Getting Hired as a Firefighter in 2015 - Chabot College · Not getting hired for the wages,...

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Getting Hired as a Firefighter in 2015

How to be the best you can be!

Firehouse World - San Diego, CA January 28, 2015

Steve Prziborowski Bob Atlas Deputy Chief, Battalion Chief, Santa Clara County Contra Costa County Fire Department (CA.) Fire District (CA.)

Objectives: •  Identify 21 Key Points to assist you in becoming

the best FF candidate

•  Define 25 reasons a FD would NOT want to hire you

•  Define 25 reasons a FD would want to hire you

21 Key Points to assist you in becoming the best firefighter candidate you

can be

#1 - Know your strengths & weaknesses •  Take every test •  Ask others for their honest opinion •  From watching others & seeing the good & the

not-so-good & realizing you do the same thing •  Once you know them, do something •  Common oral board question

# 2 - Know as much as you can about the JOB

•  Talk to those doing the job

•  Internet

•  Read and understand job flyer

# 3 - Educate yourself on the Fire Service

•  Talk to those doing the job

•  Subscribe to trade magazines

•  Subscribe to email lists

•  Internet

# 4 - Learn time management skills

•  Get a calendar / organizer

•  If you’re early – you’re on time

•  if you’re on time – you’re late

# 5 - Keep certificates up-to-date

•  Don’t disqualify yourself •  It’s not your employer’s responsibility

# 6 - Get some trusted friends involved

•  Fire service is based on teamwork

•  Helps reduce costs

•  Pick your friends carefully

# 7 - Be in this for the long haul

•  Have a plan b, c, etc.

•  Be willing to move back home, make sacrifices

•  Ensure your family is on board

•  Once you give up, you give up

# 8 - Volunteer, Volunteer, Volunteer

•  Fire vs. non-fire •  1 hour a month for 8 months is better than 8

hours today and nothing for the next 8 months •  None can be a kiss of death •  Common oral board question

# 9 - Stay out of trouble •  Can cost you a job / career

•  Think about your actions; for every action, a consequence

•  Includes school, work, home

# 10 - It’s a full-time job getting a job

•  Yes, social life may suffer

•  Prepare family & friends

•  Must be organized

•  Always look for opportunities

# 11 – It takes money to make money •  Save up, you’ll need it

•  Nothing comes cheap

•  Be prepared to make financial sacrifices

•  May have to step back to step ahead

# 12 - Understand diversity

•  Agree or disagree, here to stay

•  Common oral board question

•  Understand your background, how you will fit in, how you will be an asset

# 13 - Get yourself in shape

•  Cause of some not getting through academy

•  Number 1 reason firefighters get injured or killed

•  Many in the U.S. (including firefighters) are not in shape

# 14 - Have solid work & personal background to offer •  Clean up loose ends now

•  It will get scrutinized

•  Be able to explain mistakes

•  Don’t get caught by surprises

# 15 - Know yourself inside & out (past, present & future)

•  Helps prepare for oral board questions

•  Helps prepare for questions outside of the oral board

# 16 - Find why you are UNIQUE

•  May be an oral board question

•  Why pick you?

# 17 - Take responsibility

•  For yourself, your actions, your non-actions

•  If you are having trouble, it may hold you back

•  Fire service is looking for people that take responsibility

# 18 - Be a great family member, friend, neighbor, worker & person

•  Makes you happy, pays dividends •  All may be contacted about you •  Rebuild burned bridges, past mistakes •  Never too late for a fresh start •  If nothing else, right thing to do

# 19 - You’re being watched, heard, read, evaluated

•  We tend to forget this at times •  You never know who is…… •  You’re on duty 24/7/365, even as a future firefighter •  Includes fire station visits, testing process, social

media posts •  No 2nd chance for 1st impression

# 20 - Best predictor of future behavior…is past behavior •  Bad habits are hard to change •  If you’ve done something once, it may have been

a fluke; more than once shows us you are who we think you are

•  1 wrong choice, comment, and/or decision can doom you

Last, but not least….

# 21 - You are in control of your own destiny, nobody else!

25 reasons to NOT hire you 1.  Arriving late

2.  Poor listening skills

3.  Poor driving history

4.  Poor scholastic record

5.  Lack of career planning

25 reasons to NOT hire you 6.  Only want to save lives & property; are doing it for

the wages & benefits 7.  You have minimal interest in the FD or the industry 8.  Poor oral communication skills 9.  Poor written communication skills 10. Poor personal appearance or presentation

25 reasons to NOT hire you 11.  Lack of maturity

12.  Arrest or conviction record

13.  Excessive drug / alcohol use

14.  Lack of confidence/poise; nervous

15.  Lack of interest & enthusiasm

25 reasons to NOT hire you 16.  Inability to maintain certifications

17.  Inability to provide required info

18.  History of not playing nicely

19.  History of poor decisions/choices

20.  Poor employment track record

25 reasons to NOT hire you 21.  Poor physical conditioning

22.  Failure to follow directions

23.  You don’t fit into the culture

24.  You pissed off someone

25.  You made a poor 1st impression

25 reasons to hire you 1.  We want you to join our family 2.  We think you’ll fit into our culture 3.  You are passionate about the fire service, our FD,

and our community 4.  You have excellent written communication skills 5.  You have excellent oral communication skills

