Getting Started With Paid Traffic

Post on 15-May-2015

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Paid traffic can be a highly effective very fast and do wonders for your business , get it wrong however and you could be faced with a very expensive waste of time. This presentation will help you get to grips with the basics and build solid foundations for your campaigns.

Transcript of Getting Started With Paid Traffic

Getting Started with Paid Traffic




Getting Started with Paid Traffic

For anyone who wants to jump start their business, using paid traffic sources is a great solution. However, if you have never paid for traffic before getting started this may be a little daunting. This article will cover the basics of what you can expect when starting out with paid traffic for the first time.

Getting Started with Paid Traffic

First you want to understand what paid traffic methods are available. Some of the top ones that you may recognize are Google Adwords, Bing Ads, Banner Ads, Facebook Ads and LinkedIn Ads.

As you will see many of the top social sites are offering their own advertising methods. These methods only apply to their sites so remember this, but when you think about how large Facebook and LinkedIn are, you can see that these are a great traffic source to tap into.

Getting Started with Paid Traffic

With any paid advertising method you will have to set up an account with the program that you choose to use. Along with this you will have to provide them with a payment method for your ads. This is normally a credit card so you need to have one that you can use for your business. It is advisable to have a credit card that is dedicated to business expenses, easier for doing your taxes at the end of the year.

Getting Started with Paid Traffic

Inside your account you will have the ability to create your ads and then set up a limit for what you want to spend each day. This is very important and will ensure that you don’t overspend on ads that aren’t working.

Getting Started with Paid Traffic

To create a good ad you will want to perform keyword research for your site. You should have a good idea of what keywords you are targeting. To see which keywords your visitors are using use Google Analytics or log into the Awstats section of your web hosting company. Then use these keywords in your ads to get even more traffic.

Getting Started with Paid Traffic

You need to have a goal in mind before starting any advertising campaign. Are you looking to create sales, get people to sign up to your email list or to like your Facebook page? These are all great goals and will help deliver more traffic to your site.

Getting Started with Paid Traffic

The above are the basics that you will need to get started with using paid traffic sources. Be sure to look for other methods such as banner advertising and using text links.

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