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October, 1 9 7 4

HIT Claim Group:

-"-- Report By: David G . Mark

Geophysicis t GECTRONICS SURVEYS LTD . 302-475 Eowe S t r s e t , Vancouver, B.G.

ABACA WSOURCE INDUSTRIES PNC., 728-510 W Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C.

O D a t e Signed: Eovember 11, 1974

Geotronics Surveys Ltd.



SUMMARY ............................... ( i )

........................... CONCLUSIONS ( i i )

RECOMMENDATIONS....................... ( i i i )


SURVEY PROCEDURE ...................... 3


TREATMENT OF DATA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


.......................... 1) Silver 6

2 ) L e a d ............................ 7

.................. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 0

.............. RESUME - BERNARD MORAAL. 11

GEOPHYSICIST'S CERTIFICATE. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2

GRAPH - a t end of repor t


MAPS - i n p o c k e t




DATA AND CONTOURS, 1" = 4 0 0 '

Fig. 8

S h e e t 2

Shee t 3

L Geotronics Surveys Ltd. --- .. J

A s o i l geochemistry survey was completed over a por t ion

of t h e 39 claim Brandywine F a l l s proper ty of Abaca

Resource I n d u s t r i e s Inc. The claims a r e loca ted near 1

i t h e confluence of Callaghan and Alexander Creeks which

i s about 835 a i r miles west bf t h e se t t l ement of Alta

Lake. Access is by Highway 99 nor th from Vancouver and

6 mi les of f a i r l y good g rave l road which run through t h e

property. The t e r r a i n i s moderate and t h e vege ta t ion

c o n s i s t s of l a r g e c o n i f e r s wi th moderate underbrush.

Two smal l ' l akes a s w e l l a s s e v e r a l small c reeks a r e found

throughout t h e claims.

Though no d e t a i l e d geologica l mapping of t h e a r e a has

been done, it appears t h a t t h e proper ty i s under la in by

Coast g r a n i t i c rocks i n t r u s i v e i n t o Triassic-Cretaceous

sediments and volcanics . The proper ty i s on s t r i k e of

t h e sulphide ve ins found on t h e Nor tha i r proper ty and

on those found on t h e Consolidated Standard and Yukon

Gold P lace r s property.

The s o i l samples were picked up over s t ronger VLF-EM

conductive zones l a r g e l y on t h e western edge of t h e g r i d .

They were subsequently analyzed f o r l ead , s i l v e r , and

gold by t h e h o t a6id e x t r a c t i o n and atomic absorpt ion

method. The r e s u l t s were then s t a t i s t i c a l l y analyzed,

l------- Geotronics Surveys Ltd.

p l o t t e d and contoured.


(1) The property i s on s t r i k e of t h e Nor tha i r ve in and

t h e Consolidated Standard and Yukon Gold P lace r s

ve in and i s loca ted over a t l e a s t one major

geologic con tac t .

( 2 ) The VLF-EM survey c a r r i e d o u t i n June, 1974 revealed

severa l f a i r l y good conduct ive zones. These zones

could be r e f l e c t i n g o r could be r e l a t e d t o sulphide

minera l iza t ion . i

( 3 ) The s o i l geochemistry survey'produced s e v e r a l s i l v e r I I

anomalies. Two of t h e b e s t c o r r e l a t e with VLF-EM

zones A and B r e spec t ive ly .


( 4 ) Only two lead anomalies were revealed by t h e survey.

However seve ra l zones with l ead readings between

25 and 30 ppm ( high background readings j u s t below

t h e anomalous l e v e l ) c o r r e l a t e e x c e l l e n t l y with VLF-EM 1 1 I

' i

1 conductive zones. I t i s e n t i r e l y p o s s i b l e t h a t c e r t a i n i

I ! s o i l condi t ions have severe ly l i m i t e d t h e lead ion I


mobi l i ty and t h a t su lphide mineral ized zones a r e I I '

assoc ia ted with t h e VLF-EM conductive zones. I ,



( 5 ) Almost a l l samples d i d no t con ta in d e t e c t a b l e gold. i I


- Geotronics Surveys Ltd. - . - . I

Though considerable time was spent in obtaining

samples and the B horizon was sampled, possibly

samples should have been taken deeper.


