Gerard Clement- Flat wormholes from straight cosmic strings

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a r X i v : g

r - q c / 9 7 0 1 0 6 0 v 1 2 8 J a n 1 9 9 7

Flat wormholes from straight cosmic strings

Gerard Clement∗

Laboratoire de Gravitation et Cosmologie Relativistes

Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, CNRS/URA769

Tour 22–12, Boıte 142, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris cedex 05, France

28 January 1996


We describe the analytical extension of certain cylindrical multi–cosmic string metrics to wormhole spacetimes with only one regionat spatial infinity, and investigate in detail the geometry of asymp-totically Minkowskian wormhole spacetimes generated by one or twocosmic strings. We find that such wormholes tend to lengthen rather

than shorten space travel. Possible signatures of these wormholes arebriefly discussed.



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1 Introduction

It has long been recognized that the equations of general relativity carryinformation not only about the local geometry of spacetime, but also aboutits possible global topologies. Early work on wormholes [1]–[4] was motivatedby the hope that they might provide a way to evade the problems associatedwith point singularities in particle physics. A quite different motivation wasprovided by the analysis of Morris and Thorne, who first investigated in somedetail the possibility of using traversable wormholes to travel in space [5], aswell as in time [6].

Traversable wormholes may occur as solutions to the Einstein field equa-

tions with suitable sources violating the weak energy condition. When ex-plicit solutions are discussed in the literature, these are usually static spheri-cally symmetric Einstein–Rosen wormholes connecting two regions at space-like infinity [7]. More relevant for the purpose of interstellar travel areWheeler–Misner wormholes [2], with only one region at spatial infinity. Ex-act solutions of the time–symmetric initial–value problem of general relativitywith such a topology have been constructed [3][4], but these non–static worm-holes are not traversable [5]. In a recent paper [8], Schein and Aichelburghave constructed a static Wheeler–Misner wormhole by matching, along twospherical shells S 1 and S 2, an outer Majumdar–Papapetrou spacetime to aninner Reissner–Nordstrom spacetime; this is traversable only one way, from

S 1 to S 2.Static Wheeler–Misner wormholes may be obtained by suitably extending

a procedure, described by Visser, to construct models of flat Einstein–Rosenwormholes [9]. Remove from Euclidean space R3 a volume Ω . Take a second,identical copy of R3 − Ω, and identify these two excised spaces along theboundaries ∂ Ω. The spacetime obtained by factoring the resulting spacewith the time axis R is a geodesically complete Einstein–Rosen wormhole(or multi–wormhole if Ω has several connected components), everywhere flatexcept on ∂ Ω, where the stress–energy is concentrated. To similarly constructa Wheeler–Misner wormhole, remove from R3 two non–overlapping volumesΩ and Ω′ which are the image of each other under the involution (x,y,z)

→(−x,y,z), and identify the boundaries ∂ Ω, ∂ Ω′ (Fig. 1) (the diffeomorphismΩ → Ω′ must reverse orientation if the resulting manifold is to be orientable[10]). In a further extension of this procedure, the boundaries ∂ Ω, ∂ Ω′ arenot identified, but connected by a cylindrical tube carrying equal energy


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per unit length and longitudinal tension (if the surface ∂ Ω is compact andsimply connected, it follows from the Gauss–Bonnet theorem that the energyper unit tube length is 1/2G). The geometry, as viewed by an “external”observer (in R3−Ω−Ω′), does not depend on the “internal” distance (throughthe tube) between the two “mouths” ∂ Ω, ∂ Ω′, which may be arbitrarily large,so that the advantage for space travel is not so obvious.

In the case where ∂ Ω is a cylinder, the internal tube is, as well as externalspace, flat. The curvature is then concentrated on the two wormhole mouths,each of which carries (again by the Gauss–Bonnet theorem) a mass per unitlength and a longitudinal tension both equal to m = −1/4G. For instance,the static conical Einstein–Rosen wormholes generated by a circular cylindri-

cal source [11] may thus, in the case of a vanishing deficit angle, be extendedto Wheeler–Misner wormholes with zero tube length, which may easily begeneralized to the case of an arbitrary tube length.

