german 751 - 1000

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german 751 - 1000

Transcript of german 751 - 1000

learn german

in 1500 wordstranslated to english

1-250 | 251-500 | 501-750 | 751-1000 | 1001-1250 | 1251-1500

751 genommentaken

752 ArztDoctors

noun: doctor, physician, medical practitioner, male doctor

753 unseremour

754 IdiotIdiot

noun: idiot, imbecile, goon, twit, drip, clown, zombie

755 glaubstthink

756 jedeeach

757 großlarge

adjective: large, great, big, high, tall, wide, major, long, grand, large-scale, capital,

deep, considerable, full, keen, near, upper-case, sharp, grievous, lengthy, copious

758 hattesthad

759 Jungen

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Oferte Servicii pe Cauta sau

Adauga Oferta Acum!

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Boysadjective: young, youthful, new, green, emergent

760 RestRest

noun: rest, residual, remainder, residue, balance, remnant, remains, scrap, leftover,


761 versuchetry

762 TagenDays

verb: meet, sit, be dawn

763 nächstenext

noun: neighbor, next one

adjective: next, nearest, following, closest

764 EntschuldigenApologize

verb: excuse, pardon, extenuate

765 DoktorDentists

noun: doctor, dr., quack

766 sprichtspeaks

767 könntcan

768 hältholds

769 Team

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Teamnoun: team

770 kämpfenfight

verb: fight, struggle, battle, contend, campaign, grapple, attack, push, fray, tussle,


771 heiratenmarry

noun: marriage

verb: marry, get married, wed

772 könntestcould

773 WowWow

interjection: wow

774 MikeMike

775 StraßeStreet

noun: road, street, line, way, train, lane, pavement, strait

776 MistManure

noun: manure, dung, rubbish, muck, droppings, garbage, trash, punk, tripe, cobblers

interjection: shucks, Rats, bother, blow

777 KönigKing

noun: king

778 redesttalk

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779 kleinessmall

noun: half

adjective: small, little, low, petty, short, mini, lower case, slight, thin, modest,

miniature, humble, diminutive, lesser, puny, lowly, quick, exiguous, ordinary, dinky

780 lebtlives

781 erklärenexplain

verb: explain, declare, state, account for, proclaim, announce, pronounce, affirm,

expound, profess, avow, avouch, authenticate

782 wordenbeen

783 MillionenMillion

784 WiedersehenLook again

verb: see again, meet again

785 OnkelUncle

noun: uncle

786 kennstknow

787 sitzensit

verb: sit, sit on, be, perch, lie, be stuck, have a seat, be situated, be inside, have

headquarters, have sunk in, hit home

788 diesthis

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pronoun: this

789 wenigerless

adjective: less, little, fewer, a little, small, scant

adverb: less, not much

preposition: minus

790 KaffeeCoffee

noun: coffee

791 ernstseriously

noun: seriousness, gravity, earnestness, severity, solemnity, sternness, severeness,


adjective: serious, grave, earnest, severe, solemn, sincere, stern, sober, unsmiling,

heavy, pensive, astringent

adverb: seriously, gravely, earnestly, solemnly, sternly, firmly

792 wolltwant

793 tragenbear

noun: carrying

verb: carry, bear, wear, take, support, contain, sustain, shoulder, spread, endure,

defray, be carrying, yield, produce, tote, waft, crop, pass on, back, be pregnant, take

weight, display, pack

794 ZeugStuff

noun: stuff, linen, things, gear, clothes, material, nonsense, rubbish, muck

795 trotzdemstill

adverb: nevertheless, nonetheless, though, notwithstanding, anyhow, all the same,

regardless, just the same

conjunction: yet

796 Michael

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797 kaufenBuy

verb: buy, purchase, shop, buy off, bribe, buy over, fix, take

798 ListeList

noun: list, register, record, file, report, roll, slate

799 ändernchange

noun: changing, altering

verb: change, modify, amend, alter, revise, switch

800 KampfFight

noun: fight, struggle, battle, combat, fighting, contest, action, match, bout, fray,

