Giampaolo Floris :™ - The Full Program To Stop Hair Loss Naturally PDF-Book

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Transcript of Giampaolo Floris :™ - The Full Program To Stop Hair Loss Naturally PDF-Book

Hair Loss PreventionHair Loss Prevention


Chapter 1-Tips & Guidelines to prevent Hair loss

Chapter 2- Foods for your Hair

Chapter 3- Grooming techniques preventing Hair loss

Chapter 4- Common myths & facts associated with hair loss

Final Step


4 - 9

10 - 12

13 - 15

16 - 17


2 - 3

Hair Loss - Prevention 1


Hair loss is becoming a common problem amongst men and women. Hair loss is a natural process and we all lose some of our hair everyday, but the problem begins when our hair start falling beyond control.

Facts suggest that with aging, most men typically start losing their hair right from the age of 35 and end up losing a considerable amount of it till they reach 80. Amongst women the process is a bit slow, but nevertheless noticeable hair loss has been observed amongst women at the age of 60.

According to some recent surveys, it has been noticed that in order to deal with increasing hair loss problems, about 811,363 people in U.S alone, have undergone professional treatment by 2012.

There are about 110,000 hair follicles on our scalp, and we keep losing about 100 hair every day, but the number goes unnoticed as we grow the same every day too. Problems begin, when an imbalance starts occurring in the number of hair we lose as to the number of hair we grow. Sine the structure, texture and composition of the hair of every human being is different, so the symptoms, causes and remedies associated to hair loss also vary to a great extent.

Hair Loss - Prevention 2

Referring to the facts, stated above it is important to mention that most men and women lose hair due to acquired causes and symptoms, than due to inherent deficiencies.These acquired causes include exposure to toxins, imbalanced diets, and most commonly careless and unhealthy lifestyles.

Focusing on emphasizing some basic precautions and tips, this eBook purports to suggest some guidelines that can come handy to avoid hair loss problems. The guidelines and precautions discussed in this eBook primarily include tips related to grooming techniques, general precautions, diet plans, lifestyle patterns etc, which can help both men and women to abstain from hair loss problems.

Hair Loss - Prevention 3

Chapter 1: Tips & Guidelines to prevent Hair loss

Tips on Preventing Hair Loss

Hair loss typically should not be treated as a disease at the first place, but it still can cause a great amount of emotional turmoil, leading to social withdrawal at times. Our prudent society often treats hair loss in a negative manner, making this natural phenomenon a big cause of worry amongst both men and women.

We all lose hair almost every day. But losing hair becomes a cause of worry when it starts exceeding its normal amount.

If you are suffering from hair fall problems, or premature baldness, here are some tips that can help you prevent yourself from getting those receding hairlines, and bald patches.

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Preventing Hair Loss- TIP # 1

Preventing Hair Loss- TIP # 2

Multivitamins can be very Handy at time!

Drink Sufficient Amount of Water Everyday!

Hair loss can often be caused due deficiency some key vitamins and minerals in your body. You might be taking a wholesome meal every day, but it is not necessary that your body is extracting all the required nutrients from it in an adequate manner. It is therefore important that you must consume some good quality multivitamins to curb the deficiency in you body and resume normal growth of body parts and organs, including hair..

In our daily lives, we acquire a lot of toxins, which usually get settled in our body. These toxins often greatly affect our body's metabolism and other similar processes like regeneration of dead cells and hair growth too. It is important that one should take sufficient amount of water every day, in order to wash out these toxins, and reduce the impurities to ensure proper execution of the body processes.

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Preventing Hair Loss- TIP # 3

Preventing Hair Loss- TIP # 4

Reduce Caffeine intake

A sound sleep sets it all!

If you are a coffee buff! Then there is some bad news for you. Most people are not aware of the fact that caffeine dehydrates body and body parts to a great extent, which causes drying up of hair follicles and hence weakening of hair roots, eventually leading to hair fall. A good way to cut down caffeine intake is to replace caffeine containing beverages with fruit juices, milk or other assorted drinks.

It might sound strange, but through much research and discovery, it has been found that sound sleep is most essential for the body to regenerate and regain the energy lost by it during the day. It is during the sleep that a body rejuvenates itself and replenishes the dead and nonfunctional cells in the body. The dead hair follicles get replaced by new follicles, at the time we sleep in a much larger amount than at any other time during the day. An undisturbed and an adequate sleep can certainly help you to control hair fall problems quite considerably.

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Preventing Hair Loss- TIP # 5

Guidelines on Preventing Hair Loss

Do not experiment with your hair!

Get rid of those blunt edges

Cleaner hair grow faster

It goes without saying that your hair and your scalp is certainly not the playground to experiment jazzy products. Hair and scalp constitute amongst the most delicate parts of our body, and therefore should be give utmost care and nourishment. Some people choose to go in for fancy products with low nutrient value, which later on result in thinning of hair, and eventually lead to hair loss problems. Use of nutrient enriched hair products can greatly help you to abstain from facing hair fall problems, which usually begin by the extensive use of hair products containing harsh chemicals and acidic mediums.

