GEORGIA SKETCHED. cheap - Library of...

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Transcript of GEORGIA SKETCHED. cheap - Library of...


There ls a silence where hath hem no found,There ls a silence whare no isa and may be,In the cold grave.under the deep, deep tea.Or lu wide desert where no life is found.Which hath been mute, aud still must sleep pro-


So voice is life trends silently.ut oleada ead cloudy shadows wander lrce,

That in vi r stn,ka-, ov. r Un- idle grow dHut in greet) run.*-, in lb* deaolate wallsOf antiene palaoes, where Man bath been,Tboagk the dun fox, or wild hyena, celle,And owls, that tlu continually between,."..nii'- tu tba echo, aod tbe low winda moan.There the tim thleace is. eett-tooeeiooa and alone.




fha Tl" buming tribune hv a BuuneUl oj Ci nyia." Miss Jaaaata, I don' blieve dal Bigger wants

tn lnany -Wt" Diaaa said, arith a sullen vis¬

age one BBOteiag, " Ile ain't nsf Mars Gordonv.t.iiii' bert- lt's mos'time tor da Weddin'. I

oin' goii.' to !*tai)' nu looliahaeoe. Uc/aaoaala11 ic to-mglit, un' I'm goto1 to list* n itu' sic ct

he ('tiers to |g iu (le house, BB1 el lu dm'mean busintss lie's gal ta t-11 an! o' here. 1

Barga aol hint ta anani aaa j 1 never "vaacedim iiiiitrinioiiiiil couyit salim nt nil; an' now

lie's dont n.-t nie, lu's gal to ga on orqu.t.''"Where do von expect to gel lnairicd,

Diana1" I asked. "At botte tn iii church 7''"L:i, Mis* Jasmin, I never could sum' ii to

po up dat (i.u ci.uYh Biala an' *_it married 'io'Bil dem folks. 1 wants to gil tuan nd hara at

home ; leas' ways, ct 1 many dat Bigger at all.Time he was nxin Mare Got (ton to' ino ef lie

wants me; I bouu' I'll lay him int wida pokertf I fm' be's foolin' wwi me."

It Magged that he vt as iud. About 8 thatevening Diana looked in apoa (.onion Bad nie,

a*? we sat alone hf thc fnc, her luce wreathedin smiles*."Mr. Brinley is here, an' axes de favor ob a

lew minute's conversation,'* stu -

"Diann! Dianu! Did you a.-k bim if he"meant business'7"

¦*No'tn, Miss Jasmin; he oU'cicd fer to come

l.isase'f. Kin he come int'"Oh, yea, certainly,"' (-.onion said; and gg

Diana shut the door he observed, "I havesome curiosity to see wbal kind ot a. mau shebas chosen, haven't youl"'"Yes; Mit isn't it Immy she should send iiim

to ask you? ls that a relic of slavery?'"l.uppose so. I dont think it is at all

usual,; but Diana has lier own ideas.Slit- thinks heiselt safer of lair treatmenl il n

willie man ia consulted. Have you inver

anticed how moah air.:ul aegroea are of T"Before I could reply, then* w;\s a taja at tlie

door. Gordon threw me a aeTMHCOBtic look, andc.ilied out, " Como in."Diana's priestly admirer enteied. He was a

stout, tttak-eet rooag niau, certainly not thirty| aa is old, with a h*.ivy jaw, a furtive t\e.

lind a not at all winnini: anile. Be had a

-curled mustache and whisker-, gad was

v ry well dressed in black,"(.ood tb inn', M.-;' Alexander; \\ ebenia',

Miss' Alexander; 'd ebenin, s-i!t,' lie laid,bowing li nm lha CM to the other."Good evening, Hr, Brinley," aaid Gordon,

with great pottteaeaa. "Take a chuir..Whatcm I do lor you this cranialt"" Well, (.ah, I douno, tth, as there's any

tia an* you km do lo' BM dil bblTun', Hall," -aidthe suitor, with what struck inc ns mingledbaehfnlneaa and effrontery; he wiled aa one

very \v*H ph .sod with birnie!., bal al unea¬

sily cn a cl.aii in tin* c., and lyrist* d hishat." You have been coning lure to see the

eook for Borne tinie, 1 aaderatand," QordonSlid, suggestively.HTeg* gah. I thought ns 'twas beat to let

yon know, sall, dat 1 proposed to carry offyour cool:," replied Hr. Brinley, relieved ol bia(liil'arra.-sinent."To carry lier oil? Do yon nu.tu fi u art

loiag ta set ap boaaekeeplngf""Oh, no, sab; no, Bah] such was not my

lueaiiin's. No, sah ; 1 proposed tot ber to keepfight on cookiu' here. Bb* say as how Mi-s'Ab-auder thinks a mighty heap o' lier.""I do think a great deal of ber,"] aaid,

"iimi am very anxious to have barde well il

she maines. Du you want t*> iu,u:y bu 7"" Yes, ma'am ; we've bin a-talkm' rov.n' dal

Wiiy, un' she's Vented ot ute."" What can you do to make her any ha'i-

pier, if she takes youV I inquire*!, to draw him

out." Well, 'in, I donno'bor.r pappanaaa,'' he said,

phlegmatically, with the eenie unaltered smile."isn't a pity to Burry nnleaa you (bi?""Well, 'm, 1 reckon we'll i*it on Bomr-how.""That ia all you have to bay!'' demand* d

Cordon. " You wish to know it it's, agreeableto us for yon to have a room in the yard, at,tl

if wo are willing for you to Btarrj oar cook

and stay kera at Bight t""Yes, Bah.""You are away all day7"'"Ye-, sab.""When-do you work 7 You're a preacher,

nie you not 7"" Yes, tth j I boonga 11 tin- Alabama ; n's sicklv wini 1 was, an' I clont on' clune lie re 'count o' my health''not leek ea if ha had btbi kn twa

"an' I'm layin* b:i.i r- bow lo' de un n na bili it

dis yal In,us.* fo' yon. I was bul,Lum' io' a

muni' or two, Imf I done qoil dat."" Vcr) areli, sir; I have nothinp to tty

nciin-t your plana, it 1 bear no bara i

I* | | ow an ti I' '- 'I hat ibell, vu.""1 knows mo-' white f.'ll.- io h;i'

, . .! uni, ii.. ," theci. mal bricklayer observed,, in an ob*M.... " .-¦ I til! on *;

folks ta*lls iee.everythin1 dey bto \ m. but yet \.a al .' no

v. .li- . -it; I dun' Ii.i.,dle Baffin wh;,

b*teag to ni'-."Not at ;:l! mure favorably jn.j.i- fd '".' this

I ration, Gordon regarded lui' i;.m> illy.'V.u ui. legally free toaiartyt11'¦ Ytb, -.i'i; y. -, i-ah ; I is!""\- vcr heaa ma: ried .'"'"No. sah; not but once, Mb."" Wife deadf'' No, sah ; -lie's livia*, sab.".How'atbatr"Well, sa!), you i-ce I nutt lied bet WilCB I

waa quite a boy, ash. Bba waa a Very han'*wuk* woman, Bah, an' 1 was n boy, foll o'

nonsense an' mischief; I (lulu' know much'hon-- hoi ; but 1 marri) ;1 b r, ai." we hain't biliMarried two wooka wb.u lui buabau1 comeB-cng m.' cl ..m.*.I h* i. ii- bi iiuul "tout myaiarivnr her, an' trnd to pick a qnor'l, bul i_a\a hun I dide' knot, nothiu' 'la*,ut Ihewoman ; 1 didn' know alie was his wil*, un' heCouM take her; so he tonk her along arid him,au' dat waa de bs' of her fo1 me. Dal waa a

Inng tune a^o. 1 duln' know whal love was,aeiu ii,

*' Wt I, -ii ; ii Diana is willing lo many you,¦»*. mutti-.-is settled," Goidt-u aaid j und ourVisitor Uiok lon (le'iaiiuic.