Let us now discuss the case where Ω is a polyhedron. Visser showed[4] that in this case the curvature of the boundary ∂ Ω is concentrated onthe edges, which each carry an equal energy per unit length and tension.A particular case of Visser’s polyhedral wormholes is obtained in the limitof cylindrical polyhedra, i. e. configurations of p parallel cosmic strings of tension mi, with

i mi = −1/2G. Following the procedure described above,

these Einstein–Rosen wormholes can be straigthforwardly be extended toWheeler–Misner wormholes generated by p straight cosmic strings in the

case of zero tube length, or 2 p cosmic strings for an arbitrary tube length.The purpose of this paper is to investigate in more detail the construc-

tion and geometry of flat cylindrical wormholes generated by straight cosmicstrings, following an analytical method complementary to the geometricalmethod outlined above. In the second section we show how special multi–cosmic string metrics may be analytically extended [12][13] to Einstein–Rosenor Wheeler–Misner multi–wormhole, multi–cosmic string metrics. Becauseour spacetime is locally approximately Minkowskian, we shall be speciallyinterested in asymptotically Minkowskian spacetimes. In the third section,we study in detail the topology and geometry of asymptotically Minkowskian,

flat Wheeler–Misner wormholes generated by one or two straight cosmicstrings. Geodesic paths through such wormholes are discussed in the fourthsection, with applications to space travel and geometrical optics. Our resultsare summarized and discussed in the last section.


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2 Wormholes from cosmic strings

We start from the well–known multi–cosmic string metric [14]–[16]

ds2 = dt2 − dσ2 − dz2, (2.1)

where the 2–metric

dσ2 =i

|ζ − ai|−8Gmi dζ dζ ∗ (2.2)

(ζ ≡ x + iy) may locally be transformed to the Cartesian form

dσ2 = dwdw∗ = du2 + dv2 (2.3)

(w ≡ u + iv) withdw =


(ζ − ai)−4Gmi dζ. (2.4)

The spacetime of metric (2.1) is therefore flat outside the worldsheets of thecosmic strings ζ = ai (the conical singularities, with deficit angle 8πGmi,of the surface (2.2)), which carry an energy per unit length and a tensionboth equal to mi < 1/4G (for mi ≥ 1/4G the singularity ζ = ai is at spatialinfinity). The metric (2.2) is also generically singular at the point at infinity

in the complex ζ –plane, with deficit angle 8πG

i mi. This last singularityis at infinite geodesic distance if


mi ≤ 1/4G . (2.5)

In the generic case, the conical singularities of the metric (2.2) are loga-rithmic branch points which become branch points of order n for 4Gmi = 1/n(n integer). The conformal factor in (2.2) is analytical in the complex ζ –planewith cuts extending from the various branch points to infinity. Consider nowthe special case of the bicone with m1 = m2 = 1/8G,

dσ2 = dζ dζ ∗

|ζ 2 − b2| . (2.6)

By choosing the cut to be the segment connecting the two branch pointsζ = ±b, we can analytically extend this bicone to a geodesically complete


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surface: a cylinder. To show this [13], pinch the cylinder along a parallel. Wethus obtain two identical bicones with deficit angles π at the two vertices and2π at infinity, joined along the pinch. These two bicones are diffeomorphicto the two sheets of the Riemann surface of the metric (2.6) with the cutindicated (Fig. 2). The diffeomorphism is implemented by the transformation

ζ = b cosh w (2.7)

(by integration of (2.4)), which maps the cut into the circle u = 0 (v is anangular variable from (2.7)), and the two sheets into the two halves u > 0and u < 0 of the cylinder.