(1) Only about % of the number of samples that should I

have been picked up were taken. Therefore the rest

of the grid should be sampled at 100-foot centers on

400-foot separated lines. It must be remembered that

silver and lead have low ion mobility and therefore

mineralized zones could easily be missed on a sampling ,

interval any larger.

( 2 ) It is also recommended to test all samples for zinc I

largely because its ion mobility is usually much higher.

! I

( 3 ) The recommendations in the writer's previous report , I

should be continued with geological mapping and I

prospecting being the most important.

Respectfully submitted, GEOTRONICS SURVEYS LTD.

November 11, 1974 \ Geophysicist

Geotronics Surveys Ltd. - , - .








This report discusses the sampling and testing methods,

compilation of data, and interpretation of results of a

soil geochemistry survey carried out over a portion of the 1 Hit Claim Group located near Callaghan Creek in the Brandywine -

Falls area of British Columbia. The work was done during I the latter part of October, 1974.


The field work was carried out by field technicians, D.A. Mark

and S. B. Moraal who was also field supervisor. The number

of samples picked up was 262.


Geotronics Surveys Ltd. .- .-

The object of the soil geochemistry survey was to outline

probable zones of gold-silver-lead-zinc mineralization as is

I known on the adjacent Northair Mines property. Here gold- I

silver occurs within vein-type deposits of iron, lead, zinc,

and copper sulphides.


I A VLF-EM survey was carried out in June, 1974 which revealed

fairly strong conductive zones. It was hoped that these zones I

were related to sulphide deposits and therefore the soil I

sampling was emphasized across the stronger .zones.


I This report is supplementary to the writer's previous

geophysical report on the VLF-EM survey completed in June.

In the geophysical report, the writer described the property

and ownership, location;access, physiography and geology.

Therefore it will not be repeated but is summarized at the

beginning of this report.

Geotronics Surveys Ltd. - -..


The samples were picked up on t h e g r i d previous ly

e s t a b l i s h e d by t h e VLF-EM Survey on l i n e s shown on

Sheets 2 and 3 a t 100-foot i n t e r v a l s . The s o i l horizon i

sampled was B which was a brown t o reddish-brown co lo r . 1

I n a r e a s where B could n o t be obta ined , t h e A horizon I

was sampled. The samples w e r e taken a t a 8 t o 2 4 inch I

depth by a mattock and placed i n brown, wet-strength paper t

i bags. Considerable t i m e was spen t i n ob ta in ing t h e samples I i


A l l samples were t e s t e d by Acme Ana ly t i ca l Labora tor ies of , I



Burnaby, B.C. The sample i s f i r s t thoroughly d r i e d and then

due t o t h i c k r o o t s , over ly ing r o t t e n l o g s , and i n some

p laces a t h i c k A horizon.

s i f t e d through a -80 mesh screen. For l ead and s i l v e r , + gram of t h e s i f t e d m a t e r i a l i s then p u t i n t o a t e s t tube

wi th subsequent measured a d d i t i o n s of n i t r i c and p e r c h l o r i c

ac id . This mixture i s next d i l u t e d with water. The p a r t s

per m i l l i o n (pprn) of each metal i s then measured by

atomic absorpt ion. The s i l v e r was background cor rec ted by i

l a deuterium lamp on a Perkin-Elmer u n i t .

I For gold , a 10-gram sample of t h e s i f t e d m a t e r i a l i s

i g n i t e d i n a c r u c i b l e a t 6 5 0 ~ ~ and subsequently d iges ted I

with h o t , aqua reg ia . The p a r t s per m i l l i o n y i e l d was I

then measured with atomic absorpt ion wi th background cor rec t ion :

1 Geotronics Surveys Ltd. -..


The values i n pprn l ead and s i l v e r were f i r s t grouped

i n t o a logari thmic i n t e r v a l of 0.1. The cumulative

frequency f o r each i n t e r v a l was then c a l c u l a t e d and

then p l o t t e d a g a i n s t t h e c o r r e l a t i n g i n t e r v a l t o ob ta in

t h e logari thmic cumulative frequency graph a s shown i n

f i g u r e ~ 3 .

The c o e f f i c i e n t of dev ia t ion , i n d i c a t i v e of t h e range o r

spread of va lues f o r s i l v e r - z i n c was c a l c u l a t e d t o be 0 . 2 1

a r e l a t i v e l y low value. This i n d i c a t e s a low mobi l i ty

of s i l v e r ions . That o f l ead was c a l c u l a t e d t o be 0.18

and a l s o i n d i c a t e s a low ion mobi l i ty .

