Generational Dynamics - - Modesto Rotary Presentation

Post on 31-Oct-2014

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Communicating effectively between generations is essential for building relationships and business in a hyper-connected world. Yet navigating between generations can be difficult and sensitive.This presentation examines how to use marking messages effectively to succeed in today's marketplace with the additional challenge of general complexities; the different demands, values and preference of today's multi-generational buyers.

Transcript of Generational Dynamics - - Modesto Rotary Presentation

Generational Dynamics

1722 J Street, Suite 17 | Sacramento, CA 95811 | ph. 916.442.1394 | fax 916.442.1664best strategy

No More Golden Rule


• Give your customers their “gets”• Arm yourself with knowledge• Apply that knowledge; generationally focus your marketing, advertising and branding efforts

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best strategy wins.

Your success…

Understanding the four generations and

their WIIFMs in order to gain their trust and

engage with you.

And get to know the 5th generation!

The Four Generations

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The Four Generations We love to share -- however, please ask us first. Reproduction, modification, distribution or republication without the prior consent of 3fold Communications, LLC is strictly prohibited.

best strategy wins.

If you are... Then you are a...

66 years old + Civic / Silent Generation

47 years – 65 years old Baby Boomer

31 years – 46 years old Gen X’er

20 years – 30 years old Echo Boomer / Gen Y / Millennial

The Four Generations

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Civics We love to share -- however, please ask us first. Reproduction, modification, distribution or republication without the prior consent of 3fold Communications, LLC is strictly prohibited.

best strategy wins.



• Ages 66 and over • AKA Matures, Seniors, GIs, Greatest Generation, Builders

• 59 million

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best strategy wins.

Civics are about …

• Dedication and Sacrifice• Hard work• Conformity• Stability and Security• Respect for Authority• Delayed Gratification


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best strategy wins.

Give respect, loyalty, honesty

• Build a face-to-face relationship

• They are referral builders

• Communicate authentically and understand HOW they want to be communicated with

• Deliver on your promises

• Use storytelling as a way to reinforce


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best strategy wins.

Customer outreach messaging:

• Stress history and credibility of your organization

• Include titles of position and responsibility when appropriate

• Provide updates on your success as relates to their previous experiences

• Include personal stories


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Are civics even online?

• Number of older Americans online is growing.

• Most popular activities online: researching health or medical information, product research, e-commerce, photo sharing.

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Baby Boomers We love to share -- however, please ask us first. Reproduction, modification, distribution or republication without the prior consent of 3fold Communications, LLC is strictly prohibited.

best strategy wins.

Baby Boomers


• Ages 46-65• AKA Boomers, “Me” Generation• 78 million – largest generation

best strategy wins.

Boomers are about…

• Personal gratification• Optimism• Satisfying the “self” first• Community involvement• The “team” win• Rewards

Baby Boomers

best strategy wins.

Customer outreach messaging:

Optimism!• Speak of things in positive terms – • “There’s no challenge too great.”• “We will move any obstacle to get this done.”

• “We are committed to winning together.”

• “It’s just the beginning.”

Baby Boomers

best strategy wins.

Quick Boomer Fact

Today’s 50-65 crowd is flush with over $1,000,000,000,000in spending power per year.

They should be a part of your outreach strategy!

Baby Boomers

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Boomers and Social Media

• According to Groundswell, 39% of Older Boomers are social media “spectators” reading blogs, listening to podcasts or watching user-generated video

• Less likely to have online friends• High number of critics - brands need to cater to baby boomer women because they will punish or reward brands

best strategy wins.

Baby Boomers

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Generation X We love to share -- however, please ask us first. Reproduction, modification, distribution or republication without the prior consent of 3fold Communications, LLC is strictly prohibited.

best strategy wins.


• Ages 31-46• AKA X’ers, Baby Busters• 48 million• Original “latchkey” kids

Generation X

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best strategy wins.

Gen X’ers are about…

• Seeking a sense of family• Desiring fun/freedom• Technoliteracy• Seeking balance• Fierce independence• Skepticism

Generation X

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best strategy wins.

Customer outreach messaging …

Fun and Freedom• Provide a fun, light experience• Offer freedom of choice – communicate options at every opportunity

• Volunteer opportunities for self and with their kids

• Provide planning contingency – what are the options if this doesn’t work

Generation X

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Gen X’ers are using…

• The Pew Internet for the American Life Project’s says median age of Twitter user is 31, which has remained stable over the last year.

• Median age for LinkedIn is now 39.

• Gen X and Boomers also spend time on Flickr and YouTube.

best strategy wins.

Generation X

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Generation Y We love to share -- however, please ask us first. Reproduction, modification, distribution or republication without the prior consent of 3fold Communications, LLC is strictly prohibited.

best strategy wins.

Generation Y


• Ages 20-30

• aka Gen Y, Echo Boomers, Millennials

• 73 million – 2nd largest generation

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best strategy wins.

Gen Y’ers are about…

• Optimism and fun• Morals• Confidence (strong ego’s)• Community• Techno-fusion• Collaboration• Civic engagement

Generation Y

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best strategy wins.

Customer outreach messaging …

• No comparisons to other groups/causes

• Provide FYI, or “just in case” gentle messages vs. in your face appeal.

• Be a part of the community you serve and “stand for something.”

Generation Y

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So Gen Y’ers are using…

• The largest block of Facebook users are ages 18-25, followed by 26-34 year olds. Together, these groups make up 51% of user population.

• Median age on MySpace is 26, and decreasing.

• Gen Y is creating more content than any other generation.

best strategy wins.

Generation Y

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5th Generation: the “net” generationWe love to share -- however, please ask us first. Reproduction, modification, distribution or republication without the prior consent of 3fold Communications, LLC is strictly prohibited.

best strategy wins.

Quick Gen Z’ers facts …• Rather text than talk

• Very short attention span

• Growing up fast: behavior beyond their years

• Growing up in smaller households; with older parents

• Parents are more advisors than traditional parent roles

• Very collaborative and creative

• Very concerned about the environment

Generation Z

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