Ginzberg theory of carreer development

Post on 19-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Ginzberg theory of carreer development

Ginzberg, Eli 1911-2002Ginzberg was born on April 30, 1911, in New York City, where he grew up just a few blocks from the University

Eli Ginzberg was born in New York City, the son of prominent rabbi Louis Ginzberg and the former Adele Katzenstein

Ginzberg earned the AB, AM, and PhD from Columbia University in 1931, 1932, and 1935, respectively.

Ginzberg published at least 179 books and hundreds of articles, which may be categorized into six major themes: (1) history of economic thought, 2) labor economics, (3) industrial organization, (4) race and economics, (5) autobiography and biography, and (6) health economics.

Career development is a long-term process.

This research led to the publication of occupational Choice: An Approach to a General Theory." Ginzberg believed studying the privileged would reveal the processes by which individuals choose careers, from early childhood to early adulthood

Three (3) Periods of Career Development

1. Fantasy (childhood, up to age 11)2. Tentative (adolescence, 11 to 17)3. Realistic (adulthood, 17 to 20 something)

Fantasy (childhood, up to age 11)

Stereotypical roles :doctor, policeman,

priest, teacher, etc.

Fantasy (childhood, up to age 11)

Ginzberg's first milestone in career development takes place during childhood, from birth to 11 years old.

During this stage, children primarily engage in playful acts, simulating occupations such as firefighter, police officer, race car driver, etc.

Ginzberg believed children transition from playful imitation to work imitation near the end of this stage, i.e. from simply wearing costumes to acting out the specific duties of a job

Tentative (adolescence, 11 to 17)• Interest stage – likes and dislikes• Capacity stage – things you do better

than other things• Value stage – what’s important to you• Transition stage – self-reliance and

awareness of occupations

From 11 to 17 years of age, adolescent children are able to better focus on, and

recognize, work requirements. There are four stages in this period.

The first stage is "interest," where children learn likes and dislikes.

The second stage is "capacity," where the child learns how much her abilities

align with her interests.

The third stage, "values," sees the child at 15 become aware of how work may

fulfill her values.

The final stage of this period is called "transition," and begins when the

individual assumes responsibility for her own actions, becomes independent and

exercises her freedom of choice.

Realistic (adulthood, 17 to 20 something)• Exploration stage – explore college or

formal training• Crystallization stage – declare major or

commit to certain type ofwork

• Specification stage – specialize in grad school or specific job

RealisticThe realistic period begins at age 17 and goes into the

early 20s. During this stage, the person establishes alternative paths in her work life, or a "backup plan." Throughout this three stage period, she will develop personal values and begin to zero in on her optimal career choice.

The first period of the realistic stage is "exploration." During this stage, the individual choose her career path but remains open to other opportunities..

. The next stage, "crystallization," is when she becomes more engrossed in a particular career, committing to one direction more than she ever has.

. The third period is "specification," in which she commits to or develops a preference for a specific area of her occupation

Ginzberg's Optimization Eventually Ginzberg rescinded his early

assumptions that the occupational decision making process was limited to adolescence and early adulthood, accounting instead for mid-life crisis changes in careers or after-retirement occupation changes. Therefore the occupational decision process extends throughout an entire lifetime

The end