Ginsberg_Bringing Academic Language to the Mainstream

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Transcript of Ginsberg_Bringing Academic Language to the Mainstream

Bringing  Academic  Language  to  the  Mainstream  

Using Sentence Frames to Collaborate with Mainstream Teachers

Max Ginsberg MELEd Conference 2015

PowerPoint  and  Resources  Online:

(This link is cAsE sEnSiTiVe)

Ginsberg 2015

Feedback •  Questions?/Comments?/Suggestions?:

•  Use Today’s Meet (or paper or to someone sitting next to you) to fill in this sentence frame:

Sentence frames are ______________.

Ginsberg 2015


1. My  Method 2. Shared  Resources 3. Your  Turn

Ginsberg 2015

How  This  All  Started… •  How much language

instruction is occurring in the mainstream classroom?

•  Is it my role to promote explicit language instruction?

Ginsberg 2015

Guiding  Question

•  How do teachers deliberately build academic language instruction into their students’ daily interactions?

Ginsberg 2015

Sentence  Frames  Defined •  Sentence frames (also called

starters or stems) are parts of sentences provided to students that help them learn and use specific grammatical structures and academic vocabulary that may be higher level than they are able to produce on their own. 

Ginsberg 2015

The  Research

Sentence  frames  “get  students  thinking  and  talking  academically.”  

Academic  English  learners:   Students  who  have  “struggled  with  the  ways  in  which  school  asks  them  to  read,  write,  speak,  listen  to,  or  converse  in  academic  English.”  

Ginsberg 2015

Action  Plan •  Administrators •  ELL  Colleague •  Co-­‐‑Teachers •  Grade-­‐‑Level  Teams   •  Academic  Language  Team

Ginsberg 2015

1st,  2nd  Grade  Language  Arts Sentence&Frames&for&my&


Ginsberg 2015

3rd  Grade  Math

Ginsberg 2015

3rd  Grade  Language  Arts


compareDefinition: What is the same or similar

I can compare ___ and ___.They are similar because they both _____.




Partner%1:% Partner%2:%

1.)Main)Idea,)Go!) )

) 2.)The)main)idea)is)________________________.)

3.)First)Supporting)Detail) )

) 4.)The)first)supporting)detail)is)___________.)

5.)Second)Supporting)Detail) )

) 6.)The)second)supporting)detail)is)_______.)

7.)Third)Supporting)Detail) )

) 8.)The)third)supporting)detail)is)__________.)





Ginsberg 2015


Pro:   Transition  Words:   Con:  

● One  reason  for  having  debates  is…  

● Another  reason  is…  ● Additionally,  debates  in  

the  classroom  are  positive  because...  

 ● However,  

 ● On  the  other  hand,  

● A  reason  for  not  having  debates  in  the  classroom  is…  

● Another  reason  against  debates  is…  

● Furthermore,  we  should  not  use  class  time  for  debates  because…



Director:   Retell:   Conclusion:  

● Debates  in  the  classroom:  Pro!  

● Debates  in  the  classroom:  Con!  

● What  I  heard  you  say  is...  ● I  believe  you  said…  ● Correct  me  if  I’m  wrong,  but  I  thought  I  

heard  you  say…  

● Based  on  what  I  heard,  I  think  that  you  really  believe  that...  


4th,  5th,  6th  Grade  Speaking

Ginsberg 2015

4th,  5th,  6th  Grade  Writing

Ginsberg 2015

Innovation  Configuration

Ginsberg 2015

Teacher  Survey Sentence Frames… Sentence Frames have…

“help kids organize what they want to say, and give them a “school language” way to say it.”

“provided students who are nervous to speak more confidence in participating in the classroom and also generated more academic language use in the classroom.”

Ginsberg 2015

Student  Survey 6th Grade English Learner:

5th and 6th Grade Academic English Learners:

“speak the right way so people can understand.”   “help me learn more transition words and when to use them.”

“I think sentence frames are helpful and useful because along with using them in our writing, I started using them when I’m not at school.” “It helps me put my thoughts on the paper.”

Ginsberg 2015

When  I  Knew…

“Sentence  frames  have  really  opened  my  eyes.  If  we  don’t  show  students,  how  will  they  know  what  to  do?”

Ginsberg 2015

Limitations •  Sentence  Frames  are  not  a  panacea.

•  “We  shouldn’t  sentence-­‐‑stem-­‐‑ify  every  single  response  by  students.”  (Zwiers,  O’Hara  and  Pritchard)

•  Find  the  “delicate  balance”

Ginsberg 2015

Reflection • Use  Today’s  Meet  or  Paper/Pencil

Sentence  frames  are  useful  for _________;  however,  _________.

Ginsberg 2015

What’s  Next?

Ginsberg 2015


Ginsberg 2015

Shared  Resources

(This link is cAsE sEnSiTiVe)

Ginsberg 2015

Your  Turn

1. Develop a question or idea 2. Perform a Stakeholder Analysis 3. Fill out an Impact/Effort Grid 4. Action Calendar

Ginsberg 2015

Develop  a  Question  or  Idea

•  How do teachers deliberately build academic language instruction into their students’ daily interactions?

•  Strategy: Sentence Frames

Ginsberg 2015


             High  Ability   to  Influence        















(Minimum  Effort)  












         Low  Ability  






to  Influence  



Stakeholder  Analysis

Ginsberg 2015




High   Quick  Wins   Major  Projects  




 I  m  p  a  c  t  


  Hard  Slogs   Abandon  


Low                                                                                                                                                                          Effort                                                                                                                                                                  High  

Impact/Effort  Grid

Ginsberg 2015

Action  Calendar    















 Next  Year    


Action  Calendar

Ginsberg 2015

Final  Thoughts…

Ginsberg 2015

Contact  Info •  Feel  free  to  contact  me  if  you  have  any  questions  or  simply  need  some  encouragement: • Use  and  add  to  the  shared  folder.

Ginsberg 2015