engagement, encounter, tussle

801 hassehate

802 PersonPerson

noun: person, individual, personality, character, personage

803 MundMouth

noun: mouth, tongue

804 umbringenkill

verb: kill, murder, slay, make away with

805 PräsidentPresident

noun: president, chairman, commodore

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806 BodenGround

noun: ground, floor, soil, bottom, base, land, terrain, loft, seabed, seat

807 WohinWhere

adverb: where, whither, whereto

conjunction: wherever

808 machtemade

809 PartyParty

noun: party, outing

810 gefragtasked

adjective: in demand

811 SehtSee

812 irgendwosomewhere

adverb: somewhere, anywhere, someplace, anyplace, nowhere special

813 kümmerntake care

verb: concern, become stunted, shrivel

814 FrankFrank

adjective: frank, free

815 kenntknows

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816 verletztinjured

adjective: injured, hurt, upset, aggrieved

817 NachrichtMessage

noun: message, news, information, signal, confirmation

818 WillkommenWelcome

adjective: welcome, blessed

819 harthard

adjective: hard, tough, harsh, severe, firm, rough, strong, stiff, cruel, sharp, grim,

rude, robust, violent, unyielding, punishing, stable, hard-boiled, hard-core,

astringent, steely

adverb: harshly, severely, roughly, sharply, hardly, unsympathetically

820 lasselet

821 totaltotal

adjective: total, dead, utter, outright, totalitarian, all-out, unmitigated, radical, out-


adverb: totally, utterly, thoroughly, plumb

822 GefängnisPrison

noun: prison, jail, imprisonment, gaol, penitentiary, jail house, calaboose, gaol house

823 außerexcept

adverb: without, short of

preposition: except, out of, besides, apart from, save, beyond, aside from

conjunction: except

824 Sicherheit

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Securitynoun: security, safety, certainty, reliability, assurance, confidence, collateral, surety,

sureness, safeness, certitude, immunity, secureness, guaranty, competence,

steadiness, firmness

pronoun: itself, themselves, himself, yourself, herself, him, oneself, each other, self,

to himself, yourselves, one another, to itself, to themselves, to herself, to yourself, to

oneself, to yourselves, thyself

825 SchnellQuick

adjective: fast, quick, rapid, swift, speedy, prompt, hasty, expeditious, smart, flying,


adverb: quickly, rapidly, soon, swiftly, speedily, apace, smartly

826 wemwhom

pronoun: whom, who

827 ehrlichhonest

adjective: honest, sincere, straight, candid, good, squarely, downright, aboveboard,

transparent, veracious

adverb: honestly, frankly, really, truly, fairly, candidly

828 interessiertinterested

adjective: interested, prospective, responsive

829 SexSex

noun: sex, oomph

830 sagtensaid

831 ziehendraw

noun: ache, dragging pain, production

verb: pull, draw, drag, remove, go, make, pull out, extract, raise, lift, stretch, migrate,

haul, grow, wander, tug, march, infuse, suck, brew, drift, take out, simmer, fly, lift up,

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trail, breed, build, sail, penetrate, doff, process, erect, marinade, strain, work out,

heave, wheel, unsheathe, haul up, yank out, twitch, be draughty, transmigrate

phrase: Pull

832 WelcheWhat

pronoun: which, what, that, who, any, some

833 AugenblickMoment

noun: moment, instant, minute, second, tick

834 angerufencalled

835 aufhörenstop

noun: termination

verb: stop, cease, end, quit, finish, leave off, desist, discontinue, close, break off, give

over, lay off, finish off

836 KlasseClass

noun: class, category, grade, rating, bracket, form, league, rate, denomination

adjective: great, classy, super, terrific, neat, smashing, tremendous, cracking, jim-

dandy, bonzer, wild

837 BildImage

noun: image, picture, photo, frame, painting, photograph, illustration, scene,

portrait, drawing, sight, metaphor, reflection, tableau, character, picture card, vista,


838 starkstrong

adjective: strong, high, heavy, thick, powerful, severe, great, large, considerable,

marked, intense, substantial, tough, deep, potent, robust, bright, profound, violent,

bad, mighty, loud, keen, stout, forceful, broad, profuse, vivid, stiff, able, vehement,

hearty, virulent, high-powered, wild

adverb: strongly, greatly, heavily, very, severely, hard, badly, a lot, grossly, keenly,

profusely, brightly, really well

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839 zehnten

: ten

840 SinnSense

noun: sense, meaning, mind, point, spirit, feeling, signification, inclination

841 DavidDavid

noun: David

842 vorstellenimagine

verb: present, introduce, represent, unveil, put forward, bring forward, mean, point

out, put out, move forward, put in front, move on, signify, park in front

843 TomTom

844 TraumDream

noun: dream, daydream, reverie, picture

845 längermore

adjective: protracted

846 manchmalsometimes

adverb: sometimes

847 anrufenCall

verb: call, phone, telephone, ring, appeal to, call up, ring up, phone in, make a phone

call, hail, buzz, phone back, challenge, shout to

848 sechs

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six: six

849 ArschlochAsshole

noun: asshole, arsehole, prick, motherfucker, shit, fucker, shithead, bugger, bleeder,