The cylinder with its two circles at infinity is the basic building block

for Einstein–Rosen wormholes in two space dimensions. The general one–wormhole flat metric is obtained by multiplying the right–hand side of (2.6)by an arbitrary conformal factor assumed to be regular at ζ = ±b. In thesimplest case,

dσ2 =|ζ − c|−8Gm|ζ 2 − b2| dζ dζ ∗, (2.8)

take the cut to be the geodesic segment connecting the two branch pointsζ = ±b; analytical continuation across this cut then leads to a surface withtwo symmetrical asymptotically conical sheets smoothly connected along acylindrical throat, and two conical singularities —one in each sheet— at

ζ = c. The corresponding spacetime (2.1) is therefore a two–cosmic stringEinstein–Rosen wormhole. Note that the masses per unit length m of thesources are different from the “total” masses per unit length M determinedfrom the asymptotic behaviour of the metric at either region at spatial infinity[17][13],

M =1

4G+ m, (2.9)

the difference 1/4G being the topological contribution of the wormhole. Forthe spatial sections to be open (M ≤ 1/4G), m must be negative or zero.

In the special case m = −1/4G,

dσ2 = |ζ − c|2

|ζ 2 − b2| dζ dζ ∗, (2.10)

the cosmic string and wormhole contributions to the total mass balance (forthis reason we shall refer to the metric (2.10) as the “dipole” metric), so


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that the flat metric (2.1) is asymptotically Minkowskian. In Fig. 3 we showschematically the pattern of geodesics u = const. and v = const. for thedipole geometry (2.10) (in the case b and c real, |b| < |c|). The criticalgeodesic u = 0 which hits the singularity at ζ = c divides the ζ –plane inthree regions. The geometry of the “left” region (u < 0) is that of a half–plane. In the “inner” region (u > 0), the geodesic cut u = L is surroundedby concentric closed geodesics u = const. with equal perimeter 2πc, untilthe geodesic segment u = 0 connecting the conical singularity with itself isreached; this region is the map of a truncated cylinder. Finally, the “right”region (u > 0) is again the map of a half–plane, however the geodesic distancebetween two distant geodesics v = D and v = −D is smaller in the “right”

region than in the “left” region by a length 2l, with l = πc.We thus arrive at the following geometrical construction for the t = const.,

z = const. sections of the dipole wormhole: 1) Remove from the (u, v) planethe semi–infinite strip u > 0, −l < v < l, and glue together the edges (u > 0,v = l) and (u > 0, v = −l). This yields a flat surface which is the unionof the “left” and “right” regions discussed above, and has a closed boundarygeodesic Γ of length 2l (the segment (u = 0, −l ≤ v ≤ l) connecting thesingularity (u = 0, v = ±l) to itself). 2) Take a second identical surface withboundary Γ′, and glue together the two boundaries Γ, Γ′ to the two ends of a truncated cylinder of perimeter 2l and length 2L, with

L = √c2 − b2 − c log[(c + √c2 − b2)/b]. (2.11)

The resulting flat surface has the Einstein–Rosen wormhole topology, isasymptotically Euclidean with two conical singularities, and is mapped on thetwo–sheeted ζ –plane by the analytical extension of (2.10) described above.In the limit L → 0 (c → b), the two singularities coalesce to a single conicalsingularity; this wormhole can be viewed as a very special case of Visser’spolyhedral wormholes, a monohedron with one edge (the straight cosmicstring) bounding one face (Γ × R) connecting the two sheets.

The general n–wormhole metric is obtained by first making on the cylin-der metric (2.6) the conformal transformation ζ

→P n(ζ ), where P n is a

polynomial of order n, then multiplying the resulting n–cylinder metric bya conformal factor regular at the zeroes of P n(ζ ) ∓ b. Multi–wormholes gen-erated by a sigma–model field coupled repulsively to gravity are discussedin [13]. The metric for a flat n–wormhole spacetime generated by p cosmic


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strings is (2.1) with

dσ2 =

pi=1 |ζ − ci|−8Gmi

|ζ 2n − b2n| dζ dζ ∗, (2.12)