- The graph shows t h e mean background va lue t o be about 20

pprn f o r lead and 0.18 pprn f o r s i l v e r , taken a t t h e 50%

l e v e l . The sub-anomalous th resho ld va lue ( a term used

by t h e w r i t e r t o denote t h e minimum value t h a t i s no t

considered anomalous b u t s t i l l important a s an i n d i c a t o r

of minera l i za t ion) i s taken a t one s tandard dev ia t ion

from t h e mean background va lue which i s a t t h e 16% l e v e l

t h i s c a s e about 30 pprn f o r l ead and .28 pprn f o r

s i l v e r . The anomalous threshold va lue i s two standard

d e v i a t i o n s away a t t h e 2%% l e v e l and i s on t h i s proper ty

4 5 pprn and . 4 4 ppm. respec t ive1~ .


- Geotronics Surveys Ltd. -3


The graph shows a break at the 4.5% level on the silver

curve which indicates there is a greater-than-normal

number of high silver values on the HIT claim group. I I I

This is a common result of areas with mineralization. I

However, the graph also shows a 'negativet break on

the lead curve at the 50% level which indicates a lower-

than-normal number of high values for lead.

The lead and silver results were then subsequently plotted 1 on Sheets 2 and 3 and then contoured at an interval close

to the standard deviation. The sub-anomalous contour for

silver is 0.3 pprn and the anomalous contours are 0.4,

0.7, 1.1, and 1.6 ppm. The sub-anomalous contour for

lead is 30 pprn with there being no anomalous contours.

Almost all the samples analyzed for gold showed the pprn

gold to be below detectable limits. As a result the

gold values were not mapped or contoured. o ow ever, those samples which contained detectable gold are shown the

values below.

~32N, 10W - 0.2 pprn L56N, 49W - .02 pprn L40N, 33 W - 0.1 pprn

Geotronics Surveys Ltd. i



1) Silver

The silver values range from a low of 0.1 ppm up to 1.8

ppm. As is shown on Sheet 3, the soil geochemistry survey

has revealed silver anomalies that are somewhat localized.

However, considering the low mobility of silver ions and

the vein-type deposits in the area, this is to be expected.

There is fair to good correlation between the silver

anomalies and the conductive zones as revealed by the VLF-EM

survey. Sometimes the silver anomaly correlates with the

center of a conductive zone, and sometimes with the flank.

The anomalies are labelled by small letters which correspond

with the letter of the VLF-EM zone it correlates with. For

example, all four silver anomalies that correlate with

VLF-EM conductive zone A are labelled 'av.

Of the four silver anomalies that do correlate with

conductive zone A, the one most interesting is the

easternmost one on L-48N. In fact this anomaly because of

its high values is considered the most likely to, reflect

silver mineralization over all other anomalies. It contains

two adjacent high values and correlates with the center of

a limb of VLF-EM zone A,

Geotronics Surveys Ltd. i


There is a good possibility that this anomaly

may be the northern extension of the silver anomaly 'a' on

line 40 N.

There are two silver anomalies that correlate with VLF-EM

I zone B, one on L-48N and another on L-32N. The L-32M

anomaly has fairly good potential in that it correlates

with the highest VLF-EM reading of zone B and has four I ! 1

adjacent anomalous readings.

VLF-EM zone D has three subanomalies correlating with it.

Considering L-60N was not sampled', these anomalies could

easily be one.

i One silver anomaly correlates with the flank of VLF-EM I

conductive zone E. Silver anomaly 'e' could well be the

southernmost extension of silver anomalies #dV. I

2) Lead - The lead results have a rather narrow spread ranging from

I 4 ppm to only 41 ppm as seen on Sheet 2 and the cumulative I

I frequency graph. Interpreting the graph as is shown

i produces only two anomalies.

1 Geotronics Surveys Ltd. I I


i 1 I

The one anomaly i s loca ted a t L-64N, 24 W and conta ins I I

t h e h ighes t value i n l ead a t 4 1 ppm. But it i s a I l

one value high and does no t c o r r e l a t e with any VLF-EM I

conductive zone or any s i l v e r anomaly. i ' 1 I

The o the r anomaly i s found a t L-48N, 8 W between two I


limbs o i VLF-EM zone A. I t i s a l s o found between two i

s i l v e r anomalies. I t t h e r e f o r e sugges ts t h a t conductive I , I

zone A may be r e l a t e d t o l ead a s we l l a s s i l v e r I

minera l iza t ion .