Split and damaged ends obstruct hair growth process greatly, and therefore hair should be trimmed on a regular basis.

Dirt and dust clog hair follicles, which makes hair growth slow and difficult. You should therefore ensure that your hair and scalp remain clean at all times. Washing your hair twice a week can certainly help you stay clean, but excessive use of shampoos can also lead to hair damage, as excessive rinsing and drying greatly dehydrate hair, resulting in hair fall.

Hair Loss - Prevention 7

Water temperature can affect your hair

Condition your hair on a regular basis

Being gentle is always good

Natural way is the best way

Do not grill your hair

Extreme water temperature can make your hair brittle. Lukewarm water is ideal to be used for hair rinsing.

Conditioning your hair with suitable hair oil is very important to avoid hair fall problems, and greatly helps to strengthen the hair follicles ensuring better growth.

Do not pull, tug or twist you hair, immediately after youwash it. The hair roots tend to become weak and prone to damage, when wet. It is always advised to let the hair dry or settle down before combing.

If you make extensive use of hair products containing chemicals and acidic substances,be prepared to daunt yourself with hair fall problems at any time.Treating hair with natural products is the most suitable option to keep you hairhealthy and still carry a sharp look.

No matter in how much hurry you are, or whether you want to keep a hair style that you just saw on one of the TV commercials, abstain yourself from using hot hair-styling products. Use of hot irons, blow-dryers, and other appliances producing heat can considerably damage the hair. Ensure that your blow-dryer is set on a low temperature setting.

Hair Loss - Prevention 8

Apply Protein lotions before drying

Massaging reduces hair fall

Increase Protein intake

Increase your folic acid intake!

Apply a protein lotion, before using a hair dryer. Prolonged drying can damage hairroots and follicles, making them dry and weak.

Massaging your hair improves blood circulation, and strengthens the roots of hair, lettingthem grow longer. In order to reduce the chances of getting a hair fall, massage your hairon a regular basis but that doesn't really mean literally drenching your hair in oil. Theamount of oil to be used for messaging should be just as enough to seep through the hairroots and follicles. .

A healthy protein diet can greatly increase hair growth and diminish hair fall chances.Intake of high protein content foods like eggs, sprouts, spinach etc can also beconsiderably helpful in stopping hair loss.

Folic acid is vital for hair health and growth. Include food with high folic acid in your diet. Add soybeans, green vegetables, and carrots to your daily menu.

Hair Loss - Prevention 9

Chapter 2: Foods for your Hair

Fuel for your Hair

æ Green leafy vegetables, salad, fruits and sprouts, curd, wheatgerm, soybean, whole grains and nuts are most beneficial for preventing hair loss.

æ Vitamin A and B, Minerals, wheatgerm, pulses, legumes, and most importantly, soybean, greatly help in hair growth and regeneration. Our hair is typically made up of protein so a protein rich diet can help grow hair faster and stronger. Apart from being a good source for protein, Soybean also acts as a DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) inhibitor, which helps to reduce the DHT levels in the body, which eventually help in abstaining from hair loss problems. Along with protein, rich fruits like mangoes, dark green leafy vegetables, carrots, dried apricots, wholegrain, cereals and peas will also help prevent hair loss.

æ Apart from proteins and vitamins, Iron also plays an important role in hair growth and hair strengthening. To increase iron absorption, it is important that you should consume Vitamin C rich foods like oranges, peppers, broccoli and cauliflowers, which will help you grow stronger and sturdier hair follicles.

æ If you are suffering from excessive dandruff, consumption of oats, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, cashews, wholewheat, soybean , vegetable oil can help you get rig of you persistent dandruff problem These foods provide a good source for zinc and essential fatty acids, which help in reducing dandruff and guard against drying of scalp.

Hair Loss - Prevention 10

Foods to be Avoided

Consumption of Nicotine, Alcohol, Caffeine and Sugar can result in lowering of nutrient level your body drastically, and can lead to high androgen production because of increase in adrenal levels in your body, and may cay hair loss too.

There are certain foods that may seem to contain great amount of nutrient value, but are actually harmful for consistent hair growth and regeneration.

Fried Foods - Fried foods cause an increase in the DHT level, being high in cholesterol and saturated fats, and contribute to hair fall problems.

Balanced Salt Intake - Iodine is considered as an important nutrient for hair growth. Although Iodized salt and see food are good sources of Iodine, but too much of intake of salt often increases the sodium level in one's body, which triggers hair loss.It is important that one should take balanced quantities of salt, so that the iodine and sodium levels are maintained to ensure proper hair growth and hair regeneration.

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Artificial Sweeteners - Recent surveys from FDA state that artificial sweeteners greatly contribute towards causing arthritis, depression, impotency, and thinning of hair, eventually leading to potential hair loss. Stress causes major hair loss problems. People who consume carbohydrates, as a major part of their diet are more prone to hair fall problems, as sugar is known for reducing the ability of the body to handle stress. If you suffer from stress related problems, intake of foods essentially containing carbohydrates can bring a lot of danger to your hair in the long run. Intake of complex carbohydrates and fibrous food like wholemeal flour, bananas and beans, on the other hand help the body in carrying nutrients to the blood stream and eventually to different body parts including to hair follicles, promoting hair growth.