ζ n =n


(ζ − a j). (2.13)

Various extensions of this metric across the n cuts are possible. In the sym-metrical extension, the Riemann surface is made of two sheets joined alongthe n–component cut. The resulting spacetime is an n–wormhole Einstein–

Rosen spacetime, with p cosmic strings in each sheet, and total mass per unitlength

M =n



mi, (2.14)

in accordance with the Gauss–Bonnet theorem [13].The simplest case after n = 1 is n = 2, p = 0:

dσ2 =l4 dζ dζ ∗

|(ζ 2 − a2)2 − b4| . (2.15)

Then, M = 1/2G, so that the two–dimensional spatial sections of genus

1, orientable by construction, are compact and regular, i.e. are tori T 1 =S 1 × S 1. To recover the symmetrical Riemann surface, pinch the torus alongtwo opposite circles; this yields two tetracones with deficit angles π at eachvertex, joined along the two pinches, which correspond to the two cuts of theRiemann surface. The flat metric (2.3) on the torus, with u and v periodical,is transformed to the metric (2.15) by

ζ (w) =√

a2 + b2 sn

√a2 + b2

l2w, k


(with k2 = (a2

−b2)/(a2 + b2)), where sn is a biperiodical Jacobi function.

However the metric (2.15) admits a more economical analytical extensionto a topologically non trivial Riemann surface with only one sheet. Such apossibility derives from the observation [13] that the torus may be pinchedonly once into a single tetracone joined to itself by an identification of the two


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edges. This identification corresponds to an identification of the two cuts,leading to the identification of the two sheets, of the Riemann surface forthe complex variable ζ (w), the point ζ in the first sheet of the symmetricalextension being identified with the point −ζ in the second sheet 1. A largecircle geodesic v = const. is thus mapped into a line connecting the two cutseither in the upper or in the lower half–plane of the ζ –plane, so that a particlegoing around the torus along this geodesic falls into e.g. the left–hand cutto come out again from the right–hand cut (Fig. 4).

Such a one–sheeted extension is possible whenever the distribution of both the n cuts and the p conical singularities of the flat metric (2.12) isinvariant under the isometry ζ → −ζ , so that the two sheets of the symmet-

rical extension may be identified together. In the case n = 2 the resultingsurface —a topological torus with a point at infinity (provided M < 1/4G)and p conical singularities— is a Wheeler–Misner wormhole. In fact ourconstruction is the three–dimensional counterpart of Lindquist’s [4] reinter-pretation of a four–dimensional Einstein–Rosen manifold with two identicalspherical bridges as a single Wheeler–Misner wormhole by identifying corre-sponding points on the two sheets of the Einstein–Rosen manifold . In thenext section we investigate the various possible geometries for asymptoticallyMinkowskian (M = 0) Wheeler–Misner wormholes with p = 1 or 2.

3 Two–string and one–string asymptoticallyMinkowskian Wheeler–Misner wormholes

The Wheeler–Misner wormhole generated by two cosmic strings is the one–sheeted extension of a symmetrical n = p = 2 metric (2.12). In the asymp-totically Minkowskian case, this metric

dσ2 =|ζ 2 − c2|2

|(ζ 2 − a2)2 − b4| dζ dζ ∗ (3.1)

depends on three complex parameters a, b, c. According to the relative values

of these parameters, the non–extended geometrical configuration may belongto one of three possible generic types DD, AA, or Q.

1Other possible identifications ζ → ±ζ ∗ between the two sheets would lead to thenon–orientable manifold U 2.


