Getting You There Travel Management Project 1 22/06/10 SAP Travel Management Check and Approve Trips...

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Transcript of Getting You There Travel Management Project 1 22/06/10 SAP Travel Management Check and Approve Trips...

Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


• This resource sets out the concepts for checking and approving trips

• Prerequisite learning: Create Travel Request course

About this resource

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Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


• Employees of Monash.

• Higher Degree by Research (HDR) travelling for Monash purposes, such as postgraduates who have been awarded a travel grant.

• Monash Adjuncts

• Others travelling for Monash business purposes, such as contractors, consultants, honoraries.

Who can complete the Travel Request process?

All users must have a staff ID (personnel number)

Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


• The process may be used for both domestic and international travel.

• International travel requests should be lodged at least four-six weeks prior to travel, to allow time for any medical advice and/or vaccinations.

• There is no prior time requirement for domestic travel.

When is the Travel Request process completed?

Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


What are the main travel roles?

Role Description

Traveller Raises the domestic or international travel request.

Travel checker Checks the travel request for accuracy and completeness. May enter a travel request on behalf of others.

Travel approver Approves the travel request and related expenditure. Has the option to escalate the travel request for higher-level approval.

Higher-level approver Approves only those travel requests that have been escalated to them.

Supervisor Supports, or otherwise, high-risk travel to countries with a DFAT travel advisory or

Security Manager Makes a recommendation regarding high-risk travel to the DVC International.

DVC (Global Engagement) Approves all high-risk travel.

Do not travelAdvised not to travel

Travel roles are terms assigned to the various groups of users in the travel system workflow

Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


Be alert to own security

Exercise caution

High degree of caution

• All domestic travel

• International travel with travel advisories:

• International travel with travel advisories:

Advised not to travel

Do not travel

What is the process-flow?There are two process flows, depending on whether travel is deemed as:

1. Low-to-normal risk

2. High risk

No travel advisory exists

Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


Process-flow for low-to-normal risk travel

The vast majority of University travel will flow from the traveller, to a travel checker and then to a travel approver.

• If a cost centre does not have a travel checker, the system will workflow the travel request to all travel approvers within the cost centre.

• If a cost centre has a travel checker, the checker can select the travel approver from a list of approvers for that cost centre.

• The travel approver determines whether to pass the travel request ‘up the line’ for higher-level approval.

Traveller saves and sends

travel request in ESS

Travel checker (administrator) checks travel

request (optional)

Travel approver approves

travel request

Higher-level approver approves

travel request (optional)

Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


Process-flow for high-risk travel

High-risk travel has far more stringent requirements, therefore must be supported by:

• the traveller’s Supervisor

• the University’s Security Manager, and

• the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Global Engagement)

Once high-risk travel has been processed by these agents, it then workflows in accordance with the low-to-normal risk process path.

Traveller saves and sends

travel request in ESS

Traveller’s Supervisor

(Head of Org. Unit)

Security Mgr (only if

supervisor supports


DVC International

Process flow for low-to-normal risk

Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


Process-flow for high-risk travel (2)

• The Supervisor must attach a proforma, signed Security/Safety Plan to the travel request.

• The Dean or Divisional Director must sign the Security/Safety Plan.

• The Dean or Divisional Director also receives an email notification advising them that a high-risk travel request is coming through the system.

Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


How does the system determine the roles?

• Each Faculty/Division has a custom transaction where they can nominate who their travel checkers, travel approvers, and higher-level approvers are per cost centre.

• The custom transaction also allows the cost centre to nominate who will process high-risk requests within the cost centre. This is typically the Head of the Unit.

• The system determines other roles such as the Security Manager & the DVC (Global Engagement).

Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


Log into ESS

• Click

Getting started


Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


1. Trips to be checked, supported or approved will appear in the Workflows inbox.

2. The arrows in the column heading rows allow you to sort your inbox in ascending or descending order.

The Workflow Inbox Summary (1)

There may be several pages of workflows in your inbox. To sort the most recent workflows to the top of your list, click the up arrow in the Sent column.

Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


3. The Show Filters link allows you to display a subset of trips, for e.g. display all trips in the last 7 days.

4. To Hide the filter, click

5. Click to show trips that have just been created, or to remove trips from your Workflows inbox that have been processed.

The Workflow Inbox Summary (2)

Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


6. To launch any workflow item, double-click it.

The Workflow Inbox Summary (3)

If you accidentally click on a workflow item that is to be processed by someone else, please remember to close the item and refresh your workflows inbox. This will release the item for processing by another agent.

Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


Example of an Individual Travel Workflow

Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


• Whether you are a travel checker, approver, supervisor, security manager or DVC (GE), the travel workflow screen (as shown on the previous slide) is essentially the same.

• That is, all agents can display the trip, display attachments, add attachments, request a change or reject the travel request.

• The button that is unique is the one that moves the workflow forward to the next agent in the workflow process.

