Getting Digital Introduction Hannah Rudman

Post on 12-Nov-2014

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Welcome from Hannah who will give an overview of the AmbITion Scotland programme, explain the focus of theevent and show how digital developments create benefits and opportunities for any arts organisation. /

Transcript of Getting Digital Introduction Hannah Rudman

Background to AmbITion Scotland

• “Getting Digital” report to SAC by Roger Tomlinson & Hannah Rudman

• AmbITion pilot in England...

• holistic digital development

•Digital Britain report Digital Media IP Fund & 4iP Scotland: all provide a platform to talk about digital development

422m households with broadband now

538m by 2013 - 1/6th

4.1bn mobile users now, 10% growth


Every business is digital“Company boards don’t recognise what IT is or what it does anymore. It used to be a thing that you used to increase productivity or automate processes, but that’s been done. Even CIO’s, who thoroughly understand enterprise IT, have been left behind by social IT - which they can’t control. Today’s technology is about communities.”

– Steve Prentice, Gartner (IT Consultancy)

Every business is now a digital business

– Information is everywhere, and readily accessible

– our customers are online– we can’t control the message

Growing up at different times = different understandings of where

we’re at

Digital natives/migrants

What digital developments?

•CRM, CMS driven websites, database integration, intranets, wifi, remote working, connectivity, ticketing, back-up

•Productivity tools

•Broadening digital channels and networks

•HD Digital content capturing / recording kit

•Upgrading networks


The AmbITion approach

•Risk assessment



•Develop a formal Business Case

•Managed implementation

•Continuous reflection

Why does the AmbITion approach work?• It’s not just about the technology!

• It’s not just about the enlightened individual

•Audit & Diagnostic is “cross-departmental”

•Business cases embeds thinking and learning

• Implementation is owned by the organisation

• It’s scaleable

• it changes organisations

Ludus Dance’s 3 uses of film

1. Explaining their Products

2. Explaining the Process

3. Engaging with their audiences

E.g. Explaining Ludus Dance’s Products

Royal Liverpool Philharmonic’s key social media tools

new opportunity: monetise/fundraise differently

•AmbITion Scotland: launched August 2009

•£1.3m project, including innovation lab

•Strategically linked with:

•Scottish Centre for Enabling Technologies

•Scottish HEI’s with digitally focussed courses


•Cultural Enterprise Office

•4iP & Digital Media IP Fund

Where are Scottish arts organisations at?

•You get the zeitgeist!

•Base technology levels a mixed bag

•Most of you experimenting with social media

•All want more scale, reach, impact, legacy and accessibility


•attitudes to notion of porosity/control of communications;

•opinions about digitising artistic/live content

What do you want to do?

•Raise core digital/technological competency

•Improve audience experience

•Improve efficiency

•Measure effectiveness/ROI

•Innovate operations and biz models

•Digitally distribute content

•Innovate new digital-only content

Participant Locations

Programme• Involved, Associate, Partner level


•Training, networking & learning: online & live events

•Self-directed learning via online resources:

•Case study videos

•On-demand webcasts of masterclasses

•How To... Guides


Partner Offer•5 days AmbITion Consultancy

•Opportunity to develop business case for AmbITion Scotland £fund (SAC/CS)

•Signposting to other funding opportunities

•Networking and learning opportunities

•events, online, evaluation

Associate Offer•1 day AmbITion consultancy

•Scottish Centre For Enabling Technologies input

•10 days of technology focussed consultancy

•Possibility of entering competition for funded feasibility study

•Internships - students at Scotland’s HEI’s

•Signposting to other funding opportunites

•Networking and learning opportunities

•events, online, evaluation

•The Scottish Centre for Enabling Technologies strives to increase the sustainability and competitive advantage of Scotland's creative companies by helping them exploit enabling technologies in the development of new products, services, systems and knowledge.


Involved offer

•Knowledge cascading - ideas on how to begin journeys

•Networking and learning opportunities

•events, online resources

•Signposting to other funding opportunities

Thanks for listening!