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1) Dipole–dipole (DD). The sequences of closed “u–geodesics” surround-ing each of the two symmetrical geodesic cuts terminate in two disjointgeodesic segments, each connecting one of the singularities with itself. Asingle v–geodesic segment, bissecting the angles formed by the continuationsof these critical u–geodesics, connects the two singularities together. An in-stance of this case is a, b, c real, a2 > b2 + c2 (Fig. 5(a)). The analyticalextension of this geometry to the Riemann surface obtained by identificationof the two cuts, as described in the previous section, leads to the DD worm-hole geometry. The geometrical construction of this wormhole (Fig. 5(b))follows closely that of the dipole Einstein–Rosen wormhole, except that thetwo copies of the (u, v) plane deprived of a semi–infinite strip are replaced by

a single Euclidean plane deprived of a rectangular strip. Two opposite edges,of length 2d, of this rectangle are glued together, while the other two edges, of length 2l, are glued to the two ends of a truncated cylinder of circumference2l and length 2L.

2) Antidipole–antidipole (AA). In this type again, two disjoint critical u–geodesic segments connecting each of the two singularities with itself encloseconcentric closed u–geodesics surrounding a cut. However the two singular-ities are now connected by two symmetrical v–geodesic segments, bissectingthe two angles formed by a critical closed u–geodesic segment and its contin-uation to infinity (Fig. 6(a), drawn for a, b, c real, b2 < a2 < c2 − b2). Thecorresponding Wheeler–Misner wormhole geometry turns out to be equiva-

lent to that of the Q wormhole, as we shall presently explain.3) Quadrupole (Q). In this case the sequences of closed u–geodesics sur-

rounding the two cuts terminate in two contiguous geodesic contours madefrom three u–segments connecting the two singularities together (Fig. 6(b),drawn for a and b real with b2 < a2, and c imaginary). The critical v–geodesics bissecting the two angles formed by this self–intersecting u–geodesicare v = d and v = −d, where 2d is the geodesic distance between the twosingularities along the “external” segments of the u–geodesic u = 0. Thedistance between the two singularities along the “central” segment u = 0is 2(l − d), where l is again the perimeter of the closed u–geodesics. The

geometrical construction of the Q Wheeler–Misner wormhole resulting fromidentification of the two cuts is shown in Fig. 7. The Euclidean plane isincised along a segment AB of length 2d. A torus of “small” perimeter2l (l > d) and “large” perimeter 2L is also incised along a matching seg-ment A′B′ (length 2d) of a small circle. Finally, the torus and the plane are


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glued together along the two edges of the cuts AB, A′B′. These two edgescorrespond to the two external geodesic segments u = 0 in Fig. 6(b); thecomplementary small–circle segment connecting A′ and B′ is mapped intothe central segment u = 0 in Fig. 6(b), while the antipodal small circle onthe torus is mapped into the two identified cuts of the complex plane.

Now we show the equivalence of the Wheeler–Misner analytical extensionsof the AA and Q metrics of Fig. 6, by showing that they correspond to twodual maps for the same basic geometry in Fig. 7. Instead of cutting the torusalong the antipodal small circle (which leads to the Q map of Fig. 6(b)), cutit along the large circle through O in Fig. 7. In the Q map, this large circle is,as all large circles, a v–geodesic connecting together the two identified cuts

of Fig. 6(b). In the AA map, the same large circle now corresponds to thetwo identified cuts of Fig. 6(a), which are connected together by a sequenceof small circles — now v–geodesics — terminating in the two sides v = ±lof the segment A′B′ (AB); the two critical geodesics v = ±d of Fig. 6(b)— large circles going through A′ and B′ — correspond to the two criticalgeodesics u = ±d of Fig. 6(a). In other words, the AA and Q maps aretransformed into each other under the duality u ↔ v exchanging the twocircles of S 1 × S 1.

Asymptotically Minkowskian wormholes generated by a single cosmicstring may be obtained from the two–cosmic string case by taking limitssuch that the two cosmic strings (the two singularities in the two–dimensional

spatial sections) coincide. Two inequivalent geometries may result, DD0 or8. Consider first the DD wormhole geometry, Fig. 5(b), and take the limitL → 0. The resulting “DD0” geometry may be directly obtained from theEuclidean plane deprived of a rectangular strip by gluing together, first twoopposite edges of the rectangle, then the other two edges. Clearly, by con-struction the singularity is connected to itself by only two geodesics of lengths2d and 2l. A metric which leads to this geometry after a one–sheeted ana-lytical extension is (3.1) with a,b,c real, a2 = b2 + c2.

