Gestión y Política Pública - Call for papers

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Transcript of Gestión y Política Pública - Call for papers

Call for Papers on Public Policy and Sport

Gestión y Política Pública (CIDE) Journal

The journal Gestión y Política Pública (Management and Public Policy) is calling for all

academics and researchers interested in the study and analysis of public policy related to

sports to submit articles to peer-review for publication in a special edition to be edited

during 2014 and published in 2015.

Invited Editors for this edition are Dr. Fernando Segura M. Trejo, affiliate of the

Division of Public Administration (División de Administración Pública) of the Center for

Research and Teaching in Economics (Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas,

CIDE), Mexico, currently undertaking a research fellowship at the Getúlio Vargas

Foundation in Rio de Janeiro, and Dr. Bernando Borges Buarque of Holland, researcher at

the Center for Research and Documentation of Contemporary Brazilian History (Centro de

Pesquisa y Documentación de Historia Contemporánea de Brasil) and the School of Social

Sciences of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation.

Gestión y Política Pública is a biannual academic journal published by the Division

of Public Administration of the Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE). It

has been around for 20 years, and is referenced in important national and international

indexes and abstracts, such as the Index of Excellence in Mexican Scientific Journals

(Índice de Revistas Mexicanas Científicas de Excelencia, CONACYT); Latin-American

Citations in Social Sciences and Humanities (Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales

y Humanidades, CLASE); Latin-America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Scientific

Journal Network (Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y

Portugal, Redalyc); as well as in Thomson Reuters (Thomson ISI); Cambridge Scientific

Abstracts (CSA) and the Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI).

Although still insufficient, over the last few years, the agenda of sport has been

gaining influence in public policy discussions and decisions in different contexts. The same

can be said about the study of public policies referring to the practice and viewing of sport.

However, we are still a long way from compiling approaches, case studies and comparative

scientific evidence on the topic in respect to the progress made in other public policy areas.

There is still no sufficient tradition of empirical research among academic institutions and

public policy on the matter, neither are the comparative studies that promote

generalizations of results and the validity of scientific approaches visible. This has a

negative impact on the quality debate, and also on the development of the very same

institutions tasked with designing, implementing and evaluating public policies on sport.

The proposal here is to publish a special representative edition on management and

public policies on sport in different latitudes in order to open a multidisciplinary space for

both qualitative and quantitative approaches supported by a rigorous academic perspective.

In effect, with this edition, Gestión y Política Pública intends to provide a venue for

scientific discussion for the presentation of theoretical debates, empirical testing of

hypotheses and the argumentative exposition of management experiences in fields related

to the generation and coordination of public policies on sport. It is worth pointing out that

while football (soccer) appears as a natural option, this call for papers focuses equally on

the practice of any type of sport.

For example, sport has been incorporated into different projects related to public

policies on social inclusion among populations and groups in situations of vulnerability.

The majority of these initiatives are carried forward by Non-governmental Organizations,

although almost always with subsidies and sponsorship from both public and private

organizations as a kind of extension of public policy. Accordingly, this call for papers

encourages the submission of proposals that refer to such cases (i.e. Diagnostics of the

problem to be addressed and analyses of the social impact generated; Discussion of values,

indicators and measurements used in the development of programs and projects; Synergies

between the public and private sectors: benefits, obstacles and challenges; Comparative

experiences, implementation modalities, common grounds and differences; Analysis of

conflicts and contradictions in the projects; and Evaluations of projects and public policy


Management and public policies aimed at high-performance sport in different

countries also require analysis and discussion. The journal is looking for articles that

include: Quantitative analyses and evaluations of the operation of national high-

performance systems; Qualitative analyses (i.e. careers of sportspersons, interactions

between sportspersons and their environment); Comparison of international experiences;

incentives for generating environments for competing at Olympic levels; analysis of public

spending on the national Olympic system; Exposition of specific cases on a federation or

sport (whether as a successful experience or an analysis of the shortcomings that prevented

talented sportspersons from having adequate support).

Therefore, the journal encourages submissions that analyze different public policies

on sport from a public policy perspective, including, for example, regulation of violence in

football stadiums and conflicts between groups of fans in different contexts. Whereas there

is a steady flow of European and Latin American studies that seek to understand the

reasons, codes and origins of different forms of violence that arise when viewing sport,

particularly football, very few experiences have been implemented in the world that seek

cultural change from a public policy standpoint, endeavoring instead to delegitimize the

violence in the discussion and values of the more radical fans, and even in security forces,

by setting up channels for preventative public actions. Nevertheless, there are some public

projects already underway or in construction that merit documentation. Therefore, we call

for analyses of public policy, including the exposition of experiences with preventing,

regulating and containing violence in football. Results and challenges; Scientific

diagnostics on the problem for implementation of a public policy; Analyses of the

shortcomings or absence of public policies or Factors that have hindered their medium- and

long-term implementation; Evaluations of policies implemented in coordination between

public and private spheres with a view to making public policy recommendations.

The overall aim of this edition is to publish original, analytical and empirical papers

that look, among others, at the following areas:

Management of sport at the federal, state and municipal level;

Promotion of sport for recreation and amusement, the recuperation of public spaces

or as a public health practice;

Social inclusion policies for vulnerable populations through amateur sports


Exposition of public policy experiences for preventing, regulating and containing

violence in football. Results and challenges;

Regulation of violence while viewing sport, both at mega events, and in national

and/or regional leagues (ad hoc public policies);

Scientific diagnostics of the problem for implementation of public policy on sport;

Analyses of the shortcomings or absence of public policy on sport, as well as factors

that have hindered its medium- and long-term implementation;

Evaluations of policies implemented in coordination between the public and/or

private spheres, and third party sectors with a view to proposing public policy


Management of high-performance sport.