25 reasons to hire you 6.  Extensive & diverse life/work experience

7.  Not getting hired to fight fire/save lives

8.  Extensive & diverse community service

9.  Mechanical ability knowledge 10. Not getting hired for the wages, benefits and/or

working conditions

25 reasons to hire you 11.  You have a contagious enthusiasm in whatever

you’re doing 12.  Positive track record of dependability 13.  Excellent computer skills 14.  Demonstrated leadership 15.  Demonstrated ability to play nicely with others

25 reasons to hire you 16.  Clean background

17.  Bilingual ability

18.  Physically & mentally fit

19.  Capable of being low maintenance

20.  Demonstrated decision making ability

25 reasons to hire you 21.  You’re motivated; a self-starter 22.  Military experience 23.  You’re a hard worker 24.  You understand the words ethics & integrity 25.  You are unique in a positive way; the oral board

remembers something great about you


Don’t just prepare for the test…

Prepare for the Position!!!

QUESTIONS? Steve Prziborowski Bob Atlas (408) 205-9006 (925) 765-5800



Reach For The Firefighter Badge How to Master the Fire Service Testing Process

Firehouse World January 28, 2015 – San Diego, CA  

  Steve Prziborowski Bob Atlas Deputy Chief, Battalion Chief, Santa Clara County Contra Costa County Fire Department (CA) Fire District (CA)

Objectives •  Define the most common phases of the fire service

hiring procces

•  Identify various mistakes to avoid during the fire service hiring process

•  Identify various key points for success in the fire service hiring process


Take EVERY test you qualify for

if you don’t qualify for many, start getting qualified!  

Locating Fire Service Jobs •  Word of mouth •  Old-fashioned research •  Internet •  Testing notification services

• • •

Locating Fire Service Jobs Companies that offer the opportunity to

apply once and test for numerous departments

• • •

What does it takes to be a Firefighter ?

•  Personal traits / characteristics

•  Minimum qualifications

•  Desirable / highly desirable qualifications

•  Sacrifices you’ll have to make

Ensure Excellent WRITTEN Communication Skills

•  They will be evaluated

•  Take English classes

•  Have others review your work

Ensure Excellent ORAL Communication Skills

•  Take speech classes •  Join Toastmasters •  Use audio / video recordings •  Practice & rehearse •  Watch newscasters

Pass ALL Phases of the Hiring Process

•  Can’t get hired if you don’t pass ALL phases

•  Don’t settle for 70’s – shoot for high 90’s

MISTAKES to avoid •  Stretching yourself too thin •  Lying / stretching the truth

•  Getting poor grades •  Forgetting you don’t always get a 2nd


•  Getting fired from a job  

MISTAKES to avoid •  Accidents / Traffic tickets / DUIs / Arrests / Legal

issues, etc. •  Not keeping contact info up to date •  Not having appropriate clothing •  Not keeping resume up to date •  Letting certificates / licenses expire

MISTAKES to avoid •  Missing out on job opportunities / not

taking advantage of opportunities •  Not keeping background investigation info up

to date •  Not properly preparing for EACH phase •  Late submission of required materials  

MISTAKES to avoid •  Not being able to test with dream FD

since you don’t qualify

•  Not following instructions

•  Not keeping up the knowledge, skills & abilities you’ve acquired

Most Common Phases of the Fire Service Hiring Process

•  The job flyer / announcement •  The application / resume •  Application review / screening •  Written examination •  Physical ability test •  Oral interview •  Chiefs interview

Most Common Phases of the Fire Service Hiring Process

•  Background investigation •  Polygraph evaluation •  Medical evaluation •  Psychological evaluation •  Job offer •  Recruit academy •  Probationary period

Researching A Fire Department

•  Internet

•  Station Visits

Resumes & Applications •  Resumes:

-  1 page -  Difference between resume & application -  Accentuate things -  Items to leave off -  Items to include

•  Applications:

-  Follow instructions -  Make a copy

The Written Examination •  Math •  English •  Reading comprehension •  Mechanical ability •  Human relations / interpersonal


Physical Ability Test

•  CPAT – Biddle etc.

•  Have a physical fitness program

The Oral Interview •  Oral interview layout •  Types of questions

•  Rehearse your answers •  Don’t just answer the question, answer the question!

•  Intro-body-conclusion method

The Chief’s Interview •  Chief’s interview layout

•  Types of questions

The Background Investigation

•  What to expect

•  Reasons people don’t succeed

The Psychological Evaluation

•  What to expect

•  Types of questions

The Medical Evaluation

•  What to expect

•  Reasons people don’t succeed

The Recruit Academy •  1 week to 24 weeks •  What to expect •  Why recruits get terminated •  How to prepare before •  How to succeed overall

Resources Available  at  &  

Above all YOU are in control of your own


Don’t just prepare for the test,


QUESTIONS??? Contact

Steve Prziborowski Bob Atlas (408) 205-9006 (925) 765-5800