GI Bill and Education Benefits Briefing - Michigan...

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The Right People, Right Number, and Right Care equal Personnel Readiness

GI Bill and Education Benefits Briefing

PRESENTED BY: ARNG Education Services Branch


125 NOV 2014


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CH 1606, MGIB-SR (Part-Time)

CH 1607, REAP (Deployed RC Members)

CH 30, MGIB-AD (Active Duty)

ARNG MGIB-SR Kicker Incentive

Additional Information

GI Bill Programs

225 NOV 2014


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Chapter 1606 MGIB-SR(Select Reserve)


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CH 1606 Overview

Provides educational assistance to qualified Selected Reserve soldiers.

Enacted by Congress in 1985 to encourage membership in the Selected Reserve.

Assistance is in the form of a monthly direct deposit.

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Chapter 1606 Eligibility

Eligibility Criteria: - 6 Year Contract or Officer Service Agreement

in any RC 1 July 1985 or later- High School Diploma or Equivalency- Completion of IADT/OBC or MOSQ- Remain in good standing

Suspension of Eligibility:- Accepting AGR- UNSAT- Receiving SROTC Scholarship

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CH 1606 Eligibility (continued)

Allowed one break-in-service (BIS) for less than 12 mo. (3 yr for missionary service)

Second BIS terminates entitlement

AGR Tour suspends eligibility

- Not considered a Break-in-Service

- Reinstated if reverts from AGR back to M-Day status

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CH 1606 Benefits

Months of Benefits:- 36 Months of Full-time Benefits

Enlisted and Officer are eligible for CH1606

Soldiers remain eligible for as long as they remain continuously serving in the Reserve

Non-taxable entitlement

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Chapter 1606 Entitlement

Payments:- $367 Per Month (Full Time 12 credits)- Maximum benefit payout $13,212- Part Time attendance (6 to 11 credit

hours) is calculated to nearest 10% of benefits• Example: 7 credits / 12 credits = 0.58,

round up to 60%. Soldier will receive 60% of benefits per month.

• 1 to 5 credit hours is $91.75 per month

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CH 1606 Programs Available


- Graduate

- Undergraduate

Flight Training

On-the-Job Training

Correspondence Courses


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Chapter 1607 REAP(Reserve Educational Assistance Program)

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CH 1607 Overview

The Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP) or CH 1607 established 28 October 2004 and is effective for all qualifying service on or after 11 September 2001

Provides benefits to members of the reserve components who are called to active service in response to a war or national emergency.

Assistance is provided in the form of a monthly direct deposit.

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CH 1607 Eligibility

Eligibility Criteria– Serve at least 90 consecutive days as a RC member in

support of a contingency operation on or after 11 Sep 2001

– Title 10 U.S.C., Sections 688, 12301(a), 12302, 12304, 12305, or 12406

– Title 32 U.S.C., Section 502(f), only during the period of 11 Sep 2001 – 31 May 2002 and orders must state “In support of Operation Noble Eagle”

– Separate during a MOB with less than 90 days of MOB service due to injury, not willful misconduct

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CH 1607 Eligibility (continued)

Suspension of Eligibility

– Soldiers cannot utilize the CH 1607 REAP with the MGIB-AD (Active Duty)

–Receiving an SROTC scholarship

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CH 1607 Benefits

Benefits are available as long as you remain in the Reserve Component

ARNG Kicker is retained

Benefits can be drawn up to 10 years after discharge if Soldier completes 8 year MSO in active drilling status.

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CH 1607 Entitlements

The CH 1607 REAP has three payment rate categories for full time schooling (12 credit hours).– 40% Rate – Payment for consecutive service of 90 days but less

than 1 year ($686.80 per mo.)– 60% Rate – Payment for consecutive service of more than 1 year

but less than 2 years (1030.20 per mo.)– 80% Rate – Payment for consecutive service of more than 2

years or an aggregate service of more than 3 years ($1373.60 per mo.)