850 sollstshalt

: shall

851 gestorbendied

adjective: died, dead, deceased

abbreviation: d.d.

852 TagesDay

853 war'sThat's

854 verschwindendisappear

noun: disappearance, naff off

verb: disappear, vanish, get off, pop off, go

855 KraftForce

noun: force, power, strength, energy, vigor, might, employee, worker, faculty,

fortitude, impetus, dint, heft, agency, help

preposition: by virtue of, by dint of, by use of

856 gesprochenspoken

adjective: spoken

857 heraus

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outadverb: out, forth

858 genausoas

adverb: just as, equally, exactly the same, just the same, similarly

859 wärstwert

860 damalsthen

adverb: then, at that time, in those days

861 heißenhot

verb: mean, name, be called, say, call, be, be named, bid, go, tell, be titled, betoken

862 LieblingFavorite

noun: favorite, darling, pet, love, honey, sweetheart, sweet, ducky, minion, dove

863 wahrscheinlichprobably

adjective: likely, probable, plausible

adverb: probably, presumably

864 deshalbtherefore

adverb: therefore, hence, because of that, for that, on this account

865 StellePoint

noun: point, place, office, site, location, position, authority, spot, job, passage, digit,

reference, patch, locus, figure, quarter

866 haltcontaining

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noun: stop, support, hold, halt, footing, foothold, purchase, station, security

adverb: just, simply

interjection: Stop, Halt

867 lhrenlhren

868 BillBill

869 erwartetexpected

870 solchesuch

adjective: suchlike

adverb: such

871 meistenmost

adverb: usually, mostly, more often than not

872 bringebring

873 stillstill

adjective: still, quiet, tranquil, silent, calm, secret, dormant, quiescent, placid,

sleeping, hidden

874 umgebrachtkilled

875 StimmeVoice

noun: voice, vote, part, call, register, mouthpiece, suffrage

876 GeneralGeneral

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noun: general

adjective: wholesale

877 GebenEnter

verb: give, provide, pass, make, put, allow, hand, set, grant, send, give up, lend, take,

serve, teach, deal, put on, produce, hand out, administer, utter, award, subscribe

878 EntschuldigeSorry

879 VergissRemember

880 redespeech

noun: speech, talk, address, words, language, conversation, rumor

881 führenlead

noun: operation

verb: lead, carry, run, conduct, guide, take, keep, live, manage, wage, drive, operate,

fly, go, feed, bear, direct, wield, open, command, head, stock, administer, control, sell,

sail, pilot, preside, levy, walk, shepherd, lead along, head up, ply, be in the lead, have

a record of, marshal, captain

882 BewegungMovement

noun: movement, motion, move, exercise, agitation, gesture, emotion, progress,

evolution, pass

883 hörelisten

884 GeschäftBusiness

noun: business, shop, transaction, store, office, deal, sale, bargain, duty, snip

885 werdetwill

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886 konntencould

887 wartetwaiting

888 anfangenstart

verb: start, begin, start out, start off, start up, set about, fall, move in, launch out,

launch forth

889 HabeHave

890 hintenback

adverb: behind, at the back, at the rear, aft

891 fälltfalls

892 wenwhom

pronoun: who

893 SekundenSeconds

894 gerettetsaved

895 NajaWell

896 jemalsever

adverb: ever

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897 MeinungFeedback

noun: opinion, view, mind, idea, judgment, notion, sentiment, estimation

898 geschehendone

noun: events

verb: happen, be done, occur, take place, betide, be committed, be rid of

899 AntwortReply

noun: answer, response, reply

900 schlimmbad

adjective: bad, serious, terrible, severe, ill, evil, awful, sad, ugly, wicked, nasty,

