Getting There: First Steps T oward D eveloping a Culture of Inquiry in an Elementary School

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Getting There: First Steps T oward D eveloping a Culture of Inquiry in an Elementary School. Anita Ko and Jean Prevost. Getting there. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Getting There: First Steps T oward D eveloping a Culture of Inquiry in an Elementary School

Anita Ko and Jean Prevost

Getting there . . . An overview of 3 Inquiry cycles outlining our journey toward developing a

culture of inquiry in our school which explore the questions: How did we start?  How did we sustain interest? What did we learn?  What are our new questions?

Some concrete examples of what inquiry learning looks like at different levels in our elementary school. 

Getting Started. . .

September 2009 - March 2010

Connect and WonderA few people in our school began hearing

about IBLWhat is Inquiry Based Learning?Why should we use it?How can we use it?

InvestigateJean (TL) began using Inquiry based learning

with two classes and their teachers (Science centered – Spiders and Solar System)

Anita joined a group working on a teacher inquiry project on Assessment for Learning (AFL)


ExpressJean and the collaborating teachers shared

with administration and with colleagues, both informally and at staff meetings, how the inquiry process was engaging students

Anita and other teachers on her team shared the results of their inquiry at the district Professional Growth Council meeting

ReflectWe had many discussions on what worked

and what we would do differently next timeJean wondered how she could get more

teachers interested in trying IBLAnita wondered how to apply the inquiry

process with her grade 2 studentsWe noticed and increased level of

engagement in both teachers and studentsNew question: How can we begin to build a

culture of inquiry in our school?

Building a Culture . . .

March 2010 – June 2010

Connect and Wonder• How can we begin to build a culture of

inquiry in our school?• How can IBL fit with our school plan?

InvestigateMore successes with IBL were shared with staffTL shared Inquiry models with staffTL shared articles with teachers and

administration, formally and informallyResources on IBL were purchased for the libraryStaff watched videos on 21st century learning like:

Stephen Heppell (21st Century Learning and Death of Education

Learning to Change, Changing to LearnShift Happens

ConstructIn March our School Planning Council

(parents, teachers and administrators) met to begin discussing our school plan

Administrators and teachers shared learning around IBL and student engagement

Everyone expressed interest in including IBL in our school plan

Discussion followed and debate centered around whether IBL would be a goal or a strategy for increasing student engagement

ExpressOur collaboratively developed school plan for

2010/2011 included the main goal: To improve student engagement

The use of Inquiry-based Learning to enhance teaching and learning was listed in the school plan as a strategy for improving student engagement

ReflectWith IBL part of the collaboratively

developed school plan, parents, teachers and administrators now had a connection to IBL

We hoped this connection would help with time and money for professional development around IBL

New Question: How do we develop and sustain commitment to the use of the IBL process in our school?

Developing and Sustaining IBL

June 2010 – June 2011

Connect and WonderNow that IBL is part of our School Plan . . .

Where do we find the time for Pro-D?Where do we find the money?How do we sustain interest?

InvestigateHow to organize school-based NIDs to

include effective Pro-D on IBLHow to apply for Pro-D grants from Local

Teachers’ Association to assist with fundsHow to organize a Collaborative

Apprenticeship where teachers are learning together and from each other, creating support and encouraging ownership

ConstructThe Collaborative Apprenticeship team was

established.We applied and received a Priority Funds grant of

$3000 to support the Collaborative ApprenticeshipWe began the school year with the first school-

based NID centered around Inquiry -using an Inquiry model, staff pursued their own inquiry,

exploring a variety of resources for a better understanding of: What is IBL and how can I use it with my students?

-grade teams made plans for their inquiry unit(s)


Construct (continued)

In advance of the second school-based NID, we used grant money to fund release time for the CA team so they could further explore IBL in preparation for sharing their learning on the second school-based NID

The C/A team met for a second time in the Spring and shared learning with grade partners in an afterschool session

Staff began to develop the wikiWe developed a personalized model for our school

based on a combination of the Alberta Learning model and the Points of Inquiry model

95% of staff tried IBL units with their students

ExpressThe CA team members shared their learning

with their grade group partnersAll teachers contributed reflections to the

wikiStudents shared their Inquiry projects with

parents at Parent Nights, with buddy classes, and on class wikis

We shared parts of our journey with the PAC and made the wiki available for the School Plan Evaluation Meeting


Express (continued)

We gave an overview of our “Inquiry into IBL” at the District Professional Growth Council meeting

Jean shared our learning with the District Teacher Librarians

We shared our learning with the Minister of Education, the honorable George Abbott, when he visited our school

We are here – sharing with you!

ReflectIBL works! We notice a definite increase

in student engagement when we use IBLSupport from administration is keyUsing the process ourselves helped us to

better understand how to use it with students

We needed to personalize the model IBL looks different at different levels


Reflect (continued)

Different styles of IBL accommodate different needs of both teachers and students

We like how we can integrate curricular strands into IBL

Collaboration is necessaryIBL is not predictable or tidyTechnology supports IBL, providing tools for

learningNew Question: How do we assess IBL?

BooksComprehension and Collaboration: Inquiry

Circles in Action. Harvey, S. and Daniels, H. (2009)

Engaging Readers and Writers with Inquiry. Wilhelm, J. (2007)

Guided Inquiry: Learning in the 21st Century. Kuhlthau, C., Maniotes, L., & Caspari, A. (2007)

A Place for Wonder: Reading and Writing Nonfiction in the Primary Grades. Heard, G. &McDonough, J. (2009)








Keeping it Green

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Anita and Jean