Get Motivated!

Post on 07-May-2015

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A collection of motivational quotes and fitness tips from the team at For more motivational messages and fitness tips, visit the Facebook fan page at

Transcript of Get Motivated!

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Words of Wisdom for Inspired Workouts

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GET RID OF ALL THE EXCUSES (and just do it)!

We all have a vision of what we want to do, what we want to accomplish and who we ultimately want to be. The only thing getting in the way of achieving those things is ... YOU!

“Carpe diem! (Seize the day!)”“Live in the moment!”“Face your fears!”

It’s human nature to make excuses, choose the easier route and wait “another day”. But ... that attitude didn’t help anyone get closer to reaching their aspirations and goals!

Don’t regret the decisions you’ve made in the past that have put you in the position you are in today. Take charge, move forward and work towards achieving your health and fitness goals ... RIGHT NOW!

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Regardless of how good it is for you, most people need to set goals to get motivated to stay active and do what’s necessary to stay healthy and stay fit.

When it comes to setting any goal (and successfully achieving it), most people ask themselves, “How am I going to do this?” Unfortunately, they don’t ask the most important question … “Why am I doing this?”

Take the time to identify the reasons why you want to incorporate exercise and physical activity into your daily life. Knowing why you want to change will help you be more accountable to your actions and make you more aware of the negative consequences if you don’t stick to the program.

By digging deeper and understanding your true motivations for your actions, you will be more successful in adhering to your fitness program and achieving your long term goals!

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Most people start an exercise program because they are looking to improve something about their physical body. Setting personal goals helps to keep you focused and motivated as you work towards achieving the end result.

Effective goals use the S-M-A-R-T principle.

S Your goal must be clear and specific.M Your goal must be measurable.A Your goal must be attainable.R Your goal must be realistic.T Your goal must have a time line

attached to it.

Measuring your progress on a regular basis can be very motivating and an effective part of any workout program. To avoid possible disappointment and negative thoughts, avoid comparing yourself to others. They can be a negative distraction that can possibly slow down your overall progress.

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For some of us, believing in ourselves can be difficult (especially when we are challenged with a daunting task). It may even seem impossible! Believing in ourselves or having self-confidence doesn’t always come naturally but you can work towards it with a few helpful tips.

1. Get to know other people who are trying to accomplish the same goal (e.g. losing weight, running a marathon, etc.).

2. Stay realistic and objective (e.g. track your progress objectively).

3. Celebrate the positive (e.g. pounds lost, visiting the gym on a regular basis, etc.).

4. Listen to your supporting friends and family members (they are objective when you may not be).

5. Include daily affirmations to remain positive.

Believe in yourself and the effort you put into reaching your health and fitness goals! The journey may be challenging but the rewards and self-confidence that you build over time is something that can last a lifetime!

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Happiness is a CHOICE. It’s not something that just magically appears. People who are genuinely happy recognize and appreciate the positive things in their lives and choose not to focus their energies on negative or destructive things.

For example, if you haven’t lost weight you can:1. Be upset with the fact the number hasn’t

gone down, blame yourself and make excuses.

--- OR ---

2. Be thankful you didn’t gain weight and get motivated for the next workout.

Don’t regret the decisions you’ve made in the past that put you in the position you are in today. Take charge, move forward and work towards achieving your health and fitness goals ... RIGHT NOW!

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There will be times when the exercise feels impossible to do and we want to give up.

• Our muscles feel tired or weak. • We listen to our inside voice that is telling

us we can’t do it.• We lack the motivation needed to

take one more step or finish one more repetition.


Keep in mind that the goal(s) you set out is not one long race. It’s a collection of many short races one after another. Finish one race at a time. You know you can do it!

“Perseverance is a positive, active characteristic. It is not idly, passively waiting and hoping for some good thing to happen. It gives us hope by helping us realize that the righteous suffer no failure except in giving up and no longer trying. We must never give up, regardless of temptations, frustrations, disappointments, or discouragements.”

~ Joseph P. Wirthlin

In the end, you will feel better about your accomplishments and celebrate each victory with pride!

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In trying new things it is inevitable that we will fail. It is how we learn.

Here are a few examples to put things into perspective:MICHAEL JORDAN:“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot … and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

SYLVESTER STALLONE:His script for “Rocky” was rejected repeatedly before it was accepted. In 1976, the movie won Oscars for Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actor.