'A villiiiioaiH luce," Gordon aaid, stirring tbe¦ rt* aud ©pening thc window to thc mildumiiuiit air. "I nm sony for Dinna if alie-tarries him. You'd better advise her Mot to.* he fellow is » rogue."Diana waa not to be advised, however. 8he

t-exit by mo a petition to "Mara Jadge" toperform the marnup' ceremony, winch wantolake pl. e ui oar dmiog-room' gnofflee which" Jedge" decidedly declined, on therrouod that Dinoa bad better aol marry anybod- if sh<- was to be worth having in thekitchen. The Jadge having refused, however,tbencxl choice waa a segro preacher, whoae- iv wen i' uili.'.. engaged, and I promisedmyself a treal in witnessing bis style ol "ty¬ing the knot."The day hafen that set for thc wedding,

Diana broaghl m*- in a mass ol white flkmnccaand ribbone, and apreadonl before nu* a dresswhich she desired m.- te look tit."Mi-s .Instilrn, dues yoe think dis ytr dress

is won h $2 T" she aaked.It waa a coane white tarleton, witb an im¬

mense traixuand mach "dnpery" made overwhite luiiieT Cambric, with the shiny i-nteout, and -tuck jill over with common whiteSittiu bOWB. Tlu* basque wai ol satin, ol avery cheap grade, and the neck and Bieereawt.- '.in bid with .ni intensely "-~li..wv "

pat¬tern in white blond.* hi.*. Altogether,il waathe wreck of an ntttiniit at cheep display, andbore the niaiks ol oaage."Why, [Hana, I thought yon bad agreed iu-tto wear your beat dre**, and looklik* a -* hki-bbj','' 1 said. "You would look min hbetter tn that gray satti with a eoHar. cnn-,and some ribbone I bave for ron. lt is moreusiiiil, too. to areal a colored anea foi a iee*oin! marri iga."M Ifisa Jasmin, I ain't nevei been married

belele, air 1 tim,' mutti ti*!l,s savin', 'I.:i. lookyonder; he dom- married a ole woman P""Hur 1 thonght yon aaid ton wen md ¦_(>-

ing to spend yum money cu wedding t.iii! Iel yow child:!-:! go without new clothes.*'"Le, .'*ii-s Jasmin, ao I du!, an' I Ude lu:

an' in haul he'll pt me the tit.*.-l drew, el Itigi' hno ult Bieasnr*.""Ami »li«l you 7""Nt,'ut; t'wouldti't do, Miss Jasmin. Men

can't ne vu- gil over it cf yon let 'em gf yoeunytiiui'; they'll throw it tin to \oit uliei you'amarried, how good tiny waa tc ton. Huh I"witii stain. " No, m;i':ii!*. I'm gwine to git meti tin-.- myae'f. Dun' make ao diffrnore 'i» olde chillon. 1 ain' -oin' to bave dem'roun'dotuigfal; nobody bib gdia' to -ce d* ir .

"They aw uol to Bee you maniedl"" No'm ! Why, l.'lhs'li say l's tm- . i i\,-. -, e

don chiffon sran'ia1'. Martby's gol to

take'em oi__ my banda dat night, fo' sin'.""Uni you say yon onlj want to ask s.\ er

eight people, tl;;.', know yon Ten well.isn'tthat all V"Yc.-'m; Tu.illili Peter Davis an' l.i- wile;

Uncle Jerry an'bia wife j lanny Favors im'i,: bashan'; Aunt Julie, ai." Amil Charlotte,(iii' Mai11.v, nu' Wesley Jordan] dat's eight,am' it?""Well, they know you're bad ebildno, aid

they knew tito children thi-msc! ./(-."MTalah like se, ui' 'cm, Miss Jasmin!""PoorHthingal They'll nant tome of youl

cal., aud,.""I'll siive 'em bobo, fi ss Jaamin, would you

buy dis dress 7"'"1 wouldn't, but I've no doubt you will."'"A white i. dj arne m rried in it

ood Bnptia' I'hu'ch, Anni Cbarlotti - ij ; an1Anni Charlotte's danghtei bought it From h i

tor .-,<'., .ni' --ne was married in it iwo mouthsagn; an' nov, sh,* r-.iy 1 kin ha' it lo' Bil; bulI di r, Ii'llr ve Til Lil, it ; I'll gil |i( i fa lemmebony it.wouldn' you, Miaa Ja"Wliv, she won't lend it t<. von ii abe wanta

to s- ll it.""Y<s'ii'( she will. Huh! Comitr to mv

weddin', an' catto*1, an' fiolickiu', au' aol 1< n"me a dreaa to war! Yea'ui, sin- will lemmebony it!*'And out weal Dinna,carrying bei finery.Ill the nilen -noil 1 Went OUt l«> the ktl'l.u

and called Pinna, gave lui the keys,and toldher to b il I -, IgBl .it'd BO I"* ll I'* tn the

-room, and we would make ber v..

cake. 1 waa dctermini d to ll) aa wellaa thia,;, tically, do orag reed¬ing as tv. ttl imouv.

" I'll cit 'eui; ''a,** it'll be vmir cake, notmine. Mina J -mm, lri ia aaid, soberly.

" *A hat ia tbe mattel i""Pt !.;.*_' a'- goiu' t>' fool im*."" Why du '.nit tl i:..." Ile ia i . '. bnt I thontrbt he'd

cit _!. uti' herc to-day or to-night; bm 1 .... i.idat 1" otha: woman, an' had

si..;; td de country wid aonie o'humonty, ivu reckon n's so, Ifin Jaamin f

1 Buted fol I-ii inf.iimu.I, but as the news

BBtned to ooma very Iniiirectly. advised h* ito aaspead ludgueoi and an ii be did aol ail¬ina! to-night; ao we mixed and aiade cake,and tint ;ti! in leadiaeaa.

'lin* i.i^lii rame, atui alto the*- Wed¬diag day I BfternoOtt, sight, aud still the lovercame not!Never waa woman so inconsolable! Diana

auiaeed me. She wapa, sin* who had alwayevowed abe did not love the mao, deeland bowtJ...t >-'nv dui: I tried to comfort bat arith aa-i aram ei of bia Uj ; 1 congratulated bei;1 trnd to stir lui pride* all wanbi rein. Shebroaghl in out dinner with tbe air of oae who.-ii', es up ti solemn sacrifice, aad banded thewater-pitcher with teen upon ber cheeks. Ifell inhuman, to -ii calmly and be aerv* I b*Int; 1 felt, With real COnipunctJ ut, a in -nm m*

alarm at remembenug that we wen to havecompany to dine aext day.To give Diana Im tin*-, however, the "

pany oinaet" waa exeelleati but a lew min¬mi.-. ii!tm -In- paaacd beneath the window,sh.iv.lail and bonneted, looking eery Berco.Late tbat night sin- came home, Baking noexcuse ior.herabeence. When it waa inquiredinto abe coolly aaid that kin- bad beard tiwi¦. del n toa n and tai t abe badeon.- t.) kill him, but could not lind hun any-where. She waa anita eerious, and Gordonaaid thal " Mr. Brinn j" would kt 11> *>ui ol lierwa;, it be were pindeot. ,

