Getting Started with Attensity360

Post on 11-May-2015

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Attensity360 is an important part of Attensity’s Customer Experience Management Suite.It continuously monitors and analyzes social media conversations in review sites, blogs, forums (user forums, discussion forums, LinkedIn Answers, etc), Twitter, Facebook, YouTube videos, mainstream news and more. In this slide deck, you will learn how to set up a topic group, set up topics, create reports, and create dashboards.

Transcript of Getting Started with Attensity360

Getting Started with Attensity360

This presentation will walk you through how to get started with Attensity360

Attensity360 is an important part of Attensity’s Customer Experience Management Suite.

It continuously monitors and analyzes social media conversations in review sites, blogs, forums (user forums, discussion forums, LinkedIn Answers, etc), Twitter, Facebook, YouTube videos, mainstream news and more.

In this slide deck, you will learn how toSet up a topic groupSet up topicsCreate reportsCreate dashboards

First, think about what you’d like to track.

In this example, we’ll assume you’d like to track your brand and your top competitor.

Let’s pretend I am the brand manager for Mountain Dew and my worst enemy is 7-up.

Setting Up Your Topic Group

First, click on “Setup”

Then, select “Topic Groups”

Setting Up Your Topic Group

Click on “Add Group”

Setting Up Your Topic Group

1. Give your group a name.This will NOT be used as a search term, only used for reference.

2. If you want to change who can see your topic group,click “show” sharing settings. 3. Click “Create”

Now, it’s time to set up our search topics.

For our competitive evaluation of Mountain Dew, I’d like to track mentions of Mountain Dew and 7-up.

Setting Up Your Topics

1. This tells you your topic group was successfully created.

2. Now it is time to create your topics. Click on “topics”.

Setting up your topics

Click “Add Topic”.

Setting up your topics

1. Give your topic a name.This will NOT be used as a search term, only used for reference.

2. Enter the words/phrases you want to track.

3. “Proximity” means whether the words must be right after each other or can be spaced apart.

Setting up your topics

1. Scroll down to connect your topic to a topic group. In this case, select “Soft Drinks”.

2. Click here if you want to calculate sentiment for “Mountain Dew” specifically

3. Click “create”.

Setting up your topics

1. Here I am setting up a topic for 7up, which has two variations: “7up” and “7-up”. I name my topic…

2. … and use the “any of” selection. I enter variation one (“7up”)…

3. … and then click the “add” button to enter in my second variation (“7-up”)

Setting up your topics

4. … I enter in my second variation (“7-up”)

5. I can also exclude terms. For example, if there is a location called the “7-up Arena” and I want to exclude any mentions of that location as opposed to the soft drink.

Setting up your topics

1. Just as before, you connect your topic to your “Soft Drinks” topic group.

2. Again, click here and enter your terms if you want to calculate sentiment for “7up” or “7-up” specifically

3. Click “create”.You can also get a quick preview of the kind of results your search terms will have by clicking “preview results”. This can help you refine your topic. If you have a topic that’s hard to disambiguate (such as “Adobe”, “Sprite”…) drop us an email at and we can help you.

Now, you’re ready to create some reports.

Creating Reports

1. Click the “Reports” tab

2. And select the type of report you want to create by clicking on it. Hovering over the report name will show you a brief description of what the report is.

Creating Reports

Here is a quick cheat sheet of all the available report types. Later, we’ll show you how to create a dashboard of the types you need to see most often.

Creating a Report

1. I’ve selected “topic compare”.

2. Select “customize” to build your report.

Creating a Report

1. Select the topics you want to include with the drop down

2. Select the time frame

(You can play with some of the other parameters later)

3. Click finished

Viewing Verbatims/Mentions

To view supporting mentions, click on the section of the chart or on the link

The supporting mentions will then appear

Saving a Report

The “actions” menu enables you to save your report, email it to someone, print it, export it to .csv, save as an image, or add it to a dashboard.

Saving a Report

Name and Save your Report

You can then access your saved report by clicking on the report library

Click to view

Creating a Dashboard

Dashboards are a great way to get a quick snapshot on a variety of metrics. All reports can be added to a dashboard.

Creating a Dashboard

1. Click on the “Dashboard” tab

2. Click on “New Dashboard”

Creating a Dashboard

You can select one of our pre-selected dashboard types or create one of your own

Creating a Dashboard

1. Name your dashboard

2. Pick one or two columns (I prefer two)

3. Click on “Create”

Creating a Dashboard

Click to add each report type to your dashboard

Creating a Dashboard

There are many elements you can choose from for your dashboard

Creating a Dashboard

Click finished when done

Mouse over to see what you’ve added

Creating a Dashboard

Click on the arrow to select the parameters for each dashboard element

Customizing a Dashboard

As in the “report” mode, you can select your topics, time frame, and other parameters. Click “finished” and the dashboard element will be created.

Customizing a Dashboard

Repeat the process to customize each dashboard element.

Drag and drop to re-arrange elements

Customizing a Dashboard

Dashboards are automatically saved and available in “My Dashboards”

You can also print dashboards, schedule dashboards to be emailed, etc

We hope this brief “Getting Started” presentation has been helpful.

To learn more, please attend one of our weekly training sessions, or contact us at