Part time schooling (6 to 11 credit hours) is calculated to nearest 10% of benefits– Example: 7 credits / 12 credits = 0.58, rounded up to 60%.

Soldier will receive 60% of benefits per month.– 1 to 5 credit hours is between $171.70 and $343.40

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CH 1607 Programs Available


– Graduate

– Undergraduate

Flight Training

On-the-Job Training

Correspondence Courses


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Chapter 30 Overview

The Chapter 30 MGIB became effective 1 July 1985 for active duty and AGR members

Assistance is in the form of a monthly direct deposit

Offers support for a wide variety of programs

Can be used for up to 10 years from last period of qualifying active duty

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Chapter 30 Benefits

FTA and Chapter 30 can be used for the same courses provided you are enrolled at least half time (6 credit hours)

Kicker is available for Chapter 30 at $200/mo.

Buy-up program can maximize returns on the MGIB.

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Chapter 30 Eligibility

Eligibility:– Honorable complete a three year AGR Tour (Title

10 or Title 32) (Must complete a minimum of 30 months of tour to collect benefits)

– Serve at least two years mobilization (20 months of a 730 mobilization order and released Convenience of Government)

– If already served tour, (Including Prior Service Active Duty) discharge must be honorable.

– High School diploma or equivalent

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Chapter 30 Entitlements

CH 30 has two payment rates– Consecutive service of more than 2 years but less than 3 years is

payable at 80% ($1395/mo.)– Consecutive service of more than 3 years is payable at 100%

($1717/mo.)– Maximum payout at 100% rate is $61,812– Maximum payout with kicker and buy-in at 100% is $74,412

Rates are pro-rated based on credit hours (Full time = 12) calculated to the nearest 10%– Example: 7 credit hours / 12 credit hours = 58%. Soldier will

receive 60% of benefits– 1 to 5 credit hours will be paid between $429.25 and $858.50

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CH 30 Programs Available


- Graduate

- Undergraduate

Flight Training

On-the-Job Training

Correspondence Courses


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Chapter 30 Buy-UP

The Chapter 30 MGIB Buy-up program allows soldiers to receive more entitlements through the Chapter 30 MGIB.

Soldiers pay a one-time fee, then receive monthly payments for up to 36 months.

– $20-$600 in any increment of $20. Every $20 paid is $180 paid back over 36 months.

– Maximum benefit: $5,400

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ARNG Kicker Overview

The ARNG Kicker is a bonus added to the GI Bill to encourage enlistment and to retain quality soldiers.

Equal to CH1606 in eligibility, portability, and delimitation.

ARNG GI Bill Kicker pays out on all GI Bills

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ARNG Kicker Eligibility

Eligibility tied to policy in effect at time of contract

Extension of eligibility– Extend for 6 or more years in the 365-91 day

window before ETS

– Extend MOSQ in an MTOE unit

– Must qualify for and be awarded the PMOS required for the position

– Be assigned to a position vacancy

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ARNG Kicker Eligibility (continued)

–Must be in skill level 1 or 2

–Have a H.S. Diploma or Equivalent

–Be eligible for MGIB (CH1606/30) & not used up 36 full time months

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ARNG Kicker Entitlements

36 Full-time months

$200/mo at full time

– Pro-rated by credit hours

Non-taxable entitlement

Maximum entitlement: $7200

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Officer W/O Degree Kicker



– Officers with out a Bachelors Degree (OCS)

– Complete OBC if not previously eligible as an enlisted member

– Sign DA Form 5447-R agreeing to serve 6 years in the ARNG

– Eligible for Basic MGIB

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Officer Producing Programs Kicker



– Eligible for Basic MGIB (1606 or Ch 30)

– Extend or Re-enlist for 6 years

- and be enrolled in one of the following:

Phase II or III (OCS)

Advanced ROTC (MS III or IV)

Appointed as WOC

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Need more information?

Start at

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Click on Handouts and Forms under About GI Bill

Go under the Education & Training section of the



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This page supplies everything you need to know about all GI Bills offered and the application process.


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