"II*- was «.: gag* d t<* 'oman, MissJa-mit!," thc ob crved a week or tito later;

ol enoogb to gi' bim all beimoney,bb'be makio' 'tin-, fpn-tence) liki bi

,, ii n bi';¦ i uy to' ii boone ht 'd tl*bought fo' if! to live io, bbe gi'n bim ¦*'¦'<',lill' adie 'lui (lill,il,We to (lo lt! lilli Lo UUVCl'

liol inui li hui ol BM , aboT"Did you give hun any money?''"Weil", Miss Jasmin, le tirk me to a treat,

nm* olght, an' be paid lo' eva'ythin'i hut I* il.a aegro Dame for (alee

pride) chit 1 gui bim mr pu'se w .1 a dollar in.. iu i i. d ni< *.. ii I wanted

liny ,h,..'; an' be uevei did gi' ii back to mo,au" i forgot it nutt i;m Iel Wk >'¦one nu ar to thirty I"

don nd 1 an- very anxious for Mr. Brin-;, Hin. Gordon feeli a shut re aniiw

o:.¦¦ -. il

al),,: vi.-.;. But Wi li .uniiiiii mined in Alnilam...thal un¬

gi thri!>. hth wife came to nu hiai

io ,. christening!BV6S1

iota of Kl;ii more cruel

ht tal - tit. Cariwaihi

ri *¦


.- today ofni yth( ¦-

pbthi na ;. bull¬ea!.. ia pol ti ii ¦' few

Pl alli lit ::t .! ail-

in tm;, n ii fl. to ihe other bildren. Inatii n on -fi ve- tha rn from

a. v <¦<>!¦¦ Iud* i b steeped in

»_e ,: (bein Icu; diph

there arc nei herdecton ii r hospita)-, where tbt i ai with,

theyseeui "f no aarthlj avail,eithei io Iatho nie of iiioria'dity or IBataviogthu rapids]

uta na- '¦ ooi an

ii. theta veryoften oannoteven nndoratand th.-irto do them L'ood.and in many cases obetl*

uatelj i. ,"'¦:<¦ te aead theirchildren to the boapltal.iliiibiiiiitiiiT maaaaoree will be difficult ot ea

timi inltuaaiaD village comtnu-ilioe.when drainingia unknown, aod where the vary langiuae of tbebetter-educated laacaroelj UBd«natood. lha peas*.mts Jive tn unventilated wooden buts, ]'*ir.-i!ts,children cattle, fowl* crowded togetberJnone ania.]i,...m. No one wbo haa nat beea there tan imagine

Ihe stat.-of thc atmosphere. Tho yard behind atuitho road in front aro covered with Bltb andd.ay-Diaorgauic matter of every deacriptloB. Tko cli¬mate ot the country U a deadly enemy, da ly and

hourly to be fought witb. loete

enterprise, sud in too many cases no broad, fur tbaeropa fail.**! hist year In the Smith, nml th" in- .'¦("..hit *,t lani hi-hingiai-- to ...nh Rnsalan peasnnl

,\ bnagsin Boney aoaagfato paythehaovjtaxes.


EM! BSON'S OLD ROEWan Perry'* P.oston Letter io Dir I'roridrnce. Journal..bert bas boen a good dral af uk foi s. mm!

yean about Emerson'* failing facnltiea, which,within the laat yi u, haa. olniinated lu a report tballu- waa f,i--t leaine bia mind altogether, lo far sa[cnn ascertain, this r> pori is .'iitirt-iy > rum*' :-.*>-;.- tbe real mental state ai Mr. Bmeiao*a. thei being that ttl* ordinan introversion andfor-

_.Tinli.''-- >.i details whieh bbl aaa has brought,bave lia-en s<. m.t. .1 botbby blneelf ami athen thattilt- i. mt baa Brisco thal los intellect 44-- Irnpsire-.Mr. Emeraon'e own attitude haa eeetned to Ba thalofa person wbo wootd toni, ip.itt* tl,,- critietamofothers noon theae Boinia aad eva a lu-, oan tailA tenIleanan who lias kiii.wti nany yearsaaenrea ate thal h 1 intellect, apoatil iii" obiioaonbical queetiooa wham babaa li 'ti mi'ti si. il, i. aa cit-.11 sa ever. In Droolni Ur. Emerson, attitude toward himself, I rt a-a 1.

[lowing incident whieh took nine len years¦go, Ii was tit a party where Emerton bad never¦bone with mon brilliancy in conversation,vita pretty iimi a rery silly v. oman, v\ bo a Ba neveihappj unit ss calling atteution to henelf, sp-proacbed him, and m a fine high ireble.e knttting-

\. li .-ani iii him nilli un mr ul t <tUi.-tti-.lireproach i

" \'t. I i* noa, J "ti never rciiti mi-Mr. Kn e;-(in tamed one ol hu Berlona gi

nd la-t in tha least apprt. isling llqm try, replied ara rely :

" Madam, l am felting to be a very old man.To I. taken thu* solemnlt was not at all wbal thc

1 uly bad exp* ta al 01 desired, and bel look of blankms. .1.nii un- waa ;i thing nol s",-ti t<> bs forgotten.


Xttshriilc Triter to Thc CintlmuuH (oinmern il.

It was in Na-hviilc that Joe Jefferson made bbld.but, Aiiiint forty years bave elapeed sineebcwent on tbe bosnia aa a yonna man foi tbe .-ti.iilimi.1 go in'i week."We had no milrosda here,''said Jefferson jocu¬

larly toafriend, M whoa I aral stepped apontnestage, and there were eonseonently aa '-.,...-'bf railroad manaeers on cross-tie .in-s boards,People's mia were nol deafened by raalrosd

v,.tim,.' bul the dc*-;- '-'TiiliiiL' ¦ fa .

born' of steamers plving tba Cumberland was

lo h.* beard In tbooe (lays reverberating npsud dow n ita swift-Hosing corn nt sud faint!* pass¬ing ort i its hu'li. tiM-riiiii .,11*.'. roi gb-hewn bad opon one ores ion to make a vovare dows t"

Sii,ii:,i.iii.:, and ss we were no ¦..:-. Bush ol moneya 111 1 .ililli.! ii. h.ltl dei ideal tn lin .In ttl) tha* rifer lill lt

flatboat. Wlie we wa re shoot to be off, 1 remem¬ber that a friend came along tba river-bank and aaabm abonl tn tooee tbe (Battenings and to drift ontmin th.-stu an . 'Hallo I Jefleraon I' be sang ont,a-11 be wanted to take charge ol tin* heat htmsell;'Where in tl.-vii are yon going on that hoat f'" ' ll. wu tn Snot li lund/ I replied." l.'.iiiiaiii*.*', h* ouened.-' Nol a bil nf ii,' I espooded,..'Wsnt I.. ..a in au iiaiMiiilimns njdrit!'"' ra, sir; naven t thi least idea of aneh athing.'"'\\.:l. nay in tin- Halitai dmi'i yoatahea

'.'" i have m. money,' sain I, 'anil I've, ..m...

qnenlly, to _" witb this friendly enrrenl en tins... :' iin.i 1- iii. 1. al tt ui I. nf tbs

nt iiatiou. I went doom tbe 1 timberland, ami was!-¦ bal .iii..- mi luul don n

,.T a- .1 they were goina to teni everythine tohut tbe only thing tbal disturbed bm was

.*':-l>..titnl,H. w:... >¦-, that ..tren threatenedtn capaize eur trail tunk. With liable always althe front and ran, we wera luckily not ewan*.nedbj a steamer from either direction, lt proved a

.rn trip, i'beeoenery of ihe Camharland, abway* beautiful, ut tiaiea i» _ucniflt*enlm Ita (Hvtureeqneueaa. Nol a baodred milee!¦. '.nv, Nashville is « eurlona spectacle, known118 tl).' 'Mill Btld M.Mill.' Ifta¬

ni 1 saluting anon sn immenae ro< k wbieb riaan alli! ii.:i ni Several huaillai! L.t. As 1.. win.

painted iliain 1- a 11.vati iv whieh I beliefs un*.

nevei oaravelled. wee tbe norh ofti.--nilli ih. r. oentnries ago, perhaps. Bnl (berath. sm, nii.i tin moon abiue out lu all the Ireof new paint. Iii. yan loeated midway tbe cliff,and aland aaut in bold r.-ii- f. A« lo boa any bemanI.g ever reached the spot ia a question which 1

abas nevei beeu solved, lt is si pp. 'l mut-. tbej iiu.l : a. k- ant ... -I.

Doteaail, have 1 acOed the point from ba a.. lt.onlj latni.ii ron* al that lime waa a wild grapevim. 1,1' wa ie, renutrsnec ia so prullfio, and .."!.."

lillian 11, bave been, hy lin- donova r tbs disi . e -I tlniabed 1. *

inui., again bera Iel nm... a nt p lied ap. A*ur. - are I > i> on tbe evei

roch, and are liaelj lo rrmaia foi ti.t m.-....

0BO8T8.Frmn in .* / mdmrd.