naughty, grievous, parlous

adverb: badly, nastily, foully

901 findetrefers

902 ScheißShit

noun: shit, crap, horseshit

903 gewinnenwin

verb: win, gain, obtain, get, recover, extract, make, enlist, produce, gather, take,

receive, reclaim, mine, be victorious, buy

904 TuTu

905 GedankenThoughts

noun: mind

906 erinnere

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907 GeorgeGeorge

908 mögenlike

: may

verb: like, have, want, take to, make love, require

909 HerrenMen

phrase: Gentlemen

910 YorkYork

noun: York

911 EarlEarl

912 klingtsounds

913 vorherpreviously

adverb: before, previously, beforehand

914 AugeEye

noun: eye, point, axil

915 hab''ve

916 setzenshare

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verb: set, put, place, sit, bet, move, seat, assume, build, back, posit, lay, gamble,

erect, typeset, compose, plant, put back, cross, seed, ship, bed

917 coolcool

adjective: cool, smooth, fair, laid-back, safe, together

918 AnfangBeginning

noun: beginning, start, outset, opening, inception, origin, onset, departure, morning

919 danachthen

adverb: then, after, thereafter, afterwards, after that, beyond, next, accordingly,

hereafter, towards it, according to that, behind that, in accordance with that

920 MonateMonths

921 LebensLife

922 benutzenuse

verb: use, utilize, make use of, take advantage of, patronize

923 fühlenfeel

verb: feel, sense

924 ÄrgerAnger

noun: anger, trouble, annoyance, resentment, hassle, irritation, vexation,

aggravation, chagrin, worry, upset, bother, nuisance, exasperation, tangle

925 arbeitework

926 Rolle

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Rolenoun: role, roller, roll, part, reel, pulley, scroll, castor, coil, caster, bobbin, runner,

skid, crake

927 gefährlichdangerous

adjective: dangerous, hazardous, risky, perilous, unsafe, formidable, unhealthy,

reckless, desperate, parlous, savage

adverb: dangerously, perilously, savagely, nastily

928 gelerntlearned

adjective: skilled

929 fallenfall

noun: abscission

verb: fall, drop, decrease, fall off, slip, go down, descend, come down, tumble, die, be

made, be dropped, lower, impinge, topple, slump, flop, hang, be killed, be mentioned,

be fired, pitch, be uttered, be pronounced, be passed

930 böseevil

noun: harm, villain, baddie, evil person, wicked person, black-hearted person

adjective: evil, bad, angry, wicked, nasty, mad, cross, naughty, vicious, sinister,

dark, sore, malign, black, villainous, unholy, venomous, ferocious, baleful, black-


adverb: wickedly, crossly, nastily, balefully

931 werdexpectant

932 NäheClose

noun: proximity, vicinity, closeness, neighborhood, nearness, propinquity

933 geschicktsent

adjective: clever, skilled, skillful, skilful, adept, handy, adroit, deft, nimble,

ingenious, shrewd, expert, agile

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adverb: cleverly, skilfully, skillfully, deftly, ably, neatly, cunningly, shrewdly,

expertly, agilely, glibly, capably, competently

934 liebtloves

935 TischTable

noun: table, desk, bench, meal, slab

936 ZielTarget

noun: target, goal, aim, objective, destination, purpose, object, end, finish, point,

finishing line, pursuit, finishing post, winning post, home, credit period

937 RaumSpace

noun: room, space, area, chamber, scope, sphere, expanse, berth

938 jedemeach

939 fliegenfly

verb: fly, travel, go, skim, pilot, blow, fall, sail, carry, race, voyage, be flung, be


940 WohnungApartment

noun: apartment, flat, dwelling, accommodation, residence, property, lodging, place,


