Get introduced with WordPress 4.2 - Powell

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Get introduced with WordPress 4.2 - Powell

A Quick Tour of WordPress 4.2 (Powell) for Bloggers

WordPress and its Versions WordPress is an open-source content management system (CMS) and the most

famous open source blogging tool that's based on PHP and MySQL.

It's a powerful tool for running personal blogs and websites with little to heavy traffic.

WordPress started in 2003 when its first version WordPress 0.7 was released.

Till now, more than 25 versions released with surprising updates every time.Here we’re sharing some amazing features of version 4.2 “Powell”.

WordPress 4.2?It’s the first official update of the year 2015 by WordPress.

It’s named after the greatest jazz pianist, Bud Powell.

Let’s find out the special features of WordPress version 4.2

‘Press This’ is just a bookmarklet. Just pressing this button lets you to mark a website on your browser’s bookmarks bar.So that, whenever you want anything from that site, you can import its content to your WordPress editor to share it further.

Press Button1

This version also allows you to use the following to spice up your content.- Native characters of Chinese,

Japanese and Korean languages- Emoticons- Musical symbols- Mathematical symbols, and- Hieroglyphs

New Characters Support2

The theme customizer feature allows you to preview the changes while customizing the theme and lets you configure it before making it live.

Theme Customizer3

Plugin installation and updates are greatly improved in this version.

Now it’s more convenient to update the plugin without redirecting to another page during the installation of a new update.

Plugin Updates4

How to get WordPress 4.2?

You can download WordPress 4.2 from and install it on your website or blog.


For best and optimized WordPress performance for your website/blog, you need to use specialized WordPress hosting from a reliable WordPress hosting provider.

ZNetLive’s WordPress hosting has many special WordPress features & comes with

20 GB SSD disk space

Hosting for up to 3 websites

Unlimited business class Email IDs

Unlimited bandwidth

And, it just takes 45 seconds, to make your WordPress website live.

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