Get rid of ticks while staying green let yes help you to keep ticks out of your yard

Post on 07-May-2015

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Transcript of Get rid of ticks while staying green let yes help you to keep ticks out of your yard

Get Rid of Ticks While Staying GreenLet Y.E.S help you to keep ticks out of your yard

Why You Need to Get Rid of TicksWhile they may seem like small bugs and harmless at first glance, the truth is that ticks can be very dangerous. They can spread disease to you, your family, and your pets by biting you.

What Do Ticks Look LikeThe most common type of tick in the United States is the Dog Tick. The size is variable Typically look reddish-brown Males and females appear

identical to the human eye.They have saliva with allergens that creates reactions when injected into most mammals’ skin.


While it is obviously annoying to have parasites constantly latching onto you as a result of no tick repellent or control mechanisms, there are other reasons to be concerned. Ticks spread disease, cause bad allergic reactions, and are all around bad news.

Prevention TipsThe best way to get rid of ticks is to never have them in the first place. Using Deet-based repellent can help stop ticks, as well as using various clothing treatments. For your pets, you can use popular flea and tick treatments that your veterinarian can recommend.

Other TipsRemember to remain vigilant in your search for ticks. Comb over your pets regularly, and check yourself over regularly for this parasite. Finding them early can make a difference.

Fixing the Problem

After you call in a tick pest control company and they fix the tick infestation problem, you may want to have maintenance visits. This can help to further ensure that you do not have a re-infestation that could be detrimental.

Conclusion Young Environmental Solutions can help prevent

these nasty ticks from entering your home in the first place.

They can also help you with an existing infestation. It is never too late to stop these parasites from

destroying any of your life’s quality!

Getting Some HelpIf you have a tick problem in your home or on your lawn, your best bet is to contact a tick pest control company. They will be able to ensure that the problem never recurs. Y.E.S. can do this for you.