Taking the limit d → 0 in the DD geometry of Fig. 5(b) is obviouslyequivalent to taking the limit d → l in the Q geometry of Fig. 7. The

resulting “8” geometry (Fig. 8) is obtained by incising the Euclidean planealong a segment of length 2l, bringing together the two vertices so that thetwo edges make a figure 8, then gluing these two edges to the two ends of a truncated cylinder of circumference 2l and length 2L. The singularity isconnected to itself by (2 + N ) geodesics, two geodesics of length 2l (the


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two edges just mentioned), and a denumerable family of geodesics of length2√L2 + n2l2 going from one end of the cylinder to the other while winding ntimes around it. Two examples of metrics (3.1) leading to this geometry aregiven by real parameters a,b,c with b2 < a2, and either c2 = 0 or (becauseof the equivalence AA ↔ Q) c2 = a2 + b2.

The two preceding one–cosmic string geometries depend on two param-eters. By taking the further limit d = 0 in the DD0 geometry, or L = 0 inthe 8 geometry, we obtain the “I” geometry, which corresponds simply to aplane with two points identified. A single geodesic, of length 2l, connectsthe resulting conical singularity to itself. This limiting geometry may beobtained from the one–sheeted extension of the metric

dσ2 =|ζ |2

|ζ 2 − l2| dζdζ ∗ . (3.2)

4 Space travel and geometrical optics

Because our wormhole spacetimes are (almost everywhere) flat, as well asasymptotically Minkowskian, they do not classically scatter test particles orlight rays. A test particle going through a wormhole will emerge with aworldline parallel to its ingoing worldline. However the outgoing worldlinewill generically be shifted, in space as well as in time. Shifts in space lead to

non–trivial geometrical optics effects, while shifts in time might be relevantfor, e.g., intergalactic travel. We first consider shifts in time, with a view toaddress the question, raised in the Introduction, whether traversable worm-holes are really advantageous for long distance space travel. Because of thesimple form of our spacetime metric (2.1), time shifts only depend on thethree–velocity of the test particle and on the geodesic distance travelled intwo–dimensional sections t = const., z = const. So we consider some giventwo–dimensional geodesic as “start” line, and another, parallel geodesic as“finish” line, and compare the geodesic distance between these two lines alongtwo paths, one which “goes through the wormhole”, and another which doesnot go through the wormhole.

First we have to give a workable definition of “going through the worm-hole”. These questions are usually addressed in the context of Einstein–Rosenwormholes, where a path which goes from one point at spatial infinity to theother obviously “goes through the wormhole”. More generally, consider a


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space E with N points at spatial infinity. We compactify this space to aclosed topological space E , and define a “path going through a wormhole”as a path, going from spatial infinity to spatial infinity, which is not ho-motopic to zero. This definition covers in particular both the case of theEinstein–Rosen wormhole, a topological sphere with two points at infinity(paths connecting these two points are trivially non contractible), and thatof the Wheeler–Misner wormholes of the previous section, topological toriwith one point at infinity (closed paths are non–contractible if they windaround one or both circles).

For simplicity, we first deal with the case of one cosmic string. Fig. 9 showstwo parallel geodesics 1 and 2 going through a DD0 wormhole of parameters

(l, d); an effect of the shifts in space mentioned above is that geodesic 1comes in to the right of geodesic 2 but comes out to its left. These geodesicscannot be deformed to the spectator geodesics 3 or 4 without crossing thesingularity. Both are shorter than the spectator geodesics, the path beingshorter by 2d cos θ for geodesic 1, and by 2l sin θ for geodesic 2 (θ is theincidence angle of geodesic 1). So we have here a model of a one–cosmicstring wormhole which does indeed shorten space travel. There is however ahazard: a moving object, such as a spaceship, assumed to have a size of theorder of the dimensions l, d of the wormhole, and to be light enough so asnot to affect the geometry, would be cut in four pieces by the cosmic string.