• This forward button’s name is tailored to the workflow agent’s function.

The Individual Travel Workflow Screen

The next slide demonstrates this

Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


• To accept the travel request and move it forward, the relevant agent clicks:• Supervisor

• DVC (GE)

• Security Manager or

• Travel Checker

Sending the workflow forward (1)

High-risk travel is approved by the DVC (GE). The supervisor indicates whether they support the travel while the Security Manager makes a recommendation about the risk.



Recommend Do not recommend


Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


• Travel checkers must select the next agent (the travel approver) from a drop-down list of approvers before the travel request moves forward.

• For high-risk travel requests, the Supervisor, Security Manager and Deputy Vice Chancellor (Global Engagement) do not need to select the next agent, as the system automatically determines the workflow.

Sending the workflow forward (2)

Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


• After the agent accepts the travel request by clicking their relevant button, the traveller receives an email notification.

• If a Note for traveller is entered in the workflow, the traveller receives the note in their email.

Sending the workflow forward (3)

Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


• The last agent in the workflow process may approve the travel request.

• Once a travel request has been approved, only the travel diary, accommodation and contacts may be changed.

• The last agent may enter a note for the traveller in the workflow. This note will be emailed to the traveller in the confirmation of approval email.

Approving the travel request (1)

The next slide demonstrates this

Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


• When the travel request is approved by the last agent in the process, the traveller receives the following email notification:

Approving the travel request (2)

Message entered by Travel Approver

in the workflow

Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


• If the travel request requires change, then clicking the button will send it back to the traveller.

• For low-normal risk travel, the change function sends the workflow back to the traveller and the workflow begins again. This means that all prior agents must reprocess the workflow.

• For high-risk travel that has been approved by the DVC (GE), the change function sends the workflow back to the traveller, however, the high-risk process will not be repeated if there is no change to the DFAT Travel Advisory.

• On the other hand, if a low-normal risk travel request DFAT level is changed to high-risk, the request will commence the high-risk process.

Sending the workflow back to the traveller (1)


Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


• If the button is selected, a brief note to the traveller is mandatory.

• The note should explain what changes to the travel request are required.

• This note is emailed back to the traveller, for example:

Sending the workflow back to the traveller (2)


Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


• When a travel request is rejected no further processing of the travel request is permitted.

• If you a travel request, a note to the traveller is mandatory.

• This note is emailed back to the traveller, for example:

Rejecting the Travel Request


Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


• A travel approver may escalate a travel request for higher-level approval.

• To escalate a travel request:1. Enter a note for the Escalate to2. Select the relevant escalate person3. Click

Escalating the Travel Request


Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


Add Attachment

1. In the Display trip and attachment list, click

2. Click Browse to locate the file from your PC and then click

3. Click when you are finished.

The system currently does not accept Microsoft 2007 files. If you are uploading a Word, PPT or Excel document, please first Save your file as a 2003 document.

Upload Attachment

Add Attachment


Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


Display Attachment

1. In the Display trip and attachment list, click

2. Double-click the relevant attachment to launch it.

3. Close the window in the launch attachment screen.

4. Click when you are finished.

The system currently does not accept Microsoft 2007 files. If you are displaying a Word, PPT or Excel document, please first Save your file as a 2003 document.

Display Attachment


Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


Display Trip Request

1. In the Display trip and attachment list, click

2. Review the trip details.

3. Click when you are finished.Back

Display Trip Request

Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


Checking progress of the travel request (1)

• The traveller can check the progress of their travel request via My trips in the ESS Travel and Expenses page.

• The Workflow Status column shows the result of the last agent in the workflow process.

Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


Checking progress of the travel request (2) Common workflow status indicators What the status indicator means

Created - saved and sent Travel request is waiting for processing by the travel checker or supervisor.

Created – saved only Travel request has not been workflowed.

Travel admin - checked Travel request checked by travel checker and travel request has been sent to the travel approver.

Travel admin – sent back to traveller Travel checker has requested changes. Traveller must make changes to proceed.

Travel admin - rejected Travel checker rejected travel request. No further processing of travel request possible.

Approver – sent back to traveller Approver has requested changes. Traveller must make changes to proceed. After change, workflow is sent to travel checker.

Approver - rejected Approver has rejected travel request. No further processing of travel request possible.

Approver - approved Approver has approved travel request.

Approver - escalated Approver has escalated travel request for higher-level approval.

Escalated – sent back to traveller The higher-level approver has requested changes. Traveller must make changes to proceed. After change, workflow is sent to travel checker.

Escalated - approved Higher-level approver has approved travel request.

Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


Finishing up

When you have finished entering or reviewing your travel requests, please log off your ESS session. Just click

The number of open sessions slows down the response time for all ESS users, that’s why it’s important to log off your ESS session when finished.

Getting You ThereTravel Management Project


Related informationFrequently Asked Questions – Travel Management project’s website

Strategic Procurement’s travel website

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