941 lhnenlhnen

942 erfahrenlearn

verb: learn, experience, find out, hear, undergo, receive, suffer

adjective: experienced, seasoned, practiced, proficient, versatile

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943 dummstupid

adjective: stupid, silly, dumb, foolish, dull, thick, unintelligent, inane, imbecile,

fatuous, witless, brainless, imbecilic, green, blockish, footling

adverb: stupidly, inanely

944 byby

945 ehermore

adverb: rather, more, more likely, sooner, earlier, more easily

946 vorsichtigcarefully

adjective: careful, cautious, wary, prudent, conservative, guarded, circumspect, safe,

tentative, chary, deliberate, cagey, leery, canny

adverb: carefully, gingerly, safely, warily, guardedly, circumspectly, charily

interjection: Steady

947 herumaround

adverb: around, about

948 KlappeFlap

noun: flap, valve, lid, shutter, key, patch, tailgate, trap, tab, trapdoor, leaf,

clapperboard, strap, back, swat, sidegate

interjection: Can it

949 schickenSend

verb: send

adjective: chic, stylish, smart, elegant, fancy, sophisticated, natty, modish

adverb: smartly, modishly

950 LadenShop

noun: shop, loading, store, shutter, outfit, joint

verb: load, invite, upload, charge, load up, summon, boot, boot up, take on

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951 aufsagain

952 großergreat

953 CharlieCharlie

954 arbeitetworks

955 EuerYour

pronoun: your, yours, of you, thy

956 WorteWords

957 richtigeright

noun: right thing

adjective: right, correct, accurate, proper, real, fit, exact, affirmative, regular

adverb: correctly, properly, right, really, rightly, quite, thoroughly

958 FlugzeugAircraft

noun: aircraft, plane, airplane

959 FirmaCompany

noun: company, firm, business, corporation

960 bezahlenpay

verb: pay, pay for, settle, pay off, foot, fund, remunerate, settle up, meet

961 Glaubst

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962 fallsif

conjunction: if, in case

963 schreibenLeave

noun: letter, writing, communication, missive, production

verb: write, type, write in, put, compose, spell, write out, scribble, write away, make

out, send away, produce, score

964 tatdid

noun: deed, act, action, crime, feat

965 DarumTherefore

adverb: therefore, that is why, about that, because of that, around that, round that

966 starbdied

967 SchlussFinal

noun: conclusion, end, closing, closure, finish, ending, rear, inference, termination,

cadence, breakup, back, cadency

968 FensterWindow

noun: window, glass

969 liegenare

verb: lie, be, fall, rest, be located, stand, be situated, point, hang, be recumbent, be

laid up, lie on its side

970 wär'swould it

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971 VerzeihungForgiveness

noun: forgiveness, pardon

interjection: Sorry, Pardon me

972 niemandennobody

pronoun: no one, nobody, no man, not smb.

973 neuesnew

974 WeißWhite

noun: white

adjective: uncoloured, uncolored

975 benutztused

adjective: used

976 'nen'Nen

977 jedeseach

978 schätzetreasures

noun: wealth, riches

979 FingerFinger

noun: finger, digit, dactyl

980 wertvalue

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noun: value, denomination, good, usefulness, valuable object, article of value

adjective: worth, useful, dear

981 rüberover

982 haltethink

adverb: just, simply

983 besondersparticularly

adverb: particularly, especially, specially, in particular, extra, notably, peculiarly,


984 DaddyDaddy

985 WitzJoke

noun: joke, wit, jest, story, gag, wisecrack

986 nachdemafter

conjunction: after, once

987 nimmttakes

988 KontrolleControl

noun: control, check, inspection, checking, supervision, test, checkpoint, policing,

inspector, visit, possession, security officer, traffic police, frontier-guard, checkout

desk, border post, gatehouse

989 großartiggreat

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adjective: great, magnificent, grand, superb, wonderful, splendid, marvelous,

gorgeous, terrific, grandiose, admirable, immense, superior, prodigious

adverb: magnificently, superbly, brilliantly, marvelously, gorgeously

990 HerzenHeart

verb: cuddle

991 gutesgood

992 gewonnenwon

993 thethe

994 BierBeer

noun: beer, wallop

995 kamencame

996 stolzproud

noun: pride, boast, glory

adjective: proud, lofty, impressive, majestic, fancy, princely

adverb: proudly, loftily

997 komischfunny

adjective: funny, strange, comic, comical, odd, humorous, queer, droll, queerly,

unlikely, screwy, rum, oddball

998 bittenask

noun: pleading, solicitation

verb: ask, request, beg, invite, beseech, plead, appeal, solicit, petition, sue

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1-250 | 251-500 | 501-750 | 751-1000 | 1001-1250 | 1251-1500

999 RandyRandy

1000 plötzlichsuddenly

adjective: sudden, abrupt, rapid, snap, precipitate

adverb: suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly, all of a sudden, short

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