Preserved Foods - Consuming preserved foods, can also be unhealthy for your hair in the long run.

Hair Loss - Prevention 12

Taking a balanced and nutrient rich diet is not just enough to keep your hair strong and healthy. Hair follicles and roots have often been noted to get uprooted or damaged by unwieldy and poor grooming habits. To avoid hair thinning and hair fall it is important that healthy grooming techniques should be followed. Here are some tips that may help you groom yourself without damaging your hair:

æ Combing hair with fine toothed combs can be dangerous. Although this is a common practice which helps people to entangle and straighten their hair, but it often causes hair breakage. When there is substantial stress on the comb's shaft on wet hair, the hair roots become weak and start breaking.

æ Combing the hair and brushing it stimulate the scalp essentially, increasing blood flow to the hair follicles and maintaining their health. Brushing the hair before washing greatly helps in them loosening up flakes of sebum and dead skin buildup and making it easier to thoroughly clean the scalp during shampooing. It should be noted that excessive combing or over-brushing generally causes damage to the hair, which is quite contrary to the old 100-stroke brushing rule.

Chapter 3: Grooming Techniques Preventing Hair Loss

Hair Loss - Prevention 13

æ Hair styles that pull hair tight or impart stress on root-hair, should be avoided-A lot of people use hair styles that need tight pulling of hair. This process of hair styling causes friction among hair strands and results in hair breakage. This condition is often referred to as 'Tractional Alopecia.'

æ Before hair wash, you should make an effort to comb your hair, to get rid of any tangles. This decreases the chances of breakage of hair due to tangling. Once the hair is entangles, the hair should be damped and washed with a suitable and mild shampoo. Applying shampoo also at times can result in hair breakage. Shampoo should be applied in a way that it spreads from the hair roots to ends. Once you have done that, move your hands in a gentle manner, and generate lather. Do not handle hair roughly and don't rub them together unnecessarily when generating lather as this can result in damage and tangling. After cleaning hair for 2 to 3 minutes with lather, rinse thoroughly with water. Make sure that no trace of shampoo is left on the scalp. Always use minimal required shampoo so that it doesn't stay away unnecessarily.

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æ A lot of people do not use conditioner after shampooing, thinking that this makes hair weak. However, this is not true. Conditioner helps complete the nutritional cycle of hair, and also enhance the hair shine and hair texture. When applying conditioner, be careful that the conditioner does not enter the scalp skin. It damages the hair quite considerably.

æ Be sure to wash off the conditioner a minute after applying. The conditioner should be removed completely. Be even more careful than shampoo and rinse off the conditioner thoroughly.

æ Rubbing wet hair rigorously with towel can cause substantial hair breakage. Note that in wet state hair are most soft and weak. After washing hair, wipe them off softly.

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Chapter 4- Common myths & facts associated with hair loss

Herbal shampoos are chemical free

Daily application of oil makes hair healthy

Regardless of being herbal or non-herbal, any shampoo that generates lather, always contains detergents and chemicals. Herbal shampoo is no exception to this. The truth is that foam or lather cannot be generated without the use of chemicals or detergents. Most of the shampoos contain Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLS). SLS is commonly used in any task requiring the removal of oily stains and residues, and is essentially used as an engine degreaser, floor cleaner, and as car wash soap. In order to avoid the application of detergents or chemicals, one should search for shampoos that do not contain SLS. Alternatively, a home-made hair cleansing technique, using Soap Nut (Botanical Name: Sapindus mucorosai), Acacia (Botanical Name: Acacia Concinna) and rosemary, can also be used for effective and safe hair cleaning.

Daily application of oil can makes hair heavy and dirty. It should be noted that oil should only be applied 2-3 times a week. Moreover, claiming that hair length increases with application of hair oil is also an exaggerated fact.

Hair Loss - Prevention 16

Use of Protein enriched shampoos

Going bald or cutting hair frequently triggers hair growth

Shampoo should not stay for long

Dandruff can be removed by oiling the hair

A number of shampoos claim to contain extra protein in them. What has to be noted here is that while washing, the protein claimed to be contained in the shampoo does not enter the hair or its roots, so the main role of shampoos get restricted to only cleaning the external surface of the hair. Hair does need protein, but it essentially comes from a good diet.

Many people, especially men thrive to shave or cut their hair at frequent intervals, while going through serious hair loss problems. Unfortunately, it is believed that short hair reduces hair fall and promotes hair growth. However, this is a misconception - the truth is that trimming your hair or shaving it frequently, does not have any effect on hair fall.

Most people wash off shampoo either immediately as they apply, or keep it in the hair for too long. It is thought that prolonged application of shampoo in hair can benefit the hair. But the fact is that the contact time of shampoo to hair should be neither less nor more than five minutes. This allows appropriate time for cleaning of dirt in the hair.

Hormone level changes during youth make the scalp oily and cause dandruff. People think applying oil in hair can help them get rid of dandruff, but it is not true. Oil does not help remove dandruff in any way.

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