Because t h e cumulative frequency graph f o r lead can be

i n t e r p r e t e d d i f f e r e n t l y , va lues between 25 and 30 ppm

may be i n d i c a t i v e of lead minera l i za t ion . Theref o re those i

a r e a s with va lues above 25 ppm have be o u t l i n e d by a dashed I

l i n e and can be c a l l e d high background a r e a s . A s a r e s u l t

some of these high background zones have been found t o

c o r r e l a t e q u i t e wel l with VLF-EM conductive zones. These

zones a r e the re fo re l a b e l l e d by t h e lower c a s e of t h e

l e t t e r l a b e l l i n g the VLF-EM zone.


The l ead anomaly on L-48N c o r r e l a t i n g wi th VLF-EM zone A , I

and two s i l v e r anomalies has been d iscussed above. However,

what could be an extension of t h i s lead anomaly i s a high I

background zone on L-40N which c o r r e l a t e s e x c e l l e n t l y I

with a s i l v e r anomaly and t h e VLF-EM zone. I

I Geotronics Surveys Ltd. I . - A

High background zones of lead correlate excellently

with VLF-EM conductive zones B, C, D, F, and G. As a

result, the possibility of economic-type mineralization

being reflected by the VLF-EM anomalies is enhanced.

Respectfully submitted,




Lepeltier, Claude., A Simplified Statistical Treatment of Geochemical Data by Graphical Representation, ~conomic Geology, Vol. 64, pp. 538-550, 1964. I


Lorimer, M.K., Report on the Fahev Group for Abaca ~ i n i n q Ltd (NPL)., L. J. Manning and ~ssociates, February, 1974.

clalm Group, Brandywine Falls, Va,,,,,,,, ,.u.. B - L -

Geotronics Surveys Ltd., Aug~,,




- Graduated with equivalent of Grade 12 from ATENAS ACADEMY, Chillan, Chile.

- Post-Graduate courses in cabinet-making and tourism.


1972 to the present date - Crew chief for GEOTRONICS SURVEYS LTD I I - I

Experience includes staking, linecutting, soil sampling,

magnetometer, VLF-EM, vertical loop EM, shootback EM, self-

potential, and induced polarization surveys. I

I 1970 - one month of navigating on aero-photographic surveys I

I - I

for Department of Transportation, Chile. I I


Geotronics Surveys Ltd. --. I

-- -


I i

I, DAVID G. MARK, of the City of Vancouver, in the I

Province of British Columbia, do hereby certify: I I

That I am a Consulting Geophysicist of Geotronics ! I

Surveys Ltd., with offices at 302-475 Howe Street, Vancouver,

B.C. r I


I further certify that: I I

1. I am a graduate of the University of British Columbia I

(1968) and hold a B.Sc. degree in Geophysics. I

2. I have been practising in my profession for the past six years and have been active in the mining industry for the past nine years.

3 . I am an active member of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists and a member of the European Association of Exploration Geophysicists.

-- 4. This report is compiled from data obtained from a

soil geochemistry survey carried out under my supervision I

during the latter part of October, 1974 on the HIT Claim Group located near Callaghan Creek within the Vancouver Mining Division, B.C.


5 . I have no direct or indirect interest in the properties or securities of Abaca Resource Industries Inc. !

Vancouver, B.C., nor do I expect to receive any interest therein.


November 11, 1974

I Geotronics Surveys 1,td. - i





Two f i e l d t echn ic ians , S.B. Moraal, D.A. Mark, 8 days @ $ 1 9 0 / d a y $ 1 , 5 2 0 . 0 0

Room & B o a r d f o r 8 days f o r t w o men @ $ 4 5 / d a y 3 6 0 . 0 0

T r u c k r e n t a l , 8 d a y s @ $ 3 0 / d a y 2 4 0 . 0 0

~ n a l y s i s , 2 6 2 samples @ $ 6 . 5 0 / s a r n p l e 1 , 7 0 3 . 0 0

G e o c h e m i s t r y report 6 0 0 . 0 0

. $ 4 , 4 2 3 . 0 0