Getting top rank in Google -small business guide

Post on 08-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Getting top rank in Google -small business guide





Doing SEO for a small business is always a challenge. It’s not easy to fight with industry giants. But it’s not that difficult if you know the game.

Startup SEO Tips

1. Your first step is to get a right domain for your website. Earlier, keywords in domain was a strong SEO factor. But now the impact of domain keyword factor has reduced a lot. So my advice is to find a domain that matches your business. -Try to find a domain related to your company/brand name. -Also if possible try to match your niche. Optimize between brand and niche.

2. Now you need to design the website. Have a detail chat with your designer. Talk about SEO and other marketing plans. Talk about coding language. If you prefer a CMS, find a SEO friendly one. Ask the designer to create a responsive design (mobile friendly).

3. Content is the king of SEO. So plan your content well. Don’t create small websites with 4-5 pages. Try to add more pages (20+ pages). More pages means more cost but the return on investment is high.

4. Ask the designer to use SEO friendly language and plugins. For example, limit the usage of flash. If you need flash just opt for a flash slider.

5. You need an optimized page between design and SEO friendly content. Don’t allow one factor to dominate. SEO centric page will not look good while design centric page will have poor SEO.

6. Try to create content rich pages. Websites with thin pages are unlikely to attract Google traffic. It’s acceptable to keep small percentage of thin pages. But try to achieve 90-80% of content rich pages for the whole site.

7. Build quality pages. A quality page will have an image, text and video.

8. Write unique meta descriptions for all pages. Some CRM‘s may not allow unique meta descriptions. So be aware. Wordpress will create meta descriptions automatically from the title tag which is not SEO friendly. Fortunately you could use plugins to change this behavior.

9. Some CRM’s will create unnecessary thin pages. You may not see these pages in admin panel. Do a Google search for “” . Remove or redirect those pages.

10. Keep your eye on duplicate pages. Some CRM’s may create hundreds of duplicate pages. Get rid of those pages by using 301 redirects or canonical tags.

 11. Create unique and descriptive title tags and header tags.

12. Make sure that your page navigation system is user friendly.Now you are ready to go.Now create Google webmaster account and analytics account for your website.

Follow-up SEO tips

1. Make sure that your robots text file allows search engines.

2. Create a sitemap and upload to webmaster

3. Set preferred domain in webmaster. Here you will tell Google to redirect non-www version URL to www version or www version to non-www version

4. Set preferred domain in webmaster. Here you will tell Google to redirect non-www version URL to www version or www version to non-www version

 5. Add more and more contents(user friendly content)

6. Check ranking for each page. Increase content level if necessary. Please remember that we are improving content to increase user experience. If more content harms user experience, don’t add content.

7. Check user signals such as time spend on page, bounce rate, engagement, click through rate, conversions, etc. Optimize pages for better user experience.

8. Check landing pages for speed and improve.

9. Add a blog to your site and start adding more posts. Try your best to help informational user.

10. If your YMYL type, show the user that your company is reliable and payments are secure (Improved trust).

11. Share your content in social media.


Author : Sudarshana P.H (Bsc, CIW, MCP)Email : linkgenie@gmail.comWeb : http://webdesign-genie.comG+ : :

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