The cases submitted may contain combinations of the topics suggested for the

proposals, and include more than one or even several of the dimensions mentioned. The

same applies to other public policy areas aimed at sport. The expositions must seek to

outline the types of interactions contained in each context described. According to the

tradition of learning from case studies, for this edition it is important to take into account

the innovations in the management and implementation of public policies. This edition will

also admit analyses of the shortcomings and even failure of policies as part of the contents,

provided the approach attempts to identify the factors behind the failures, learning points

and recommendations. We have chosen to extend this call for papers in such a way so as to

encourage participation and receive submissions from different latitudes on a public policy

topic still considered in its infancy.

The approach used in the papers may center on a national reality or concrete

management experience. Works that offer comparative analyses at a country level or at the

level of different management agencies, governments or civil organizations with public

influence will be particularly valued.

Submission of academic proposals

This call for papers is initially open to receive academic proposals for preliminary review.

The academic proposals may be submitted in Spanish, English or Portuguese, but all papers

accepted by the Scientific Committee must be written and submitted in Spanish or English

only, depending on the author’s preference.

It is worth pointing out that a favorable preliminary review of an academic proposal does

not necessarily imply acceptance of the paper. This shall be determined at a second stage

when the submitted works are subjected to a formal peer-review process.

Academic proposals may be submitted for review in Spanish, English or


All proposals must include:

o A clear explanation of the public policy problem;

o A definition of the study methodology (questions or hypotheses to be

explored or proven, data on population, study time, methodological,

quantitative and qualitative tools used in the study);

o Summary of the exposition and presentation of the case (public policy

stages, objectives achieved, implementation, challenges, faults and results

observed). The approaches must follow a certain public policy logic in terms

of the presentation of the problem, exposition and recommendations;

o Public policy recommendations and conclusions;

o Basic bibliography used.

The proposals must be summarized between 3 and 5 pages (max) in Word, using

Arial 12 point font size and 1.5 line spacing.

Provide a brief outline of the author’s curriculum containing name and nationality,

academic level, activity currently being developed, address, telephone number and

e-mail address.

All proposals shall be reviewed by two members of the International Scientific

Committee (experts on the subject) for initial selection.

The Committee shall later discuss the number of proposals to be retained for

preparation of the papers and their scope.

The deadline for submission of academic proposals is Friday, May 16, 2014.

Any circumstance not contemplated in this call for papers shall be resolved by the

editors of this edition in conjunction with the editor of Gestión y Política Pública.

All academic proposals must be addressed to: and

Specialists and researchers are encouraged to invite those responsible for implementing

public policies to participate in this peer-reviewed and internationally visible edition for

possible inclusion in the papers as coauthors, to promote the generation of knowledge,

useful tools and debates on a topic that continues to be scarcely represented. This edition

constitutes the first contribution to the topic of sport in the journal Gestión y Política

Pública, which will be published bilingually.

Reception and peer-review

Authors of the proposals accepted during the preliminary review process shall have until

August 29, 2014, to submit their completed papers, which shall be received exclusively via

e-mail in electronic format. No papers will be accepted after this date. Manuscripts may be

addressed to and The

submission of papers shall be governed by the usual requirements and standards stated in

the “Instructions for Collaborators” of Gestión y Política Pública

( It is worth pointing out that the journal only

publishes unpublished papers that have not been submitted for simultaneous publication


The general requirements for the final papers are as follows:

Papers will only be accepted in Spanish or English. The work must be a minimum

of 7,000 words and a maximum of 12,000 words, submitted in Arial 12 point font

size, one and a half line spacing, on letter sized paper.

Include, together with the submitter paper, the following information: the title of the

work (in Spanish and English), an 80 to 160 word summary of its content (in

Spanish and English, same content), keywords (in Spanish and English, same

number of words with the same meaning).

Provide a brief outline of the author’s curriculum in Spanish and English containing

name and nationality, academic level, activity currently being developed, address,

telephone and fax number, and e-mail address (maximum of 80 words), according

to the following indexes: PAIS International Broad Topics Classification System; OECD

Macrothesaurus; UNBIS, United Nations

Bibliographic Information System http://unhq-appspub-

Place bibliographical references between parentheses in the text as follows: (author,

year, page).

A complete bibliography must be presented at the end of the paper, ordered

alphabetically, and structured as follows: a) For books: surnames, name, year (in

parenthesis), title (in italics), city, publisher; b) For articles compiled into a book:

surnames, name, year (in parenthesis), title (in quotation marks), the word “in”,

name of compiler, title of the book (in italics), city, publisher; c) For: journals and

periodicals: surnames, name, year (in parenthesis), title (in quotation marks), the

word “in”, name of the journal, volume, edition, pages.

All images, tables, graphs or figures must be accompanied by a title and the source,

or as applicable, the word “Author(s)”. Send all tables, diagrams, figures and graphs

in the software format used to create them (Word, Excel, Stata). Please inform us as

soon as possible if different software is used.

A brief bibliography in Spanish and English (of between 100 and 180 words).

Invariably, the authors of all accepted papers must sign an assignment of

rights agreement.

All papers will be subjected to a rigorous anonymous peer-review process performed by at

least two members from the Gestión y Política Pública referee list and members of the

Scientific Committee that specialize in the topic. The review process will finish no later

than January 16, 2015. It is important to mention that the outcome of the referee process

may be that the paper is accepted, rejected or, as appropriate, returned with suggestions for

improvements if it is to be accepted. Authors will have a maximum of one month to submit

the final version of their manuscript.

If the number of accepted papers is insufficient to compile a full edition of the journal, the

accepted papers will be published in a special section of the regular edition of Gestión y

Política Pública.