Consider now the case of the 8 wormhole (Fig. 8). Obviously a geodesic

hitting, under the incidence θ, one edge of the incision in the Euclidean planethen goes the full length L of the cylinder, while winding a number of timesaround it before emerging from the other, contiguous edge. So travel throughthe wormhole will always be longer in this case. We find that the path excessis, for a geodesic path,

∆ = 2L cos θ + 2nl sin θ , (4.1)

where n = [(L/l)tan θ] is the winding number of the path, i.e. the inte-ger part of the number of turns inside the cylinder. This number increaseswithout limit as the incidence angle θ nears π/2, so that

∆ ≃ 2Lcos θ for θ → π/2 (4.2)

becomes arbitrarily large. Finally, the I wormhole can be obtained as a limitof both the DD0 and the 8 wormholes so that, while technically a wormholeaccording to our general definition, it is without effect on space travel.


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Now for the two-cosmic string wormholes. In the DD geometry of Fig.5(b) there are, as in the DD0 case, two kinds of paths through the wormhole,corresponding to the two circles of S 1×S 1. Geodesic paths crossing once thetwo identified segments of length 2d in Fig. 5(b) are “shorter” (than theywould be in Euclidean space) by 2l sin θ. Geodesic paths crossing once thetwo circular junctions of length 2l may wind n times around the cylinder;they can be shorter if L < d, but are always longer if L > d, the path excessbeing given in terms of the winding number by

∆ = 2(L − d)cos θ + 2nl sin θ. (4.3)

Paths through the Q wormhole of Fig. 7 are those which enter the torusthrough one edge of the incision AB and emerge through the other edge afterwinding N times around the large circle and n times around the small circle.The path excess for a geodesic path of incidence θ is now

∆ = 2NL cos θ + 2nl sin θ , (4.4)

with the relationn = [N (L/l)tan θ] (4.5)

between the two winding numbers. The probability p of a random geodesicexiting the torus after one turn around the large circle is proportional to the

width of the gate A′


, p = d/l, leading to the mean number of turns aroundthe large circle,

N =l

d. (4.6)

So the path excess becomes very large in the limit of a very small gatewidth(d ≪ l) or of a grazing incidence (θ ≃ π/2); when both limits are taken, weobtain from Eqs. (4.4)–(4.6)

∆ ≃ 2NL

cos θ≃ 2Ll

d cos θ. (4.7)

Light rays from one geometrical point (e. g. a galactic source S ) to an-other (e. g. an observer O) may similarly follow a variety of homotopicallyinequivalent optical paths (geodesics), leading to an array of geometrical im-ages S ′. From Fig. 9, the DD0 wormhole behaves as a rectangular prism of infinite refractive index, and thus gives two images of a point source. The


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8 wormhole behaves rather as a parallel plate with partially reflecting faces,multiple reflections being replaced by multiple turns around the cylinder; theresult is that a point source gives rise to a one–dimensional periodical arrayof images. In the case of the DD geometry, the observer would see a single“near” image (due to light rays crossing the two identified segments of length2d in Fig. 5(b), equivalent to a parallel plate of infinite index) together witha one–dimensional array of increasingly distant images (due to light rayswinding around the cylinder). Finally, in the case of the Q wormhole, thepossibility of light rays winding around both the large circle and the smallcircle of the torus leads to a two–dimensional array of images S ′, as shown inFig. 10 (where the observer and source are assumed to be in the same plane

z = const.).

5 Conclusion

We have shown that certain analytical maps may be extended to describeWheeler–Misner wormholes (with only one region at spatial infinity) whichare everywhere flat except for parallel cosmic string singularities. We haveused these analytically extended maps to investigate the asymptotically Mink–owskian one–wormhole geometries generated by two cosmic strings (these areeither of the DD or Q type), or by a single cosmic string (of the DD0 or 8

type). As anticipated in the Introduction, it appears that such wormholeswould have on the mean the effect of lengthening rather than shorteningspace travel.