MIA HAMM:Born with a partial clubfoot, Mia overcame her physical challenges to become one of the greatest female soccer players in the world.

Be open and willing to learn with each experience. Find the strength and confidence from within and in the end you will ultimately succeed!

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The main obstacle that separates you from successfully reaching your fitness goal is ... YOU!

Our perceptions can be a powerful tool (or a dangerous enemy) when it comes to sticking to an exercise program. Regardless of whether you think an activity is easy or hard … either way YOU ARE RIGHT!

If we think an activity is easy and enjoy it we are more likely to continue to participate in it. On the other hand, if we think the same activity is too difficult and dislike it we are likely not to do it ever again. It’s the same exercise but a different mind set can change the whole ballgame.

If you are having a hard time getting through your workouts or getting into a “rut”, simply take a step back and change your perspective. Find a new way to look at the situation and focus on what you enjoy about the experience. It will not only help you stick to your workout routine, it may also give you a whole new appreciation and understanding of your workout experience!

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There will be days where working out and exercising is the LAST thing you want to do … even though it’s a priority and works towards a fitness goal you have set for yourself. When you need help getting your butt off the couch and to the gym try looking for inspiration in the following ways:

1. Talk to role models and/or the people in your life that inspire you.

2. Read stories and/or articles about people you find inspiring.

3. Read health and fitness facts to inspire you to make lifestyle changes to better your overall health.

4. Read fitness blogs and updates of real people making real changes through fitness and exercise.

5. Choose music with inspirational meanings that gets you moving and ready to go!

6. Watch movies with inspirational stories of adversity and overcoming challenges.

7. Choose clothes and fitness gear that make you feel strong and unstoppable!

Inspiration comes in many forms and harnesses all of your senses. Find the tools that work for you and GET MOVING!

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Whether you are someone new to fitness or a professional athlete, exercise is not easy. EXERCISE IS WORK!

“If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.”

~ Fred Devito

But the workouts are more than just a series of gruelling exercises at the gym. Every time you go to the gym you are becoming a better person ... inside and out.

Challenging your muscles with exercise certainly promotes changes over time but you also:1. Learn how to commit to a goal.2. Learn how to be accountable to yourself (and others) and your fitness goal.3. Build self-confidence and self-respect.4. Become a role model for others around you who are also working towards a fitness goal.

These are lessons that have be learned through experience. Embrace the journey. Embrace the challenges. In the end, you become the best version of you!

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When we wake up in the morning, we tackle the day with the best of intentions for our health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, most of us don’t often end up where we had hoped at the end of the day. The reason for this is because of all of the negative distractions that get in the way.

Every time we get distracted we have to make a choice between: (1) moving towards the finish line or; (2) getting off track. In fact, the average adult makes about 35,000 decisions each and every day (that’s approximately 35 decisions a minute)!


Your goals are far bigger and much more important than all of the minor distractions that will inevitably get in the way.

Make the right choices. Each decision you make can be the difference between being successful or not when it comes to reaching the ultimate goal … living a happy, healthy and fulfilling life!

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Although a person can wait until the very end to celebrate their big accomplishment, most don’t have the patience and give up before they reach their goal.

To stay motivated along the way recognize and celebrate your small victories and accomplishments! Examples of small (but significant) victories include:

• Completing all of the workouts scheduled for the week

• Losing the first 5 pounds• Increasing your weight by 10 pounds on

the bench press

There are lots of ways to celebrate your victories without sacrificing your progress:

• Taking the day off from your scheduled workout (but only one)

• Updating your workout music ( i.e. iTunes)• Going on a weekend getaway (where

you can still be active and have fun)

Make your exercise journey a positive experience as you work towards reaching your goals!

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Of all people who start an exercise program (on their own), 80% of them quit within six weeks (half quit in the first three weeks). This isn’t surprising because quitting is easy while having the patience, perseverance and tenacity to achieve results is difficult for many people.

The first six weeks of a program can be very discouraging because the work is challenging, your muscles get sore, you will experience setbacks in your workout program, and you won’t notice significant physical changes. In fact, it takes:

• 4 weeks for you to see results • 8 weeks for your friends and family to see

a difference• 12 weeks for everyone else to notice the


Most people give up right when the work is starting to pay off. DON’T BE THAT PERSON!

Trust in the process, have a realistic expectation as you patiently work towards achieving your goal.

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