Gifted Students - What is Giftedness The Gifted Child Workshop Part 3

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Gifted Students - What is Giftedness The Gifted Child Workshop Part 3


Dr Lakshmi Sharma Workshop on Giftedness Part 3


The Gifted Child

• Defining Giftedness

• Mahoney Identify & Giftedness

• Gagne’s Model of Giftedness (DMGT)

• How Does a Gifted Child Feel

• Dual Exceptionalities

Can You Define Giftedness?

Go On…………………

Don’t be Shy !!!

Maybe This ??????Vygotsky…oh please!

Gagne – that’s one cool


Or Maybe This Move over…..Hypatia

of Alexandria !

Are you finding this exercise hard?????

You Should be!!!

Equates to Who am I?


• No One Definition. • Experts – Different Ideas.

Agree:• High IQ

• Gifted children more than non-gifted counterparts tend to struggle to identify themselves

Who am I?Why can’t I fit in?Why am I not like everyone else?

Gifted Identify

Gifted Identity

• Andy Mahoney

• Counsels the Gifted

• Developed The Gifted Identity Formation Model

Gifted Identity

• Identity - reflection and observation

• Identity - conscious and unconscious thought

• How one perceives him/herself

• How others perceive him/herself

• How he/she sees him/herself in relation to others

Four Forces that Shape Identity1. ValidationA child's sense of themself is made "real" through primary relationships parents, teachers, and others in positions of authority. 2. Affirmation Positive affirmation:Enrichment opportunities provided by parents.

Negative reinforcement:School does not identify child as gifted no enrichment opportunities.

Source Source: Mahoney, A. S. (1998). In search of the gifted identity: From abstract concept to workable counseling constructs. Roeper Review, 20, 222-226.

3. Affiliation Association with others who have similar interests, abilities, and intensities in "secondary" relationships

4. Affinity One's passions, goals, and drives that come from their giftedness

The Importance of These Forces

• Forces act together to form the gifted identity.

• Gifted children need self validation

• Gifted child's affiliation, the need for gifted kids to be with others like them.

• Interact with non-gifted age mates does not satisfy affiliationSource: Mahoney, A. S. (1998). In search of the gifted identity: From abstract concept to workable counseling constructs. Roeper Review, 20, 222-226.

The Importance of These Forces cont’d

Affinity of gifted child

Can’t always find affiliations on their own

Reliant on Parents/Teachers etc to help

Parents CAN assist their child to find that identity

Gagne’s model

Canadian Academic- RetiredPh. D. in Psychology from l’Université de Montréal (1966), Department of Psychology at l’Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). Research & teaching activities to the field of giftedness.

My Convictions About the Nature of Abilities, Gifts, and Talents in Journal for the Education of the Gifted, Vol. 22, No. 2, 1999, p. 109-136


Gagne – A Gifted Identification model

Gagne Stated

A child may be born gifted

Gifts need cultivation

Talent based on performance relative to one’s peers or expectations.

Gagné’s ModelDifferentiated Model of Giftedness & Talent (2008) Gagné’s model defines giftedness & talent.

Connects to teaching and learning.

Giftedness is a broad concept encompasses a range of abilities;

Giftedness is only potential, transformative process in order to become a talent

Adequate school support necessary- students develop their gifts/high abilities 

Gagne’s DMGT


How does a gifted child REALLY feel ?

Put Yourself in the Shoes of a Gifted Child ?

How do you feel ?

From My Experience

Most feel like this! Frustrated & in Despair!X100 for the Parents - Believe me I know!

How does a Gifted Child Feel

• Different• Isolated• Judged – by peers, by teacher & by peers parents• Struggle to understand why peers find things so hard• Hate not being challenged – danger “boredom”• Switch off easily if not stimulated• Frustrated if teachers can’t see their logical & reasoning• Constantly assess intellectual environment – identify high IQ persons

Need Understanding & Acceptance from People

Dual/Twice Exceptional

• Gifted students with disabilities

• Difficult to recognise due to “masking” cognitive abilities

• Imperative:attention to disability & intellect nutured

• Difficult to test - IQ tests in general don’t account for this

• Consider ADAH, deafness, dyslexia, Learning difficulties etc.

Hope you Enjoyed the Workshop!