Because of this lengthening, which could be arbitrarily large, and of theunpleasant consequences of accidentally hitting one of the cosmic strings, aspace traveller might wish to avoid these wormholes altogether. The presenceof such hypothetical wormholes as well as their type could in principle beinferred from the pattern of images of a source viewed through the wormhole.The DD0 wormhole (the only one to always shorten space travel) wouldgive only two images, while other wormholes (which generically lengthenspace travel) would give one– or two–dimensional arrays of images. Such a

characterization is incomplete: most of the images could be too faint to bedetected, or hidden behind other objects. A wave–optics treatment shouldmake possible a better characterization. One anticipates non–trivial effectsarising both from diffraction by the topological defects (cosmic strings) and


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resonance due to periodicity conditions in the cylinder (or torus).Our construction of static wormholes generated by staight cosmic strings

could be extended in two directions. A first extension should be to constructwormholes generated by non–parallel moving straight cosmic strings, alongthe lines of the analytical construction [18] of spacetimes generated by mul-tiple moving crossed cosmic strings, and to investigate the causal structureof these spacetimes.

Another possible extension would be to investigate wormholes generatedby closed cosmic strings or rings. As pointed out by Visser [9], the polyhedonΩ mentioned in the Introduction can be collapsed to a dihedron, or an ir-regular two–sided disk connecting two copies of R3. The resulting Einstein–

Rosen wormhole is generated by the cosmic ring circumscribing the disk.Some time ago, Zipoy [19] constructed analytical static solutions to the vac-uum Einstein equations with a circular ring singularity and a double–sheetedtopology. More recently, Bronnikov and co–workers [20] have similarly con-structed static Einstein–Rosen wormhole solutions to D–dimensional grav-ity with a circular ring singularity. However, the analytical construction of Wheeler–Misner ring wormholes has not yet been attempted. Hopefully, thisproblem could be addressed along the lines followed here for straight cosmicstrings.


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R3 − Ω

R3 − Ω

∂ Ω

∂ Ω


R3 − Ω − Ω′

∂ Ω

∂ Ω′


Fig. 1: Construction of almost everywhere flat wormholes: (a) Einstein–Rosen wormholes; (b) Wheeler–Misner wormholes.


c ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

( ( ( ( ( (

( ( (

( ( ( ( ( (









Fig. 2: A cylinder is pinched into two bicones, which are mapped to the twosheets of a Riemann surface. A u = const. geodesic (circling the cut) and av = const. geodesic (crossing the cut) are shown.


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v = l

v = −l

v = l

v = −l

u = 0






Fig. 3: Some u– and v–geodesics of the dipole geometry; the critical geodesicsv = ±l bissect the angles formed by the self-intersecting critical geodesicu = 0.


P ′







Fig. 4: A torus is pinched into a tetracone, mapped to a one-sheeted Rie-mann surface with two cuts identified under the involution P ′ → P .


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v = l

v =−

l u =−


v = l

v =−

lu = d

r r













r r

r r

r r



Fig. 5: The DD Wheeler–Misner wormhole: (a) u– and v–geodesics; (b)geometrical construction.

u = −d u = d

v = l

v = −l


u = 0

v = −d

v = d


r r






















Fig. 6: The comparison of the AA (a) and Q (b) geometries leads to theequivalence of the corresponding Wheeler–Misner wormholes.


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Fig. 7 : Geometrical construction for the Q wormhole.

¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨




r r





u x

Fig. 8: Geometrical construction for the 8 wormhole.


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s s

s s

d d

d d

d d d d

d d

d d

d d

d d d

d d d









Fig. 9: Geodesics through the DD0 wormhole.

¨ ¨ r r

r r





S S ′

S ′ S ′


2d 2l



Fig. 10: A Q wormhole gives a two–dimensional array of images S ′ of apoint source S .