T'h r<- is a h. ti in ( n .ti im, York bira, in which11 weeping woman i*. ut hangover Ute end "i

um (Tiihl wlm sleeps in 11 p.ui.1 ula.i 1.h.*, .a,, babe ovel visitantwaa nen tn lunl in reported lo gass int..vacancy ami eec bet, tbonga a¦. otb***]

ire inii-i nns nt bel preneoce. Thara 1

a h.m..- at Catford Bridge, in wbieb dwelt, until.inir. recently, a gentleman -nell known in Londoncircles uml In- a ii. and laid, I be wifi little

a gray exist cross ber bed-room one nhrht,nnd dieappcai', ia- ll were, Into tbe cbeval .

si.a- aid nol bing sb* ni it, but s

ward, tn tba same room, the anne .*_. i.-iin,si,.- li.el aeei abai inuai beare been ber ii.ti,.t'.

; al'. lalll'W bim, Blie Milli," b

nothing waa said to tba maater td the bone.-antil In*, in tn* torn, called npetaira to bia wi I-1 ai' li ai voice, and in bb ti ip lu tin* cai dle-a-t'i k, exclaiming in* bad seen « maa ta gray i'i'Im?op thi stairs Itel**, then, were torre independentw 11iie-a-t-M o| thc same ghostly visitor, evideutita ry Iriai* the UI1cetall.1l -Ji.-.TIe ld thc 11Ja- ¦'..¦hilt.Bul indeed, authentic ghost stories).-thai i*t"

suv. ... ii- 'il tnr ly j" ii.iii v

obaervers who, al all .mm-, reaUj believa tbejh ba j bear a ltn< ia are em

si are tba taleaof appeamneea to friends andi\ nt a distance ji st as tin- ami S a-, ia. -i.inalily,

ng th.- hedy, [here Jir.* ¦ \,.-t inn I. i, tiwbal a ut be called bietoric ghost at"

lint' !| la MU III- >nl, la a ell t I,.- ..] ,J el -l,r|l, 1(,| , \-

ii in l-l, , it- tbs flgll Ol tl" I- ll Ol ht, \ iii'.-ni ; illi¬li li s|..|i! *.|lii-l ¦Il.l ill a. : ; I lie l,|,|, a.

litton ¦>( tbe dead Wynyard, the wart li *.- ti e

Lord 1 j felton - said to bari t.rea olainl tin- in-conni i.f the ghost in tba lnw»r

of London, where aaeb a visior. ona wonld tlwould uoi lack bi any. though lhere mia.mau. it) a-i beads among tbein.


I l.i I..,torr ll.rur.Beal .*¦! preaei air. *,li

tin- Hint Innis t.f the linil ia n, al.liv .x-mi-., *a |find tin* aid i*t"\ id. .1 v. ii,, a, bag >t in Ia- liquor, \\ bia ii al pl. aeurs u a.Jim t,

nt intrudi !.¦ ut a i*- pi.I in- -i.u it, elaborated lu titoseerel distiller* ol tbelittle people, i-. .1.' .. tbeii ;.'. mit

it- |i" rfu. Il tm -i mi

a neat ol tormina rafa which has been diatnrbed, ilWill be until, .nu.el*, ul (ti.a, thoU-ll |i v.

In.uni . X.''.. I.i.v ...I.,, UH I., i. a,nm,a li,,

in long with any c -*. (....*. mu is tbation.

i lu formic in ul baa been ntilised for 11.UV tann.iii pail III tin

cul* roforn , aa 1 ¦. ml tell ns, ,,,,, [\ pialso used in photognipny. lb** formica-id 1-

lum I I

tbe e\|a. ri- an .¦ ni ,i j,,,journey through Norway with a knap-ack. Hetug

il « nbl-i a!*-,', , v. rt iona*, lae tain veal to liri I(|,.,,the ., uu

1 ll I. ll!rom ,:.:.: I h< l't le pe.

- ,.

.*.ii al .'ni o i, ii u .ni- ,.

lu l i 'lil

ve::i .'

'I he acid perapb trying,tion, i'n in Safin-

act os a ret loi itive. I Iai ve heen told ht ail ti wi ll-aiii!,, nlirai* d

. ti ' i-t* .1 ii, bia daunt¬less labors fair his Master ht a datigenwl*n h prustnitetl lu***, ai *l tnowi *i.-lil lug ..itu With COU!Ho W.a-

a'l ants el 1, |i iu j,ns be thougbl an.l feared, witb deadly kn

-urroutiding binswarmed all over bia body; 1

Linput did LemuelGulliver, the* en ibl< d him Iing tba pro irate amfierer witb a proftntli<-ir irritant acid, whieb proved to bea remedyanita *i '. left bim i.

Hy tn n over in.*! ia ippy workgratltnde to bl < -i, « bo bad a ed t:.: little i*ne, hts effectual i1 tervers.


From Ile Suturrh.ii lierietr."Tha stair.* la laabiouabia,science kafaableaahlSa,

flit i-i fllshinnilhlc, hilt lltelutlUe 1. not fa-hlnli-alile,''an acute AnitT nan ciitt.' of Bngliah societyWmte last year, ls it Bot trie, ami, abuis more, does not literature deserve that itahoiilil he true t The people who "pleasethe town,1* aa old writers aay, are not, iuthe old aaenae, men of lott*, ra. These tined to he the

wits; now the wits are painters, aeleta BewaPBBeerepartee! carried to a higher *oui__-h>tie gowar, etpopular preachers, Literature ha- crasrd in haw itty, ami therefore, ami naturally, it has ceased BBho fii-hioiialile.

It may sc. rn pariuh xiral to talk nf thc decline cfliterature at a tim* wben M of aaahlog sway boobathere ia no end.** Hut thal »1 toa WiseMan's ci.ntains Un-very gist of thc chHr-_c againaiinoaleni En-dish litci.itute. Authois an*. Indeed,tmay witb MBlahing booka"rather with lit*

eonpneition io tba trna and nhl s.-nsc nt ti:.*words. A .lance at the most popular honks af each

in will prove tha truth <>t thia peeatmistie as.-, i-

t iou. The boohs tbat saeeeed Beet, apart ol eosrsefrom carmona, are of four or five ularara, and ara*

eblefly rormeof totrroaliam. Tii**u* are pampblet**or tiiicta. big or Tittle, an " qaaatioei >f ilia- day."*Such walka, for cXil1l>|)l», .TS the I 'Ilka* of .Alu* li's" Reign of Jaw " (aa ti has heen anktndly atyled)about thc goestioU «re OB thc saiiii' footingBS tbs newest mid most advanced or most rciie-

tionary theologies] apeculatioo. 'Ihcse tbiaga arereally pamphleta; they are written fer tbe minnie,rather than fm the 1 mir or flit- day. or wa maj .-avthat thai sra monumental leading articles, ana the]liv.- bul for tbe ute ol a leading article.tho ni nml of the great ela sa of atodan honks

which ara- not litersture consists of "picturesquen pnrtltitr".ni retanrij*-."*, tis th 'French contemptu-ou-l\ call,e. Tha ii there is the maaa ofwm hs nf lief ion which arc in no sense winks of art.Aaain there sra tbe countless manuela snd hand*books which are published in "eerie*.* Mr. Toeer,t 'a- di-ar iiiiii. Imi ierm :i ti in Sabas ' huju I, said tbalthe congregation liked "a coulee.of sermons. An-i rently the public also likea a Meeriee,n'and therere fen historical , literary, oreven phi lo¬

ll Heidaon whieb many flocks of " series " areuol browsing.

ting Hi-art the journalistic w-nrk of bia?patupl h ts, "I Inm: '. stv'i :'.**," ot novels whieh ur-

pot-boiler-, ami af d aunaht and primers, bow maa butera nie is l.ft ami uk 11 e hunks of a year t Alu*.it would lae a abort ami invidloua calculation that

ed thisqueation, (hu af aboul two hundredM.lum s of po* try ttl).* u juc of poetry is loo painfulto be fully dteeneeed), ont ol' smn.* nine hundrednovels, snd s few collections ol essays, t" wbiebIsth nave hirth, how many will ba remembered in18891 Every one may wake thc reekontne forhimself, Every aaa knowe wbathei modern lifei- mule brilliant, aad wh.-iii.-r lt islikely taa ha* m.nie ninia- ji-i inani-iit. hyin,hIitii literature. Perbapa aol more thsatwo or three mea arith the true literary gift havein lui.* yean down late tl>*< nasrket-pleee, mid11 .ii i a-, i np w ii ii tl ,<¦ ir wil tti. lins, ness ni t.l tbe ques¬tions of the day. In asienee -aime bavs .lisiin-anished themeelvea tims; In poll! lea and aaeial dis*coaston we can only think of the name of tba au¬thor of " r*riendsbip*a Oarlsnd/The csaass of tue decline of litersture ara noi

far io neck. Hurry aad imuatieuce, snd tbeorowdof commercial ami scientific interests, Lave ii.i

tune t«.r th.- delicate aense of pleaanre in i gqnisiteworkmanship, In language truly Jae! sud appro¬priate, in poliah ol style, In vivacity of wit, in tbehumor wbieb should never be absent from discus-Mo. Literature can only reeover its place whenthe woriti regaina itr- leisure.


