativity (MIC,, dedie a la science de la pensee creatrice, dans lequel plusieurs chercheurs en psychologie ont ete embauches. Trois congres internationaux MIC ont ete organisees en 2013, 2016 et 2019, reunissant des experts en creativite du monde entier. Les resultats scientifiques obtenus par l’Institut MIC ont ete publies dans des revues specialisees telles que: Neuropsychologia, Personality and Individual Differences, Thinking Skills and Creativity, Creativity Research Journal, Plos One, Europe Journal of Psychology. On trouvera ci-apres la liste des publications de Giovanni Emanuele Corazza dans le domaine de la psychologie, dans l'ordre chronologique inverse.

4. Contrats de recherche


5. Publications

Articles dans des revues internationales:

Agnoli, S., Franchin, L., Rubaltelli, E., & Corazza, G. E. (2019). The emotionally intelligent use of

attention and affective arousal under creative frustration and creative success. Personality and

Individual Differences, 142, 242-248.

Mastria, S., Agnoli, S., & Corazza, G. E. (2019). How does emotion influence the creativity

evaluation of exogenous alternative ideas?. PloS one, 14(7), e0219298.

Agnoli, S., Runco, M. A., Kirsch, C., & Corazza, G. E. (2018). The role of motivation in the

prediction of creative achievement inside and outside of school environment. Thinking Skills and

Creativity, 28, 167-176.

Agnoli, S., Zanon, M., Mastria, S., Avenanti, A., & Corazza, G. E. (2018). Enhancing creative

cognition with a rapid right-parietal neurofeedback procedure. Neuropsychologia, 118, 99-106.

Agnoli, S., Vannucci, M., Pelagatti, C. & Corazza, G.E. (2018). Exploring the Link Between Mind

Wandering, Mindfulness, and Creativity: A Multidimensional Approach. Creativity Research

Journal, 30(1), 41-53.

Corazza G.E. (2017). Organic creativity for well-being in the post-information society. Europe’s

Journal Of Psychology, 13, 599-605.

Corazza G.E. (2016). Potential originality and effectiveness: The dynamic definition of creativity,

Creativity Research Journal, 26, 258-267.

Agnoli S., Corazza G.E., & Runco M. (2016). Estimating Creativity with a Multiple-Measurement

Approach Within Scientific and Artistic Domains, Creativity Research Journal, 28(2), 171-176.

Agnoli S., Franchin L., Rubaltelli E., & Corazza G.E. (2015). An Eye-Tracking Analysis of

Irrelevance Processing as Moderator of Openness and Creative Performance, Creativity Research

Journal, 27, 125-132.

Corazza G.E., Agnoli S., & Martello S. (2014). Counterpoint as a principle of creativity: Extracting

divergent modifiers from ‘The Art of Fugue’ by Johann Sebastian Bach, Musica Docta, 4, 93-105.


Beghetto, R. A., & Corazza G.E., Eds. (2019). Dynamic Perspectives on Creativity: New Directions

for Theory, Research, and Practice in Education. New York, NY: Springer.

Corazza G.E., & Agnoli S., Eds. (2015). Multidisciplinary Contributions to the Science of Creative

Thinking. Singapore: Springer.

Chapitres de livre:

Agnoli, S., & Corazza, G. E. (2019). Emotions: The spinal cord of the creative thinking process. In

R. Beghetto, & G. E. Corazza (Eds.), Dynamic Perspectives on Creativity: New Directions for

Theory, Research, and Practice in Education. New York, NY: Springer.

Corazza, G. E. (2019). The Dynamic Universal Creativity Process. In R. Beghetto, & G. E. Corazza

(Eds.), Dynamic Perspectives on Creativity: New Directions for Theory, Research, and Practice in

Education. New York, NY: Springer.

Corazza, G. E. (2019). Life in the Cyber-Physical Society: the Need for Organic Creativity. In I.

Lebuda & V.P. Glaveanu (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Social Creativity Research. London,

UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Agnoli, S., Franchin, L., Rubaltelli, E., & Corazza, G. E. (2019). How do you manage evaluation?

Attentive and affective constituents of creative performance under perceived frustration or success.

In I. Lebuda & V.P. Glaveanu (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Social Creativity Research.

London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Corazza G.E., Agnoli S., (2018). The creative process in science and engineering. In T. Lubart (Ed.),

The Creative Process: Perspectives from multiple domains. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Mastria, S., Agnoli, S., Zanon, M., Lubart, T., & Corazza, G.E. (2018). Creative brain, creative

mind, creative person. In Kapoula, Z., Renoult, j., Volle, E., & Andreatta, M. (Eds.), Exploring

Transdisciplinarity in Art and Science. Basel, CH: Springer.

Corazza G.E., Agnoli S., & Martello S. (2016). A Creativity and Innovation Course for Engineers.

In C. Zhou (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Creative Problem-Solving Skill development in Higher

Education (pp. 74-93). Hershey, GA: IGI Global.

Corazza G.E., & Agnoli S. (2015). On the Path Towards the Science of Creative Thinking. In G.E.

Corazza and S. Agnoli (Eds.), Multidisciplinary Contributions to the Science of Creative Thinking

(pp. 3-19). Singapore: Springer.

Corazza G.E., Agnoli S., & Martello S. (2015). Introducing Irrelevant Information in the Creative

Process: the DIMAI model for Fashion Design. In Cultures, Fashion, and Society Notebooks 2015.

Pearson – Bruno Mondadori. DOI: 10.17464/9788867741236

6. Communications

Giovanni Emanuele Corazza has been an invited speaker at numerous conferences, among which

the following in the years 2019-2018:

« Creativity, Emotions, and the Artes », Santander (Spain), October 8-11, 2019.

« Creativity Week », Geneva (Switzerland), June 19-21, 2019.

« Creative multilingualism », Oxford (UK), March 28-30, 2019.

« UPCE Workshop », Utrecht (NL), Oct 5, 2018.

« SoU Creativity Conference », Ashland, Oregon (USA), Aug. 3-6, 2018.

« ICIE Conference », Paris (France), July 3-5, 2018.

7. Diffusion de la recherche

Giovanni Emanuele Corazza has organized three times the « MIC Creativity Conference » in

Bologna (Italy), in the years 2013, 2016, and 2019. He has also organized Symposia on Creativity at

the APA 2018 Conference (San Franceisco, USA) and at the ICPS 2019 Conference (Paris, France).

8. Enseignements

Giovanni Emanuele Corazza teaches the « Creativity and Innovation » course at the University of

Bologna, offered to graduate students of all schools. He also teached the course entitled « Science

and Applications of Creative Thinking » (in Italian) for students of Industrial Product Design.