Gerhart m ted_slideshow

Post on 30-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Gerhart m ted_slideshow

Mason GerhartPSO Slideshow

Hans RoslingRosling is a Swedish doctor and a Professor of International Health at the Karolinska Institute. He is also the co-founder and chairman of the Gapminder Foundation, who developed the Trendalyzer software system.

Rosling is also a statistician and public speaker. He discovered an outbreak of Konzo in Africa in the 80’s. He spent 2 decades studying and trying to slow

and ultimately stop the spread of this paralytic disease.

Thesis:Rosling’s thesis is you have to better a country’s health before you can better their finances.

Rosling was able to capture the audiences attention by keeping the factual information flowing. He pushes statistics onto the audience with such emphasis that the members

have no time to let their mind wander.

Hans Rosling keeps the audience engaged by stacking factual information with some witty metaphors and some humor.

Rosling followed majority of the commandments in his presentation, however I feel he most accurately followed VI and VIII. My reasoning behind my answer is because he

wasn’t afraid to make the audience laugh, and he never once flaunted anything about his company or himself.

I give Hans Rosling a 4/5 because he could have related to the audience more. He also could have added more humor to keep the audience members feeling more interested and entertained rather than have them feeling bored or that they are being lectured.


Some tips that were used from Garr Reynolds and Nancy Duarte were the art of storytelling, and using slides with minimal text and visuals to capture your

audiences attention.

What I Learned

• What I learned from the presenter about delivery is that you have to capture your audiences attention first and foremost.

You also need to relate to your audience, whether its by telling personal experiences or asking them questions to get them personally involved in your presentation.

Compare & Contrast

Hans Rosling Sir Ken Robinson

Hans Rosling differs greatly from Sir Ken Robinson with his speaking style. He uses more Statistics and factual

information than Ken Robinson. He also lacks the engagement that the audience needs.

Sir Ken Robinson connects with his audience through humor. He keeps them laughing so they are ultimately

engaged the whole time. He also uses real life experiences when he tells stories to relate to the

audience members on a personal level.

Tips For Future Presentations

• Get the audience involved first and foremost• Use personal experiences to relate to the

audience• Use humor to keep members involved• Speak with confidence and knowledge of your


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Mason Gerhart