Dori an'.-brttly lenmr trhn irr,,tr the*.- pimytUUi series I

Ten \. ara ago, a bi a abe a bs ten,I lise.l In te.isa- uni se,.1.1 lier;

I liked her ami I .<. loved me ti,en,A boy, si.iii! tn yean older.

I liked der; -li.* wonld fetch mv hook,Uri i«r hinch lo utrenra or tniekel

Wonld od my gnu and 'a dt tny hunkAmi tia-ld tor boura nt cricket.

She'd nn»nd mv eapoc tod my whipiAh ! lui' boj s beal is ana stony

I liked bet ¦ ban " Oj i*"Ami far la ss limn n.\ imiv.

r?b« loved me then, though Heaven knownwhy,

Sm. hi bad h 't« '1:Fur ». nr * nf d all*, si <¦ bad to cry,Whoa 1 d.-< iiit.ii d,

I tnre In-r frocks, I inti**-"-.! In-r hair,i died " rad" the abeen apoa ll ;

Om tialiinn I would even dareitch i.iai-ainifs in h.r boones,

Wi li. noa I expiate my * tim..'I h.* hVmeeia ol I

(', mes :.t er years -i allay old Time'rn bm baa tamed the tahlee,

I'm t-tiilv-flv". -I*.'- twenty now.

Dark-eyed, fair-cheeked ana booayi'I li- in 1- ai-* gol*len raaimai iu-r brow.She imilea aud ail** me " Jobnnj .''

of Mire. I used bert kristian nasas,1. ii :. w. thr* ii.ii i;iie "i malice,

Wi... abe ia.> boa can'i ...n'*

I ai" Alica."

I who could laii.ti at In-r and t.*aae,Bland adieu I now before mi ;

[lomb thiough tbe very wish ti phase,A -;. ecbleaa -1>\ edon i.

Or, if she tiuii* to aaa to sneak,i'm (lassled bja ber graees ;

Th.- li at Maud iii.l,.-. i.. ni] sheck,I babble oomuionptui as

Bbe*a kit,.1 nml aooti ah Heaven knows how1 wi-ti abe blush***! and lalteredl

M.. ikea me aud I love bet maw;All im! Iiaaa* till MK** IlIlM' llllried!

A Jilli IF M ul!I SS.

term Thc J mill, n i,tube.Th*" practical! Int ol rooverting a nigerer Into a

white man has nsiiall] been idaeed in very mneb\ h» thal i*f changing tn.-l.tlii-

op .hi- akin oi geeing tba ap* t. from * leopard, ltwill, therefore, be Bomen bat surprintnu tenontitle readers r. hrxi id the eat e of Celine Henry,which was r< ."iiiiie.l lately to a aocieti ol anthro¬pologists lu s corida Dr. buieater. This Aoman,ts'-., e.:.- a Dative ol Hayti, and wns abonlthirty-five yean old, began in the year teVBU orthereabouts to notice tbat tbeooloi wlu.-h abe bad

- supposed tn bs natara! to ber*skin v,im

f.;.i\\', av in umbi places, and being re-il l.\ a inn ifi-eiiii.liiii* I bal nf a white won in,

1 .1 iii.m being pleased va titi the transformationnen thus working i,|)ini ber,

¦he entirely >> footed to tba proceeding, and t .. .ke\. al* p to prevent 'h* eompb lon ofafresh of Nature which her enemies might makebold to Call i r),,i imrntuni in mru-rr ri'i.

I oolera m. ami (h.- aativa aoreorecswere all consultfd i bm nothina ieeoaed tearrealthe prugraas ol tbe malady, whit ttie aatoniahed

fall! toa --I,r.|i|. ¦- 1 ni

long j ii th. .;.¦ st. d tint of tbe white Euro*i. an encroach .! t. n<ia11 noon the ironliei llths Ali ,* au black, until In I **77 tba ra *.\-s ao monof tbe original roloi left than at ten spot*, w lu. h, ifnil mla. .M. I ai iiuif li aa ... ai

man's iitiiii 'on wldoh caused ao muohterroi Miss or Mra Celine Henry ta,however, one which i* not ouknowu to phyeiolo-

thor than a di tease comma a \

al leal vitilipo, widen t- .>* casioc ly oougnuil il innth. i dark-* olored ia-, and i«

st.inet lin."* .). veli ped Ui lin SC* ia la- n M1 rill. Tm Ul I'll->.-.a whatemen. The nam- ia, of. turee, de¬

rived troiu tin l.a tiWhit tl I- ll* st klnaU II ,,s

lin ii.- b of these animals, lt appears boi. .* .¦ palu whatever, sud t.) lune little or noa ir, .-I lija.ii I,,. gatieiaJ healthi sud u the fail' be may now mosl fairly be call*nut I.- n dominated bj an extravagant fwonld tl t.r use to Iaiouvera.lrom hlai Ia tn \*. I.

DR. HM. l "i ' 8 ktILE

from h- !-¦¦¦¦I am reminded ol Dr. Bm i"l, of

4 id., ny to rei" ul. lt,,lllll-l-l', ililli Ill-

nil ol t.-.l \

hit* *i

Into her owni*i. ni'

in. I*. :i i| i smiles, and to full*4.- tbal grari Ta, di*

with thia ci. la

'.<' ipa I Tb whola "f Qod haaIII,v.."

1 i, deelared that be hadnevi: ba 1 u - life.


1 ,|lr. I '.¦ I* di 'iihighl] in-

ir. in" eountr, aud Un* facta bc fu

uii'li rlate ("rn iiHie United

I mann< i, tia-;-il when

unionmi <bl l< am ii..*. Ul waa tinuruukenneaa which be not* I everywhere. ..I..he waa Intht and during

!opportunity, Mr.Na li and himself ouly saw five

pel ! their vi ll WOO were ui

utiy ut. [or liquor.- iii.- great attention paid

everywhere to education, In all tba small citiesthe] passed through the most pretentious buildingill i nell Illili-,* was stile tn he t Ile S. linnl-liellse, ill xlta mao] aetUementa.consisting In some iuetaaoeent only sigbl ol ten n sal, aces- thc aobool buildingcould be a. once retiral!,/' d. Another matter whiehBanda a .teat ka-pnanao uaoa bim, thc.spiakersaid,fin ihere-iacctful ami polite niauner with which tin*woikiiig clua-ea tondiu led themselves one to iv nil d

thi -other. There was none of that dreadful lan¬guage with wi ieli ode's ean wan- polluted n oftearn the streeta of Kngland, and nn Incident whichcan:.- nader hit no! iee in New-York enforced tilts mihis memory. Owing to the eareleaencaaaf ene munii l.t.. k took pbos in "'" thc streets, hut insteadof every driver awesriug at tbe other, t!:,ionly a little playful banter, and with perfect randhun,f>r every man did lits t. i to -url-:,!,- -iinis-elfami tn- othcts frmn tia difflculty they found tbem-aelveain. Referring ft tbe starked luteUicenoe oftbe Americana, the ipeaker aaid it wu- tocounted for in no small degree by thc creal effortswhich were made on all m. is lm t' ar lipread et ada-cati *ii. Ii hail been pul tn him, " What is gamedn.i all this expensef" ,-.: d the anawa i tn* nindaInterrogator was that the gam was ia th.-condition of thc people, which waa ae strikinglyapparaah ___________________


Prom The Echo's Perle tr nf Mrs. Burton's Trarels.At Bombay t he native aei raats eeeased to liar dull

hi:*1 stupid, nml saooyingly iBQBaitiva, 1 hey brokeall un*', touched, sou never did a thing properly aftl.<:<. aaa a w rang way ofdoing it, Astlie black scr-vtit il "walks i,l,mit aareti'oi. you never hear himappaoiirh. Voil think fOO an uh,rn- in the roon, ; you

idiug or wi iiin. ; you look up, and, ii nervui-,are male tn ji nip by Seeing a black lace clow toyon, atar-gasi-f."

