Gf University 27may09 Amersfoort

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Transcript of Gf University 27may09 Amersfoort

Glassfish University
27 mei 2009

Eugene BogaartSolution ArchitectSun Microsystems


Intro in GF ClusteringThijs Volders - Yenlo

GF Enterprise ManagementEugene Bogaart - Sun Microsystems

GF V3 Alexis MP - Sun Microsystems


Enterprise Management

Admin Console


Performance Advisor

Performance Monitor

SNMP Monitor

Footnote position, 12 pts.

Bonus MaterialUpdatetool


Cluster with HADB

GlassFish v2 for the Enterprise

Open MQHigh performing JMS implementation

HA for brokers and messages

Available as standalone product

Integration with GlassFishIn memory, Out of process, or Remote

JBI supportOpenESB 2.0 as the integration back-bone

Install, admin, and monitoring integrated in GlassFish v2

Basis for Java CAPS Release 6

Oracle TopLink as default JPA persistence engineHibernate also easily usable

GlassFish v2 for Enterprises
Management & Monitoring

Graphical, command-line, tools, ANT ...JMX and Centralized

Call Flow


Diagnostic reports

VisualVMNow in Java 6u7

GlassFish plugin

Web Admin Console

Clustering in GlassFish v2

JMX = Java Management Extensions

The DAS is responsible for maintaining the coherence of the cluster.

There needs to be one node agent per physical machine. When instances start, they synchronize with the DAS, if present.

Call Flow demo

Enterprise Management Tools

DemonstrationPerformance Advisor

Performance Monitor

Other demosSNMP

Enterprise Management Tools

GlassFish Performance

July 2007: #1 score on T2000883.66 JOPS@Standard for GlassFish v2

+ 10% vs. WebLogic, +30% vs. WebSphere 6.1

July 2007: Best $/perf. on full Open SourceGlassFish v2, OpenSolaris, Java 6, PostgreSQL

3x the price/perf vs. Oracle on HP score

November 2007: Massive Scalability Result8,439.36 JOPS@Standard (6 nodes, 18 instances)

Sun T5120 & E6900


You no longer need to chose between Open Source and Performance


Disclaimers: SPEC and the benchmark name SPECjAppServer 2004 are registered trademarks of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. Competitive benchmark results stated above reflect results published on as of 11/21/07. The comparison presented is based on GlassFish v2 UR1 run on 6 Sun SPARC Enterprise T5120 (1 chip, 8 cores/chip, 8 threads/core)1.4GHz 8,439.36 SPECjAppServer2004 JOPS@Standard. For the latest SPECjAppServer 2004 benchmark results, visit

Performance is relative and depends on your application and your business goals.

GlassFish is probably the faster application server in startup time. Tomcat is still better (but not always) but it's not a full appserver. GlassFish v3 has startup time of a few seconds (better than Tomcat).

JAX-WS 2.1 performance numbers already shown in earlier slide.

SPECjAppServer numbers should place GlassFish at the same level as BEA. Note that no other Open Source Application Server publishes SPEC numbers. We believe we're significantly faster than JBoss.

GlassFish v2 for the Developer

Single, smaller, downloadAround 60 MB total

Multiple User ProfilesDeveloper, Cluster, Enterprise

Upgrade from one to another

Better startup timeAlmost matches Tomcat

(see also GlassFish v3)

Cool TechnologiesGrizzly's Comet, jRuby

on Rails, jMaki,

Update CenterProvision and install new

features, frameworks,

Tools supportNetBeans, (My)Eclipse,

IntelliJ, etc...

Java EE 5 = (J2EE 1.4).next

Java EE 5 Theme: Ease of Development

POJO-based programmingMore freedom, fewer requirements

Extensive use of annotationsReduced need for deployment descriptors

Annotations are the default

Resource Injection

New APIs and frameworks

DRY = Do Not Repeat yourselfPOJO = Plain Old Java Object

Resource Injection: remove the need for JNDI

JBI support

Enterprise Integration

JBI A Universal Plug 'n Play Layer

A standard way to add new functionality to an existing platform

Standard Installation and life cycle for components

Standard WSDL based communication across components

Standard deployment model for all components

Result of the experience we had with our own Products: Integration Server EAI, SeeBeyond ICAN

Open ESB: An Extensible Platform

JBI in a Nutshell
ESB Container Foundation


Normalized Message Router

Normalized Message Router

J2EE Platform




J2EE Platform



WS-I Basic

Service Engines (SEs) as logic containers

Binding Components (BCs)
as proxies to outside world

The JBI Bus: a fast, reliable, in-memory messaging bus

Mediates all message exchanges between consumers and providers

Message payloads are opaque data sent along to the receiver (no canonicalization)

Normalization not performed when consumer and provider in same JBI container

Request starts here!Calculate interest rate based on type Monthly Payment! Copy Record to Database Drop Quote on Message Queue Provide values from UI Provide values to UI

Q & A


Sun Microsystems, Inc.


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SPECjAppServer 2004 ResultsSpecJAppServer