AiiL-ln-ln.liaii eluldreii, also, are s'token t;f inwarda which Indicate that home-life an India laDot wisely ordered. They "are most lntciuiullyspoilt. I hera la ae BBTsei*. ; the] ii\e with growa-sppeople, I lie liat'M -.- ii...nli;e tl,em to aleut a., al,tieven delight la being tyrannised over hy in>i_.fh.y learn all aorta of bad things snd language."


He Stiturrtny Rertetr un lilith's .. Life of Huckle "

Henry Buckle was horn ai Lee in Kent, ou Nove*n»her _4. 1831. Hackle's tat her was :¦ ( uv iiihh ian

ancestor bad been LordMayoi in l-APS). and hy bothsides lie waadeecended tram people.Hm tallier, a (.mut orthodox Churchman,iii.-tl when Hu. kin was almost a hov;tin* d.-ith of hm mothar, his greeteetfriend, aeeme ta l.avc eaased cr aided Eba pre*mature break*aa of ins own health. Ash child,lina kio was extremely weah and nervous, nml,properly speaking, he reeeivi d ao training _t ichoolor college. Ilia wide knowledge waa the result nfan evevagu of ei^it imius' daily utter hereaobed the age of eighteen. At seventeen he tt.a

u11xi- ua> tu marri one, and, abort!] after, ano:l.. olilia cousins, ami lu* challenged to deadly combat the-n. tessie] wnn. i nf one af theae ladiea. Kunu ii.eoilier lie wns aaparated i,.\ reistiooa wno had psob»n \\ sxaggaratad objeetiooa to the marriSBeol near

kin-ft.ik. ilus aeema to have been a severe asia*fortuna. Mi. Hinkle's babita became thone of a" fidgety " baohelor.He himself paid cash for everytbiag be bought,

and was cantu! te gel .i.s.. uni. Once, indeed.when he had bought a mw aipet lr,,ni a man whohad promised lum discount for cash, ami then the whola huui, Huckle qnietlv ratarnad the uu-

|>.ti>i hill io his l-i" kel, and told lum to .all I i

payment that dal Iwoyeara, Atone time bousedto t.o to the butcher bimsell t4> eeieel Ins ment. andsee his Steaks cut. lie said l,c had " cultivated " auat i,-iitum tooophsiy, a,ni, 4i-i i,m.i_>, wna a Ol good ai al hui. h.a.nil a ni th rat. eater.He only ste toast on Monds] s. h.-. ;ni-e on tbal daythe bread wm more than nu.- day old ; iou hin wi-

Mint to bring up the toasting-fork Into tindiiuiiL -i "-nii ami inaki- tin- toast aa required.,, be -uni, C.,uni make tel. lilith he Hail taughther; tbe great tblag tans to hate u rerj bot, tbscnaa ano sven the epoona shun.ti be Warmed, faetaa was to stand a hue longer when fha tea cadd].» anther full, to ailiiw time for the leaves to nn-ii,*i; at tia* i.otnaiii nt tbe caddy there wereinure brohea leevee, and hence so much tinie acedn.'t ii.- allowed.

Ile was too particular nhout hi* tea and othertrifles in Ins daily life. Eba conversation wss sgt todegt aerate into eontrova r->, ami bs was evsr aegsain ii .icu tbe lint tum oft rerj topic, lie was not pea*arion*, bul people wbo dbl mat know bim seem tobave ibought hun stingy, out of aa Incoam af_1.S00 a rear ha -i«iit £9*00yearlrob honks. Hehad 22,000.--, yet ao ona could cali hun a bibli-ophiie. IV nat miina- can li. given tn ii book *-ol lectorwho bee his treasnree bound in browu paper hy hisservant ¦? Mr. Buckle's boohswsce toolsrather thauldnl- or flieiiils.Here is un anecdote abonl bia prowess as a

lind ';t: lt was bis habit tn sit un late at night.reading, with a aral towel round hu head j uno on. ni these o< c.luina* he was (righten.-.! tor thc

ail nilly tillie Ul his life. It W lld tthoiit (WO

o'clock in 11 a morning, und he I,ml heen tea.,ing fors. mt.d boura, wholly abeoroed in Ins hook. Theri".in mu. .lnik hui lor the two enu.llee winchburned on tbe table before him. Buddenly he be-eameaware ol Rotuetbing on the opposite side ofitu iiiiii. ; uml np m herniating, dnil'it-ul way one .!.*.** when aboorbed in Rometifaing else,

In- slits a tigute all robed in white full in lii-faae. Hafen bs had lune t*. thu., he shriekeda oud, .uni ilms woka the landlady, whose soinnau.-

luilie figure lt whs that lue* just tiiglut-neal linn.I Ins was Ins ny-aiem af reaaiiiuai fut foauteen

yean lie worked hara aaknowa to the literary. g ti, in i,iiiiuiai. iv, ore bave no record **i

bis life until the yeal 1W50, wben his Hisdut was

already partly written, beyond the Btw chooa gameawhich bave beea printed. '1 hat they were no idlea. .:-, wa nat ii.i>r the Hietery lleelfj hutat'lt fii.ire (rom the lint thal lie rcaad neaarlv all theS.ianka h.. hud.that la, al...ut three v...limes dally.t .ai,.. - writing ia avery laapeeeaai nook an apiiamant Us a*.intents, more ISBgUSgMnml nraotislng st vie. He always read pew*cil in bend, uml when be had finishedthe book, wrote eat ia ink from lii« neiicil be wished to remember. Iboee, again, whenthei were notea am a book tba! be wished t" "


ter, »- h.- .ulled it, be aced t*> res.i treqoeotly,>< niel mies lie lead anti terned a l»u.k tw t .. nr

iiin..-. though Bia memo*, ams so asceileat, ami ins

r duatry in note-taking ao great, thal h-* had ot todo this vary often. Hm system tn reading waa notin follow tba it"s>k, i>ut tbeeulH ct.

\\ ul, BuckWa tastes and skaainitssess, with hisli v. ol I.k-. ami bia powera -d cone* Dilation andcotiiliiiiatioii. ii waa ieilinns Inevitable that heshould .al..- to literature, wu ii hts amhiiion. willi Ins m. nine, ii waa na: illili tinal he snouljavoid frittering away bis tims on nvlewa. Hut 't

:n bave iiea-ii au act i. .nt-I meeting with Mr,Hallam in 16-1 timi turned hm attention io bbshistor] nt tbs Middle Ai;es. Oh that vast

he at lii-t IntOB ted to writea vast work, which aluastely became TheHistory of Civilisstion in flagland. Buckle's be-giuuiuga were singularly modest. H>< s.n.ned bis¬tort ni Lardner***. Cabinet Cyclopedia and ' H»w-ia in-.'- little boob mi Germany,H i bis w ac by a ay oflaying the foundattou on nbiah wen baaed thelabors of fifteen busy ream. Huckle worked fmiutight to niue hours a day, and never a.. Ithau seven miles each day. His walka wen- v.-iyoften ni tal.- in search of the haoaasol beggan,whees¦tatetuenta he hk.-.l t<. tesl Befogs giving money tothem in essy chanty.

Hi- favorite amuaemeol wa-chess, in which bemelly seems to hove beau a master, Cantala Kea*nedy gives tbia deeeripttoe of Huckle ns a ches*.»yers He excelled ni sewn play, which be eon-

iliicU-d witb an inui mi:* > deadaly aecuraoyworth* of itu mnoa ed pawn general. (Seen. Hegave hf '' |N Kook sud Knight, with

ai-kilt mial auooase, sppeariag t.. have aamt "l intuitive ki,nw le .._.- dj a strange opooueat/a

in rncrasy, which euabled bim preclselj toti.l ..I risks lu- mlshl ventura to ran.

i _.* uttering of heavy odds, aa avery expenenoedplsyei Luows, nea isardoua and un-

uiver. I'I i.: o..f hi. al 'illili w l .li ni lui* ia t and

ru tn la ..k. i.on, aid a g ,1 ivytwo or three <!.¦< ip often luiTounded lu- boardi.i the -Strand Du whi re ii "a letonain the afteruoon " to recreate lilmse.i with Ins ia-\ ni te rsi ie. I ba* inally seen mais nt

ter elicited from tbe apectuton hy thc.-. k-4 layer,

W ll.'. WT, ll li fOUdiy t'.-'ll Vail,ll ll lill,-'f01 i:l< I. il Ida, hali',

vita <i -*i " lent, **tturee piece* iu auccceaion. Whether winning "i

Lat-tore bi board, smok-t With H.lie-in.e

s. Mr, tiuth _- ,i a to wy tbal

I , i.lillea! to tbschampionship, uot ouly ol ail _ugland, but of tbswhole world. bbl writings -ni oben

five or six pages in his bibliography.ll dian that of

ll.. road, annotated, wron*, walked,d, iilayed em--, ami oomeponded with Mn*

Mia:, il. Man) ol m.- letten '.. thia I id] ..

lisiie.ii thsj deal witb the lutslunsol philosophy,ami ara nos very interestinga Ibe fitai volume m

his great book wss published iu 1»..V. lt becamecelebrated at onoe. Mr. Mudla hans

a a-iioiiimii.- number im a

..I book, appen uI i being translated into I. u

I In :i hundred Journal-. "The onlyhe ¦. rote to bia tin ml

vg keefe*." L'n-Uim from all p.n is

world ;and tv (vol. u.

-i as explicit a- un. i. a.lieu iu

.. on,. omi,' tbe malden said, " autl restIhai \\c. in-.a. a, h.. ioj i-i

Wi CW KNRl IN FRANCE.r (I awatea).; -la rall n sa nasa-

ti_ii lit. don i.iknt, bul at once ncovi t- tiuii-hen sealed in thar bj whieh bean Lim to bia

miel. His own snd ins companions' enjoyment iani a lrantu* nature, 'l'bay pam hy a au all

ail. " Bk ¦- tn.*, 'Arry, if lhere ain't nu old 'uuniiint dnviii' herself with a mnk.*! Pol bloa aaelifai .'..nag wat's a-poliln* aelually a dawgl** Ami as

Any I'ass.-s the old whuc-ca'.ptd n)arket-wnni,.nie i:'i ms her a liiemlly sh ul of " Oeo-uj', missus:ihuw yet paces, Low-wow.''

i inn ..)'lie nv tumi into tue netter pirtor mo

city 'Any exclaims, with tue deli, tu occasionedbi novelty, "Loohey, J:- ; D-uleyvari*, i'mMowed f illili he lasts glance- ni »

small, hm lierv infantry soldier, aad lesion finelyBake bim: "Dov,r think yea could rai agnaif var ',nl yr cal to 'clo vcr?'' ButmlUtalri only looks npoa rArry with a g'M*d- alunaurim Leam age he ba coan to thc thntt! .,-

Allti'in *f. f. r*tlie bm. lit of th. ir fa;'* health,taratan all their lenati tbe Couti*aenl ai eertain partlonlat aeaa Baa f ths 11 ar.

Va t'Arrv at his hotel is ever to mach a tufterfi How sad a betteroaatoraia tuan lu- .se. ior. Krnatbe ali-imi'iiitiint iai.di.T-d Melisa eppiors I spoa tlieBritoass he follows lin walter ui-ta ia. .anima"glanctM of lancinating mimi:a!mn agaa BU tu asaonalchambermaid. Then'Arrv finis to it-k if the at-tendanteaa " Jhtrlry llumgliisr" .'Oh, yes, p«r-factlv, Mainsicur; and what will monsieur part akaof Inr br. akfast.a leetk* leeisb, a cutlet, <>r perhapsa i.a-.-fsteak.perhaps nmiisieur could .-at a beef-st. it r* 'Arrv la delighted. "Could I eat s beef*si. is I aenld 1 cai a *>x. ur the fellow what (trowedlinn T Ohl no, not at all, nytber*" Then he tells(he wa ter how clad he is that he speaks Knglish.eaa parley HnngUtise. "Yes," says tha- [sdita-crea¬ture. " Very well, then,"" answer.'Arrv. "you canju-t take them trotter-caeca of mine down below,and |.u; a bit of a (-mile on 'em." At this tlie manlnnk- mr a inoiiifiii <>r so rather con fused, hut htanativeawiekaasa causes him to follow 'Arrj'o Unger|s>inta-.l toward the b.K>tH, awi he picks them un amtleavee tba norn. Whoa tie hus gone the remark is," Wonderial diffliiilt to leam Heuglin!),'Arry;Uki * un re than a I innin' iifetlme."

ball, it is somewhat anniiaiiig even to we 'Arry"doun*'' the cathedral of the (ila. e. ll. |.;,sses OinWall i -nt at the <. lilian..-. '. My eye. Jun," lie

lta-i-, ¦.'oiy water, by Oearaa I Wonder ir the] pataa nip of wbiekey ia ri " Thea how on-_rly is hetickled by tbe Bovelly of a confessional. "WellI'm blest if that nl.l bloke in u.e nanny b _ .ain't a'a-aruii. of 'er as she's a tellin' of 'cr sins." And f beahe puta .lim Into ht* of laughter by wbitperie**," Tell 'im ail yer sum. Marv. Let 'un know how vcrkias.u Sarah's young niau helmut the kitebing door."Hut'Any is a mau, amt is quite as much open tasympathetic iniprenaioiis us any other, ll-- .aresapward lo the lofty arches of Gothic s;>lemlor amixi launs. " Hh-ss me, .Jim, if this ain't too (arima 1 it

nita me orl my'eels ; quite orf mv 'eels." Lveu'Arry has a touch ot tbe sublime someti-U-o.

WASlUNOTOX DINSFR TABLE ANECDOTES,from a Washington Letter to The Chicano Times.

A v.t>ian statessaaa, a a neeot dinner, tinii a pu ni isl icd anecdote ot fie late .**enator McDougallot ( aiifoiiiia. laking dinnei once witb some fellow-Ba oater Ib Washlagton, Iti'ui.n puah waa serveda.iiiiii. one ol the e,nu s. s i-f the tluitier. A state-a-nian asked Senator Hapewgal how he liked thelinnell. " Well eaoagb, naal McDougal, " but youhave to eat altogether too walch ice to ..-t anyinui. T." Ihe stat. sman. who is sonnthi'ig ofa wag in a quiet way, made at the sam. .limier arainer brilliant ramara upon tire siii-i-.t otway*-ii-. He said that he was riot educate*! etiou.h toappreciate maali* He believed he might i><,n-sibly know the iiiffeienoe lietween " Old Hundred"ami " Yank. *. 1).,. die,'' At the same tune here¬in irked i " 1 am a very patient niau, amt can bearminne for a loug time.'' A friend of his at tb dm-ner-table, stirred by maatnisecBee af the punch suee*da.te. shuI thitt he remembered once entertaining acoan try cousin whs naves la her life bun tasted unei* a.-n. A dish af cnpoib cream wan geared up acHu- .lose of dinner, and he noticed that his countryo'isiii touched upon it vcr. daintily, at tia- sarnetime without any particular expression of surprisea- t .nut ii she were nut gol nfr tn ix- put dow i> <»r un¬

it with anything which city people iin>_ht onVrBer. Finallv he asked her : "Sully, h-jw do yoe likethe cream ?'* " The orenm itself,'' saul (ai).*, ' seemstn h.- verv good, but it appears to be a little tetchedwith frost.


('.RANT IN FARLY LIFE.From The Caytun Journal.

Admiral Sc hem k relates an interesttn_ reminis¬cence of (ieneral Grant early in life, before sa] onehad detected the future 1'n-iiideut snd General, butwhich din-nates even then tbe qualities which nowdist nun as a mau.

In lt*')-, atai.i tiie A-imind, 1 took a regiment on

my ship lrom New-York to tbe isthmus. MajorHnnueville, whoa... exploits ami adv.-utur-.una trip through the Kocky Moiii'tainawere afterward related hy WsshiagBOBliving, was in roniinand of the re.)-

ment. and Lieutenant Grant was acting ss

ijiiaiieriiiai-tax. ior the tirst week or so out 1 didmu have much to say to Grant. He wa- tha-u a

quiet, undemonstrative mau, sad took matt, rn jmtns i h.". . lim.- ulong, with little e.iiiun.-i,t. tliou.hWhen i a,hil upon h.- never seemed at a lam f"i IB"panion, ami a gon.l tee on to hack lt. I Bott*-ed thiatimt ia the tittie differences tbat frequently mosebetween ihe .limers. Bonneville was hasty and uu-

i.-i imii ta Me manners, and a.fte ai gave chump fordisagreements, and lt wat, a customary pasatISS tomake Lieutenant Giant tbe arbitraim at nuctitines, and his irtlimrs were distinguished, I remem¬ber to nave noted, bv particular g*»>«l sen***-.

H.- sever wa ul ls t>»*<i before 8 or 4 o'clock in themorning, bnl weald walk up and down the deckamohiag a cigar I Banally turned in ah..ut mid-night, ami as we became better acquainted it was air. .(iui., .a.,. (ar us to wrlk up aud down i ae decktogetber, daseuesiog aaeh aaattefs sa came up fromtun.* t«. tm.e. Tl ese conversations recurred tomein iat-r tears wheo he came pi.'iain, i.t lt before thocount)}', ainl hey were what chiefly lift a reincm-braoee ol the hihii in mj memory.

I always recollected ia connection with this ac¬

quaintance wiiii Licatensat Gnat that be I ad anexcellent ta«te ior good liquors. 1 hail given himthe libel tv ol the sitlenoaru Ul my cabin, nun Bigedlum frequently inver to he backward inOS ng ii an though lt were his cw,:, aid henever was. Every night after I had tu ..!tu, I could beat him onie or twice, sometimesmaire, opa-u tbe door quietly and walk softly overthe tl" t, -.. an n.ii to(Usturb me. then I would hearthe elm- of the glass ami the gurgle, ami lie wouldwalk soltly hack.

I dbl not meet hun again until twelve years later.I wus at a lintel ui \\ .tfuTiigtnu, and om- morningjust as I tame tlnwi .mc of my olin rr- t. ld meQeneral Grant just had aim. tl. and alu -ut thc sainotime some one slapped me ou the shoulder, ami II uri.eil anti r>*4<i_i,.7..<i bun. He knew un-, h.- said,bv the hack ot in, bead. Heine we enill tulla;mimi:, though, a great crowd gathered round, andhe was a tra ul ne would have to make a speech, audhejamped over the counter and went Into tbe bar¬ io get shaved. Since tha-n I have Bael lumseveral tunes Whan he was in Dayton 1 had unitea lm.. a with him, and he retailed many inci¬dents ol out nea roySgt '.hat 1 hail fnrgotlcU.


Front The FuU Mall (Jatette-"An Old Fo k-I.aiTsi " mime I 1 ii«* remai kable

Incident of tbedieeorery ol the h'>dy <>f a childdnwued in the River Kennet, at Nevi bury, ia 17t>7,hy B*TSBB fff a IITll |*any lost witii a quantiiy aiquicksilver put into it, »> qimtetl hy nae »,f ya ur

.oiiicuipoiariee some twenty years Ufa* aad tbaaelicited malt*,' curious proofs of the BSNMewee of ataa* wt tn auaioguus successful result-, anawii**r.wbal is not always the caa..a aarteteeiceyexplanation of the pheaomeaaa, -Sir Jam. s Alexa**der, in 'is scaooat ol Canada, after thal theIntiunn tn h. ve that a drowned bod] ma. In* na*

ed by floating a pleas ol ssdsr-woad, whichw ill .stt.p am! mt n roil.i.i ov.-r tae ex:i< t pot, meii-tioca an iuatauce whiea oeeairva within - own

knowledge, when the hedy al a aeeaoa wno waaseal bj tin- overaaatttng of hi- OU i, neal a

leland "could not be dhicorered until thia expert*nani -.v a- te orted tai."Hut Ktmetbin : mom remarkable was stated by an

eminent elergyiusu, bappilj still linns; wbo iueu-tlnu. -, fore, B boy wh.. ha., lately

imm to Eton imprudently bathed in the I'bsmcswhen it Bows wtu gmsi rapidit] aadsr "theplaying ti.t<1*-." snd wm, nsrrtedeul ol his depth anddrowned. All efforts to neevei Ike bod] huled ulaone ol the maateis three a cricket-bat mle t.:ostream, wbieb Boated tn a -Trot tvh.-re it iaii...lround iu an eddy lu a daeff hole, antler whieb the'bud.) Wan ...Uml. ina ie ...If. I t.Illira, ..ill. I in-

stances, aol tbeee .-h.t. .. Worn acme luteliigeul . ¦.,-

i., sud natani explanation attbe poe o*.nn.m. l uer.-m.- In nil running etraaaa]iits-j. poola 1- rim-. I ny eal.s. rn win. ii itrnw neal

kely to be caught anal nUined. Anyi-i. -a .»i.i m .* thrown n.i" m.- stream wea al nat¬urally U* ii iawu to tbe sun.tee ot tue rives over tao.. nu'.- of the eddy-bole.

I IBE i BTATE8M i\. SMV a JARCAEI rom i In telegraph.

Treed by o'ks le nol exaei ls i :.<. noni; mn in whichweehouloei I a Coloaial -eeretgry*--alleast, not often. Bul when Mr. f. ier, L'oioaialrt-cretar) ol ibe Hondaraa, wac reoeatly exploringthe interior of th. colony, La wi.- overtaken by a

drove of i ea t anea, sad bad only time to laka a snaptfiem i.iui a rm "I.- np a baa,

..I ip ug in- idle in 11 thowhole pack ann around uu penh, gnashing theirteeth ai bim, grunting, and aharpeaing then tusksaif.iiii-t ins tree, y.u the peccary ,s no only tero*etona bot gawent. end rather than let an oldect of itaanger escape will wail aboul for dava, so tbat theBecmiary bad befon bun only two .. a en- ithcrto ramsib when h.. was until be dropped dowaamong Um sw me fra ni shea rt abaaatton and hanaor..-, .-I-, tot.initt suicide itt once bv coming dutvuu.eaten then ead thea.

\\ nile he vats tu this dilemma, however, whatshould ooma atoag aaa looking oul t.u su( per,; a Jaguar f Ma tar wu.a lia ust ..f i r.-y so oppor-tuan,for tbe Jiiruai has a particulai foodneaa forwild pork, and the neeearbw know lt, :aai ao aoawacititi they aee thegnat raddy bead iiirust owl throughib.- bushes tbSQtbe) nolud helter-nl. It.-r, f.iget¬ting, in theirdeain to nave their own haem, thomeal tluv wan Ihasswivea b'avine up tbe tn-e.The jii_uar wssotT after the swine witii .idmitahloprompt iiu.le, and tbe Peer. tarv. tindiug the coastclear, came down, reflecting, aa he walked towsrdtba camp, upon the adiutrable snangements ofNatun*, who, having made pecesriea to aat Dolonislju ti ci .* ii c.*. provided a lao jaguars to eat tbe pSStmnea.